Eternal Burning

Chapter 120

Mother Lu didn't know whether it was thinking of Lu Feiheng or Dad Lu, her eyes filled with infinite sadness.

I don't know when human beings will be able to solve all medical problems. I can't see this day. I hope you can. "

Lu Yue said with a smile: How advanced is medicine? I'm only twenty years away from you, you can't see it, and I certainly can't see it either. "

Mother Lu took me into the bedroom. The room was rather dim, and only a dim light was turned on.

Dad Lu was wearing a ventilator, with only a handful of bones left, with his eyes closed, he was half lying on the bed, breathing hard, completely exhausted.

These days he wakes up less and less. "Mother Lu said in a low voice, and gently pushed her husband beside her.

Dad Lu woke up leisurely, and it took a long time to recognize me when he saw me.

Arabidopsis? ' He held out his hand tremblingly.

I leaned over to him on crutches and grabbed his hand.


He didn't seem to be sober anymore. Although he recognized me, he had a confused sense of time. He asked me if I had graduated, and then asked me when Lu Feiheng would come back. He missed him.

I went to see Mama Lu, she shook her head and motioned me not to wake him up.

I could only hold the other's hand tighter and coaxed: Soon, he will be back soon. "

Mother Lu left the bedroom with red eyes, leaving the two of us alone to talk.

I sat on the stool beside the bed and put my crutches aside.

Your legs are fine. "After a while, Dad Lu seemed to regain his senses.

Well, I can walk now. "The last time I saw him, his hair was still very dark, his eyes were bright, he was strong, and he looked very healthy. Unlike now, his hair is white, the look in his eyes has disappeared, and he has lost his shape.

should have lived longer...

Intellectually, I know that I should respect the patient's choice and learn to let go, but emotionally, it's really hard to say goodbye in a smart way. Deep down, I even resented him for giving up the possibility of living so easily.

very nice. Feiheng will be very happy to know. "He seemed to see through my thoughts and comforted him, don't be sad, I'm just one step ahead of you, I...I will go to Feiheng, don't worry if you have him...he will take care of me."

He said a long sentence in one breath, and he panted harder and his voice was quieter, as if he had no extra strength to speak.

Hearing him mention Lu Feiheng, my eyes unknowingly flooded with enthusiasm, I nodded and said: Yes, Feiheng is very good at taking care of people, he will definitely be able to take good care of you. "

Did Lu Yue ask you to borrow money? ' he asked suddenly.

I opened my mouth, I didn't know how to answer. Lu Yue didn't tell her parents about borrowing money from me. When paying back the money, she didn't mention to her parents that the money was borrowed from me. She was afraid that the two old people would have a psychological burden. But obviously, Jiang is still old and hot, and Dad Lu guessed it.

Just borrowed a little. "I say.

She, how can I trouble you..."

I'm not afraid of trouble. "

He laughed: You're not afraid of trouble..." His eyes were half-closed as he spoke, and he looked like he would fall asleep again anytime, anywhere, do you have a girlfriend?"

Nope. "

Don't worry, you are still young... Take your time... You are so good, many people must like it. "

OK, I'm not in a hurry. "

Feiheng doesn't know when he will bring his girlfriend back, this kid is also popular..."

A smile condensed on his lips, and after a while, he became confused again.

...should be soon. "I followed his words.

Dad Lu was not very good, and he was not very awake. After saying a few more words, I saw that he was tired, so I took the initiative to end the topic, let him rest well, and then got up and went out of the house.

Mother Lu saw me coming out and greeted me to the table for dinner.

Let's go after dinner. "Speaking of which, she put a chopstick dish into my bowl, and finally came here."

I shook my head and declined her kindness: No, I have something to do this afternoon. "

Yang Haiyang still asked me to be the best man in this marriage. The wedding will be held next week, and I have to try on clothes in the afternoon. Besides, Dad Lu's physical condition is so poor that I can't keep bothering him. Mom Lu and the others are very tired of taking care of the patients. I don't want them to work hard to entertain me.

After dinner, you and I go in and see your uncle again. This time, there should be no next time. "Mother Lu said with a long sigh.

The atmosphere at the table was a bit dull because of Dad Lu's condition, it was just a simple conversation, not too deep. Lu Yue cooked all their local specialties, and they tasted very good. When she was leaving, Mother Lu gave me a big bag of local specialties and let me go home.

Make soup.

It was after four o'clock in the afternoon when I drove back to Qingwan. I hurriedly cooked myself a bowl of instant dumplings. After eating, I went to the dress shop that I had agreed with Yang Haiyang. Before going out, he suddenly received a call from Shang Muxiao.

Are you going to try on clothes today? "

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