Eternal Burning

Chapter 116

Haven't you contacted your parents since the Chinese New Year? "

Well, there has been no time. "

After all, this Cold War has been going on for almost half a year. I also thought about breaking the deadlock, but I was afraid it would end in a tired quarrel again. Just dragging on day by day, I don't know when it will be a head.

Aren't you going to tell them the good news? "Shen Luoyu asked.

I didn't answer right away and stayed silent until the elevator reached the first floor.

Do you think they will care? "The elevator door opened, and Shen Luoyu and I went out together.

She turned her head back in surprise: of course they care what nonsense you are talking about. "

Seeing that I didn't speak, she continued: Uncle and aunt still care about you, Beibei. They may be stubborn and conservative in every way, but they still do things for your own good, and of course I know this kind of 'for you' kind of care is suffocating. But..." She paused for a while, and said deeply, there are not so many people in this world who care about our good or bad, and most of the relationships are cut off. There can be someone who thinks about you, even if you don't need it, even if it is Nosy, and I think it's sweet trouble too."

Sweet troubles? "I'm chewing these words, it's really hard to incorporate such an optimistic idea into myself.

Shen Luoyu said, "Look, there are people in this world who say that "even if the flood floods the sky after I die", and there are people like my mother who were unfounded and worried that I would be lonely and old in a hundred years. If you have a debate, then both sides have a lot of points to fight and criticize, but life is not a debate competition, so you have to score right or wrong, right? "

I nodded and told her: I got it, I'll call my mom after a while. "

Sometimes I am also very embarrassed, and I always let my aunts and the others be sandwiched between me and my parents, acting as our mediators and lubricants.

These words of Shen Luoyu are of course intended to reconcile me and my parents faster, but from my parents' point of view, they have indeed done what they can, and they have never treated me badly. Maybe I should really look at it with a more optimistic attitude. question.

When he got home, He Weizhou hadn't arrived yet. One day away, the power of the exoskeleton had bottomed out, so I took off the device to charge it and got back into the wheelchair.

I don't know if He Weizhou will stay for a long time. Just in case, I went to the kitchen to boil a pot of tea water.

There were still a lot of lights on in the opposite building at this time. The floor facing me, the windows of 1102 were completely dark, and it was impossible to tell whether Shang Muxiao was not at home or simply did not turn on the lights.

These days, when I see him, I will ask for the bank card number, but he always excuses it for various reasons, which once gave me the illusion of who owes whom."

I began to suspect that he wasn't really in a hurry to get my money back, he was just enjoying the teasing and embarrassment of me. Just like when he made a bet with Zhou Yanyi to chase me, the superficial reason is not important, the essence is to make fun of me.

Press the boil water button, and the doorbell rang at this time.

I ran to open the door, He Weizhou stood at the door and smiled at me.

Sorry to disturb you so late. "

Really disturbing. But he has come, and I am not good at chasing him.

No. Sit down for a while and I'll pour you a cup of tea. "

He Weizhou changed his shoes and went into the house, put the record on the coffee table, did not sit down, but followed me to the kitchen.

Did you go to the party tonight? "He was leaning against the door, as if he was talking to me at home.

I found the tea tin and said while waiting for the water to boil: I went to see my aunt. This time, unfortunately, the device is out of power. Next time I have a chance, I will show you how I am walking. "

After a long silence behind me, I looked back and saw that the other party was full of astonishment.

I thought he didn't understand and misunderstood what medical miracle had happened to me, so I quickly added: The mechanical exoskeleton, similar to a high-tech prosthesis, can last for 14 hours, so I can stop using a wheelchair during the day. "

He opened his mouth and put down his hands around his chest, looking a little caught off guard.

That...that's great. "He says.

I vaguely feel that he is a little strange, but I can't say why.

The hot water boiled quickly. After I made the tea, I turned around and was terrified by He Weizhou who came behind me at some point.

When his hands trembled, the tea spilled out, scalding his fingers. I gasped in pain, unable to hold the cup any longer, the whole cup of tea overturned, and most of the tea fell onto my lap, and the glass shattered on the ground.

what! Sorry, sorry, are you okay? "He Weizhou hurriedly grabbed a tissue and sucked the water off my pants for me.

Most of the hot water was splashed on the knees and flowed down the pants to the calves. Although I didn't feel it, with common sense, I should quickly lower the skin temperature now to prevent the heat from continuing to accumulate.

I'll do it myself. "Blocking his hand, I'm going to go to the bathroom to flush.

Let me handle it for you. "He Weizhou squatted down and couldn't help but say that he wanted to roll up my trouser legs.

Even when I was with Shang Muxiao, I didn't let him see these legs, let alone He Weizhou now.

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