Eternal Burning

Chapter 139

【I hope the people I love are happy, healthy, and love me. 】

Putting down the kitchen knife, I leaned on the cooking table and focused on replying to his news.

"If you wish the whole world to be happy", the person you love will also be happy, healthy, and love you as you wish, because if the other person is not like that, you will not be happy", you are not happy, Not everyone in the world is happy. 】

He sent a piggy laughing emoji.

[Then, I hope people all over the world are happy. 】

After eating, clean up the dishes, I said to Representative Xiao, "I want to go downstairs to throw the garbage, and talk to him later.

When he went downstairs with the kitchen waste, Shang Muxiao was walking the dog again.

After throwing away the trash, I took the initiative to walk to him, bent down and teased the dog.

I don't know how he feeds the dog, but in just a few months, the egg has grown like a puffed balloon, gaining a lot of weight, and his face has become more square and honest.

Are its legs all right? "The egg was just hopping around on the grass, and it didn't come down to the concrete floor. I tried to get it down by holding its front legs, but it resisted with its butt sticking out.

She's very squeamish, her legs can't touch anything hard, she hums when she touches it. "In order to prove his words, Shang Muxiao's shoe tip lightly kicked Egg's butt, and one of its hind legs stepped on the concrete floor.

Dan huáng was stunned for two seconds, as if his foot was cut by the hard and cold concrete, and he suddenly let out a miserable cry, which scared me to release it immediately.

Dan huáng hummed back to Shang Muxiao's feet and looked at me alertly through the gap between his legs.

..." No, just don't blame me.

I stood up embarrassedly, glanced at the night sky, and raised my mouth as if unintentionally: There seems to be a Lyra meteor shower tonight. "

Meteor swarms are formed from fragments of comets, and the timing of their appearance is also related to the comet's orbit. People will name each meteor shower according to the converging point where they collectively fall, the Leonid meteor shower with the spoke point in the Leo constellation, and the Perseid meteor shower with the spoke point in the Perseus constellation.

The appearance of meteor showers has a fixed period of time every year. January is the Quadrantid meteor shower, April is the Lyra meteor shower, and May is the Aquarius meteor shower. Large periodic meteor shower.

Um. Shouldn't be seen here. "Shang Muxiao, like me, looked up at the night sky above his head.

Due to light pollution, even on a clear night without clouds, it is difficult to see many stars in the sky with the naked eye.

Would you make a wish on a shooting star? "Shang Muxiao asked.

Honestly, no. This is just an astronomical phenomenon without any principles that are difficult to explain with modern science. It doesn't have magic, it doesn't help anyone.

meeting. "I say.

Shang Muxiao looked at me, looking a little unexpected.

I hope that my star can shine forever; I hope that his light can drive away all the darkness around me; I hope that he can always be with me; I hope... I can keep him away from harm. "I stared at him and said slowly.

He frowned slightly: You are not talking about the stars. Who are you talking about? "

Who am I talking about...who can I talk about?

Seeing his face getting darker and darker, I smiled and said: Lingling. "After speaking, he waved his hand at Dan huáng, who was huddled behind Shang Muxiao, and turned around and entered the building.

Chapter 61: You Can't Take Shortcuts

Brother North, big news! "Yu Xixi rushed into my office with inexplicable excitement on her face. I just came down from the Academic Affairs Office upstairs. Guess who I saw?"

After typing the last paragraph, I pulled the document to the front, and checked again for formatting and typos.

who? Is Habermas here? "It would be really big news if the most influential contemporary philosophical master could come to Qingwan University.

Yu Xixi instantly calmed down: Not really. "She glanced outside the door, bowed her body and said, Shang Lu is here."

Shanglu? "I was stunned for a moment, and I quickly figured out why he came here--Shang Muxiao is going to drop out of school, why does he have to come to school as a father.

Yu Xixi's face was full of intoxication: up close, he was tough and handsome, not like a man of fifty hair at all, but his demeanor was still the same. Sure enough, time has never defeated a beauty..." Halfway through, she suddenly woke up, patted her mouth, carefully observed my face and said, "Bei, brother Bei... shouldn't I ask him in front of you?"

Why? "Although I do get a little bit of a PTSD upset when I hear his name right now, I don't make a point of asking people not to talk about his name.

She thought about it and said, "Why is it also Shang Muxiao's father, how embarrassing is he talking?" "

Fortunately, I'm not embarrassed. "

She observed my expression and seemed to be carefully discerning whether I was really not embarrassed.

Just then, there was a light knock on the door, and I and I

Yu Xixi raised her head, turned her head, and looked over at the same time. When she saw Shang Lu appearing at the door of the office, Gu Du was stunned. Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, was mentioning him, he actually appeared.

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