Chapter 52: 35.5. Target: Pakura (part II)
Tsunade glared at the hulking brute that stood before her and Sakura. She hated to admit it; however she was forced to admit that if she hadn't been joined by her two apprentices then she may have lost this battle. Or at the very least, she would have been forced to turn to her trump card of the Creation Rebirth jutsu in order to keep pace with the elephant men. Although Tsunade was beginning to suspect that even if she used it that it wouldn't come with the same after effects of aging her prematurely as it had in the past. Truth be told, she was operating under the belief that she and Naruto's other lovers were already operating under similar effects as her jutsu due to some tinkering done to Naruto's semen by Kiyomi.
If Tsunade was correct, then she believed that much like Naruto himself his lovers healed from injuries far quicker than they used to, as well as recoup chakra insanely fast. Taking a moment to look at her pink haired apprentice she was having a hard time disproving her theory especially since although dirty and breathing hard, Sakura didn't carry the bruises of someone who had taken blows from a man whose fists could dent steel and shatter rock. Tsunade could tell that she herself was in a similar state despite having also taken similar hits from the behemoths.
Although she believed their accelerated healing was just the tip of the iceberg of what Kiyomi may have done for Naruto's lovers, Tsunade forced her mind away from the medical aspects to the battle at hand. Before focusing on her opponent though, she spared a moment looking for some sign of Shizune who was facing down the brute Fujin by herself. Tsunade tried to force herself not to worry about her first apprentice as she was quite aware of how capable the woman was, but found it difficult since both she and Sakura were struggling against Fuin's brother. She knew it was prideful of her to be concerned for such a reason; since it suggested that Tsunade was on the belief that if she was struggling then so must Shizune have been. However as she thought about it further she realized that if anything Shizune should be more worried about Sakura and her since their own techniques were painfully unsuited to battle The Legendary Idiot Brothers.
Both she and Sakura were forced to leap back as Raijin in his berserker state charge them and buried his right where they had been standing. The powerful blow kicked up dust and debris which the two kunoichi exploited as they used it for cover in order to charge the massive animal human hybrid. Sakura reached him first just as he was pulling his massive tree trunk size arm from the whole he had created and leaping into the air delivered a powerful spinning kick that caught him in the side of the head causing him to stagger. He staggered right into Tsunade, who struck him in the side with a powerful punch that although would have leveled most opponents did little more than cause Raijin roar in pain.
The women leapt away as Raijin brought his fists above his head and then smashed them into the ground which caused it to tremble and crack. He followed it up by clamping his hands together which created a massive shockwave of air pressure that it sent the two airborne ladies tumbling out of control. Tsunade managed to right herself so that she landed on her feet and was pleased to see that Sakura managed to as well. She was about to explain why she believed that their enhanced strength was having little effect on the man when she was again surprised and pleased to hear Sakura be her to the punch as she said, "Tsunade, so long as he remains in that rage like state our attacks are going to have little to no impact. It is almost as if he's opened the Eight Inner Gates and is disrupting our chakra as we release it."
Tsunade nodded in agreement as she replied, "It would seem that way. If we survive this we will have to test this theory. I've never encountered an opponent outside of Konoha that could open their Gates like Guy does."
"Really," Sakura said surprised before asking, "How did you beat these two previously?"
"Simple," Tsunade said with a shrug, "The first time I faced them I pummeled them so fast and hard that they never even knew what hit them. It left a lasting impression so that I barely even needed to raise a finger to keep them in line. Unfortunately, it seems that with the addition of the Animal Cursed Mark, they have forgotten their fear of me."
"Any idea of how to put the fear back in them?"
"I'm afraid not. If you have any ideas I'm all ears." Advertisements
Tsunade wasn't surprised when Sakura shook her head in the negative since they had already tried using chakra scalpels, but had learned that the man's pachyderm-like skin was too thick and tough to adequately reach any of his vital organs. Both kunoichi then braced themselves as he lowered his head to charge again. The massive man took off like the animal he resembled, but he only managed to make it halfway towards them when several senbon impacted with the thin skin of his massive ears. Raijin ignored the attack, yet a moment later grew dizzy causing him to trip and fall.
By the time the massive man-beast skidded to a halt at the kunoichi's feet he was already dead as the poison on the senbon caused the man's heart to explode due to his excited state. Sakura reached down and was about to pull one of the needles free but was stopped as Shizune said, "Careful, it isn't an exaggeration to say one drop of that poison would bring down an elephant."
Tsunade turned to her first apprentice and was rather surprised to see that the jounin looked none the worse for wear unlike Sakura and her. Tsunade's surprise must have shown as Shizune gave her a small amused grin as she said, "Why such a look of disbelief Lady Tsunade? Don't tell me you didn't think I couldn't handle my opponent because yours was giving you such fits. Wasn't it you that taught me that combat was like a card game where the value of the cards in your hand can change based on who your opponent is? You of all people should realize that when matched against a person who simply uses his adrenaline as a weapon. The person who can use that adrenaline against him is holding the stronger hand."
Tsunade shook her head in disbelief as she was forced to remind herself that despite Shizune's skill as a medic. Her first apprentice's true talent had always resided in poisons. However, as she watched the dark-haired beauty carefully extract her senbon before making them disappear up the long sleeves of her jounin uniform, Tsunade supposed that it was something that was easy to do as a result of Shizune's kind and caring personality.
Once Shizune had collected her weapons the Hokage said, "Well now that this situation has been taking care of the proper thing for us to do is to return to base camp." She could see that much like herself that her two apprentices didn't want to go back to the relative safety of the main camp. Therefore, she said, "However, should our path back to camp happen to take us through some of the thickest fighting, well I guess it can't be helped."
Receiving a pair of pleased nods Tsunade pulled her summons from her pouch in order to find out where the thickest fighting was taking place, and although tempted to ask how Naruto was doing refrained as she wanted to continue to believe in his declaration that he wouldn't die until he became Hokage. That wasn't to say she wasn't still worried, however she just channeled her concern into her fists so that she could and the threat of the prison and have Kiyomi transfer her to Naruto's location if he needed her help.
Yoruichi turned to her redheaded sister and with the concern that she felt said, "I don't like this. Chomei is late."
Although she could see that Kiyomi was just as concerned nevertheless her fellow Bijuu tried to put her mind at ease as she said, "Relax Yoruichi, it has only been a handful of minutes since she was supposed to meet up with us. I told you that for whatever reason she feels a kinship to the Uchiha. Likely it has taken her longer to locate her than she expected."
"Or she has run into more resistance than either of you expected she would."
A quick look of concern appeared on Kiyomi's face which she quickly wiped away. However, Yoruichi knew her words had stuck with her sister especially as Kiyomi said, "Although I believe you are worrying over nothing. I suppose that it wouldn't hurt if one of us went to go see what was keeping her."
Aware that the redhead was trying to remain dispassionate while at the same time giving Yoruichi a chance to put both of their minds at ease, the dark skinned woman replied, "Well if it will not muck up your plans I'll go see what is keeping her." With that said, Yoruichi took to the trees she began heading in the direction of the prison.
Yoruichi made it about halfway to her destination before attempting to call out to her sister using their telepathy. Her reason for doing so was because the shorter the distance the less concentration was required to implement it and she didn't want to distract her fellow Bijuu if she was in a life or death situation. "Chomei," she called mentally not exactly expecting an answer.
However she was pleasantly surprised as she received an abrupt, "What is it? I'm a little busy right now."
"Are you alright?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine," came the sarcastic reply of her sister. "I mean why wouldn't I be? I'm only being chased by the prison Warden and at least twenty bloodthirsty bitches all while carrying a doped up woman that can barely form a coherent thought. With all that going on, why wouldn't I be alright?"
Yoruichi felt a vein pop out on her forehead as she mentally replied angrily, "Hey! I was just asking a question."
"Yeah well it was a pretty stupid fucking question," Seven replied quickly.
Yoruichi was about to retort, but then a small smile broke out on her face as she said, "Kami, it's good to hear your voice."
"Yeah, it's good to hear... shit...damn..."
"What's wrong?" Yoruichi asked her concern ramping up again.
"I-it's nothing," Seven replied, "one of those bitches hand some sort of ceramic or glass like shuriken. I wasn't prepared for it and it scratched me that's all." Yoruichi wasn't so sure since she doubted such weapons were common and suspected it was kept in reserve to deal with people that displayed similar Magnetic Release Kekkei Genkai as Seven had upon gaining access to her full Bijuu chakra. But she kept her concerns to herself. However, a few moments later her sister's mental voice sounded slightly slurred as she added, "On second thought... it might be something after all..."
"Hold on, I'll be right there," Yoruichi shouted mentally.
Yoruichi pushed her legs harder and concentrated in order to try and sense where her sister was. Able to feel a powerful source of chakra surrounded by a bunch of weaker ones she pushed herself to go faster. She burst onto the scene as she exploded through a canopy of leaves to see Seven and an unconscious female surrounded by kunoichi dressed as Leaf Chunin led by a man wearing an eyepatch. She imagined that any of the Sand and Konoha units that may have stumbled onto the scene would imagine they were subduing one of the prisoners. Not hampered by their disguises, she flew towards two of the women that were charging towards her fellow Bijuu and due to the speed she was traveling managed to grab their faces. She allowed her speed and trajectory to do the rest and smashed their heads into the ground.
Akame shocked by the sudden arrival, who was dressed in an orange jacket, shouted, "What the fuck are you doing? We are trying to arrest those escaped prisoners."
"Funny," Yoruichi said as she got back to her feet, "It looked to me like a bunch of wolves trying to gain up on a bear. Besides...let's cut the pretense Warden Akame, after today you're no longer going to be in a position to dispense Konoha justice. The Leaf knows all about what you had planned."
"H-how?" Akame said concerned as the woman he had brought began to shift uncomfortably since they had only remained loyal due to his control over the seal denying them their chakra and the belief he still remained their best chance to remain free. Now aware that Akame himself was as much a target to be arrested as them, they looked like they were about to bolt.
Yoruichi aware of this let the scene play out a little longer as she stood between Seven and her attackers before saying, "Well I had a small role in helping them get some of the information they needed. Although truthfully, I didn't get to enjoy your hospitality long."
Akame stared at her in confusion but let the matter drop in order to get control over the prisoners by saying, "Listen, I still have the keys to remove your chakra repression seals. Kill these bitches and you get your freedom."
The dark-skinned woman noticed that seemed to motivate all but four of the women present so turned to look over her shoulder to ask Seven, "What's with those women?"
"I don't know..." A heavily sweating human Seven-tailed Bijuu replied before dropping to her knees.
"Hold on," Yoruichi said moving to support her sister, but was forced to focus on one of the prisoners as she moved to attack. Avoiding the woman's sword strike, she lashed out with a kick that caught the prisoner in the side of the head. As her opponent rolled away she concentrated on the next challenger, but was surprised when she was hit by a fireball in the chest that caused her to literally burst into dust.
"What a waste," Kiyomi said having used the seal on Yoruichi to teleport to the location. Looking out of place due to her being dressed in a fine kimono she gasped upon seeing Seven struggling to stand. "What happened?"
"I think she was poisoned," Yoruichi supplied.
"That shouldn't be a problem for us," Kiyomi replied, but a moment later added, "Yet I suppose you haven't had the same time to get used to your powers that we have."
"T-thanks... for your understanding..." Seven wheezed weakly, "I promise to study harder in the future...provided...I have one."
"Oh, quit being so melodramatic," Kiyomi said moving towards her sister. "I told you poison isn't a problem for us. Although, due to your letting it get this far it will have you off your feet for a while."
"Wait a second," Akame said recognizing Kiyomi. "You're the woman whose siblings we were working with to get the supplies for our experiments that we needed into the prison. You're no shinobi. What are you doing here?"
Kiyomi began healing her fellow Bijuu before replying, "That much should be obvious. But thank you for confirming my suspicion about the role this body's family had in your plot."
"Umm, aren't you revealing a bit much?" Yoruichi asked as she spared a look towards her sister. "Aren't we going to need this asshole to testify against Danzou?"
"It won't do any good. Danzou isn't going to be brought down by this. Unfortunately the only person we'll be able to tie this plot to is a small time Land of Fire noble. All Danzou will need to claim is the noble was hoping to set him up. Plus the few times that Danzou and Akame have met can all be written off since they appeared on Danzou's schedule as prison status updates." Having cleared Seven's system of the poison she stood and said, "With that being said I'm afraid all of you have chosen the wrong person to align yourselves with. And will not be leaving this forest alive."
"W-wait..." Seven said wearily still feeling the effects to the poison. "The brown-haired woman still dressed as a prisoner...she's probably being controlled somehow."
Kiyomi spotted the woman in question and guessing it would explain her blank look inquired about the other three women that wore similar ones. "What about the ones surrounding her?"
"I could care less what you do to them? They're the ones that betrayed Mikoto."
"Very well," Kiyomi replied, "Although it does seem a shame to kill them simply for betraying an Uchiha."
Akame pulled his eyepatch off revealing the Sharingan and tossed it away as he shouted angrily, "You think you can kill all of us. It's time someone puts you in your place."
"Better than you have tried," Kiyomi replied as she began to get covered in red chakra which took the form of a ten foot tall fox. Addressing Yoruichi she said, "I'll leave the Warden to you."
"Really, I figured you'd want to take credit for bringing him down."
Kiyomi smiled at her before saying, "That would be nice. But, I need to go shopping for some raw materials."
Yoruichi smirked as Kiyomi then leapt to take on the women that had accompanied Akame. Focusing on her opponent she was surprised that for a moment she seemed to lose focus and the next he was right in front of her. More sensing the attack then seeing it, she managed to avoid the kunai before it opened up her throat. She tried to focus on him again, but once more was nearly taken out as he managed to get past her defense.
Yoruichi flipped away from him but instead of trying to meet his gaze began to focus on his feet's movements. As she suspected she was better able to read him and didn't lose track of his presence as he charged her. Blocking his forearm with hers as he attempted to plunge his kunai in her chest he said, "Clever, you're reading my movements by watching my feet. But can you really keep up with me that way."
He dropped the kunai he was holding and then spun in order to catch it so that he could swipe at her throat again. Yoruichi bent backwards to avoid the blow and then struck up with a palm strike meant to shatter his nose. Akame avoided the blow as the Sharingan told him it was coming and then struck out with a kick which missed its mark as Yoruichi rolled out of the way.
Instead of retreating though she kept the fight close and began swinging at Akame using a combination of punches and kicks. Akame easily began avoiding them as the Sharingan provided him with the insight of where the attacks were going to land. Commenting as much he said, "It's futile. With this Dojutsu none of your blows are going to find their mark."
Yoruichi instead of rising to the bait smirked as she said, "I wouldn't be so sure of that. Being able to predict an attack is all well and good. But what good does it do you when your body can't keep up. This is me moving relatively slowly. Would you like to see me kick it up a notch?"
Doing as she said, suddenly Akame found himself needing to avoid twice the number of blows. Not to mention it left him with no chance to counter attack. He could see Yoruichi begin to channel lightning chakra throughout her body as she quipped effortlessly despite how fast she was moving, "Let's just go all out shall we."
To Akame's amazement, the Sharingan could no longer keep up and that was when pain became his existence. He had no idea how many blows his body took, only that many of the seemed to land simultaneously. However, one stood out mainly due to it being the last one which was when the dark-skinned woman took his Sharingan eye by raking her nails across it in a backhanded swipe. "Y-you bitch..." Akame said shouted as he stumbled away holding his hand to his ruined eye. He glared at her but it wilted as she smiled at him like a cat that was toying with a mouse. "She's a monster," he thought as she blew a black fire jutsu which took the form of a cat and hit him with such force and heat that it left no trace of him behind.
Kiyomi speared one of the kunoichi with her tail while she allowed the brown-haired woman that Seven had called out to approach. The prisoner held her katana pointed out as if to run Kiyomi through but was smashed into the ground by the chakra fox's paw. Moving to stand over her, thus pinning her to the ground the nine-tailed Bijuu began to tear through the rest. Although, not nearly as gruesomely as the ones she had killed in order to get towards the kunoichi she intended to spare. Several of her Avatar's tails wrapped around the waist of six women, who then screamed in pain as Kiyomi channeled her chakra throughout her captives' bodies. Much as she had with the assassin, whose body she had supplied for Yoruichi to take possession of, she wiped out everything that had made them individuals but left their bodies still functioning.
Kiyomi tossed the empty shells away before zeroing in several more that she batted away. Most of the women died from the attack due to the various hard objects they struck. She was surprised when one of the women still standing and who she had marked as one of the three also being controlled shouted, "Tifa!!"
"You goddamn monster," shouted the oldest woman present before pulling her large four pointed shuriken and charging Kiyomi intent on trying to bury it in the Bijuu's chest. She watched as another of the controlled women ran towards the injured Tifa to begin healing her. The rest of the kunoichi broke and decided to save themselves. Ironically, it was their closeness as a team that prevented the three Taki kunoichi from joining the escaping prisoners in death as several black flame cats slammed into them.
Kiyomi ignored the carnage to focus on Yuffie just as she leapt into the air to try and slam her shuriken through the chakra her no doubt in hope of taking out the person threatening her team. However, several of Kiyomi's chakra tails caught the airborne woman and after wrapping around her arms and legs suspended her in front of the red-head. Kiyomi studied the gray-haired woman for a moment before commenting, "My, I bet you were quite the looker in your prime." Yuffie simply spit at Kiyomi in response which sizzled as it hit the chakra separating them. Kiyomi smirked as she said, "Pretty spirited to I imagine."
The red-head reached from the chakra and clamped her hand around Yuffie's head. The woman screamed as Kiyomi channeled her chakra into the woman causing the teammate healing Tifa to shout, "Yuffie!!!"
"Aeris... get Tifa out of here," Yuffie ordered through gritted teeth.
Kiyomi could see the surprise on the other woman's face as her team leader's hair grew dark black and her face grew younger until she resembled a woman in her mid to late teens. Once the transformation was complete Kiyomi dropped her to the floor and cut her chakra. She moved off of the Kiri Kunoichi to stand above the woman still healing her teammate. She wasn't surprised that the woman didn't look up at her so said, "Are you going to disobey your commander's order?"
Aeris shock her head no as she replied, "No...I can't move Tifa yet she's too injured..."
"I understand," Kiyomi said placing her hand on top of the woman's head, "Please take heart in knowing the three of you will continue to serve together."
Aeris tried to move as several chakra-tails surrounded her in order to pick up her wounded comrade. However she was held firmly in place and suspected that it was due to the chakra the woman was channeling into her. Then to her amazement Tifa's injuries began to heal and as other more drastic changes also began to happen. For starters, Tifa's rather flat chest began to swell and Aeris suspected that were she conscious she may have even thanked the woman modifying for the change since she had also felt self-conscious about her small bust. Aeris looked down wondering if she was experience something similar but to her surprise she wasn't as her modest bust remained so. However she did realize something was happening to her as she felt as if who her personality was slipping away. Guessing that whatever else may be happening to her she wouldn't be conscious of it she decided not to struggle so closed her eyes as Kiyomi altered her personality as well as her looks.
Yoruichi helped carry Seven as they stepped up to their sister as she finished modifying the two women. Turning towards the third Seven asked, "What did you do to them?"
"I've simply made some changes to their features and personalities so that they could be of some use."
"Are you sure that's a wise idea?" Yoruichi asked her tone making it clear that she didn't think it was.
"May I ask why you believe it isn't?" Kiyomi said turning to face her sisters.
The dark-skinned woman shrugged as best she could while still supporting Seven as she replied, "I doubt Naruto will be happy when he hears about it."
Kiyomi did appear somewhat worried before replying, "He'll get over it. He's handled some of his other lovers in a similar manner when the situation called for it. Besides, my only alternative was killing them and I wanted to see if I could alter a person personality if need be. You could say this was a more humane way of dealing with them."
Yoruichi still didn't appear convinced, but dropped the matter yet not before saying, "I'll let you tell Naruto that."
Before Kiyomi could retort she was interrupted as Yuffie got back to her feet and in a monotone voice asked, "How may we be of service Mistress?"
"Great, you made drones," Yoruichi commented hearing the unemotional way the woman talked. "Naruto's going to love this. I'd start working on your excuses now."
"Oh shut up," Kiyomi replied before ordering, "Clean up the bodies of the ones still breathing." She tossed Yuffie a scroll as she continued, "Seal them into there."
Yuffie nodded mechanically before waking her two teammates and passing on their orders. As they began sealing them, Seven asked, "What do you need the bodies for?"
Turning to face her sisters, Kiyomi answered, "If we are to free the rest of our family it is only right we do so with a new set of clothes for them to wear. Now speaking of things to wear are you going to continue on with that face."
"What's wrong with it?" Seven said irritably.
"Nothing, but depending on how you answer it will dictate how we proceed from hear."
"I..I've never really thought about it...but I suppose I've grown rather attached to it," Seven said after a moment.
"Very well," Kiyomi said before nodding to Yoruichi. "I suppose you can always change it later it you feel the need."
Yoruichi then placed a chakra repression seal on Seven, who protested as she felt her strength leave her, "What's going on? Are you betraying me?"
"Of course not," Kiyomi replied hurt by the accusation, "However, if you want to continue on wearing that face without being hunted for the next few decades then we need to have a plausible way for you to earn your freedom. Now listen carefully..."
Kiyomi quickly laid out the cover story that she had concocted to explain Seven's role in what had happened in the prison. Namely that she was a spy working for Tsunade. Kiyomi had already fitted the pieces together and knew that although it would be a tough sell to Ibiki with Tsunade, Yuugao, and Koharu's backing he would eventually believe it. Once Seven understood her part in the tale. Yoruichi picked her up to take her to the main camp since even the dark-skinned women would be revealing that both Kiyomi and she had a role in dismantling the threat the prison had posed to Konoha.
Watching the three women continue to seal the bodies that the rest of her fellow Bijuu would soon be utilizing she directed one of them to also seal the unconscious Mikoto. A part of her was tempted to modify the Uchiha's personality, however Seven had made her promise not to and now that Yoruichi had pointed it out she wasn't quite sure how Naruto would react about other three women. But was quite positive of how he would if he learned she had done something similar to Sasuke's mother. She sighed before stepping up to the still unconscious Kiri-nin and asked herself, "Now what shall we do with you?"
Pakura hated to admit it but San was a much tougher opponent then she wanted to acknowledge. That Naruto had fought so evenly with him was a testament to his training regime or his teachers. Pakura tried to connect with one of the suns that she generated as a result of her Kekkei Genkai, but San easily slipped past it and her guard before hitting her with a shot to the solar plexus that stole her breath away. She folded around the blow, but San wasn't done as he spun and kicked her in the same spot causing her to fly back. She hit the ground hard and was aware of Naruto shouting her name as she tried to get back to her feet.
She watched him spin from his opponent as he created a clone to deal with Hiruko. The man in white tried to take advantage but learned that somewhere along the way Naruto had picked up the Anbu Black-OP skill of creating exploding shadow clones. Hiruko was sent flying as the clone exploded and after hitting the side of his fortress said, "San, this form is too weak. I need you to buy me time."
"As you command," the man replied before leaping to his dead teammates.
Naruto had just helped her back to her feet as San merged with his college's remains to create a creature that resembled each of their summons combined into one monstrous form. Pakura had a hard time not smiling as Naruto helped her stand and quipped, "He's all yours."
"Thanks," Pakura said amused before becoming serious. "How are we supposed to take on something like that?"
"Well I imagine it would have a hard time avoiding your jutsu now," Naruto said after a moment.
"I would need to create one big enough to actually affect it that would take time."
"I'll buy you it," Naruto said placing a hand on her shoulder before taking off to confront the massive creature.
"Wait..." Pakura said not even sure she could create a sun large enough to take out the creature. However she was determined to do so and climbed atop of one of the nearby rock formations that towered over even the Chimera Beast to begin gather the necessary chakra. She watched Naruto create a thousand clones to distract and befuddle the beast, but her focus was pulled back to the fortress as a flare was shot into the sky. She was confused as to why at first, but upon remembering how her captors had mentioned how a key component to whatever Hiruko had planned was tied to the upcoming eclipse believed the light was simulating it.
From her vantage point, she saw Hiruko stand at the center of the room as the light filtered through the stain glass window above. To her shock and horror the shinobi tied to the X like crosses turned into a blue liquid which Hiruko absorbed into his form. She looked back at Naruto and his clones as they battled the chimera beast. One Naruto leapt at it holding a Rasengan, but was hit by the snake like tail. Unlike the others the beast had hit up to now this Naruto didn't burst into smoke upon slamming into a wall. The beast zeroed in on this Naruto convinced that it was real.
Pakura looked up at the sun she had created before looking at Hiruko who appeared to be finished absorbing the shinobi he had captured up till now. She looked down again as the beast roared in pain as several clones leapt on it before exploding to give Naruto time to recover. Aware that in all likelihood Hiruko had just achieved a massive power boost and that she could limit the threat he posed as well as allow Naruto to retreat if he was overwhelmed by sacrificing herself leapt from the rock formation down towards the beast. She sent the massive sun down first so that it would destroy the beast before consuming her as well.
The sun hit dead center and she felt relieved as the parts that weren't armored began to sizzle as her jutsu cooked it. She could hear Hiruko shout, "No!" as her intentions became clear.
The beast collapsed leaving just her jutsu at the center of where it died, so closed her eyes as she said softly, "Thank you Naruto for caring for someone like me."
"You can thank me by living you idiot," Naruto said causing her eyes to snap open as he used the Hiraishin seal he had placed on her shoulder to teleport to her location, before teleporting them both to a kunai he had thrown prior.
They arrived in front of Hiruko causing her to ask, "What have you done?"
Naruto ignored the question as he focused on Hiruko who said, "I must thank you Uzumaki. Now that I've activated my jutsu artificially, her death would have led to my own destruction."
Hearing that Pakura nearly created another sun to turn on herself but stopped as Naruto said, "Pakura, I didn't come all this way so you can get all noble and die on me. I have plenty of people back home who are letting me handle this alone because they believe in me all I ask is that you do the same."
Pakura felt a surge of peace as she stared at the blond's back, but replied somewhat indifferently, "Do as you please. I don't have the chakra to do anything at the moment."
He looked over his shoulder and gave her a smile that caused her cheeks to redden as he said, "Good. Then that means I don't need to worry about you doing anymore foolish things for the immediate future. Don't worry, I'll handle him."
Naruto formed a Rasengan before charging forward, but Hiruko raised a hand which seemed to pull the chakra into it. A moment later he reversed it which hit Naruto and blew him off his feet. Quickly getting back to them, he looked for his opponent but before he located him suffered a kick from behind that sent him rolling along the ground. Looking behind him, he sensed the attack at his back and this time was ready quickly using the Hiraishin to disappear before Hiruko connected.
Appearing over the kunai he teleported too, Naruto snatched it up and threw it at Hiruko. The missing-nin avoided it so Naruto teleported to the kunai. He then snatched it out of the air and threw it back at Hiruko. He then teleported to it as it reached him The missing-nin turned just in time to raise his hand and absorb the Rasengan that Naruto tried to hit him with. The blond did connect with a kick that staggered Hiruko, but who used his swift release to quickly move behind Naruto. He then formed a Rasengan of his own that he tried to push into Naruto's back. The jinchuriki Hiraishined away causing Hiruko's jutsu to miss and slam into the ground causing a large explosion.
Pakura threw up her arm to block the dust and debris. She scanned frantically for any sign of Naruto and looked back in relief as he said behind her, "Whew that was a close one."
She was about to ask how he had avoid the attack, but Naruto tapped her shoulder causing her to see the seal he had placed there. The dust settled and Hiruko said impressed, "The Hiraishin. I can see why it inspired such fear in the Fourth Hokage's opponents."
"Um, thanks," Naruto said not used to his opponents praising him. "I don't suppose you want to display some of that fear and run along now."
"I'm afraid not," Hiruko said, "After all this is only a semi-completed form. Once I absorb that Suna-nin. I will not only have access to both the Dark and Swift releases. But gain the Storm and Steel as the various Kekkei Genkai that I've already absorbed combine. Then once I've absorbed Kakashi, I will gain access to a Dojutsu that rivals the Rinnegan."
"Now why did you have to go and say that? I was thinking about taking Pakura and running, but knowing you'd be coming after my sensei means I'm going to have to kick your ass right here."
Hiruko seemed amused before replying, "Do you think that you can?"
"Won't know until I do," Naruto replied. But thought to himself, "Well you can certainly talk big, but how do you plan to back it up?"
He was drawing a blank until his mother's voice said, "Naruto use the Rasenshuriken."
"I can't. Not without hurting myself in the process and if for some reason I miss or worse he copies it I'm toast."
Kushina was undeterred as she said, "The Dark Release that Hiruko has used to copy the Rasengan will not be able do so with a jutsu of the Rasenshuriken's caliber. Remember that for as advanced of a jutsu as the Rasengan is, it is still an incomplete one. The Dark release can absorb and learn the properties of a jutsu, however its wielder must have a working understanding of how the jutsu he wishes to absorb operates. At this time, I would wager even your father wouldn't have an understanding of how you were able to meld both shape and nature manipulation into one stable jutsu."
Naruto gave a mental nodded but countered, "But how do I deliver it without being caught up in the blast as well?"
Naruto had the sensation of standing both in the outside world and in the seal as he felt a warm presence wrap around him. Aware that his mother was hugging him from behind in the seal he smiled as she said, "For that all you need to do is ask."
Naruto felt the Bijuu chakra begin to course through him as he began to form a Rasenshuriken. Once completed, he held the jutsu behind him and then threw it. The jutsu took off flying with the red chakra acting as a tether which allowed Naruto to prevent the jutsu from dying out. Hiruko raised his left hand as he attempted to absorb it but to his shock the diamond on his hand flared to life before sparking out. Before he could react the jutsu hit him dead center sending him flying before the jutsu released its full power.
Pakura stared on in stunned amazement as once the dust cleared a giant crater resided where Hiruko had stood. She managed to get to her feet and follow as Naruto moved to confirm the kill. What they saw shocked both of them as instead of the child like being he had been before was an older man. Surrounding him were the bodies of the men that he had absorbed. From the stillness there was little doubt that they were all dead.
"Stay here," Naruto said eliciting a stunned nod from her as he slid down into the crater. To her surprise he appeared to exhibit some hope that the shinobi from the other Elemental countries would be unharmed.
When he flipped over the Shinobi from Iwa, Pakura felt as if someone had stood over her grave as Gari's unseeing eyes stared up at her. The reason for the feeling she supposed was that much like her Gari had been treated as an outcast. When Pakura had disrupted Iwa's plot to take advantage of the Third Kazekage's disappearance, it had been Gari that had taken the brunt of the blame. As a result much like her, he had found himself in the unique position of being too valuable to kill, but no one particularly cared if he came back alive. Therefore, during the Third Shinobi War they had constantly found themselves squaring off against each other. Seeing him lying at the bottom of the crater filled her with a feeling of extreme sadness as well as with the understanding that if not for Naruto she would be there as well. That understanding caused her strength to fail her as she collapsed in shock, her last conscious thought being to once more mentally thank her savior as she heard Naruto shouting her name in concern.
Pakura stood under the warm spray of a shower as she washed away the dirt and grime covering her body. Exiting the shower, she began to recall coming to and feeling a sensation that was both alien and familiar, that being in the warm embrace of a member of the opposite s.εメ. However, it was not just the physical element but the feeling of warmth the man holding her seemed to give off. Believing that feeling wasn't one that could simply be replicated she had awoken fully and blurted out, "It was you!"
"Huh, what was me?" Naruto replied confused.
"The pervert that was feeling up the kunoichi of the Training Force."
To her surprise instead of denying it, Naruto smiled even as he replied, "Yeah, it was me. Although to be honest, can I really be called the pervert when it was the kunoichi that sought me out?"
Pakura blushed as she realized Naruto had discreetly called her a pervert as well. But unable to deny his point and remembering how he had done more than just feel up Maki asked, "B-but have a girlfriend."
Naruto thought about his response for a moment before finally saying, "The overall reason is rather complicated. But as to why I began the whole perverted ghost story angle well the answer to that is"
"Me!?" Pakura responded surprised and shocked. "Why would you have an interest in me?"
"Let's just say that one of my girlfriends wanted to right the wrong that was done to you in the past and thought I could make your life a little happier."
Pakura was naturally stunned at Naruto's admission of having more than one girlfriend, but no more so than when she came to the conclusion that the girlfriend he must have been talking about was, "Temari!"
Naruto appeared surprised at her conclusion but simply nodded. Pakura looked away as she said, "Why would she do that for me? I was such a bitch to her."
"She understood why though, and besides it has become our goal to create a world where people can come together despite the bitter pasts they may share."
"Do you truly believe such a thing is possible?"
"I don't know," Naruto admitted. "But I will keep trying until I find the answer to make it a reality."
Pakura stepped out of the shower as she remembered about how she had asked further about Naruto's ambition. After several questions she had inquired as to why he didn't just Hiraishin them back to Konoha. She was quite aware that so long as there was a seal placed there, he could have had them back in an instant. His response had been, "Outside of my lovers no one knows that I can do it. Tsunade has made it an S-class secret. Originally it was because she wanted to be sure I could use it effectively in a fight..."
"I'd say you passed," Pakura said sincerely.
She became even more aware that she was being carried bridal style as he smiled down warmly at her due to the compliment. "Thanks. Now though I think it's best to keep under warp for the sake of my personal life. It allows me to be almost anywhere instantaneously, so therefore I can see my lovers even if their village isn't particularly friendly to us at the moment. That might end if word gets around that the Hirashin has returned. At the very least people would be on the lookout for strange seals or markings...another thing that could impact my lovers negatively."
Pakura was about to ask what he meant but then remembering how he had placed a seal on her reasoned that was how he was able to see his lovers. Her mouth then dropped open as she realized he had also inadvertently admitted, "The Hokage is one of your lovers."
She could tell Naruto hadn't meant to let that particular name drop. She supposed he hadn't meant to tell her about Temari either as she thought about it. Wondering why he was being so secretive she asked shyly, "Um...why are you holding back the truth from me. Weren't you intending to make me one of your lovers? Or when you said bring me happiness did you mean just going as far as you did with the other kunoichi?"
"Oh, I fully intended to make you mine," Naruto said giving her a hungry stare. "But what with everything that happened today...not to mention how you reacted that night in the summoning circle. I figured it would be best..."
Pakura reached up and pulled his face to hers as she kissed him needfully. When it ended her cheeks were red as she looked away bashfully while admitting, "That's sweet...really. But considering that if not for you then I would likely have ceased to exist, I think that at the moment I just really want to get laid."
Therefore once they had stumbled onto a small inn, Naruto and she had henged into a pair of travelers as they checked in. He had asked if she would mind letting him shower first. She had readily agreed as she suspected that he was going do so quickly so he could contact his lovers via Katsuyu to let them know he was alright as well as to make sure they were in turn.
Now dry and despite what she fully expected to happen once she stepped from the bathroom Pakura wrapped the towel around her body and even put on a pair of spare panties that she kept in a scroll within her pouch. Taking a deep breath she stepped out of the bathroom and felt her mouth water slightly as she saw Naruto sitting in a chair wearing a robe. It was opened revealing his muscular chest as well as the necklace that he wore. He turned his gaze towards her and she briefly wondered how she stacked up against the various women he had already been with. Pushing such thoughts aside she said nervously, "I...I'm not quite sure were to begin from here..."
Naruto stood and closed the distance between them before pulling her close as he said, "How about right around here?" He then kissed her lightly, several times before it progressed into a full on kiss as she wrapped her hands around his neck. She moaned into his mouth as he grabbed her ass with both hands. Once it ended he stepped back to pick her up in his arms again and then placed her down on the bed. She fully expected him to follow and climb on top of her. Yet to her surprise he walked to the end of the bed and once more took a seat in the chair he had been in when she had entered the room.
She sat up slightly asking confused, "T-that's it..."
"That's for you to decide," Naruto said sitting back and watching her. "Considering...your past experience...I think it would be best for you to set the pace. I wouldn't want to inadvertently trigger another painful memory."
"I...I want you to..."
"Don't tell me, show me," Naruto said huskily.
Pakura blushed upon realizing what he was asking her to do. But after a moment began to fondle her breast through the towel she had wrapped around her. Despite being embarrassed she moaned at the contact as she also discovered her nipples were already erect. Pinching it through the fabric, she looked towards Naruto and wondered how she was performing. It must have showed as with a shake of his head he said, "Don't worry about what I'm thinking. Let it all hang out Pakura...this is about what you want."
Hearing that freed Pakura in a sense as years of pent up lust and frustration came to bear as she pulled roughly on her nipple. She fell back as she groaned in pleasure, her loose green-hair falling about around her head as her other hand began to rub her pussy through her panties. She pulled her towel open to gain better access to her breast as she squeezed and moved it while her other hand continued to tease her quickly moistening cunt. She sent a quick look Naruto's way and was pleased to see that her show was having an effect on him as well.
Wanting to feel more she brought her other hand down to her quim as she tried to increase the pleasure coursing through her. However after a few moments of that and not reaching the heights she desired. She lifted her legs and pulled her panties off before lowering and spreading them. She spread her pussy lips and just short of shouted, "Naruto please I want you to make me cum...hurry!"
Naruto shot from the chair like a thrown kunai that hit its target as his mouth clamped onto Pakura's lower lips as he gave it a deep kiss. She arched her back as she came from the contact, but Naruto didn't stop as he continued to tease and explore her pussy with his tongue.
Kushina had been feeding Naruto chakra ever since his battle with Hiruko, and was quite surprised the seal hadn't re-exerted its previous safeguards due to her bypassing it to give him the chakra he had needed to sustain the Rasenshuriken. But she was glad as she knew that if she couldn't give him the chakra boost then he would likely be dead on his feet, from his not only running since early the day before. But, also from his participating in several battles in between all the running. She supposed though that she probably shouldn't have been too surprised at the seal's lack of reaction as Minato had designed the seal so that Naruto and Kiyomi could eventually work together as one. She supposed that since it seemed Naruto was more and more willing to call on that power. The seal was allowing it to continue to happen.
Her bedroom was suddenly cast in a green shade and she wasn't too surprised the lamp which cast the barrier that prevented her from experiencing the sensations of her son's lovers during s.εメ had turned on. She had already climbed in bed in anticipation of the even. After all, she had been the girl needing rescuing once and if she had been more cognizant of s.εメ at the time likely would have given Minato a night to remember in order to thank him.
Kushina still struggled with her occasional stepping out as it were. However, she had reasoned that since the orgasms she received from those times tended keep her desires at bay the longest it was really for the best. Plus she had learned that so long as she kept her eyes open she wouldn't "see" that it was her son and therefore it was along the same lines as using a vibrator or any other sexual aid. She knew if anyone could see her as she writhed about with unblinking eyes as she tried to ignore the fact that it was by her son's efforts that she was feeling so good they would probably be creeped out. But considering most of her existence between the moments of pleasure was a sensory deprived void found it was too tempting to resist.
Reaching over to the nightstand the lamp rested upon, she switched it off and instantly began to feel wonderful while she stared up at the ceiling. She was able to tell that the newest woman to enter the harem was currently being eaten out and found it hard think about the fact that Naruto had become quite the cunnilingus. "Oh gods," Kushina moaned as Naruto continued to dine on his newest lover's snatch. She found herself spreading her legs wider as if to give the phantom, as she refused to admit it was her son, more access. She couldn't shake the feeling that for whatever reason the feelings were so much sharper and more powerful than any of the other times she had turned off the light. Before she could ponder it though, she came powerfully as she bent nearly in half.
She looked down as she was about to give her pussy a little after orgasm rub. However she stopped dead as staring up at her were the blue eyes of her son. Kushina tried to open her eyes believing that she had closed them at some point. However, when he didn't disappear and she began to realize the details of her room were the same, she also realized that somehow see was seeing what his lover was despite her not concentrating outside of the seal.
She had a hard time looking away as Naruto pulled his mouth from her love tunnel his mouth and chin covered in the love fluids of his lover. Taking a kneeling position between her legs, Kushina hissed as if burnt when he placed his cock atop of her pelvis, as she was able to actually feel how warm it was, and in a lust filled voice said, "Now I going to shove this inside you and fuck you silly."
Naruto lined his cock up with her entrance but before he could slam it into her. Kushina quickly reached for the lamp turning it back on causing Naruto to disappear. However, it wasn't long before the temptation to turn it back off was whispering to her in the back of her mind.
"Yes do it," Pakura moaned as she came down from another orgasm. Naruto pulled back and lined up his cock before slamming it into her. She screamed in pain as he tore through her barrier that had been the proof of how lonely her life had been up till then.
Naruto went stiff as he realized he had torn through her maidenhood. "Pakura you're a vir..."
Cupping his face she said, "I know pathetic right. I'm a thirty-five year old virgin in a profession where a good portion of us die young."
Naruto leaned down to kiss the tears that had formed the corners of her eyes as he said, "There's nothing pathetic about that. I'm honored you'd chose me to give away your precious first time to."
Despite how sincere he sounded Pakura couldn't help but say, "Precious, to be honest there were times I would have given it away to the first guy to buy me a drink."
"You're really killing the romance," Naruto said with an amused smile.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be...but if that's how you feel I guess I have to make this first night truly memorable to live up to all the hype you're probably heard."
Naruto began to move slowly at first, but soon had built up a good head of steam as he began to churn about inside her. Pakura not used to such overpowering sensations began to moan, "'s too much."
Naruto ignored her as he brought his mouth down to her tit to suck her nipple into his mouth. "Ohhh good." She said pulling his head harder against her chest. He nipped at her bud gently causing her to hiss as she let go of him to slam her hands against the mattress of the bed. He took the opportunity to grab the back of her knees and pushed them up against her shoulders. Pakura gasped as he began to hit her even deeper inside as the head of his cock began to kiss the entrance of her womb.
She felt a swelling inside her and panted, "'re growing even bigger..."
"That's because I'm going to come and coat your womb in my seed. From this day forward you're going to be my woman."
"T-that's right...I'm yours...just...I'm Cumming," Pakura shouted as Naruto released his white cream directly into her womb. Filled with his liquid heat, Pakura screamed loudly as she rode out perhaps one of the most intense pleasures she had ever know.
As Naruto came down from his own orgasm he began to gently kiss Pakura. She ended the kissing session first to bring her mouth up to his ear and ask, "Naruto, there is another first I would like to try tonight. Have you ever had anal sex?"
Naruto pulled back to look in her eyes as he said, "I may have tried it a time or two." He pulled out of her and spun her onto her stomach. Pulling her up to her knees, he began to lick the rosebud of her ass. Pakura moaned in slight discomfort but also pleasure as he began to probe her with his tongue. Once he was certain she was ready, he placed the head of his cock against her backdoor and began to slowly slide his dick inside her. Once she was fully impaled on his fuck stick he made a plus-like handsign. A cloud of smoke appeared in front of her as he grabbed her legs and pulled them apart.
When the smoke cleared Pakura's eyes grew large as a second Naruto knelt in front of her on the bed. The real Naruto whispered in her ear, "I hope you don't mind but I skipped to the natural progression from here. Trust me; you're going to love having a dick in both your holes."
The clone climbed between her legs where it kissed her and then said, "I hope you're ready for this."
Pakura didn't have a chance to respond as the clone buried itself inside her. She threw her head back against Naruto's shoulder as the two kneeling blond's began pistoning in and out of her. Her mind went blank from the pleasure feeling that as one dick was on its way out the other was being shoved inside.
Naruto tilted her face towards him and kissed her hungrily as he continued to fuck Pakura's tight ass. He was able to feel the replica of his dick through the thin skin that separated her two passages. As his tongue danced with hers, his clone's mouth was busy as it sucked and teased his green-haired lover's breasts. It would quickly move its mouth between them, never languishing in one spot to long. While it orally pleased her breasts the clone's hand was also busy rubbing her clit.
Pakura suddenly wrapped her legs around the clone's waist as she came hard. Her spasming tunnels prompted both blonds to shoot off inside her prompting all three of them to groan in satisfaction. They sagged against each other, as their breathing began to even out Pakura began to place kisses along the clone's chest. She leaned back against Naruto and staring up into his blue eyes asked, "Are there any other firsts you think I'd enjoy?"
Naruto gave her a grin that promised more delights as he said, "I can think of a few."
Naruto shook his head to try and stay awake. He looked down at the bodies laid out on the ground and were covered by a tarp the true Naruto had found before creating it to stand guard. He had then also created a clone to head to Kumo. The true Naruto had been able to sense that Yugito was moving towards the border and he believed that she was part of a squad searching for the Kumo shinobi that Hiruko had absorbed. That clone would guide them there, where they would turn over the body to the Kumo-nin. Naruto had considered sending one to Iwa to, but considering Konoha and its current level of unease felt it would be best to go through official channels.
The clone yawned as it felt the effects that it was sure Naruto would have been if not for his containing a Bijuu. It closed its eyes for a moment, but then thought it heard something move. Looking up suddenly it didn't see anything. It tried to fight the drowsiness, but it was long before its eyes were closed again. It heard movement again and opened its eyes just as some serpent bit into its throat causing it to dispel. Advertisements
Back with Pakura, the real Naruto after another hour of lovemaking slept on and would receive the clone's memories when he awoke. The clone guiding Yugito to the location of Naruto's battle with Hiruko would urge the Kumo-nin on only to find the dead bodies having been tampered with as well as Hiruko's lab having been ransacked.
Kiri prisoner, KK-one-one-seven-six sat up groggily and was surprised to find she was lying in a posh bed with what had to be the softest sheets she had ever known. Wondering where she was, as she looked about the darkened room which was the furthest thing from a cell she could imagine, she gasped as a voice said, "My sister says that we owe you our thanks."
The scarred Kiri kunoichi turned towards the voice to see the red-head she vaguely remembered fighting while under Akame's control staring at her from an ornate cheer. "I don't want your thanks. I helped her because I believed she was my best shot at freedom."
Kiyomi inclined her head as she said, "Good. I like your honesty. However, I still feel that I owe you a debt. Seven tells me that you no longer wish to be a Kiri-nin or retain any aspect of your old life. So the question remains. Who would you like to become...
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