“Oh, I don’t know what he’s thinking.”

Before Isabella had her emotions figured out, Duke Kyar’s feelings for her were more prominent.

Now she couldn’t even guess what he was about.

“Isabella! What have you done to the author?”

Ignis, who had covered his eyes with his wings during her inner monologue, spread his wings wide.

Ignis nagged at her and flew to her side in an instant.

“You weren’t even in an official relationship yet, but you already kissed the Archduke? Your actions don’t make sense!”

“Even you can’t understand my actions, right?” Isabella agreed with him.

Ignis paused while looking at Isabella and stepped back.

“You are scary, Isabella!” His eyes became more like the author.

Isabella understood why Ignis had said that.

Her blue eyes were filled with desire when she glanced at the mirror on her desk.

Her kiss with Duke Kyar earlier must have caused it.

Everyone could tell how good it felt from the look on her face.

Isabella bit her nails again from the recollection.

She had to do something about her mouth if this sweet desire wouldn’t vanish.


Duke Kyar summoned Luches and Marc to his office while holding a bag full of gold coins.

“Give these coins to all the people who helped find Isabella today. Oh! And, tell the Head Knight that I will give him two days off, as well.”

“Is it a special vacation, Your Highness?” Luches asked in surprise, and  Duke Kyar nodded.

“Yes, I’ll be giving you a two-day vacation so that you can rest. If there’s anything you want to eat or do, tell me. If anyone wanted to use the Teleport Tower to see their family, tell them to use it for free. I will bear all of the cost.” Duke Kyar declared generously.

Luches and Marc’s eyes grew big at the same time.

“Well, are you sure about that, Your Highness? Can I go to the Capital to see my family?”

Luches asked, and Duke Kyar nodded.

Mark and Luches stared at him as if they wanted to ask why he was so cheerful and optimistic.

“Mark, if you want to go anywhere, feel free to do it.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Your Highness. I will always be by your side.”

Luches glanced at Marc in annoyance.

If Marc’s response sounded too loyal, was Luches even allowed to express his excitement on his special vacation?

“Then I’ll just stay here and–”

Luches’ lips trembled to form his attempt to lie.

Deep down, he didn’t want to waste the opportunity to have fun and relax.

“All right. I will allow you to enjoy your vacation in comfort.”

Nobody knew what was going on, but Duke Kyar seemed happy.

There was only one person who could make him feel that way.

“You must have something good going on,” Marc asked.

Duke of Kyar responded with a small smile but didn’t care to elaborate.

Then, they heard someone knock at the office door.

“Come on in.” Duke Kyar replied pleasantly, but it changed into a frown when he saw Prince Victor enter the office.

“We will go now, Your Highness.” Before Duke Kyar got offended by Prince Victor’s words and took all his promises back, Luches thought it was best to avoid listening to their discussion.

He quietly stabbed Marc’s side with his elbow.

Both of them bowed at Prince Victor and exited the office.

“Allen, you look well.”

“Well, I was feeling good until you showed up.”

“How cold. I didn’t tell Angela to do that to you. I had no idea that Angela was even wearing a wig. I had never seen her before, and like you, I just found out that it wasn’t the real color of her hair.”

“You haven’t seen your nephew ever? How is that even possible?” Archduke Kyar asked harshly.

Duke Victor smiled and said, “You know, I’m not particularly interested in my relatives. All I care about is you and her.”

His thick, dark eyebrows rose slightly when Prince Victor mentioned ‘her’.

“I don’t have to explain that she’s not Isabella.”

“I know it’s Ria, Raphael. I didn’t notice it immediately, but do you like her?”

“Allen, don’t tell me you have feelings for Ria, too?” Prince Victor asked warily.

Scowling, Duke Kyar showed his bracelet to Prince Victor, and the blue-green jewel shone instantly.

Duke Kyar looked away from the jewel to stare at Prince Victor.

The light from the blue-green jewel vanished immediately.

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