After an unknown amount of time, the clock on the wall pointed to 00:00.

A cold mechanical voice rang out in the ears of all the students simultaneously—— 

[00:00 am]

[Night-time Examination Starts]

[Countdown 3…… 2…… 1]

As soon as the ‘1’ word fell, the entire space seemed to be instantly distorted by a strong force, followed by the eerie ‘da da da’ sound of footsteps in the corridor, which became denser and closer, and finally stopped suddenly at the door of the ward! 

The door of the ward was open with a ‘creak’, a pair of earie white hands with only bones left slowly reached into the room.

Yue Xingwen sat up from the bed with a jerk, and his scalp almost burst——

There was even a night-time exam room? Letting them, a bunch of heart disease patients to immerse in a night-time thriller battle royale?!

Liu Zhaoqing’s bed was closer to the door of the room. His face suddenly changed after seeing this scene. A strong stride rushed over and a kick was flying to kick that white bone hard out of the door! He shut the door firmly behind him and pressed it against his shoulders, looking back to bed no. 17. “Xingwen!”

Yue Xingwen scurried over as well, looking serious, “Is it not a ghost?”

According to folklore, ‘Ghosts’ were human incarnations after death, belonging to creatures in another world that could not be touched or felt. Just now, Yue Xingwen heard the crisp ‘creak’ sound of the hand bone that was kicked by senior brother, so it was obviously not a ghost.

Liu Zhaoqing cursed with a calm expression, “Fuck! The library did not explain about martial arts! They make us, a bunch of heart disease patients, fight monsters in the middle of the night?! I don’t know what kind of monster it is, but the hand bones look quite human!”

Yue Xingwen had actually expected it—— the library gave them heart disease and then stimulated them in various ways. The key point of this class was actually the ‘psychological quality test’, where the timid students were estimated to die on the spot in the night exam room. 

There was a scream in the corridor while Yue Xingwen thought about this matter. The sound came from a female student, her voice was extremely high pitched, and the scream that went straight to their mind had alerted all the examinees in the ward.

The sound was followed by the grumpy senior brother from Physics Department, Zou Yuhang’s roar, “Fuck! What kind of monster is this?!”

Yue Xingwen immediately went to press the switch on the wall beside the door, and the lights in the room lit up for a while, followed by a ‘pop’ sound and the lights went off.

The lights around them were too dim to see anything. Liu Zhaoqing blocked the door with his body, and the things outside began to frantically bang the on the door, with a deafening loud sound of ‘bang bang’, even Liu Zhaoqing’s body was slightly shaken. 

Yue Xingwen stepped forward to hold the door with Liu Zhaoqing and said quickly, “When the lights were flashing earlier, I saw that the old grandfather in bed no. 15 wasn’t in his bed. So, I think there are probably only 10 of us students in the night exam room.”

Liu Zhaoqing also thought about this point. If this hideous monster really invaded the cardiovascular ward, it was estimated that all the elderly with heart disease would be scared to death, and the answer to the additional question was ‘scared to death by the monster’, and it would be too unreasonable.

In other words, they had to do the reasoning about the additional question during the day to find out the ‘the real cause of the death of the patients in the ward’ for this exam; For the night examination, the 10 of them was pulled into the ‘night ward’ and began a round of life-and-death battle royale?!

Liu Zhaoqing’s temples pulsate while he was thinking about this, and there was a sharp pain in his left chest. He immediately rubbed the location of his heart and gasped towards Yue Xingwen, “We could have a heart attack at any time, we have to be more careful.” 

Yue Xingwen was helpless. “Looks like it’s really an immersive experience of horror movies this time.” His heartbeat was also a little irregular, so he had to take a quick deep breath and try to adjust his emotions.

Lbkfnfg, jr rbbc jr atfrf kbgvr kfgf rqbxfc, atf atlcu atja tjv yffc yjculcu atf vbbg revvfcis rabqqfv. Ktf reggbecvlcur yfmjwf fzagfwfis delfa, jcv atf akb wfc kfgf kbcvfglcu ktfc j rtjgq tjcv ybcf revvfcis qbxfv j tbif atgbeut atf vbbg atf cfza wbwfca!

Po atfs tjv cba gfjmafv delmxis fcbeut ab vfoifma atflg tfjvr ja atja rqila rfmbcvr, atfs kbeiv tjnf jiwbra yffc qbxfv yilcv ys atja tjcv ybcf!

Liu Zhaoqing’s heart rate soared instantly. He hurriedly took a deep breath to stabilize his heartbeat, and whispered, “My God, is this broken door made of paper paste? Can it be pierced through with bare hands?!” 

The monster outside the door had a strong attack power, and continued to bang the door after the hand bones reached in, rather than taking the entire door down. Yue Xingwen’s face paled, “It looks like we can’t hide inside the room or we’ll be surrounded.”

The space in the room was narrow, and the windows were sealed. If a large number of monsters rushed in, the two of them would probably be overwhelmed by them. They looked at each other in the darkness, and they both understood what the other meant although they could not see each other’s expression.

Liu Zhaoqing took a deep breath. “Countdown from three to open the door and charge together!”

They counted 3, 2, 1 silently in their heart. 

At the moment when the countdown reached ‘1’, Liu Zhaoqing suddenly opened the door when the monster had just poked the door through a hole with its hand, and its hand bone was still stuck in the door. So, the monster was pulled into the room out of inertia as Liu Zhaoqing opened the door. No matter what this monster was, Yue Xingwen did not hesitate to summon the dictionary and greeted the monster with a brick on its head!

The monster was smashed by Yue Xingwen’s thick and heavy dictionary and fell on the ground with a loud bang.

Both of them hurriedly stepped on its corpse and rushed out.

Yue Xingwen focused his gaze at the monster—— The lights above their head were all off, and only the green fluorescent signs of the [Fire Exit] emitted a faint light throughout the corridor. There was no movement at the nurses’ station and the doctor’s duty room, and the other patients were gone, leaving only 10 of them, the university students. 

As the two went out, the other students also rushed out. The corridor was full of messy footsteps, combined with occasional foul-mouthed comments from the grumpy senior brother from Physics Deparment and the female students’ scream. Then, someone had taken something and was desperately slamming it back hard, and the sound of heavy objects hitting the wall was terrifying.

In the darkness, with only the glow of the words ‘Fire Exit’, it was impossible to tell who was a classmate and who was a monster!

In such a situation, the students’ attack skills could easily cause accidental injuries. Yue Xingwen immediately shouted in a loud voice, “Classmate Qu Weiwei from communication engineering, please put the 5G signal tower to the upper left of the rest area quickly, everyone run to the lower right of the nurses’ station!”

The clear voice that rang out in the darkness made everyone’s mind jolted—— 

The originally panicked and helpless students quickly calmed down. It was only then that everyone reacted to the fact that they were not alone in the night exam’s battle, there were plenty of classmates, and everyone could work together!

Qu Weiwei from the communication engineering major, immediately responded, “Got it!”

The coverage of the 5G signal was very wide. She used this tower to lure away the monkeys when she passed the <Escape From the Laboratory>, and Yue Xingwen remembered her skill—— Since the skill could lure away monkeys, it should also be able to lure away unknown monsters during this night.

Qu Weiwei quickly threw her 5G Signal Tower towards the upper left corner area. Sure enough, all the monsters were attracted to the signal tower and ran towards the upper left corner. Finally, the pressure in the corridor was suddenly reduced a lot. 

Yue Xingwen continued to shout, “Does the senior brother from the Physics Deparment know how to fix the electric circuit? The light bulb flickered just now, indicating that there was electricity in the ward.”

Zou Yuhang’s annoyed voice came from the darkness, “I can. I’ll go check the meter box, and I need everyone to cover me!”

All the students in the corridor started to run towards the nurses’ station in the lower right corner after hearing Yue Xingwen’s words, and the two female students followed suit after setting up the signal tower. Not long after, 10 university students gathered in the nurses’ station area.

In the darkness, someone stepped on a classmate’s foot and hastily apologized, but there was no time to argue about this matter now. Everyone here was a heart disease patient. Their faces were uglier than the other, the strenuous exercise and fright made everyone’s heart racing and they were out of breath while holding onto the nurses’ station counter and panting violently. 

A male student’s shaky voice came out of the darkness. “Is everything okay? I’m from bed no. 49, my name is Liu Yufan.” Like Ke Shaobin, he did not go to the discussion in the morning, and they did not know where this classmate was doing, but at this time he spoke up to ask.

“Everyone, please pay attention, my 5G signal tower can only be summoned for 15 seconds.” Qu Weiwei warned them.

Zhou Yuhang said, “I remember the location of the meter box in the ward, but I can’t see clearly without light, so how can I fix the electric circuit?”

“Classmate, let me help you. Everyone, close your eyes for 3 seconds.” After saying this, a blinding ball of light suddenly appeared in Liu Yufan’s raise right hand, and then he said, “I’m from the Physics Deparment, and the prop I’m holding is called ball of light.” 

The ball of light was indeed extremely blinding, but unfortunately, the visual range of the level one ball of light was too small to illuminate the entire ward. However, it was enough to illuminate a localized area of the meter box.

They did not open their eyes before the light energy weakened, and Zou Yuhang directly rolled up his sleeves to dismantle the meter box with his bare hands. He began to study the pile of messy red and blue wires, with Liu Yufan, who was also from the Physics Deparment, holding a ball of light next to him to help.

All of the students’ hearts around them were beating faster and faster. Qu Weiwei was nervous and her palms were sweating as she could see the countdown of her 5G signal tower’s existence, and there was only 6 seconds left. It was definitely not enough time for the two brothers of the department of physics to fix the meter box ah! What should they do?!

Yue Xingwen was also thinking about this, and he suddenly asked, “Classmate Liu Xiaoxiao, do you dare to lecture these monsters?” 

When her name was called, Liu Xiaoxiao could not help but be stunned. There was no way they could deal with the monsters without the light. If they ran away randomly, there was a high possibility of trampling and bumping into each other. So, they must have bought enough time to let the Physics Deparment’ brothers fix the meter box. Liu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and said, “I can lecture the monster for 15 seconds.”

Yue Xingwen walked to Liu Xiaoxiao’s side, and said with a gentle tone, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll cover you.”

Liu Xiaoxiao had been so scared that her face turned white, and for some reason, she suddenly was not so nervous after hearing this voice. She could lecture the crazy monkeys brazenly, what was she afraid of giving these monsters a lecture in the dark?! She nodded hard. “Okay, let’s go.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Senior brother, I’ll guard the left side, and I’ll leave the right side to you.” 

“No problem!” Liu Zhaoqing said straightforwardly.

Zou Yuhang from the Physics Deparment was repairing the electric circuit in a rush, his hands were trembling. However, after hearing Yue Xingwen’s calm voice, he also took a deep breath to calm himself down quickly and tried to speed up the fixing time as much as possible. Electric circuits were the foundation of physics, and fortunately he had learned the fundamentals fairly well.

The time passed minute by minute, and everyone could clearly hear their own violent heartbeat. The effects of their heart disease kept them from having too many emotional fluctuations, they had repeatedly taken a deep breath and forced themselves to stay calm.

Qu Weiwei’s voice was trembling as she reminded them, “My 5G signal tower has disappeared…” 

As the signal tower in the upper left corner disappeared, the eerie footsteps of ‘da da da’ once again sounded in the corridor, and the sound became closer and closer towards their side.

Liu Xiaoxiao and Yue Xingwen guarded the lower left corner. Liu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and started to read the lecture notes. The lecture notes from the normal university could force the surrounding monsters to stand as the punishment to listen to the lessons, but the <Primary Lecture Notes> could only be read for 15 seconds, and the range would be relatively close to the monster, which was quite dangerous.

Fortunately, there was Yue Xingwen’s protection, which made Liu Xiaoxiao’s courage a lot bigger. She read the lecture notes for more than 10 seconds, and at the moment she finished reading them, the lights in the entire ward suddenly lit up——

Senior brother Zou Yuhang had finally repaired the electric circuit! 

And so Liu Xiaoxiao and Yue Xingwen finally saw the situation in the ward——

There were countless monsters in the corridor, their legs and arms were only the eerie white bones, but on the contrary their torso was still good, and their faces could be seen clearly. Their faces were badly mutilated, and their ping-pong ball sized eyes protruded out of their eye sockets.

The moment the lights lit up, a monster exactly from one meter away chased Liu Xiaoxiao, and those protruding eyeballs went straight into Liu Xiaoxiao’s sight.

“Ah——” Liu Xiaoxiao was so scared that her heart almost stopped beating! 

Yue Xingwen’s scalp tingled as he summoned his dictionary almost subconsciously and smashed the monster from the air——

With a ‘bang’ sound, the dictionary flew over Liu Xiaoxiao’s head and hit the monster’s head precisely! The heavy dictionary smashed the monster’s head and made it dizzy to fall to the ground on all four.

Another monster came over, and Yue Xingwen hurriedly said, “Liu Xiaoxiao, run!” He let the female student withdraw first, and he threw the dictionary brick several times in a row from the rear, knocking several skeleton monsters chasing in the front row!

On the right side of the corridor, Liu Zhaoqing was cursing, “Fuck, this monster is even more disgusting than the mutated monkeys in the laboratory!” He cursed while shooting out the scalpel in his hand. Although the hit rates were not accurate enough, the speed in throwing out the scalpel was extremely fast. For a moment, the right side of the corridor was sealed off by Liu Zhaoqing’s flying scalpels, stabbing the monsters one by one, and piercing the eyeballs of several monsters. 

Zou Yuhang, who had finished repairing the electric circuit, looked back and suddenly his pupils were twitching, “ I fucking…”

He could not think of any other lines to curse the library. Other students also covered their mouths and resisted the urge to vomit on the spot.

The scene they saw after the lights were lit up was so disgusting that it was better not to see them clearly. Unfortunately, if they did not turn on the lights, everyone could not see where the monsters were, so they could accidentally injure their classmates, and they could not use their skills at all.

Liu Zhaoqing’s scalpel gradually became unable to control the situation, and he quickly retreated. Yue Xingwen also escorted Liu Xiaoxiao and ran back, and his gaze swept around, looked calmly at the short-haired female student with a terrified expression, and said, “Qin Lu, prepare for the plate movement.” 

Qin Lu from the Geography Department snapped back from her state of panic and hurriedly said, “Everyone gather around me, quick!”

When everyone heard the words, all of them stood around Qin Lu.

Qin Lu lifted her right hand slightly and a miniature blue globe appeared in her palm. Her fingers slid on the globe softly, followed by the female student’s clear voice ringing in everyone’s ears, “Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate, swapping plate!”

There was a sudden flash in front of everyone’s eyes. They had gathered at the nurses’ station in the lower right corner, but as a result, due to the ‘plate movement’, switching the two plates, they had switched places to the rest area in the upper left corner. 

At this moment, everyone just wanted to say: the Geography Department is awesome!

The students looked at Qin Lu in shock, followed by looking at Yue Xingwen in admiration.

In fact, he was the best student—— he was able to remember everyone’s name and skills. When everyone was nervous, confused and panicked, he was the first to stand up and made precise commands and deployments based on the cardiovascular ward’s terrain.

He asked the student from the Physics Department to repair the electric circuit, the student from the Communication Engineering to use a 5G signal tower to gather monsters, a student from Education major to stall the monster with lecture skill, and lastly student from Geography Department to teleport themselves with plate movement skill… 

After a series of operations, the electric in the ward was successfully switched on. The monster was lured to the lower right corner, far away from them.

10 university students successfully ran away without a scratch!

Was this the power of collaboration between different majors?

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