“I’m just a person who accidentally lives in this mountain.”

“Well, I’m not interested in who you are or where you are from. Don’t hang around here again. This place belongs to the Kyar family. It’s off-limits to you.” Duke Kyar said coolly.

Isabella looked perplexed.

She never thought that this mountain lake was the property of the Kyar Household.

He didn’t inform her of this before.

Well, he drank her love potion as soon as they met.

He even told her that he would give her everything she wanted.

Perhaps, that was why he didn’t think it was necessary to tell her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was private property.”

“I don’t need your apology. Just remove yourself immediately from the premises.”

He replied in coldly to shut her up and end the conversation.

Isabella nodded slowly and turned around.

She was fortunate that he didn’t pull out his sword.

There was no need to be upset by his cold attitude.

It was natural for him to react like this because he had lost his memory of her.

Knowing all that, Isabella strolled and comforted her aching heart.

She had no strength left, and her body reeled on its own.

Isabella thought it was okay now as long as she saw him alive.

That was enough.

Yet, on the contrary, Isabella’s blue eyes were filled with tears.

She wasn’t alright at all.

She wanted him to love her again as he did in the past.

Oh, how she missed him staring at her with eyes full of affection.

“You might think I don’t mean it, Isabella, but even if I met you without drinking the love potion, I would surely fall in love with you. I’m sure of that.’

Isabella lifted her hands to wipe the tears from her cheeks as she recalled what he had told her in the past.

She started clinging to that hope.

Now, it was her turn to approach him first.

To do that, she had to get into Rubella Castle to see him a little closer.

Isabella clenched her fist grimly.


Time flew by so fast.

Isabella tried hard to get into Rubella Castle for more than a year.

Still, all her efforts failed.



Isabella’s arrow went past the tree and hit the trunk.

Ignis exhaled a sigh as he watched Isabella.

He was enjoying his freedom while Ifrit was away.

Ignis liked to assume his original form as much as he could.

“Why don’t you walk straight along the easy path instead of going around it, Isabella? If you want to win the Archduke’s heart back, just feed him the love potion and be done with it,” Ignis grumbled.

It wasn’t like this strategy hadn’t crossed her mind before.

“I don’t like it, Ignis. I don’t want to start our story that way. You know I have tried the love potion myself. It’s too dangerous. I’ll never make that medicine again.”

Isabella replied sternly as she pulled the arrow out of the trunk.

“So you want to join the archery competition and enter Rubella Castle as a Knight?”

“I think it’s the only way to get closer to the Archduke. Everything else had failed.”

A heavy sigh came out of Isabella’s mouth.

All of her efforts to get into Rubella Castle came to mind.

She tried to get a job as an employee, but all positions were already full.

Nobody will have a chance to be accepted in the interview process without a letter of recommendation from a famous aristocrat.

She used to stay in Rubella Castle, but she never thought it would be so difficult to work there.

It occurred to her that all servants in Rubella Castle were the best.

However, it would take someone too long to leave the North and work at another aristocrat’s house instead of getting a job at Rubella Castle.

Duke Kyar came to the mountain for training once a month.

Isabella desired to peek at him behind a tree, but she couldn’t even bring herself to do it.

She hated thinking about it.

Like Seria, Isabella even tried fainting deliberately in front of the gates in Rubella Castle, but the gatekeepers showed little to no interest in her wellbeing.

Isabella had never felt so invisible in her life.

Perhaps, fainting will only suit the female protagonist and not her.

She realized it was useless when she fell down and almost stepped on a horse’s hoof.

The only strategy she had left was to win the archery competition hosted and enter as a Knight.

It was the only privilege given to the winner.

When she won first place in the archery competition in the past, she didn’t intend to work as a knight, so she gave up the privilege without thought.

But things have changed now.

Isabella could do anything if she could just approach the Archduke.

She was confident because she had already won the competition once.

Of course, the competition she had won before was not this one, but it was supposed to be the year after.

Still, she was confident that she was the best in archery compared to the rest.

“Oh, the bow is broken again. I’m going to the medicine shop and proceed to the weapons store afterward. Ignis, I’m going to the market. Tell me that when Ifrit comes.”

Isabella told Ignis while shaking off the dust in her hands.

If there was anything different from the first time she possessed Isabella’s body, it was the fact that she was already making money using the medicine she made.

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