Isabella was such an unlucky person.

It’s been two years since she suddenly died and arrived in this strange world, but she never cried because it’s hard.

She was blinded by jealousy and cried tears only once in her life, but that fateful day, not one but two people caught her.

She needed to find a hole she could hide.

Isabella raised her hand to wipe away her tears and looked up at Prince Victor.

“I think there is something in my eyes. It hurts a lot.”

She didn’t want Duke Kyar to see her cry.

Prince Victor glanced at her and slowly nodded.

“I think there is something big in your eyes that empties your tear ducts. I can tell that you cried your eyes out.”

She was grateful for Prince Victor’s wit at this moment.

He also had a quick reaction time and good hand and feet coordination.

She shouldn’t be caught crying when she was too blinded by jealousy.

“Thank you, Prince Victor. I think I’m feeling better now.”

“Really? Then I’ll go in now, Isabella. It’s too cold in the north.”

Prince Victor wasn’t cold because he was in the north, but because of the cold air that Duke Kyar had emitted.

Perhaps, he didn’t like that she was in Prince Victor’s presence.

Still, Duke Kyar had never taken away the cold air around them.

“Isabella.” Duke Kyar called her coolly.

Isabella turned to him and asked calmly. “Yes. Do you have anything to say to me, Your Highness?”

“Why are you here with Raphael without even saying a word?”

“I took a walk in the garden alone because I had no appetite. I only ran into Prince Victor by chance. He was merely checking something that went into my eyes.”

She didn’t understand why she had to explain this to him.

Why was she jealous just because Duke Kyar had his attention on other women in the Dining Hall?

“Are your eyes alright, then?” He asked in concern.

Isabella exhaled a soft sigh. “Why would Your Highness worry about it?”

“Then who else would worry about you? Do you want others to worry about you and not me?”

She had no idea why the conversation felt so different.

“You don’t have to worry, Your Highness. I just don’t have an appetite. You aren’t aware that I didn’t go to the Dining Hall.”

“Yes. I’ve been distracted for a while.”

Isabella was speechless after Duke Kyar openly admitted that he was distracted by another woman.

“Yes, I can see that. That’s why I don’t want to disturb you.”


“I’m tired, Your Highness. I guess I’ll have to go in first.”

Isabella lowered her head and walked away from him.

But she couldn’t move any further when his hand held her arm.

“Are you sick?”

Isabella avoided his hand when he tried to reach for her forehead, and it stayed in mid-air.

“I’m not hurt. It’s just that I’m exhausted, Your Highness. I beg you to let go of my arm. Please.”

“You are acting strange today.” He murmured a sigh.

She didn’t want him to find out that she was jealous of him and Angela.

Isabella didn’t deserve to feel like this.

“It’s just that I’m exhausted, Your Highness. Nothing else.”

“All right. Go to your room and get some rest, Isabella. You aren’t going to remind me what day it is tomorrow, do you?” He stared at her expectantly.

It appeared like Duke Kyar was looking forward to his birthday, as well.

“Yes, I know what it is. Advance Happy Birthday, Your Highness.”

Her calm greeting made frown lines mar his forehead.

“That’s not the only thing that you wanted to tell me, right?”

“Is there someone else who wants me to congratulate  them?” She asked him.

He wore an inscrutable expression as he stared at her.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I mean… I’ll give you your birthday present tomorrow.”

“I see. Tell me if you are sick, Isabella. You are acting pretty strange today.”

Isabella smiled and nodded.

It was good to see him worried about her.

Another thought penetrated her mind.

Perhaps, Duke Kyar was merely curious about Angela because she was someone who resembled his mother .

Unfortunately, her expectation had shattered as soon as morning came.

Isabella, who carried a box of wish coupons and nutritional supplements early that morning, stood frozen on the spot when she visited Archduke Kyar’s bedroom.

Angela had worn an elegant dress while holding a present in her hand.

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