At first sight, Prince Victor had fallen in love with Seria and accepted the engagement without further ado.

Then, she went straight to Arpeon and stayed with him.

“So, you decided to marry Prince Victor when you turned 18?” Isabella asked, surprised.

Seria replied with a shy smile. “Yes.”

Prince Victor had stolen this innocent maiden from under her nose!

How dare he marry Seria when she was ten years younger than her?

“Are you sure you won’t regret marrying Prince Victor?” Isabella clarified.

Seria nodded without hesitation.

“I feel safe around him,” Seria said.

A smile spread across Isabella’s face.

She knew how much Prince Victor loved Seria, and he would protect her at all costs.

“Prince Victor is a thief in the night! Bad! How could he marry someone ten years younger than him? Hmph!” Ignis shouted as he fluttered his annoying wings.

Even Ignis disapproved of Prince Victor for Seria.

He had turned into a small bird to get inside the cabin and eavesdrop on their conversation.

“I think Ignis is jealous,” Isabella whispered.

Seria burst into giggles.

“I still think it’s amazing you remembered me. How did you do it, Seria?”

She met quite a few people who worked in Rubella Castle during the archery competition, but no one remembered her.

How did Seria’s memories remain intact?

“Seria must have a strong spirit, too! Well, I already thought she wasn’t just a normal human being if she understood me!” Ignis said.

“True. Seria, have you signed any contracts with spirits before?”

“I don’t think so! I didn’t see her sign any contract, but I think she can see higher spirits if she chooses to!” Ignis explained.

Seria’s silver-grey eyes twinkled. “Really? Am I going to have a cute, friendly spirit like Ignis?”

“Allow me to clarify that I’m not cute but cool! Haven’t you witnessed my true form earlier? I don’t know if you’ll have another great spirit like me, but I’m sure you can sign any good spirit!”

“Yes, Seria. You should give it a try.”

“Yes, sister. I’ll give it a try later.”

Seria might have a new spirit with her the next time they meet.

It was unfortunate that Seria’s ability to see spirits wasn’t shown in the original novel.

“By the way, can I ask you a question?” Seria asked carefully as she looked at Isabella.

“Yes. Ask me anything.”

“How did you know I was the princess from the Lilith Kingdom?”

Isabella winced at the unexpected question.

She couldn’t admit that this was just a fictional world, for it might shock her.

Perhaps, she could use Prince Victor as an excuse.

“Before you arrived at Rubella Castle, I went to Arpeon with Duke Kyar and heard many people talking about you. The color of your hair and eyes was rare, so I saved you just in case. I met Prince Victor one time, and he recognized you at a glance. It convinced me that you are the princess of Lilith Kingdom.”

“You knew all that, but you didn’t send me back to my enemies. Sister, thank you very much for  believing in me even if I was rumored to have poisoned my younger brother, the crown prince.”

Isabella stared at Seria warmly and caressed her cheek.

“I don’t think you had it in you to do something that horrible, Seria.”

“Thank you, sister.”

Seria sounded emotional.

“Thank you for not forgetting to visit me like this.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner.”

Ignis sniffed as she regarded the two people in the warm atmosphere.

“Did you forget my existence? Why didn’t you say you wanted to see me as well?”

Ignis’ childish jealousy made Seria and Isabella laugh at the same time.

“But, sister. Can’t the Grand Duke really remember who you are?”

Isabella looked bitter at Seria’s question.

“Yes, the Grand Duke doesn’t remember the last three years at all.”

“That’s true. That’s the case with Prince Victor, too. So you’re just going to give up?”

“What do you mean ‘give up’? Isabella is trying so hard to get back into the castle! And, not too long ago, she joined an archery competition! Unfortunately, she failed to get in because she was second place!”

Ignis’ explanation drew a regretful sigh from Seria’s mouth.

“I thought about entering as a servant, but I couldn’t even get an interview without another aristocrat’s recommendation.”

“Oh, I heard from Prince Victor that Archduke Kyar is looking for an excellent pharmacist! I can ask Prince Victor to write a recommendation letter for you, so why don’t you go into Rubella Castle as a pharmacist? “I think your skills are enough.”

Isabella’s blue eyes widened at Seria’s brilliant suggestion.

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