“Alright. You should go in first if you care about the rumors. Leave this donkey here. I’ll take him to the stables.”

“Are you taking him to the stables, Your Highness?”

“Well, we just can’t put him anywhere.” Duke Kyar said curtly.

Still, Isabella was grateful for the Archduke’s concern.

“Thank you for accompanying me to the mountains and taking good care of Lucis, Your Highness. Thank you very much.”

Duke Kyar didn’t respond.

Did she just see him blush under the light of the full moon?

Isabella came down from Lucis’ back and stared at Duke Kyar with eyes full of affection.

“Then I’ll go in first.”

“All right, just get in there.”

Isabella curtsied before walking back toward Rubella Castle.

As Duke Kyar stared at her back, Lucis wheezed softly.

“Don’t worry. Your Mistress isn’t selling you to me.” Duke Kyar snapped.

Lucis stopped whining and went quiet.

“I think you’re more submissive than your Mistress.”

Duke Kyar was impressed by this old donkey’s intelligence.

Perhaps, this was why he offered to take the animal to the stables.

It was an impulsive decision that wasn’t like him.

Duke Kyar called the stable man at dawn, and he had glanced at the ugly donkey standing next to the Archduke in bewilderment.

“I’m sorry I called you out at dawn.”

“Oh, no, Your Highness. Are you leaving this donkey at the first section?”

The first section was a large stable where Duke Kyar’s best horses were deposited.

The groom couldn’t believe that the Archduke had left this ugly donkey in the stable, housing good-blooded, gallant, and spirited stallions.

His Highness’s mind was strange, but he didn’t dare comment.

As Duke Kyar’s hand swept the donkey’s back, he told the groom to take good care of it.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Was this donkey a good breed underneath the surface?


No matter how excellent a donkey’s breeding is, it is still a donkey, and it wouldn’t change.

The stable boy could stare blankly at Duke Kyar’s back.


After washing up in the bathroom, Duke Kyar glanced down at the blue medicine at the bedside table.

It was the potion Isabella left early this morning.

She told him that he could sleep well after drinking this.

The gorgeous blue color of the potion reminded him of Isabella’s eyes.

Those large and clear eyes were so expressive that he found it easy to read her emotions just by looking into them.

It was suffocating to see those eyes thinking of another man that wasn’t him.

As he shook his head to drive the jealous thoughts out of his mind, Duke Kyar reached out to pick up the potion right away.

Perhaps, this would help him not think about her anymore.

He swallowed the potion in one gulp, went to bed, and lay down.

Duke Kyar felt a little more relaxed, somehow.

He closed his eyes bit by bit and recalled the starry sky he saw with Isabella.

Climbing up and down the mountain until dawn made him exhausted.

Duke Kyar fell asleep immediately, and his breathing became regular.

He woke up, gasping, but no uncontrollable sobs came out of his mouth this time.

Instead, his heart pounded so fast.

He had a strange dream, and it was too vivid to be one.

Duke Kyar clutched his chest when he felt that the wound near his heart was too painful.

“What a crazy dream!”

He muttered to himself, chuckling.

He drank the love potion Isabella made in his dream and fell in love with her.

The cabin he saw last night and the noisy red bird were also there.

When he saw a particular scene where he had forced Isabella to take responsibility after accidentally giving him the love potion as he dragged her to his castle, he suddenly woke up.

He must be really crazy about her to dream about this.

The part about the love potion didn’t make sense at all.

Archduke Kyar saw himself in the dream but that person seemed to be crazy in love.

“What a madman!”

He shook his head as he saw himself saying that he would give Isabella whatever she wanted.

But why didn’t he burst into tears today?

Was the medicine working?

He frowned at the empty vial on the table.

The dream was strange and unpleasant but his mind didn’t feel any pain.

He was afraid that someone would steal that dream.

Did his love for Isabella grow to the point where he was having such strange dreams?

This feeling was bound to get more confusing because he had never felt a rational affinity for anyone in his  entire life.

Like this.

It was then that he heard someone opening the bedroom door.

When he turned his head towards it, he saw Isabella standing there, regarding him in surprise.

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