Chapter 66: Severing Bonds 3
After exiting the building that housed the Den upon making sure the area was clear, Sakura caught up to her lover to say, "Dammit Naruto stop."
"Sakura, you can't talk me out of this," Naruto replied. "I have to see this through."
"Why you," she said darting in front of him and holding his arms out. "Why are you so hung up on Sasuke? I've moved on, why can't you?"
"Because he's my friend," Naruto stated, before moving to go around her.
Sakura though grabbed his arm from behind and he stopped as he could feel the fear and worry she was giving off. The emotions were clear in her voice as she said, " might see him as a friend. But if he does know the truth of the Massacre, then the only thing he'll see you as is a representative of the Village."
Naruto turned to face her and was about to reply but a sword was pointed at them. Both Leaf shinobi stopped to stare at the red-headed and dark skinned woman holding it who said, "Oh, don't stop on our account. Your conversation was getting rather interesting" The pair directed their attention to her partner who watched on as he continued to suck on his lollipop. Thrusting her sword a little closer towards Naruto's face she said, "Come on, we were scouring the village looking for some firsthand accounts about Sasuke. Sounds to me like you knew him pretty well."
Naruto pulled free of Sakura's grip as he said, "Look I don't have time for this. I'm putting together a team to find Killer Bee and Sasuke. There still a chance he's alive."
Karui's eyes widened as her teammate Omoi said excited, "Really, are you sure."
"Sure, no," Naruto replied, "But there is a chance that is getting smaller the longer we delay."
"Fine," Karui said putting her sword away, "But if you're serious then tell us what you know about Sasuke." Advertisements
"I...I can't."
"What," Karui said angrily charging Naruto as she pressed him back against some rubble using her forearm against his throat. "Look asshole put yourselves in our position Bee is our sensei. So unless you want me to beat the information out of you, you better tell me all you know about Sasuke."
Karui found herself sudden thrown back at her partner as Sakura tossed her back using the back of her flak jacket. The two Kumo-nin prepared to attack her as she stepped between Naruto and them. Calmly she said with a pleasant smile, "There won't be any need for violence. I'll tell you everything you want to know."
"That's better, I'm glad..."
Sakura's smile turned threatening as she said, "But if you ever raise you fists against Naruto again, I'll turn you into paste." Karui was about to tell the kunoichi to bring it, but when she punctuated her sentence by smashing her fist into the rubble at Naruto's back and said rock exploded into dust the two Kumo-nin's eyes went white in shock. Realizing the pink-haired woman was the source of the small earthquake they had felt earlier they both nodded quickly as she said pleasantly, "Now if you want your questions answered please follow me."
Naruto was coughing due to the dust still coating him, but managed to call out, "Sakura..."
He was interrupted as she stopped to say, "Protect Sasuke if you wish. I'm going to protect you."
Naho waited excitedly by the gate of her summer home as it opened. She frowned as she heard an amused voice call out, "Honey, I'm home." She stepped back a little in fright as a blue-skinned man stepped into the courtyard followed by Sasuke and his members of Taka. She was a little surprised that the Samurai guards present didn't react to the dangerous looking man. Yet, despite her concern at the shark like man, she approached Sasuke happily as she said, "Lord Sasuke, you're back."
Sasuke's response sounded indifferent as it usually did, but he responded, "Did you have any reason to suspect that I wouldn't return."
Naho shook her head no, and ignored the glare she received from the female member of Taka as she began walking besides the young man that she was infatuated with. Still a little fearful of the shark-like man especially as she noticed a dark-skinned man wrapped around the edge of the large sword he was holding over his shoulder she asked, "Lord Sasuke, who is your friend? And why is he carrying that man?"
"What's with the game of twenty questions," the female of Taka snapped not liking the younger girl's proximity to her Sasuke.
She especially didn't like it as he spoke up in her defense, "Take it easy, Tamaki. Don't forget we are guests in her home."
"Yes Sasuke," Tamaki replied gloomily as he explained that Kisame was an ally and that they had found the ninja they were carrying prowling near her home. The granddaughter of Nekobaa ground her teeth as Suigetsu started sniggering behind her. But not wanting to lower her esteem in Sasuke's eyes, she bore with it instead of lashing out. She had been quite happy when Sasuke returned to her grandmother's shop after succeeding in his lifelong ambition of killing his brother. He had come to replenish his supplies, but she had further been shocked when Sasuke had asked her to fill the empty spot in his team aware that she was a rather skilled kunoichi in her own right due to her training with the ninja cats that lived with her. Despite her grandmother's long standing alliance with the Uchiha clan, she had expressly forbid Tamaki from going. Sasuke, had made a pretense of accepting her grandmother's decree, but had given her a look that he expected her to follow.
Tamaki had waited till nightfall and was pleased that Sasuke didn't wait nearby demonstrating his confidence in her tracking ability. An ability that had proved instrumental in hunting down shinobi with the knowledge of where the Eight-Tails was located. Tamaki shivered as she recalled the fearsome battle that had almost been completely one sided till Kisame had bailed them out. Looking at Sasuke, she felt the fear that he had been killed as a result of having his chest ripped open by a lariat from the jinchuriki. Looking, at Jugo, she still felt a deep sense of gratitude towards him for repairing the damage. She was even forced to admit that Suigetsu had done his part. But it had all almost proved for naught when the Jinchuriki in full Bijuu mode had fired a small ball of chakra at them. Luckily that was when Kisame had made his appearance as he sliced it in half. The two halves had hit a mountain behind them causing it to explode as the jutsu unleashed its power.
Kisame had proven capable of fighting the jinchuriki as an equal as his attacks constantly drained more and more power. Finally when it had fired a second Beast Ball he had responded with a jutsu that not only absorbed the jutsu, but grew many times stronger as a result before slamming into the Bijuu. Nearing collapse it had tried to use one of its tails to crush Sasuke and the others, but the Uchiha had recovered enough to cut it off using his Chidori. The Tail and the beast collapsed into the water it had been fighting from. After the jinchuriki floated to the surface, Kisame had given them an insufferable grin as he tossed the jinchuriki's body onto the edge of his blade as he said, "Well that was fun. Lucky for you, Madara sent me along to make sure you didn't get in over your heads."
Sasuke had without a word turned away from the Kirigakure missing-nin before leaping away prompting him to say, "Not so much as a thank you. Just like your brother."
As they had returned to the Fire Country Noble's home they had been attacked by the shinobi that Sasuke had put into a genjutsu so they could attack Bee undisturbed. Kisame had killed most of them, but one had challenged Sasuke directly and without even drawing his sword he had killed the man.
Watching Sasuke walk with such confidence of purpose, Tamaki knew she would never be able to go back to her old life. But she found that didn't bother her, she was right where she wanted to be.
The group stopped as another man warped in front of them to say, "Well done Sasuke. I knew I could count on you." Sasuke didn't respond and Tamaki was surprised Kisame didn't say anything. The man carried on regardless saying, "Thanks to your friend here we should be able to seal away this dangerous shinobi undisturbed. We'll begin right away. I trust the Gedo Mazo statue has remained untouched."
"Um yes Mister Tobi," Naho answered, but Tamaki noticed that it was a nod of one of the samurai that Tobi was looking for.
"Excellent," Tobi replied as if talking to the noble, "Kisame, I'll leave it to you and Zetsu then."
"Hold up," Sasuke said, "What about your man going after the nine-tails?"
"Unfortunately it would appear that Pain has been defeated," Tobi replied. Tamaki noticed a smirk appear on Sasuke's face, which quickly faded. Tobi shrugged as he said, "No matter, it may have presented too much of a danger to our host to collect such dangers shinobi without the ability to quickly seal them."
Naho spoke up as she said, "If it was to protect Lord Sasuke and to help clear his name I wouldn't mind the risk."
Tamaki wanted to puke at the girl trying to capture her Sasuke's heart. Tobi responded amused, "How very noble. Still we must work with what we were given so it appears we'll need to remain here a little longer than expected."
Naho shot a look to Sasuke as she blushed while saying, "I don't mind."
"No, I didn't think you would," Tobi said, causing a small smile to appear on Tamaki's face as everyone was in on the joke but the young noble.
Naruto leapt among the trees followed by the group he had assembled which consisted of Tenten, Karin, Ino, and Konohamaru. Mikoto was pulling up the rear pretending to be a member of the Anbu. Naruto's gaze returned to Konohamaru, who had ambushed him at the gate demanding to be a part of whatever group he was putting together. The Jinchuriki had tried to deny he was up to anything, but the young Sarutobi wasn't going to be fooled claiming he knew a group of Kumo-nin had entered the village. Believing their arrival signified trouble and that Naruto would be assigned to deal with it, Konohamaru wouldn't accept no for an answer.
Still Naruto had been of the mind to tell him to forget it, but when his friendly rival had pleaded saying he needed to get stronger, the jinchuriki had relented. He figured a part of the reason also had to do with Konohamaru asking about how to deal with a friend's betrayal. Having not been able to answer it before, Naruto believed that soon the answer would be presented to him. Whether he would like it or not remained to be seen.
Following just behind Mikoto, was Mabui and her fellow Kumo-nin. Having also been at the gate as Naruto's team had gather, and hearing about Karin's sensing abilities. Team Samui had been rather keen on tagging along seeing it as their best bet to locate their Sensei.
There had been one more person present and Naruto wasn't surprised that she had decided not to go. Thinking of the encounter, he remembered Sakura coming up to him to say, "You don't need to do this. Maybe it's time for Sasuke to be the one to close the gap." He was about to respond that he did, but she sighed sensing his determination before saying, "The last time we were here like this I had you promise to bring Sasuke back. That promise is invalid; instead I want you to promise me that no matter what you'll come back."
Naruto saw the concern and worry his lover and teammate was feeling about the potential confrontation. He wished he could take her in his arms and tell her everything would be fine, but instead said, "I promise."
Sakura did smile, although it had appeared forced. Naruto was about to get his squad moving when a new voice shouted out to him. Pausing, the blond waited as the chunin slowly made his way towards them. Standing before the jinchuriki, Shikamaru said, "I haven't thanked you for what you did for the village."
"You don't need to..."
"That's where you're wrong," Shikamaru said cutting him off. "I'm not talking about your handling Pain. I'm talking about afterwards." He had directed his gaze to Ino before focusing back on Naruto while explaining, "I've been thinking about what Ino said. She was right, I wanted to get revenge, but with Pain already dead. I found myself coming up with scenarios to take the fight to Ame so that I could completely eradicate his legacy. My dad and Asuma wouldn't want that. They'd expect better from me so here."
Shikamaru pushed a pouch into Naruto's hands. Opening it he found a pair of the chakra blades that Asuma had used. "I can't accept these," Naruto said politely, "I'm sure Asuma-sensei would have preferred you use them."
Shikamaru reached into his pouch and pulled out a pair as well as he said, "These were Asuma's. Those were a gift he intended to give you. Asuma was pretty excited when you told him that you could use Wind Chakra and considering how rare people that can use it are, wanted to give you something besides just advice."
"Thanks, Shikamaru." Naruto said touched wishing he could thank Asuma.
"There's another reason why I felt you should have those," Shikamaru said his voice growing extremely serious. "Chouji was a part of the squad to apprehend Kabuto remember? He says Sasuke is beyond saving." Naruto noticed Mikoto stiffen and he also wanted to refute Shikamaru's statement but the Nara didn't let him. "I know you don't want to hear that. You probably believe nobody is beyond saving, but don't forget that I led the squad to bring him back the first time. Under my command, three of my comrades came back seriously wounded. Outside, of Chouji you were the most seriously injured, and you were the one that engaged Sasuke directly. I don't know how you can have faith in someone that tried to put you in the morgue not just the hospital, but I suppose that's what makes you who you are. But one thing that I did learn from Chouji is that it appears as though Sasuke can channel his Chidori through his sword making it capable of cutting standard ninja tools. Those blades should insure you meet on an equal playing field."
Naruto nodded as he put them in his pouch. He gave Sakura a quick smile before ordering his squad to move. Sakura waved at his retreating form as she shouted, "Naruto remember you promised to come back."
Konohamaru having been surprised at the care Sakura was displaying commented, "Naruto if I didn't know better I'd think she was interested in you. She must be jealous that you have a girlfriend now." Thinking of his own situation he said, "Maybe I should get one."
Naruto looked back with a smile as he replied, "You should. It's done wonders for me."
Naruto was pulled away from his thoughts as Karin said, "We're closing on a group that has crossed the Hot Water Country border into the Land of Fire." That statement was more for the benefit of those unaware of the connection to the woman they were closing with. Naruto noticed the members of Team Samui grow concerned as they correctly guessed it was possible they were moving to intercept a group of Kumo-nin searching for Bee. Despite the situation, they knew that if it was learned that Cloud Shinobi had violated the Land of Fire's borders, it might damage the chance of the unknown team to locate Bee if they were on his trail. But, it would also likely lead to their own forcible expulsion from the Land of Fire, thus sealing Bee's fate.
With that concern in mind, Samui asked, "Is Sasuke's chakra with them?"
Naruto knew they couldn't lie as the Kumo-nin had done their research and knew Karin had once been a member of Heibi, as such she would know Sasuke's chakra. When she shook her head in the negative Naruto could sense Team Samui considering the various options open to them. The most troubling to him being that they would try to quickly eliminate Team Naruto in the hopes of linking up with the unknown and possible Kumo squad.
Naruto knew that there were a lot of ifs for Team Samui to choose that route since they couldn't know if it was a group from Kumogakure, or that they were even on Bee trail. But aware that they cared deeply for their sensei, and therefore might not be thinking clearly, he decided to show them how unwise a decision it would be. Landing on a branch heavily, he crouched down and applied the Hiraishin seal before leaping away. He saw Omoi and Karui reaching for their blades as they waited to see if Samui or Mabui would give the signal. Waiting until they passed over the seal he had just placed he teleported behind them startling the pair.
"I think it would be best if you refrain from doing anything foolish," Naruto said calmly but with an implied threat.
Still the two looked like they were considering trying something until Mabui said, "Stand down you two."
Their hands moved away from their blades so Naruto once more took up his position behind Karin. The red-head held up a hand to make them stop as she said, "They may have a sensor with them as they are taking up an ambush formation. Hold up, they may recognize some of our chakras one of them is approaching. Naruto could sense another person closing with their group besides the one Karin called out, but kept quiet.
A moment later Yugito dropped down from some branches. Making a show of inspecting her fellow Kumo-nin she said, "It's either especially bad luck to have run into the group of shinobi escorting the Raikage's envoys back after crossing into Fire Country. Or, perhaps you were pursuing them for some reason."
"How about a third option?" Naruto suggested. "We detected a Kumo-nin group entering our territory searching for their missing colleague and rather than have them waste time dodging our patrols thought it would be wise to join forces."
Karui from behind Naruto shouted, "If that's what you were planning you could have said something."
Naruto looked over his shoulder with a smirk as he countered, "Well you could have asked."
"Bastard," the dark-skinned red-head muttered under her breath causing Naruto to chuckle.
Yugito smirked as well as she said, "That sounds like an acceptable proposal. Tell me, have you encountered another presence besides ours?
Naruto wasn't quite sure what Yugito was asking, but believed it had to do with Haku, who was closing fast and had entered into Fire Country roughly a half hour before Yugito's group. "I'm not sure what you mean. Obviously we haven't found Sasuke yet."
Yugito shook her head before explaining, "We've been following a trail of breadcrumbs being left for us by someone. They started where those that tried to rescue Bee were found and led us here. But since all the shinobi assigned to Bee as guards were killed, we don't know who it is."
"Yugito watch out there's a presence nearby," Shii shouted exposing his position as did the other Kumo-nin that had accompanied her as an Ice Mirror appeared between Naruto and the Kumo kunoichi.
Haku wearing a Hunter-nin mask, which didn't have the standard Kirigakure markings on it, stepped from the mirror. Calmly she held up her hands, despite all the on guard shinobi, although only some of them were actually wary of her. "I was the one that left those markings," Haku stated.
Darui having taken up a position next to Yugito asked, "Why would you do that?"
"Because I hired her to find Sasuke," Naruto answered. "I figured I'd need the aid of someone not bound by borders so hired her. I guess it is beyond refute now that he was involved in the Eight Tails abduction."
"I'm afraid so," Haku said sadly, "I followed his trail to the Valley where the jinchuriki was staying and although he covered his tracks some. I was able to follow the shinobi guarding Lord Killer Bee to the abandoned shack where they were recovering from their fatigue. Unfortunately, I arrived too late to be of any use. They've been moving rather quickly since then leaving a rather noticeable trail, but I'm afraid I lost them due to my running into a patrol of Hotspring shinobi. I have been trying to pick-up the trail since then, but sadly have been unable to do so. The care with which they covered their tracks indicates that their hideout is nearby."
Naruto had noticed that Konohamaru had been surprised by his admitting to hiring the apparent missing-nin. For a moment though a flash of understanding appeared, but it faded as he listened to Haku's report. He then grimaced, at her statement that Sasuke must be hiding close by.
Wondering what was eating at his friend, he let it pass to ask Karin, "Any luck picking up Sasuke's chakra signature?"
She closed her eyes and expanded her range to the maximum, but after several seconds of searching opened them to say, "He's not within the range of my ability to detect."
Naruto frowned, but noticing the sun was setting said, "I think it would be best if we camp here for the night."
"What no way," Karui said agitated at the idea of ending the search. "If the masked lady is right then Bee-sensei may be close."
Yugito agreed with Naruto though as she said, "He very well may be. But I imagine both of our groups have been running ourselves ragged looking for him. If we are close, it wouldn't do Bee any good to stumble onto his location, but be too worn out to do anything. Also, your mission is to escort Mabui back to Kumo with the information on Sasuke." Directing her attention to the Raikage's assistant she asked, "I trust they were forthcoming."
"Yes, they also have provided us with all the information they have acquired about Akatsuki it was quite extensive. The Hokage has even expressed her interest in attending a Five Kage summit."
"That good to hear," Yugito said not having any doubts that would be the case, "but unfortunately the Summit isn't going to happen. The Tsuchikage has flat out refused to attend. He says he has no reason to attend a conference with those that appear to have colluded with Akatsuki to rob them of their jinchuriki. The Mizukage claims there is no point in showing up if all five Kage won't be there. An opinion that the Samurai of Iron Country appear to share."
Naruto kept his disappointment to himself, as he said, "Well for now let's worry about, the stuff that we can actually effect. How do you want to break up the watches?"
Naruto stared up at the stars finding it difficult to sleep due to his feeling that Haku was right and Sasuke was nearby. He had taken the first shift with Yugito; currently Konohamaru was on guard with the Kumo shinobi Shii, a shift that would be ending relatively soon. In the morning, Team Samui minus Karui, who had bitched up a storm about remaining to search for her teacher, would return to Kumo with the information Konoha had shared. It would also be with the decree that Sasuke was to be marked as a missing-nin and could be dealt with accordingly.
Naruto wasn't surprised Tsunade had relented to the Raikage's demand, and truthfully wasn't upset either. He would admit to being bothered by only learning about it after Darui had asked Mabui as the combined camp had eaten around a small campfire. But even then, it didn't garner the type of reaction from him that he thought it would. He supposed though that he understood why Mabui had delayed heading back to Kumo as long as she had. If their group had caught up to Sasuke first and had handled the situation then there would have been no point in reporting the change in Sasuke's legal status to her leader.
But, now that Sasuke's being branded as a missing-nin was out in the open though, the Kumo-nin traveling with him could kill the Uchiha without any fear of a Konoha reprisal. Yet, he truly did understand the position the Raikage had put Tsunade in though as the opposite held true. Sasuke had been protected from the other village's by Tsunade relenting to him and not marking his teammate as a missing-nin. Things had worked out okay because Orochimaru had kept a relatively low profile during the three years Naruto had been training with Jiraiya. "Hell," Naruto thought with a hint of melancholy, "If the bastard had come back to the village after killing Orochimaru and Itachi then he'd probably be hailed as a hero."
But now that his list of crimes weren't just counted by Konoha, his being branded a missing-nin was necessary as a means to protect the village from being accused of being complicit in his actions. Naruto directed his gaze from the stars, to the shadows where the temporary mark placed on Mikoto told him the Uchiha was. He wondered what she was feeling, and what would happen should they encounter her son. Kiyomi had approached him and recommended he allow her to modify the mark they had placed on her to allow Naruto to incapacitate her. Feeling it was too close to using something like the Cage Bird Seal the Hyuuga used he had refused. A part of him regretted that decision now, especially as she might become a threat to his lovers and friends. But, he felt she deserved as much as anyone to make a choice on which path to walk.
Naruto turned his gaze away as he heard footsteps approaching. Konohamaru appeared from the darkness and asked, " you have a moment?"
A little surprised at Konohamaru's stiff tone the blonde nodded and got out of his bedroll. The two of them moved away from the camp encountering Darui who was the Kumo shinobi now on watch and who said, "What's this, Konoha shinobi afraid to wander off into the darkness by themselves to piss or something?"
Naruto, seeing his chance at revenge for Konohamaru's comments during their travels about how backwards it was for a genin to be leading chunin said, "Not all of us, I guess he's a little spooked that we may be near such dangerous characters."
"I'm not afraid of the dark," Konohamaru said upset at being teased.
"Really, then I'm going back to bed..."
"Alright, fine...just come on and make sure nobody sneaks up on me...jerk," Konohamaru said causing Darui to chuckle in amusement at the two.
Naruto and Konohamaru wandered off until they were sure they couldn't be overheard, although the jinchuriki knew they weren't alone as Mikoto had followed them. Upon stopping Naruto waited for Konohamaru to begin, but after several moments he prompted him by asking, "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"
"Well about you and that missing-nin."
"What about us," Naruto said, "And technically Haku isn't a missing-nin. It's true she was an apprentice of one, but she never official joined their village due to their intolerance against Kekkei Genkai."
Konohamaru conceded the point but said, "Be that as it may...just how involved are you with her?" Naruto looked confused so the young Sarutobi added, "I'm asking because my team was saved in Wave by a pair of masked Kiri-nin." Naruto cursed internally at his slip up by admitting to a connection with Haku, but hoping Konohamaru wasn't drawing the picture he thought he was kept his face calm. "Although I was unconscious at the time they appeared...Moegi described them pretty well. So well in fact that I have no doubt that Haku is the female one. You'd be interested in knowing that the male although masked had blond hair just like you. Moegi also said that Haku described the man she was with as her lover."
Not willing to lie to his friend, he said, "She'd be right."
Konohamaru's eyes grew wide at Naruto's admission as he said, "Holy shit...I knew it. I thought maybe I was crazy but then when I realized you knew the Hiraishin..."
Due to Konohamaru's voice getting louder, Naruto shot forward and clamped his hand around the younger man's mouth whispering, "Keep it down will you. There is a reason the whole world doesn't know after all." Konohamaru nodded so Naruto removed his hand but then as his friend looked at him with questioning eyes asked, "Now what?"
"What's the reason? I mean I don't think you're the type to sneak around Ayame's back so I'm guessing she..." Konohamaru trailed off as he suddenly realized the reason for Sakura's behavior at the gate. Having also been present during Konan's speech, and having heard the way Ino and the Ame spoke about him suddenly blurted, "Just how many chicks are you with?" Also realizing that aside from him, who had to beg to be on the team, all the other Leaf Shinobi were female added, "Are you with all of those women accompanying us?"
Naruto misunderstood the question to include the Kumo kunoichi replied, "Not all of them...just you know, most of them."
Konohamaru realized that with the Hiraishin at his disposal Naruto wasn't limited to just Konoha so quickly realized his rival might also be involved with some of Kumo kunoichi as well. Smirking jovially, he said, "When did you become so cool?"
Naruto shrugged as he returned the smile as he replied, "It just sort of happened and is a really long story. Which I'll tell you later. We should get before Darui thinks to come looking for us."
"Hold on," Konohamaru said, "What are you going to give me to keep quiet?"
Naruto didn't pause as he headed back, " aren't the type to rat out a friend."
Konohamaru frowned, but seeing as how Naruto had converted a number of kunoichi that had practically been devoted to the Uchiha that his own crush was said, "Do you think that maybe you could give me some tips? You see there's this girl..."
Naruto smiled as Konohamaru trailed off so turning to his friend said, "There always is. The best advice I can give you is be yourself. If it's meant to be, she'll eventually respond to your feelings."
"Are you saying all those kunoichi just responded to your feelings?"
Naruto sighed figuring he'd have to give a little more detail otherwise Konohamaru would never drop it. Sitting on a nearby log he explained, "It's complicated. But let's just say I learned a jutsu that caused me to settle on a path that I believe can help make my master's dream of a world where the shinobi of the different villages can understand each other a reality. These relationships help me see beyond just the issues afflicting Konoha."
"Well I guess the best example to explain would be say you fell in love with a girl from a different hometown. Now keep in mind you've never been there, but one day you hear a disaster has struck. Wouldn't you be just as concerned as her if only for her sake?"
"I guess that makes sense...but do you really need to be in a relationship with them?"
Naruto gave a wide smile as he said, "No...but that is an extra bonus." Looking back at the camp he said, "I guess there'd be no point in pretending you needed a babysitter to hold your hand in the dark. So, how about you tell me about this girl you like."
Konohamaru smiled in a way that Naruto felt he often did when thinking of his lovers before he said, "Well her name is Naho. She's a cousin of the Fire Daimyo and unfortunately for me total in love with Sasuke."
Naruto a little surprised at who Konohamaru's crush was said, "I remember her." He felt a little culpability in her still being infatuated with Sasuke as he remembered the mission where Sasuke had saved them, but the Uchiha's actions had frightened her after he continued to beat one of the shinobi due to his anger. Recalling how he told her that she didn't need to be afraid of Sasuke because he was a good person, he wondered if that would still be the case.
Konohamaru smiled as he said, "Yeah she spoke pretty highly of you during the mission where my Team was assigned to guard her as she went on a vacation in the Land of the Moon. I kind of found I had a thing for her...but all she wanted to talk about was Sasuke."
"I've been there," Naruto said jovially which caused his friend to smile.
It faded though as a very serious mood settled on Konohamaru. Naruto noticed and sat up in concern, but waited for his friend to say what was on his mind. Finally after several minutes, he said, "I...I think I know where Sasuke is." Surprised as that was the last thing he expected to hear, Naruto remained silent to let Konohamaru explain himself, "After the mission, I've continued to keep in touch with Naho. Her last letter was...troubling. Although she never believed me when I tried to explain Sasuke was no good, her last letter asked me to look into the possibility that Sasuke had been the focus of a conspiracy that had forced him to leave the village. I thought it was just an excuse she might have dreamed up to explain Sasuke's actions. Yet with what happened with Root and Udon maybe it's not as crazy as it sounds. But, I'm thinking that she must have been in contact with him. Her family has a summer home around here and Naho is currently staying there."
Naruto crossed his arms as he considered the possibility. A part of him wanted to dismiss it as improbable since he could imagine such a place would be teaming with guards. Not to mention he doubted that Sasuke would want Naho sending out letters that might point to where he was hiding. Yet, he couldn't be sure how up to date the guards at one of the Fire Daimyo's summer homes would be about shinobi affairs. Furthermore, Naho might have sent her letter off without Sasuke's knowledge hoping to help her crush by using her connection to Konohamaru. Naruto truly hoped that wasn't the case since it would imply that Sasuke was actively deceiving the girl. However, considering what the Uchiha was already accused of he couldn't deny it was a possibility. Also, it would be the perfect place to hide during the sealing of the Eight-tails since even if Kumo had found the place. Attacking a palace where a member of the Fire Country nobility was staying would undoubtedly lead to war.
After considering what his next course of action should be he said, "Go on back to camp and get some sleep. We'll head out in the morning; with Karin's abilities we should be able to quickly learn the truth of the matter."
Konohamaru nodded and began heading back but stopped, "What about you?"
Naruto chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head while replying, "We've been out here so long I actually have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back shortly." Konohamaru began walking back as Naruto stood but stopped when the blond said, "Konohamaru, please keep the details of my relationships to yourself."
"Right, you can count on me," the chunin said giving Naruto a thumbs up.
"I know. I wouldn't have told you if I couldn't." Konohamaru beamed as he headed back to the camp. Naruto turned away and so as to not be a liar began watering the bushes. Although not his only reason for not returning to the camp he half expected Mikoto to remain hidden until he was finished.
"I think it would be best if I check out your friend's hunch myself," Mikoto said from behind his ear startling him.
"What the..." Naruto said as a result, before calming and continuing to empty his bladder. "I think there's an unspoken rule about not sneaking up on people as they pee."
Mikoto having removed her mask said, "Actually, you'll find that's the best time to do it. It's hard to keep your guard up when you're so exposed."
A part of Naruto was concerned that Mikoto may have already chosen her side and depending on his answer he might find his throat cut while taking a leak. But believing in his opinion of her as well as his mother's he said, "I don't think that would be a good idea. Plus, I'd have to explain where the Anbu assigned to my squad decided to disappear to in the middle of the night, which should Sasuke not be at this palace, might lead to some very violent misunderstandings."
Mikoto understood what Naruto was applying being that with a solid lead, her disappearance might lead the Kumo-nin into believing that Konoha had warned Sasuke that they were approaching. Seeing another reason Naruto wouldn't want her to wander off by herself she said, "Not to mention you likely fear I would tell Sasuke that you were coming."
Naruto finished with his task so tucked himself back into his pants before turning to face Mikoto. Feeling sympathetic to the woman he said, "I imagine the temptation to do so would be incredible. But I don't think you would. Right now we're both in the same position, we don't want what we're hearing to be true, but we are being bombarded with more and more evidence that it is."
"What does that matter...he's my son."
Naruto gave her a sad smile of understanding as he began to walk pass her, "He'll always be that. But you also know what his actions may lead to and I know the last thing you would want is for a new war to break out. You are too good a person to want that."
"You've thought the same thing about Sasuke and everything is pointing to you being wrong," Mikoto said sadly. "What makes you think you can believe that about me?"
Naruto stopped and looking over his shoulder said, "From what I've seen and heard about your reasons for the actions you've taken. But also, it's not just me that holds that opinion of you."
Mikoto stared at Naruto's back and wondered if he was referring to his mother. Filled with indecision as well as a fear of what the next day would bring she wished that the sun would never rise.
Kiyomi was enjoying her breakfast, when Yoruichi entered the dining hall. Coming to a stop near her sister the dark-skinned woman said, "Are you ready to speak with Shukaku yet?"
Dabbing at her mouth with a napkin, she tossed it onto her plate signaling she was done and felt a sense of accomplishment as Aeris picked it up to take to the kitchen. Considering that she had used all the information she had gained from her manipulating the Taki-nin's minds and applied it to giving birth to Sage, she felt there was nothing wrong in basking in her success. Folding her hands in her lap, the Fox Bijuu said, "That depends is Shukaku anymore agreeable then the last time we looked?"
"The cussing has stopped," Yoruichi said with a smile that Kiyomi mirrored.
"That's something I suppose," Kiyomi said standing before they both joined their other sister in the basement where the Tea Kettle that Shukaku was currently sealed resided. Unable to hear the psychic ranting they had before, Kiyomi approached it and deciding a face to face was in order placed her hand on it. Her sisters copied her action as all three allowed their consciousness to enter the dimension contained in the powerful Suna artifact.
Appearing before their one-tailed sibling in their human forms, Shukaku instantly recognized Yoruichi as the one that had aided in trapping it in the kettle so raising a massive fist prepared to squash all three. Kiyomi raised her arm causing a large chakra claw to extend from her hand which wrapped around Shukaku's wrist. Easily holding it in place she said, "I think it would be best if you remained calm Shukaku. Unless you wish us to leave you here for another couple of days that is?"
Recognizing the chakra holding its arm at bay, the Bijuu relented but still sounded hostile as it said, "Kurama, why would wish to look like a human?"
"It has its benefits," Kiyomi replied.
"Oh it certainly does," Yoruichi seconded causing a smirk to appear Seven's face.
"Business before pleasure ladies," Kiyomi said before turning her attention to address Shukaku. "Also, I go by the name Kiyomi."
"Kiyomi," Shukaku said mockingly, "You're starting to sound like Matatabi with that stupid wish that everyone call it Yoruichi."
"Hey, asshole I'm right here," Yoruichi shouted.
Shukaku was obviously surprised by the revelation and although it had found the chakra the dark-skinned woman was giving off familiar it had also been much different than the type Matatabi had used to possess. Turning its gaze to the brown-haired woman it concentrated on the familiar feeling she was giving off for several moments before saying, "Chomei?" When the brown-eyed woman nodded, Shukaku sat back in surprise to ask, "What have the three of you done to yourselves?"
"I like to think of it as an image change," Seven said amused at Shukaku's shocked expression.
The One-tailed Bijuu sobered up relatively quickly as it got over its surprise and commenting on how its fellow Bijuu were the ones that had sealed it said, "So, you've become slaves to the humans have you? What, have you all decided to embrace the role as weapons that they always desired for us?"
"Actually our actions were for the benefit of one human," Kiyomi replied understanding where Shukaku was coming from. "You may not have been under your own control for most of our battle but you made it very clear you were going to be a threat to Konoha."
"Konoha," Shukaku said questioningly. Before it pictured the blond man that had been standing next to Yoruichi when they sealed it realizing that was who Kiyomi was referring to it said, "That blond bastard that stopped me several years ago. Why the hell would..."
Shukaku trailed off as the three Bijuu's chakra flared to life revealing just how strong the women were and if it had to guess believed they may have been stronger than before they had assumed human form. The three women shared a look of amusement at their having the same reaction to Shukaku's comment about Naruto. Kiyomi stepped closer to its giant sibling to say, "I would watch how you refer to Naruto in the future. He's become rather popular. In time you may find out why...depending."
"Depending on what?"
"On what you decide here," Kiyomi answered. "I'm willing to set you free of this prison, but there will be conditions."
"What sort of conditions?" Shukaku asked warily.
"The first would be that there are no more rampages or attacks against the people of the Elemental Countries," Kiyomi said.
She frowned though as Shukaku slammed a fist into its open hand as it replied, "Forget it! I'm due some serious payback. If you want me to leave the Leaf village alone fine, but I'm going to teach those Sand twerps the consequences of fucking with Shukaku the Sand Spirit." Kiyomi simply spun on her heel and began walking away provoking the One-Tailed Beast into calling, "What that's it?"
It was Seven that answered with a shrug of her shoulders, "We're afraid so. This is something we all decided. You weren't the only one to be sealed and turned into a weapon. If we could let it go then we expect the same of you."
As Kiyomi passed her, Seven turned to follow encouraging Yoruichi to added, "It's a shame too. The official story we're going to use about your disappearance is that the Leaf with the Kazekage's permission banished you to another dimension. I'm afraid that means we're going to have to keep you locked up in here until Akatsuki is dealt with since the story's for their benefit. We'll be sure to visit on weekends."
"Wait!" Shukaku shouted. It remained silent for a few seconds as the three women stopped, but remained facing away. Guessing that they were waiting for it to relent, Shukaku said, "Fine, I'll forego my well-deserved revenge. What are your other conditions?"
Turning Kiyomi said, "We want your aid in freeing the rest of our siblings?"
"Are you nuts? Outside of you three, and Gyuki, the rest of them are locked up tight in the Gedo Mazo. No way am I going near that thing again. Not unless you want our Father's warning about us all becoming one will again to come true."
"We did tell you there were benefits to these forms, didn't we?" Kiyomi said amused.
"That's not even the best one," Yoruichi added with a cat that ate the canary grin.
Shukaku studied the three women and intrigued said, "Tell me more." It would also admit to being extremely curious as to what could make Matatabi grin in such a way.
"I thought you said this was a summer home," Karui complained looking at the structure that Karin's senses said Sasuke was residing within as well as several extremely powerful chakras. "It looks like a god-damn fortress."
Naruto frowned since he couldn't disagree with her. The large castle resided on an island in the middle of a large lake. To even reach it one would have to row a boat to the dock on the island or in their case run along the water thus exposing them to the guards patrolling the large wall surrounding the island. Naruto looked at his team and noticed that Karin had an unease feeling so asked, "Are you sensing something else?"
"It's the guards...there's something off about them," Karin answered as she tried to think of how best to explain the sensation that she was getting off of them.
"I'm not sensing anything," Shii said.
"I think I'd go with her feeling on this one," Yugito said watching the guards for any sign of what Karin was feeling. "Her chakra sensing ability is far stronger than any I've ever seen." Shii nodded his head as it had taken him getting almost three times closer the location to confirm Killer Bee's chakra was there as it did Karin to pickup Sasuke's.
Karin directed her red-eyed gaze to her fellow sensor to ask, "Was Bee's chakra always this weak? It doesn't match up with what I would expect."
"It may just be that Akatsuki is almost finished sealing the Eight-Tails," Shii replied.
Karin looked away but didn't feel that was the case as those performing the sealing didn't give off the sense of fatigue she would expect. To her they felt remarkable fresh for people that would need to perform a jutsu for several days if not weeks due to the weakened condition of Akatsuki.
Naruto though put what everyone was thinking into words as he said, "In any case it doesn't matter. We're going have to get in there and sooner rather than later."
"Leave that to me," Ino said moving to get a good angle on one of the guards that had stopped. Looking over her shoulder she said to her lover, "Watch my body for me so I can poke around a little."
She smiled as Naruto said, "I think I can handle that."
Peering through the gap of her family's special hand-sign she sent her spirit flying and a moment later found herself in the armored form of one of the guards assigned to protect Naho. Despite her being able to move with some degree of freedom, she slipped away from the wall unnoticed so as not to be questioned. Ino proceeded to move through the castle stealthily, but allowed herself to be seen on the few occasions that she couldn't remain undetected. As she moved, she felt rather strange like she was walking around in another person's skin, which technically she was, but it felt like there was another layer on top of that.
She pushed it out of her mind though as she actually came across Sasuke walking through the hall towards her. Despite herself she found him to be incredible attractive physically, but as her eyes met his and she saw none of the light or kindness that Naruto's admitted found the rest of the package rather bland. Her esteem of him fell even further as the woman walking with him said whined, "Sasuke...when are we going to be done here? I'm tired of watching that girl fawn all over you."
"Put up with it a little while longer," Sasuke said sounding like he didn't care one way or the other. "Once the Eight-tails is sealed we'll see if Madara honors his promise of sharing its power so I can crush the Leaf Village. Until then letting Naho pretend to think she's special to me lets us operate right under Konoha and Kumo's noses."
"What an asshole," Ino muttered after passing them. Although concerned that it appeared Sasuke indeed considered Konoha an enemy, she knew Naruto would never let him threaten it so put her faith in him. Being able to detect chakra herself although not on Karin or even Shii's level she headed to the largest chakra source she felt.
Just before reaching a door that appeared to head down into the bowels of the castle she was stopped by the two guards on either side of it. "Hey, what are you doing here? You should be guarding the wall."
"Sorry, bathroom break," Ino said and was surprised as both guards immediately charged.
"Hey since when is needing to go to the bathroom a crime," Ino questioned blocking one of the guards polearms with the sword the body she was using was armed with.
"We don't need to poo, fleshbag," one of the guards said as its features morphed into a pale white face with gold eyes. Turning her focus to the other guard she saw an identical copy. Pushing off of the one she had blocked to avoid being attacked by the other she thought, "That must be why Karin said they felt off. They might have different chakra signatures but underneath they were all the same. That must mean they eliminated the guards to take their place."
Although sad that likely meant all the guards had been killed, it did simplify things for them since they wouldn't need to hold back against what would otherwise have been innocent people. Avoiding, the sword of the other guard, she could hear the sounds of alarm being raised. Entering a large hall for entertaining guest, Ino found herself surrounded as more guards entered through the other entrances. "Who sent you?" one of the white Zetsu that had discovered her ruse asked holding its polearm at the ready.
Crouching down, she applied the Hiraishin seal on the ground that Naruto had taught her as a result of her ability sometimes taking her away from her body. Smiling at the Zetsu she said, "Why tell you when I can show you?"
A red flash appeared behind her as Naruto teleported his team and the Kumo-nin into the castle. "I thought we were going to do this quietly."
"Sorry," Ino replied, "It sees we misread the situation slightly. It turns out somebody has replaced all the guards."
Naruto spotting the two identical beings understood what Ino was saying so replied, "I guess we can do this the noisy way then."
The castle shook causing Sasuke and his team to look around in surprise. A moment later Naho came charging in and sounding panicked said, "Lord Sasuke...have those other evil shinobi come looking for their comrade."
Suigetsu groaned as he complained, "Aw man, I though the whole point of staying here was so Kumo wouldn't find there jinchuriki."
"Kumo..." Naho said confused while directing her gaze to Sasuke, "Why would Kumo come looking for a missing-nin prowling near my home?"
Sasuke didn't even bother responding as he picked up his sword and slid it into his belt. Not bothering to put the Akatsuki robe back on he said, "Let's go."
He was stopped though as Naho grabbed his hand, when his cold gaze met her frightened light-brown eyes she said, "Lord Sasuke...I'm scared." Sasuke didn't bother to respond as he simply pulled his hand free of her grip.
About to call after him, she was pushed roughly to the side by Tamaki. "Get a clue why don't you."
Hearing another explosion that shook the castle and so very alone, Naho searched for a place to hide.
"Man, just how big is this place," Karui asked as Yugito led the Kumo team of her, Shii and Darui deeper into the castle lower levels. "If I was a Fire Country citizen I'd be pissed if this was where all my taxes went."
"You should see the villa of the Lightning Daimyo," Darui said having once attended a banquet there as a bodyguard for the Raikage. "If you think this is wasteful then how about an entire beach house for a stupid dog."
"You're just angry that dog peed on your leg," Shii said.
"Were you this focused when you thought Akatsuki had me?" Yugito asked with a shake of her head. "No wonder it was up to the Leaf to save me."
"The way I recall it they stumbled upon you," a smooth deep and supremely confident voice said causing all four Kumo-nin to stop. A spacial distortion formed before them as Tobi appeared. "But perhaps I misread the situation seeing as Konoha and Kumo seem to be working together here. It was quite accommodating of your villages to supply me with both the nine and two tails."
"Big words for a man that needed to pretend to be an idiot," Yugito replied referencing his time as the idiotic persona that he appeared to have discarded. Aware of what he wanted some to think of him as and wanting some confirmation as to why he had yet to reveal the name to the world said, "I'm thinking Tobi is a made up name, so why don't you tell us who you really are."
"All in good time my dear," Tobi replied amused. "It's not quite time for me to take the stage under my true name just yet."
Crossing her arms in front of her, she used her claw creation jutsu to elongate her fingernails. Charging forward she shouted, "I'm afraid you're going to be missing your curtain call."
Closing the distance between them blazingly quick she slashed out intending to open his stomach, but harmless passed right through him. "A futile effort," Tobi said spinning to grab the woman and spirit her away using his jutsu.
Yuugao though spun to face him and then flipped backwards her elongated toenail aimed to penetrate right under Tobi's masked chin. However again the attack harmless passed through him and after solidifying to grab the blonde woman was forced to teleport behind her as Darui used his Storm Release: Laser Circus attack. Tobi felt that he was safe since he had appeared between the kunoichi and Darui, but learned how wrong he was as all of the beams flew around her.
Barely able to activate his ability to have attacks to phase through him in time, he waited for the jutsu to end and as he became solid again said, "Impressive, but time is running out. Can you defeat me in time? I wonder."
The Kumo-nin tensed as they prepared to attack. Shii darted forward first and just before reaching Tobi began to emit a bright light as he shouted, "Lady Yugito go."
Yugito charged forward this time slashing at Tobi's throat but wasn't surprised when her attack passed through him harmlessly. Landing on the other side, she ran off to move deeper into the castle in order to free Bee.
"Take that moron," Karui shouted, "Lady Yugito is going to put a stop to your plans once and for all by stopping you from getting the eight-tails."
"I wonder," Tobi said before several massive shuriken appeared via his Kamui dojutsu. The Cloud-nin battered them away as he disappeared via the same technique only to reappear in front of Karui. She swung her blade at him which he easily caught before backhanding her away. Pulling the sword from her grip he held it in front of him as he said, "I think the rest of you will find getting passed me considerably harder than she did."
"Shit did he want to separate us," Darui asked himself internally as Shii helped Karui back to her feet. "What does he have up his sleeve that makes him so confident?"
Tenten spun around wielding the Blue Dragon that Naruto had given her for their two-month anniversary. Although she had yet to master the secrets of channeling her wind natured chakra through it, the sharp blade still easily passed through armor and torso of the Zetsu pretending to be a guard. Looking around she saw both Ino and Karin fighting several Zetsu that had ended the jutsu that made them appear human, although they still had on the armor the guards of the palace apparently wore. Karin was knocked backwards by one, who attempted to bury the sword it wielded into the kunoichi's skull. Before Tenten could summon a kunai, a senbon buried itself into the Zetsu's throat and from the weapon mistress's practiced eye she could tell it had with enough force and accuracy to penetrate the spine.
The Zetsu that Haku had just killed collapsed bonelessly which was an accurate statement for all of the Zetsu as the ones Tenten had already cut open didn't appear to actually have bones, but a solid plantlike substance almost like a rose stem. She guessed that was why some of them appeared so flexible although the core probably fulfilled the same roles bones would.
A pair of Zetsu leapt at her, causing Tenten to leap back as she sealed her polearm again. Using the other gift Naruto had given her, she activated the seals in the gloves that had been a part of her gift to reveal the twin Melk Blades that she kept sealed in the palms. She easily sliced through the wooden pole of the spear one of the Zetsu carried, as she parried the sword of the other. Pushing the sword wielding one back so that she had a clear shot at its torso she whirled around cutting it in half as she also used the other blade to remove the leg of the Zetsu whose spear she had destroyed. As the amputated Zetsu hit the ground she quickly sliced off its head.
Noticing that Konohamaru was missing, Tenten was about to ask if anyone knew where he had gone, but was forced to defend herself as a torrent of water flew into the grand hall where the battle to save Killer Bee had first started. Throwing her arms in front of her as she crossed her blades she was surprised as she heard the clang of metal as she was lifted off her feet. That was until a face and upper body appeared from it for her to see it was holding a massive blade. The white haired youth smiled at her as she hit a wall forcing her to use all her strength to keep the blade at bay.
"Do you mind if I cut in," the young man asked as he smiled revealing his sharpened teeth.
Tenten found the ability to speak hard as the man's arm grew twice as large but noticing that the blade was the Kubikiribōchō said, "Generally it's polite to ask before you do so." She noticed that the temperature of the room was growing noticeably cooler so added, "Sorry, it doesn't look like I'm going to be your dance partner in any case."
Suigetsu was force to leap away as a wave of ice spread towards him to freeze his legs to the ground. Landing to face the new threat, he watched as several Zetsu attacked the woman whose hands were pressed to the ground. Using the bare minimum amount of movement to avoid their attacks the masked woman easily retaliated with senbon that she buried in vital spots. As the Zetsu fell around her, she said in a voice of ice, "That blade belongs to Zabuza."
"Yeah well Zabuza's fucking dead. If he wants it back he can pry it from my cold dead hands."
"As you wish," Haku said charging at him almost faster than he could follow. Barely managing to avoid her, the man transformed into his water form and flew out of the room with an enraged kunoichi in pursuit. Suigetsu hoped he could make it to Sasuke before she caught up figuring that maybe now it would be a good time to break his ties with the Uchiha.
Ino watched as Haku darted off after the man that had attacked Tenten. She was about to inquire as to who the person had been, but a pleased sounding Karin said, "I wouldn't want to be in Suigetsu's shoes right now." Recognizing the name as one of the shinobi traveling with Sasuke, Ino felt a sense of dread that perhaps Naruto and Mikoto had missed him and that he was about to make an appearance. She calmed though as she realized if that was the case she could just call her lover back via the fox mark.
Ino's attention was pulled to the ceiling by the sound of what sounded like chimes. Looking up just as a woman let go of the chandelier she had been swinging on and was the source of the sound Ino had heard. The woman folded into a ball that before landing between Ino and Karin spread out with her legs kicking both women away. Ino rolled to her feet as Karin did likewise and both women sent the new arrival a glare.
"Scary," Tamaki said before dropping into a semi-crouch and holding her hands in front of her to reveal she wore gloves that were tipped with three inch long blades.
"I'm guessing you must be my replacement huh?" Karin said adjusting her glasses.
"More like an improvement," Tamaki countered.
Karin was about to fire back an insult but then a soft voice called, "Karin," causing the kunoichi to turn to it in surprise as it was softer than she remembered. Recognizing Juugo despite his apparent regression in age she asked, "Juugo!? What happened to you?"
"Why are you here Karin?" Juugo asked ignoring her question.
"Duh! Obviously she betrayed Sasuke and led these guys here," Tamaki said after avoiding a kick by Ino.
"Is this true?" Juugo asked, but when she didn't respond since she didn't want to provoke him he asked a second time his voice turning noticeable darker.
Aware he was about to likely go berserk she tried to calm him by saying, "Sasuke abandoned me remember. Juugo come with me to the Leaf. I'll see that you get the help you need. You're much to gentle a person to want to serve Sasuke."
"I'm Sasuke's shield," Juugo said his rage taking over. His arms turned black as several tubes shot from them burying into the Zetsu corpses littering the ground. Karin watched concerned as the corpses began to shrivel. She learned there was a good reason for it as Juugo regained his adult like form. His skin turned black as he lost control of his intellect and grinning evilly asked, "Who should I kill first? Red or Yellow."
Ino leapt to Karin's back as she avoided a swipe from Tamaki's claw to ask, "How much trouble are we in?"
"Tons," Karin replied as boosters formed from Juugo's back and he flew across the room towards them.
Yugito darted down a hallway that she could see would be opening up into a massive room. Able to see a blue light illuminating it she pushed herself harder and came to a skidding halt as she saw Kisame sitting cross-legged in front of a statue. Atop of the fingers of the statue stood nine white Zetsu along with a tenth black one and between them and Kisame floating in the air was Killer Bee.
Kisame smiled his shark-tooth grin as he got to his feet saying, "My what a surprise, we don't usually have guest during these ceremonies."
Guessing that the Zetsu were the ones performing the Jutsu and that Kisame was the one to make sure they were interrupted, the kunoichi tried to leap past him. However, Kisame simply spat up a wall of water that separated her from the statue. Stepping through the barrier, he said, "That was rather rude of you. Although given the circumstances I suppose I can understand."
Yugito hissed before firing a flame ball of hair which then took on the shape of a mouse that split into a dozen more. All of the flaming mice shot towards Kisame, who blocked them with his blade which absorbed the chakra. "Come on you better come with more than that if you want to get by me."
Yugito knew that Kisame was goading her into using big powerful chakra attacks that his blade could then devour. Dropping into a crouch she elongated her fingernails and toenails before charging the man that some called, "The Tailed-Beast Without A Tail."
Leaping the final distance she tried to slash at him with her foot, but Kisame blocked her attack with his blade. She leapt off of it before he could try to shred her foot, but as she was in midair he proved he was rather quick himself as he closed the distance and hit her in the side with it. He didn't try to shred her with it as he instead used it as a bludgeon to send her flying into the water-wall he had created. Yugito smashed into learning that the thing was a hard as steel as it offered no leeway.
Yugito didn't have any time to recover as Kisame placed Samehada on his back and completing several hand-signs shouted, "Water Style: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu." Several sharks made of the element he had described flew towards her forcing her to avoid them. The Jutsu hit the water-wall easily passing through before flying back around to make another pass.
Darting away from the wall, she found Kisame blocking her path as the sharks closed in from behind her. Cursing her situation she spun to use her Flaming Hairball Jutsu again which collided with the sharks causing them to erupt into steam. "Gotcha," Kisame said from behind her before creating a water prison around her. As she remained stationary at the center of the globe of water the missing-nin said, "Don't worry, I'm not going drown ya. We have to get that tailed beast out of you first."
"Too late," Yugito though with an internal smirk.
Although she hadn't wanted to channel into the power she had absorbed as a result of Yoruichi's leaving her Bijuu body. Her current situation demanded it so activating the Bijuu chakra she felt her body fill with power. The first sign of her activating it was her hair which despite the water caught fire in the same blue flames that would surround her in her Bijuu form. Her long ponytail split into two flaming ones as her skin appeared to turn blue but was actual a thin coating of the same blue flames.
Kisame watched as his water prison jutsu began to boil, before exploding into steam which scalded him as he leapt away a half second too late. As the evaporated water cleared, he saw Yugito staring at him with yellow glowing eyes as the blue flames obscured her body.
"Not bad," Kisame said feeling almost like he was becoming dehydrated by her presence at the heat rolling off her. "But no matter how hot those flames are they're made of chakra that I can absorb."
"Let's test that out," Yugito said rearing her leg back which she then kicked out at him. A wave of blue flame shot out of the wake of her kick which he was forced to block using Samehada due to the speed at which it traveled. Although his blade was able to absorb the blow it screeched in pain and almost became too hot to hold as if the chakra was burning it from the inside. Yugito then swiped with her hand causing several blades of flame to fly across the room at him, not sure if Shark Skin could handle absorbing another shot so soon he dodged out of the way and watched as the jutsu cut deep furrows into the wall where he had been standing. The stone oozed slightly as it melted due to heat of the jutsu.
He turned back to face the jinchuriki but momentarily lost sight of her as she seemed to flicker before appearing right in front of his face with her fist pulled back. She brought it forward and a massive explosion of flame incinerated him, or would have if he hadn't substituted himself with one of the white Zetsu.
Hating to admit it but in the confined space Kisame felt that if the kunoichi managed to get close again he'd be toast. He watched amazed as Yugito approached the water-wall and it seemed to shrink back as she stepped through it before closing behind her. Figuring he needed to buy more time he looked to the ceiling and knowing they were under the lake fired a shark bomb into it causing lake water to fill the room and wash over Yugito.
Haku chased after Suigetsu truly angry for one of the few times that she could remember. Able to sense that they were closing with Naruto and that likely meant her opponent was fleeing towards Sasuke. She created an Ice Mirror in front of the man which he smashed into. Stepping through it, she touched it and expanded it to cut off his avenue of escape.
"All I desire is the sword," Haku said closing with the former Mist Shinobi as he cleared the cobwebs from his head, "give it to me and I will let you flee. Zabuza would be ashamed to see it in the hands of a coward like you."
"You want the blade so badly bitch, then take it," Suigetsu shouted swinging at her midsection.
Haku nimbly leapt over the swing and landing behind the still sitting man kicked him in the side of the head. His head exploded into water as did the rest of his body which reformed with him holding the Kubikiribōchō above his head in an attempt to cleave her in half. Haku leapt back causing him to miss, but Suigetsu pressed his attack launching forward to stab her with it. Haku created another ice mirror that didn't even chip as the massive blade hit it. Appearing around the side of it she threw a pair of senbon which would have pierced his eyes, but harmlessly passed through his head as a result of his Hydrification technique.
"Nice try," Suigetsu shouted as he swung around increasing the strength of his arm causing it to enlarge.
Haku ducked beneath the blow and was surprised as it sliced through her ice mirror. His arm returned to normal as he brought the blade above his head to smash it down on the kunoichi with a two handed grip. But to his surprise instead of dodging Haku caught the blade on either side and easily held it in place. Beginning to pump up his arm again he paused as Haku said, "I believe you said I could have the sword if I took it out of your cold hands correct."
Suigetsu was about to ask her what she meant but didn't need to as he felt a bone chilling cold seep into him via the handle. Realizing that Haku was freezing the blade, he tried to pull free but his hands wouldn't open having already been frozen. Haku then pulled the blade back towards her causing Suigetsu's arms to break off where they had already been turned to ice. Smashing the handle on the ground to break the frozen appendages she tossed it into the air and catching the Kubikiribōchō by the handle stabbed it into Suigetsu's chest.
The white haired man froze solid in a matter of moments. Once the task was complete Haku twisted the blade causing the ice statue to shatter before fastening Kubikiribōchō to her back. Believing that once the water melted Suigetsu would recover, she decided to leave him as is since she moved to aid her fell Harem members confident Naruto could take care of himself.
Naho was crouched low in a closest as she hugged her knees; she had gone in search of some guards after Sasuke abandoned her only to find several dead. However, instead of the familiar faces she had known, they had all looked like the strange plant like man that would often report to Tobi as Sasuke had stayed there. Instinctually understanding that meant her guards had been killed and replaced she felt like such a fool for doubting Konohamaru's warnings.
Her breath caught in the back of her throat as two Zetsu entered the room she was hiding in. One of them asked, "Why are we wasting time looking for that girl?"
"Tobi, wants us to take her place," the other replied.
"Then why didn't we do that when we replaced the guards?"
"Because, what if she was called back to the capital? We'd have to act like her with people we never met before. At least with the chaos going on any change in her behavior could be attributed to stress of what she survived. Now shut up and help me look."
The two Zetsu tore apart the room, until one of them stepped before the closest trying to make herself invisible she tried to make herself as small as possible. Needless to say when the Zetsu threw open the door it didn't work. Pleased at its discovery is said, "There you are."
Reaching for her, she shouted, "Please somebody help."
"Rasengan," a voice shouted causing the Zetsu to spin in order to face the threat and received the already called out jutsu in its gut. The Zetsu flew backwards smashing through the wall of the closet causing light to spill in from the room beyond.
Naho looked up to see a pair of backs blocking her from the remaining Zetsu but instantly recognized the scarf wrapped around their throats. "Konohamaru," she called out happily unsure of which one she wanted to throw her arms around.
One of them charged the other Zetsu as Konohamaru grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. He then led her out the hole the Zetsu he had killed made. Entering the hallway he called back to her, "Stay close to me Naho. I won't let anything happen to you."
Looking at where his hand was wrapped around hers, she wasn't sure why her cheeks felt so warm considering how scared she was, but nevertheless said, "Please don't let go."
Konohamaru looked behind him giving her his best reassuring smile as he said, "I won't. I promise."
Ino winced sympathetically as one of the Zetsu she was controlling was smashed into and through a wall as a result of the rocket propelled punch of Juugo. The other one didn't fare any better as it was cut down the middle as its punch proved ineffective, but the monstrous man's reprisal wasn't due to his arm morphing into a large axe. His gaze fell on Ino causing her gulp since physical attacks didn't seem to bother him and she did not want to go crawling through his head. She received some help courtesy of Tenten as a volley of kunai with exploding tags hit him, but as she heard the roar that bellowed from the smoke doubted it did anything but piss him off.
A human projectile flew out of the smoke propelled by chakra which hit Tenten and sent her flying into a wall. Ino moved to help preparing to use her mind swap jutsu, but was saved the trouble as Haku appeared in front of Juugo. She used the Kubikiribōchō to block his arm which had again morphed into an axe. She appeared to be able to hold her own, until several tubes opened in his arm and chakra came spewing out. The boosters forced Haku and a recovered Tenten to leap away or be crushed beneath the blow.
Juugo appeared to have a hard time choosing which to follow so Ino decided to give him a new option by running and kicking him in the back of the head with both feet. Her attack succeeded in smashing Juugo's face into the wall that he had sent Tenten into. Ino leap away as he swung behind him.
A White Zetsu appeared behind her but was quickly eliminated by a kunai in one eye and a senbon in the other just before Haku and Tenten appeared next to her. Covered by her fellow kunoichi she spared a moment to check on Karin and was pleased to see that despite a few cuts and scrapes she appeared to be holding her own against Sasuke's new kunoichi.
Juugo turned to face Ino and the others his eyes glaring angrily forcing her to focus on the threat. But a light of sanity appeared in Juugo's face as the castle shook violently as a result of an explosion. Looking up to where it had come from, Juugo whispered, "Sasuke..." He then turned and smashed his hand into the wall darting off through the hole he had made. Tamaki after being on a rather brutal combo from Karin looked back at the noise in time to see her ally abandon her so quickly shunshined away.
Ino although confident that Naruto could handle himself was of the opinion that if Sasuke's allies were going to aid him, then Naruto's lovers were also so obligated charged through the hole followed by her fellow Harem members.
Naruto and Mikoto entered into a darkened room at the top of the castle. Feeling like a samurai about to confront some evil lord like in some of the movies he watched he just wished it wasn't Sasuke's voice that called out, "Naruto. I should have guessed you were the one making all that racket."
A pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness as Sasuke stepped into the light cast into the room from the hallway. His arm lazily resting on his blade he said, "I thought you'd be too busy training to become Hokage to continue chasing after me."
"Sasuke, it's time to come back now. If you don't the world is going to be coming after you, Tsunade can no longer ignore you crimes."
"My crimes..." Sasuke said softly before pulling his blade and pointing it at Naruto as he heatedly added, "And who's going to judge Konoha for its crimes in killing my clan. Or for forcing Itachi to be the one to do it."
"Nobody forced Itachi to do anything," Naruto replied hearing what he had feared most. "Itachi having experienced the horrors of the Third Shinobi War never wanted to see it happen in his own village that he loved. But the only thing he loved more than the village was you which is why..."
"Don't speak to me about Itachi," Sasuke shouted. "What would a bastard little orphan that never knew love understand about him?"
Naruto was about to reply just as angrily that he knew what love was thanks to his parents who sacrificed everything for him. But a soft voice calmed both their furies as Mikoto said, "Sasuke..."
Hearing his mother's voice Sasuke watched shocked as the Anbu behind Naruto stepped forward. She removed her mask, causing Sasuke's eyes to widen even further in disbelief. Almost fearing her to be a ghost of some sort Sasuke said, "Stay back."
Dropping the mask, Mikoto said, "Sasuke... please listen to your friend. It's because of him that you haven't been pursued as a missing-nin for this long. It's not too late for you." Mikoto looked back at Naruto as she was unsure of what else to say. Looking back she said, "He isn't wrong about your brother. Itachi loved the Leaf village and felt we were wrong to...urk."
"Mikoto!" Naruto shouted as a Chidori spear appeared from out of her back.
"And what about you mother," Sasuke said coldly holding the arm that he had channeled the jutsu that had stabbed her through the heart up. Ending the jutsu he watched her collapse as he said, "I've also heard about you. The apologetic bitch that betrayed her husband and led her clan to its destruction."
"Sasuke...I didn't mean for..." Mikoto whispered weakly.
It was drowned out by Naruto, who shouted in a full on rage which was mirrored by his mother's, "Sasuke!!!" His body was coated in the red chakra of the nine-tails as he formed a Vermillion Rasengan. Charging Sasuke he planned to smash it right into his friend's face. But Sasuke leapt back into the darkness and caught Naruto's wrist. He redirected the blow into the castle's wall blowing out a good chunk of the wall. Naruto stared in surprise which lasted until Sasuke pulled him off his feet and kicked him through the hold.
Turning to follow, he heard his mother weakly whisper, "Please...stop..."
Sasuke though ignored her leaping out after Naruto intent on hurting Konoha by killing the person it now saw as a hero.
Ino entered the room she had saw Juugo and Tamaki run into. At some point Juugo had returned to his human form and rather than fighting seemed keen on simply escaping. The Yamanaka caught sight of the two Taka members leaping through a massive hole in the wall. But she stopped cold in her tracks seeing the unmoving form of Mikoto.
Forgetting all about the two, she quickly ran to the woman as she immediately began trying to heal her after ascertaining her injuries. Haku, Tenten, and Karin appeared a moment later with the red-head taking a spot opposite Ino. The other two women took up guard positions just in case someone tried to attack the medics as they worked. With Karin's chakra Ino felt Mikoto responding to the treatments to repair her heart. But just as she was regaining some of her color she weakly tried to push their hands away as she whispered, "Please...just let me die...I'm so...worthless, I couldn't my baby...from himself..."
Hearing the sounds of battle outside Ino pushed Mikoto's hands away and said, "If you want to take your life after I've saved it... I won't stop you. But don't ever say your life is worthless. Do you hear that outside? That's the sound of someone fighting a person he once considered a friend, but likely can't anymore. The reason he can't is because he saw that friend just try to take someone that he values. If you still want to die...then I want you to look him in the eye when you explain why and then tell me you're worthless."
Mikoto began to cry as Karin and Ino did their best to fill the hole in her heart.
Tobi smirked beneath his mask at the harried states of the Kumo-nin he faced. He had heard the loud explosion behind him and ignored it figuring Kisame was resorting to his tendency to use large and flashy jutsu. However, as a wave of water rushed down the hall that Yugito had ran down he feared the former member of the Seven Swordsmen had gotten too carried away. Letting the wave pass through him as it swept the Cloud-nin away, he the teleported to the Gedo Mazo.
Appearing on its head, he had a hard time seeing anything as a result of the steam filling the room. But then a badly burned Kisame, who had merged with his blade Samehada, smash into the Statue's face to land in the palm of its hand. The steam cleared enough to reveal Yugito in some form Tobi never heard of her possessing as she remained untouched by the water filling the room.
Taking in Kisame's state, he cursed as he watched the jinchuriki crouch as if to attack him. Needing to get the statue out of danger he warped space around him taking it, the Zetsu, and Kisame to his base in the Mountains' Graveyard. Moving so much, such a great distance left him feeling drained. But wishing to collect Sasuke, he returned to the castle to learn of the Uchiha's fate.
Yugito glared at the spot the statue had been before ending her jutsu to move towards Killer Bee who had been left behind as a result of his not touching the statue as it warped away. Having to fight the water filling the room, she was just about to spin the face down body to make sure he was alright when it burst into smoke to reveal an octopus tentacle.
She stared at a moment in confusion before her eyes turned white in righteous fury upon understanding what had happened. Shouting to the heavens she said, "Bee, I'm going to fucking kill you!" A moment later another section of the ceiling gave way causing Yugito to be washed away as she planned all the horrible ways she would end Bee's life. But she had the feeling she would only get whatever the Raikage left behind after he killed Bee first.
Naruto tried to find his center but due to his mother's rage found it difficult. Hoping to calm her, he said, "Mom, please stop. I...I can't fight Sasuke like this. Killing him in a rage would be wrong."
"He hurt Miko," his mother replied in a cold fury. "He doesn't deserve any mercy."
"I know... But we should give it regardless. Please, help me."
He felt his mother's rage recede as instead he began to be filled with Natural Energy gathered by her. "Thanks, mom," he thought before opening his eyes to focus on what he was finding easier to think of as a former friend.
Sasuke noticing his yellow eyes asked, "Is this the power you used to beat Pain?"
"Why?" Naruto asked as Sasuke pulled his sword.
"Because it wouldn't mean anything if I killed you at anything less than full power," Sasuke answered confidently.
"You didn't kill me the last time we fought," Naruto stated calmly able to feel Mikoto's chakra growing stronger.
"I left you alive on a whim," Sasuke countered. "This time it'll be different."
"It will," Naruto said before flying across the water they were standing upon. He could see Sasuke's eye widened in surprise at the speed with which he closed the gap. He managed to get his head out of the way of the punch that Naruto threw, but was hit by the aura that followed. Sasuke skipped across the water like a thrown pebble, and just as he managed to get his feet under him was sent flying the opposite way as Naruto appeared behind him.
Sasuke recovered, in time to avoid the next blow, but folded around the kick Naruto delivered to his stomach. Sliding over the water, he wondered how it was Naruto was pounding so mercilessly. After he had defeated the blond at the Valley of the End he had left confident in his own superiority. Yet, as most people tended to do he had rewritten history to believe he had faced Naruto at his best. What he had failed to realize and was just beginning to was that the bond that Naruto had tried so hard to protect had also forced him to hold back as well. While threatening to bring a person back by breaking his bones was one thing, actually caring it out was another. Sasuke though, having desired to destroy that bond wasn't so hampered.
Understanding that he had likely now succeeded, his eyes opened wide as Naruto appeared before him in a red flash and delivered a crushing blow to his stomach that sent him hurtling to the lake's bottom. Able to see Naruto staring down at him and feeling the anger that being so easily manhandled caused within him he activated the Mangekyō Sharingan that he had awakened after learning the truth about Itachi from Tobi.
Upon doing so he spotted the seal that Naruto had applied to him when he had hit him the second time and ran his fingers through deep enough to draw blood to break up the symbol. Deciding Naruto had enjoyed his way long enough he propelled himself to the surface.
Naruto leapt away as the water exploded out from where Sasuke appeared. Pulling his sword, Sasuke laughed manically as he said, "Good! I was hoping you'd give me a fight."
Naruto felt a measure of concern as Sasuke focused on him and revealed his evolved Sharingan. The Jinchuriki felt a genjutsu being placed on him, but it faded as his mother disrupted his flow of chakra. Dodging out of the way of Sasuke's sword thrust, he could see the surprise at his genjutsu's failing. He leapt back as Sasuke swiped at him again, so reaching into his pouch pulled the chakra blades Shikamaru had given him. Channeling his chakra into them, the blond charged Sasuke throwing a punch of his own which the Uchiha avoided completely able to see the extended range of the blades.
Sasuke quickly closed the distance bringing his blade down in an attempt to cleave him from shoulder to hip. Naruto caught the blade on the edge of his, and then slammed his head into Sasuke's causing him to roll back. Feeling the bruise forming from where Naruto's headband had impacted Sasuke glared at him from a crouched position before shouting, "That's enough!"
Blood began leaking from his eye as the black flames of Amaterasu began to form on the spot of Naruto's chest he was focusing on. The jinchuriki quickly pulled a tri-prong kunai as he stashed one of his chakra blades. He threw the kunai away from him towards Sasuke. Teleporting to it after it had passed behind the Uchiha, he brought down the chakra blade he still wielded, but despite holding one hand to his eye, Sasuke managed to raise the other to parry the blow.
Sasuke lashed out with a kick that caught Naruto in the chest pushing him back as the Uchiha then quickly leapt away. Both combatants stared at each other hard, before Naruto's gaze softened slightly. A note of pleading entered his voice as he said, "Sasuke, please stop. The only place this path is going to lead you is to darkness and despair. Whatever crimes you can lay at Konoha's feet, it didn't give you the right to kill those Kumo-nin. Or, to sit back and do nothing as those white freaks killed the Daimyo's guards."
Sasuke's glare hardened as he said, "Yet you excuse what your precious village has done to my clan."
"Your clan was preparing to rebel and take over Konoha by force," Naruto said his calmness adding to the Uchiha's rage. "I can't say they were right. But neither can I say they were wrong. They did what they had to do to protect the village. Itachi felt the same..."
"Argh!" Sasuke screamed as his body was coated in a purple chakra that began to take the shape of a skeletal figure. "I told you not to speak of Itachi like you knew him. Your damn village's happiness was bought by Uchiha blood. A blood debt that I intend to see repaid in full. Staring with yours!"
The incomplete Susanoo raised a sword it held in its left arm which it attempted to bring down on Naruto. The Jinchuriki leapt back and holding his hand out began to form a Rasenshuriken. Staring at Sasuke, who was slowly approaching seeming unconcerned by the jutsu he had created he said, "Good-bye Sasuke," feeling a single tear leak out of his eye.
Naruto hurled the Rasenshuriken which Sasuke attempted to cut with Susanoo's sword. The two jutsu clashed, forcing Sasuke to try and hold the jutsu at bay having his jutsu add a second hand to the hilt of its blade. However, Naruto's jutsu continued to overpower him so when the Rasenshuriken hit he shouted, "Naruto!!!"
Sasuke's Sharingan couldn't keep up with the sheer number of attacks that began to chip away at his incomplete Susanoo. Eventually though it broke down in several places causing him to scream in pain as it felt like his very cells were ripped to shreds. Advertisements
Naruto lost sight of Sasuke in the aftermath of his jutsu as it released its power. When it ended a large crater appeared which soon filled with the water that had been pushed aside. As the lake settled down, he saw a body float to the surface and was surprised as Sasuke stared at him. Naruto noticed that the light of one of his eyes seemed to have faded as Sasuke raised a shaking hand as if to still strike him down. "T-this isn't over...I won't be finished by this."
Naruto wanted to tell him to just rest, but then a figure appeared just behind Sasuke. Tobi looking down at the beaten Uchiha and said, "What a waste." Picking Sasuke up and throwing him over his shoulder the masked man congratulated the blond, "You may have won this day. But as I told your father, sooner or later the power of the nine-tails will be mine."
"It'll never be yours," Naruto replied, "I'll always be there to stop you."
"We'll see," Tobi replied before warping away.
He glared at the spot for a moment before hearing, "Naruto!" He looked up to see Ino standing in the hole he had made waving happily. Feeling the anger he had for Tobi melting as a result of her bright smile he knew it wasn't a matter of if they would stop the masked man but when. Moving to check on Mikoto he felt saddened at the lost of his bond to Sasuke, but realized it would have been selfish to hold onto at the expense of his other ones. Glad he would be able to keep his promise to Sakura this time around. He began to worry about why Yugito was emitting such a murderous intent.
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