Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 72 Horror World, Horror People (Big Chapter For Subscription)

A large number of strange beasts are rushing out.

And this is not the end, it seems that because a large number of strange beasts rushed out, the size of the original crack expanded rapidly, and this caused more strange beasts to appear.


A huge sound suddenly resounded, and at the same time, the entire Demon City felt like the sky was shaking. Cracks appeared, and then expanded rapidly.


Some people even vaguely heard the sound of cracking, and at the same time, the chapped crack further expanded.


Like paper, the cracks suddenly expanded amidst the vibrations and cracks. Originally, the range was only a few meters wide and a few meters long, but it expanded to dozens of meters in an instant. At the same time, the scene on the other side of the crack became clearer.

The huge trees and the blue sky are so eye-catching, and it seems that the air is clearer, but at this moment, no one cares about these, because when the crack instantly grows bigger, an extremely terrifying breath flows directly from the crack. spread among them.


A huge sound sounded, it seemed to be the huge roar of some kind of wild beast, but it was just a roar, but it only directly set off the terrifying air pressure, and the air seemed to be completely torn apart.

A huge figure jumped out of the enlarged crack, and the black air gradually dissipated. Today, with the help of a little moonlight, one can even see the rise of this figure.

It was a huge lion, no, maybe it shouldn't be called a lion, because this lion was not only covered in flames, but also more than tens of meters tall. Such a body shape was beyond what a lion could describe. Horror, just standing upright, has already given people an unimaginable sense of oppression.

At this time, the Martial Master who blocked the mid-level Demonic Beasts was unable to intercept this one again, and finally let him rush out directly. The famous soldier had to face this mid-level Demonic Beasts in person in an instant.

Feeling the horror of the middle-grade Demonic Beasts and the strength they understood, all the soldiers present could not help but tremble.

10 However, it was only a trembling, and then he clenched a little bit more.

They are soldiers, they are soldiers, and it is their responsibility and their duty to defend their home and country. They must and can only stand here.

No one retreats, and no one wants to retreat. This is their way, and it is also their battlefield. Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return after death. Now that they are wearing military uniforms, everyone knows what they want to do.

Whether you are facing monsters or enemies, the result is the same.

Everyone already has the belief that they must die to defend their home and country.

Why fight now.


The officer rose up with the same trembling voice, announcing that the real battle had started at this moment.

The triggers were pulled one after another, and all the soldiers launched an attack at this moment. Among the countless flying snakes, they directly charged at the huge "lion".




The huge roar reverberated, it was the attack from the artillery regiment, one after another the large-caliber shells tilted at this moment, and all the fixed points were aimed at that monster


There was a huge roar, the huge body vibrated, the terrifying flames spread all over the body, and the bullets were directly vaporized by the high temperature. The huge "Lion" seemed to be enraged at this moment, and the figure directly moved towards the soldier who shot. After rushing over, the spreading high temperature can be clearly felt even if they are separated by hundreds of meters.

However, no one retreated, the rifles in their hands were still firing bullets, carrying out their attacks, and the shells were swaying.


With the sound of a huge explosion, this "lion" stopped moving. During the terrifying explosion, the flames around it were shaken, and a gap appeared, and the dense bullets immediately covered all the gaps. .

Although the power of the bullet is not enough to pierce the steel-like body, it was a bullet, and when countless bullets were thrown, the lion's body also began to bleed, which surprised it and also made it even more anger.


A huge roar rose again, the high temperature scorched the air, even the surrounding grass was instantly ignited, its body seemed to want to move again, but soon one after another shells covered its body again.

This time, when the power was tilted, the flames could no longer resist, and the huge "lion" fell to the ground dripping with blood, trying to stand up with difficulty, but it couldn't be done at all.

The "Lion" was knocked down, but everyone present was not happy at all, because at this moment the crack further expanded, if it was only tens of meters before, even if it is hundreds of meters now, and every second The number is increasing, and what is even more frightening is that more colossal creatures rushed out of these more shattered cracks.

Among them are creatures similar to the earth, and more of them are completely unknown, but without exception, these monsters all have an extremely terrifying aura, even the weakest one can definitely compare with the most ferocious creature on the earth Beasts are even more terrifying and powerful.

And when these monsters rushed out, they immediately stared at humans, and rushed towards them without the slightest hesitation. All kinds of beast roars filled the river for a while, and more than a hundred monsters began to charge, and each The seconds are increasing rapidly, and soon formed hundreds, and it seems that there is no intention of stopping at all.

It seems that when the cracks widen further, more monsters have begun to gather towards the earth, and the number is increasing.

The rifles were blowing fire snakes, the artillery regiment's bombing had not stopped from the beginning, and gradually the armored regiment joined them, and heavy bombs were dropped one after another on the roaring fighter planes at high altitude.

At this time, only the roaring sound is left in the ear, and monsters are lifted up by the explosion from time to time, but their number seems to be endless at all, and there is no fear at all. They didn't let their movements pause for the slightest, and they still swooped over.

The number has gradually increased from a few hundred to thousands, and the army's defense line is also in danger at this moment, especially when there are violent ripples in the air, flames, ice, lightning, land, and wind blades bloom in the defense line. Casualties also began to appear.

The sound of roaring, and the sound of exploding elements were mixed together, and there was also the sound of beast roars, but even if the defense line was torn apart, the voices of the soldiers on the battlefield still seemed so silent, no one spoke, and there was no sound. People choose to open their mouths, but only the commander's orders are issued one by one.

The sound of artillery fire resounded on the river bank, and the sound of terrifying explosions echoed throughout the sky. Amidst the power pouring out, the terrifying monsters showed no signs of diminishing at all.

In other words, the number at this moment is still increasing rapidly.

The cracks are also expanding rapidly.

"Ask for support, we need support."

There were hurried voices one after another, and the action continued. The army retreated again and again inevitably, and their defense line was already close to the city.


There was a light sound in the void, like a rag being torn.

A cold breath also spread in the whole world at this moment.


An incomparably huge head poked out, and the moment it appeared, the entire surrounding space collapsed violently, and the terrifying aura even made everyone's breathing stagnant at this moment.



Huge thunder flashed up, and thunder and lightning as thick as buckets flickered between the sky and the earth, because the entire sky and the earth couldn't bear these ten terrifying existences.

Thunder rumbled between the heaven and the earth, and pieces of lightning appeared, which was so shocking that it almost tore the sky and the earth apart.

At this moment, in the entire Demon City and the entire Yan Country, everyone could see the lightning flashing in the night sky and hear the low and terrifying thunder.

I don't know how many birds and beasts are fleeing in fear.

I don't know how many people were awakened, and they all looked at the thunder and lightning outside.

This moment really felt like the end.

The artillery fire has been resounding throughout the day, and it has never stopped at all.

Fights continued to break out.

Mowu's instructor leads the students to block the Demonic Beasts above the middle grade.

The army is to block the existence below the middle grade.

The two battlefields are constantly erupting.

And above the sky, the three Great Masters stood facing the seven-headed seventh-rank Demonic Beasts, and the void was almost blown up.

The three of them were trying their best to guide the war to the Demonic Beasts group. Every time after each other's aftermath, dozens of Demonic Beasts were instantly torn apart, which also reduced the pressure below.

And above.

Ah Xing still didn't make a move, his eyes looked forward.

His expression was calm and elegant, as if even being surrounded by seven top Demonic Beasts didn't shake him too much.

And this kind of elegance of his seems to have completely irritated the seven violent Demonic Beasts.

"Human, you are arrogant!"

The giant tiger roared out, stretched out its huge tiger paw, and instantly turned into a monstrous force and directly crushed A Xing.

At the same time, on the other side, several terrifying Demonic Beasts also started at the same time.

Although in their view, the person in front of them is destined to become their rations, but they also feel the strength of the person in front of them, so naturally they will not be negligent in the slightest.

"I originally wanted to give you a little time, but it seems that you don't need it for the time being."

Ah Xing's words were calm. At the next moment, the seven terrifying Demonic Beasts suddenly found that their own bodies could not move. A mighty breath spread to their bodies, and the space was completely blocked.

The tops of their heads dimmed.

When they raised their heads subconsciously, their pupils suddenly dilated.

The eyes of the beast were filled with horror.

Because the sky was filled with gold at some point, a terrifying sense of oppression was seeping down from the sky.

That, that is impressively a palm.

But this is a palm that covers the entire kilometer. 390 golden giant palms can be clearly seen even tens of thousands of meters away.

"God, miracle!"

"God, the gods have descended!"

"My God, what's that?"

There were exclamations of exclamation in the distance, and everyone looked at the giant palm in horror, and their thinking was completely stagnant.

At this moment in the headquarters, other people almost reacted in the same way.

"Gaopin Practitioner, he really is a god!"

The old man smiled wryly. At this moment, he remembered the content of the conversation with Huang Jing that day, and the terrifying existence that could resist the meteorite with his own strength.

Even though his mind is still unimaginable, all of this has obviously become a fact.

"It's time to end!"

The faint words spread throughout the entire demon capital, the Buddha light on Ah Xing's body illuminated the world, and some soldiers who had suffered losses recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye

And the giant palm is getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering the entire surrounding area completely.


The giant palm came down suddenly, and the sky seemed to be completely reversed.

The seven Grandmaster's Demonic Beasts barely had time to react, their bodies instantly shattered, turning into blood mist and splashing down into the sky, while below, the madly running Demonic Beasts had already stopped.

One by one, they prostrated themselves on the ground and shivered, and the boundless fear spread.

But it was obviously useless, the giant palms were still falling, and the bodies of Demonic Beasts below were constantly shattering.

Bapin, at this moment in this world, truly showed his strength and incomprehension.

If the seventh rank is Transcendent, and the beginning of immortal gods, then the eighth rank is the creation of the real Immortal, just like at this moment, facing the threat of the seventh rank, it is so easy for the eighth rank's Ah Xing to solve it.

Even if there is Buddha Palm's contribution and Ah Xing's specialness, such power is still enough to silence the world.

"Bang bang bang!


The bodies of one after another were shattering, the blood soaked the ground and spread in all directions, the artillery fire did not know when it stopped, and the five Demonic Beasts who were fighting with the three Great Masters did not know when they were completely deadlocked. There was infinite terror in those eyes.

They wanted to run, but the unimaginable coercion made it extremely difficult for them to even move.

(The third update, there will be more to follow, beg for support!!).

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