First, Leolde finished  his sword training with Barbaroto. The next is physical training with Gilbert, who is elegantly pouring tea with Olivia.

(When did you get here, Mother?)

Besides, would it be interesting to see how they practice?

(I don't know, but it's okay that she seems to be enjoying herself.)

While thinking about it, Leolde did some flexibility exercises.

(Speaking of which, where did Isabelle go?)

After all this time, Leolde was curious about the whereabouts of Isabelle, whom he had left behind when he went shopping.

However, he decided that there would be no particular problem whether she was there or not, and forgot about Isabell. Since Isabell is an intelligence agent sent by the fourth princess, Sylvia, it would be better to be more vigilant, but since Leolde hasn't given her any such information, he has no problem leaving her alone.

By the time the flexibility exercises were over, Gilbert was standing soundlessly in front of him . As usual, Leolde  was frustrated that he could not detect him. He was disgusted that he was still so far from Gilbert's capability . But at the same time, he was determined to show Gilbert what he could do.

"Let's get started, shall we?""


"Hmmm. Do you want to show your mother what you capable of ?"

Y"ou're more enthusiastic than usual."

"Hmm, I see. I want to show mother how much I've grown."

"She was already pleased."

"Well, if it's ......,  she should be more than pleased!"

The duke's prized courtyard caved in as Leolde stepped into the ground. Leolde , who attacked Gilbert's at a speed that ordinary people cannot catch, and  strikes  with  his fist.

The sound of heavy blows rang out, and the people around looked surprised. Olivia, who had been watching, saw Leoldoe strike Gilbert with his fist without hesitation and covered her open mouth with her hand in surprise.

"Well done, . But you still can't reach me."


Leolde's fist was caught by Gilbert and stopped. In the end, it was a matter of time before Gilbert was able to catch him.

Leolde , who had been caught with both a fist  strikes and a spinning kick, regained his distance once more. He lowers his hips, catches his breath, and stares at Gilbert. In the next moment, Gilbert's figure disappears.

As soon as Gilbert's figure disappears, Leolde  takes a defensive posture with his arms on the sides as a shield. The moment  he takes a defensive posture, Gilbert appears and hits him with a powerful spinning kick.

"Ha "

"I'm going to gi  in succession.

"What kind of people talks like that?"

Gilbert's figure disappears again, but Leolde is on the move, successfully blocking Gilbert's attack. The onlookers were probably even more surprised.

Even the knights on guard were unable to catch Gilbert's movement. However, Leolde had completely read Gilbert's movements and was handling his attacks with the most appropriate movements, so it was impossible not to be surprised.

Unlike those around him, who were in a constant state of surprise, Leolde was extremely calm. He knew exactly where Gilbert was going to attack from, and he knew exactly where to attack to make Gilbert struggle .

However, he still couldn't reach him. It was no wonder. Gilbert had lived more than twice as long as Leoldo, and his experience was too different. Besides, he was a legendary assassin who had reigned over the underworld. There is no way that Leolde can catch up with him so easily.

" ugh "

Leolde's face contorts in pain as he catches Gilbert's powerful kick. But he caught it. In other words, he had caught Gilbert.

"I got you, Gil!

" No!"

Gilbert is slightly impatient as Leolde tries to take him into an armbar. However,  his arthroscopic technique was not successful. Gilbert spun his body like a frame and slipped out of Leorde's hands.


"No,  That was brilliant, Master ,  but it was a bit of a rush.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it!

Leolde stepped toward Gilbert, who was standing at a distance, and thrust out his fist. However, it was a bad move. Leolde's movements were a little too rough, and he was caught in the middle of attack .

Gilbert atacked the bosom of Leolde, who struck out, and unrelentingly kicked him in the knee, sending him flying into the air. Gilbert kicked Leolde, who was defenseless even though he was in front of Olivia.

"This is ... "

When Olivia saw Leolde  bouncing and rolling on the ground two or three times, she stood up and ran to him .


Olivia's dress gets dirty as she calling out to Leolde, who is covered in mud. But Olivia doesn't care , because right now, Leoldo's condition is more important."

"Gilbert!  why you need to go this far just because you're practicing!"

"you can easily stop it!

"Why did you go this far?"

Depending on how you answer, I will  judge"

Gilbert did what he always doing and kicked Leolde in the knee without mercy. In addition, it was in front of Olivia, who loved her son endlessly   Gilbert was  shocked by this.

Gilbert immediately tried to apologize to Olivia, but she stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Mother. Please forgive Gil. Gil and I have always practiced like this. In other words, it's an everyday routine . So please don't blame Gil."'

"That's not the point!"

"What would you do if something happened to you?"

"You're only injured for now, but it'll be too late if something serious happens!"

Please don't  make me worry about ......."

Seeing Olivia worrying about her beloved son as she buried her face in  his  chest and cried out, Leolde  feel bad about it .

(Oh ......, she loves me so much. I guess I wasn't considerate enough. ......)

"I'm sorry, Mother. I was wrong. But please forgive Gil. I was the one who forced Gil to do what he did."

"Fine . But please be careful next time, okay?"

"Yes, I know."

Leolde felt bad that se had made  her cry . He had made up his mind not to let her cry again, but he never thought he would do it . He promised himself that he would be careful next time.

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