Escape From Konoha

Chapter 73: dawn

Konoha 40 years, April.

Miaomu Mountain.

The towering trees and the unbelievably large stone statues and mushrooms are the characteristic landscapes here.

The sound of frogs and insects is endless, giving people a strong sense of vitality.

"Little Water Gate, I'm going to tell you some things about immortality."

Immortal Fukasaku, one of the two great immortals of Miaomu Mountain, said seriously to the blond boy sitting in front of him.

The blond boy is the Konoha ninja Namikaze Minato.

As a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, he naturally signed a psychic contract with Miaomushan, and he could choose to practice immortal arts that are more powerful than ninjutsu in Miaomushan.

Minato had longed for immortality for a long time, so when he heard Immortal Fukasaku say this, his face was extremely solemn.


"The so-called immortal art is to combine the chakra that you have cultivated with the natural energy absorbed by the outside world to form a unique immortal art chakra system. Once the practice is successful, immortal art can be used for illusion, ninjutsu, and taijutsu. Carry out an increase of several times or even more than ten times. You should also know something about natural energy, right?"

"Yes, teacher Jiraiya has already told me about natural energy."

Watergate replied.

"That's good. If you want to practice immortality, you must learn to perceive natural energy. But don't underestimate the perception of natural energy. Some people can't reach the first stage of perceiving natural energy after ten years or decades. It is very difficult for you humans to perceive natural energies."

Immortal Fukasaku knew that Minato's talent was very high, but since ancient times, more than 95% of the humans who came to Miaomu Mountain to practice immortality ended in failure.

"That is to say, Shenzuo Immortal, Immortal Art is something that knows the method, and it is also difficult to practice, right?"

"That's right. So when you humans practice immortality in Miaomu Mountain, you will take some assistance. This is toad oil. If you apply it on your body, you can enhance your ability to perceive natural energy."

Immortal Fukasaku pointed to the oil pool next to him and said.

"I understand."

Minato couldn't wait to enter the cultivation stage of immortality.

"By the way, Immortal Shenzuo, where did Teacher Jiraiya go? After coming here, I didn't see anyone else."

Before learning the magic, Minato asked what he remembered.

"Xiao Zilai? He went to the eldest master."

Immortal Fukasaku answered Minato's question.

Compared with Minato, Jiraiya has been cultivating immortality for many years. However, due to the lack of effort when cultivating immortality and his limited talent, he is still in the initial stage where he can only perceive natural energy.

Even at this stage, Jiraiya's ability to perceive natural energy is not always effective.

To be honest, Immortal Fukasaku wanted to give up this stupid student, Jiraiya.

Fortunately, he accepted a more talented disciple. He believed that with Minato's talent, the success rate of cultivating immortality would be much higher than that of Master Jiraiya.

The most important thing is that Minato is a dedicated person, and he will never get lost in important cultivation.

"Is it the big toad fairy?"

Watergate looked at the shockingly large building in the distance.

His teacher Jirai was also there, communicating with the great toad immortal, the ruler of Miaomu Mountain.

"A few years ago, the eldest master made a prediction about the future of the ninja world, and Xiao Zilai also seemed full of confidence, but he actually became very impatient in his heart."

After all, it was a huge incident involving the entire ninja world, and Konoha naturally couldn't avoid that bad future. For Jiraiya, Konoha was a village that was more important than his own life and needed to be guarded.

He definitely wouldn't allow that to happen.

Immortal Shenzuo has lived for nearly a thousand years, and has long been open to world affairs.

Watergate wisely didn't ask what the prophecy was. For him, it was too early to know such a thing.

Even if he asked, Immortal Fukasaku would not necessarily answer him.

The purpose of his coming to Miaomu Mountain at this moment is just to get in touch with the first stage of immortal art and to prepare for the perfect immortal art in the future.

The country of rain.

The rain fell like a stream, covering up the hustle and bustle of the world.

A group of people walking in the rain curtain can only hear the sound of the torrential rain and the icy chill brought by the rain.

They passed by a long-ruined village and saw the bodies of many people on the side of the road.

There are men and women, old people and children waiting to be fed. They either starve to death or freeze to death.

A group of scrawny wild dogs gathered around and bit the corpses, then they whimpered a few times and fell down.

Why was this village destroyed and by whom?

This truth has long been unknown.

Because of this cruelty, it is staged every moment in the Land of Rain.

It may be a passing ninja from a great country, or a wandering ninja from outside, or a robber.

In short, there are too many possibilities.

If you really want to investigate the truth, you will get nothing more than these kinds of answers.

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a **** on earth..."

said one of them.

Passing through many places along the way, the only impression of this country is that the economy is depressed, internal chaos, bandits are rampant, and the people are displaced.

Desperate. cry.

pain. sad.

Just like an unstoppable virus, it rages freely within this country, mercilessly reaping people's lives.

"No way. Even if the war is six or seven years away from such a small country, it can't be recovered... Rather, after the war, the chaos has not diminished in the slightest."

"The 'little girl' oppressed by the big country, lingering on the ground with no clothes on her body..."

One of them gave a wry smile of lamentation.

Many years ago, he was also a member of this country.

To be honest, even as a former member of this country, he hated this country and the system here.

Every day there are people fighting, fighting, looting and dying here.

"By the way, what are the indicators we came here for?"


"Ah, that rookie organization that has recently become famous in the Land of Rain. I heard that they want to liberate the Land of Rain and achieve true peace."

One person expressed his appreciation.

"They are now ignorant bulls. Although they are young people with beautiful dreams, they underestimate the cruelty of this ninja world. But no matter what, their will is worthy of recognition, and their dreams are very good. Incorporate Akatsuki into our organization, this is the order given to us by the leader."

The leading ninja did not wear a forehead guard, but a pair of sharp eyes had penetrated the layers of rain and saw the person they were looking for not far away.

Crossing this dilapidated village like purgatory on earth, a few people walked towards the front, relying on a path built around the mountain, and strolled towards the bare mountain top.

They were wearing hoods tied with straw to shield them from the wind and rain, and they wore pale yellow hats, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"I found them."

"Hurry up and complete the task. The organization is in urgent need of fresh blood. After Akatsuki, there are others to recruit."

In the middle of the mountain, seven or eight people gathered together and rested in the cave.

They are an organization called 'Xiao'.

It was established in the Land of Rain two years ago. The ninjas in the organization are also ninjas from the Land of Rain, but they are not affiliated with the official Yuyin Village.

The members of this organization are mainly young people in their teens and twenties.

They freely talk about their beautiful dreams for the future in the organization. They want to change this crying country and bring real peace to this country.

But it is by no means a simple matter to end all kinds of turmoil in the country caused by war.

Even Hanzo in Yuyin Village doesn't have this ability.

Because the opening battlefield of the Second Ninja World War was set in the Land of Rain, the domestic economy has not recovered yet, but it is more serious than a few years ago.

Furthermore, they have to take into account the problems of life and solve the basic food and clothing.

They are determined to change the country, so they must set an example and not burn, kill, loot.

Therefore, we can only go to find the residents of the Land of Rain who need help. However, due to the domestic economic downturn, the remuneration given by those residents is very small, and sometimes the remuneration is only a few steamed buns.

But Akatsuki didn't reject it.

They always take the cheapest income and do the hardest work.

There is already too much darkness in this country, and it is good to bring a little warmth and light.

"Yahiko, we've run out of ammunition now, when will we have a mission?"

A member of Akatsuki cried miserably to the leader, a teenager named Yahiko.

"You people, listen carefully, so-called ninjas must not only learn to endure pain, but also be strong to endure hunger. What is mere hunger? Look at me, I don't feel hungry at all."

After speaking, the boy named Yahiko's stomach growled louder than the others.

Yahiko blushed suddenly.

The rest of the people laughed, and the somewhat miserable atmosphere was dispelled a lot.

It's not that they really can't hold on. After all, when Xiaochu was built, it was much more difficult than this predicament.

At least they still have a skill, they have a reputation, and they can help their country more.

One day, it will be rainy and sunny.

All of them believed that that day would come.

This country will be illuminated by light.

This belief has taught them to be strong and patient, and they will surely be able to resonate internationally and truly change this poor country.

Let the people here no longer be numb, no longer suffer, no longer cry.

Just hungry...

Immediately, the sound of stomach growling sounded up and down in the cave.

"Brother Yahiko is right, ninjas have to endure everything, so what's the point of being hungry!"


The rest of the people agreed, and they got along happily.

A cute girl with blue hair was holding origami while looking at the group of friends who were pretending to be smiling, and she also smiled.

Silently sitting in a remote location, the unattractive red-haired boy also smiled sincerely.

To change this country, and to bring true peace, is not only their dream, but also their life's mission.

No matter how poor or miserable this country is, it is still their motherland.

They will never abandon this country.

No matter how painful the day is, there will be a day when it will come to an end.

Just as they were joking, the sound of footsteps passed into the cave.

Akatsuki's ninjas all looked serious and looked at the entrance of the cave.

I was able to approach this place silently, but it was only discovered until now... No, it was deliberately exposed footsteps.

The comers are very powerful.

There were five people standing at the entrance of the cave.

Dressed in a rain-scented shroud and a wet bamboo hat, only his eyes were exposed, and he looked at Xiao Zhong Ninja in an extremely silent manner.

"Who are you?"

As the leader, Yahiko took the initiative to stand up and showed a hearty smile. It seemed that he was not hostile because of the strange aura on the five people.

"Are you the leader of Xiao?"

The leader of the five ninja asked softly.

He took off the hat from his head, revealing an unfamiliar male face, about thirty years old, with withered white hair.

"Yes. I am Akatsuki's leader, Yahiko."

Yahiko observed the white-haired ninja. He didn't have the slightest breath all over his body, and his strength was hidden very well.


"Nice to meet you."

The white-haired ninja smiled and extended his hand friendly.

Yahiko was stunned for a moment, then smiled and stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"Although it's a bit presumptuous, may I ask who you are..."

"Just call me Bug Man."

Insect man, such a strange name. Yahiko didn't know whether to complain or not.

"Did Mr. Bug Man come to us for something?"

"Yes, we want to get your power."

The bug man made his intentions clear directly, his eyes were very solemn, and he didn't hide it.

Yahiko and the rest of the Akatsuki were dumbfounded.

"You can say... you mean..."

A Xiao Ninja asked with a frown.

"The five of us belong to an organization. The leader of our organization is very interested in you Xiao after learning about some of the things you have done in the Land of Rain, so we invite you to join the organization."

After a brief silence, Yahiko shook his head and smiled politely: "Sorry, we have no intention of joining other organizations."

Akatsuki's other ninjas also nodded, agreeing with Yahiko's point of view.

As soon as they came up, they were asked to join an organization that did not know the details. No matter how you looked at it, things were full of abnormality.

"Don't you want to hear our conditions?"

Insect Man never thought of letting Xiao submit to him just by utterly speaking.


"Yes. The leader knows that you want to change this impoverished country. He will give you weapons and food, and even calm the chaos in this country."

"Then what do we need to pay?"

"Because the organization's base is not in the country of rain, after joining, you need to leave the country of rain temporarily, and come back at the right time to transform the country. At that time, you can mobilize the organization's armed forces, food, and even More resources. I can assure you of that."

Insect man has a business-like appearance, without the slightest personal emotion.

Just to express the original meaning of the order issued by their leader.

"As attractive as it is, please forgive us for saying no. We will not abandon this country."

Yahiko said so decisively.

"It's not to let you abandon the country of rain, but to let you go to our organization to learn advanced technology and important ideas, and then bring them back to change this poor country."

"That's the same as abandonment. Now is the time when the country needs us the most, and we won't leave."

After Yahiko finished speaking, he just stared at the bug man.

After being silent for a minute like this, the bug man gave a wry smile and sighed: "Okay, everyone has their own aspirations, we won't force it. These are regarded as greetings."

Saying that, he took out a scroll and put it on the ground.

"This is?"

"There are some food and winter supplies stored in it. I know you don't want to accept alms from others, but remember, this is not alms. It's not the public funds of our organization, it's my personal financial support to you."

Yahiko looked at the bug man in surprise.

The bug man looked at the torrential rain outside and sighed: "I used to be a member of this country, but I am also a member of the organization, so I can't be sentimental. So, this is not my charity to you, it is just a gift to you. My old country, a small reward."

The faces of Yahiko and the others moved slightly.

Yahiko stepped forward and said, "If that's the case, then join us, Akira, and let's change this country together."

After Yahiko finished saying these words, Insect Man and the other four looked at Yahiko, and their eyes revealed the meaning of rejection.

The bug man pondered for a while and said: "Although your dreams are good, I don't think you have the power to change this country. You haven't realized what the core of the matter is... Let's stop here. We should go too. Now, there are other tasks to do."

The bug man turned around and planned to leave.

"and many more!"

Yahiko stopped him.

"What else is there?"

"Who is your leader?"

Yahiko asked seriously.

The bug man paused, smiled and said, "The real name cannot be given. If you have a chance to meet our leader, you can just call him a 'doctor'."

After he finished speaking, he left here with his four companions, leaving behind the people of Akatsuki who looked astonished.


who is it?

In the ninja world, I have never heard of this character.

"Hide the code name?"

Yahiko touched his chin and thought.

Obviously, this is not a person's name, it's a code name used by one's own people.

Then, Yahiko picked up the scroll that Insect Man left behind, and the rest of the people also looked curious.

Then Yahiko unfolded the scroll and checked that there was no problem before unlocking the above technique.

They saw about a dozen heavy wooden boxes that were sealed up.

When he opened one of them, he was stunned by the fullness of food inside, and he began to swallow.

Not only food, but also a lot of medicines and sophisticated ninja tools.

For their Xiao, this is undoubtedly a help in the snow.

"Big Brother Yahiko, how do you distribute it?"

"Take part of it, and give the rest to those who can't afford to eat."

Yahiko also covets these grains, but there are more people who need these materials to survive this year.

The rest of the people have no objection. They are used to this kind of hard life. If it was for happiness, they would have left this country long ago and went to other countries to find a stable job. There is absolutely no problem with food and clothing.

After separating from Akatsuki, the five went down the mountain along the ring road.

The five people on the road remained silent. Although they had expected that the people from Akatsuki would most likely not join their organization, they still felt a lot of regrets.

They also want to change the country, but nothing can be done with blood alone.

Moreover, it is not enough to make this country peaceful.

Peace is only the foundation of development.

Akatsuki's power is too fragile.

I hope they were beaten to death by the hammer of reality, so they can understand this truth.

They have done their best to help here.

"They will distribute most of the supplies to the people of the Land of Rain."

One person broke the silence.

"Ah, a temporary charity can't change anything. After this year, what will they do next year? They haven't realized what they really need to change this country. Compared to checking the current country of rain. To fill the gaps, what they need is to sink their hearts to study and awaken the insensitive hearts of the people of the Land of Rain, rather than indulging in charity and compassion for a while.”

The bug man sighed and handed down a ruthless sentence.

"A country that lives on the mercy and charity of others cannot become prosperous and strong. It will only become weaker and weaker, and its people will become weaker and weaker. Now their vision, their limit, is here."

Several people walked and communicated at the same time.

Suddenly one of them stopped abruptly, stretched out his fist and directly smashed the rock wall next to him. With a scream, a strange humanoid creature whose whole body seemed to be covered with white paint was pulled from the wall by He pulled it out violently, choking him tightly.

"You bastard, you were able to find me—"

The white humanoid looked in amazement at the ninja who dragged himself out of the rock wall and strangled his throat like lightning.

Before he could finish speaking, there was a click, his throat was crushed, and he died.

"What's this?"

"Who knows, we've been monitoring us before... No, the guy monitoring Akatsuki is Akatsuki's enemy?"

The male ninja who dragged the white creature out of the rock wall was not quite sure of the identity of this strange humanoid.

"It looks like it doesn't look like a normal human being. It is a modified human being? It is very similar to some of the modified creatures of doctors, but this life force is much stronger than ordinary people, and it still remains in the body after death..."

The bug man squatted down, with a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.

"Take it back and show it to the doctor. He has always been interested in this kind of weird creature that seems to transform humans."

The bug man's opinion was nodded by the other four.

At this moment, the ground in front of him began to stand out. It was a bulge that looked like a human head, and a pair of black eyes that looked like black holes.

In the eyes of the black hole, there was a pale golden light that was not dazzling.

The sticky mouth and the head were made of mud, and a deep and deep sound came from the mouth.

The five people didn't show fear when they saw this even more bizarre clay creature, but knelt down on one knee and saluted the creature.

Its exposed head is just a part of a complete creature.

The bug man smiled and said to the clay man in front of him: "Long time no see, Your Excellency General Tu. Does the doctor have any new instructions?"

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