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097 The blood of the long spear is scattered, and Nezha is in the sea with me! [6 more for full order follow-up! 】
There are many tricks to avoid the dizziness of Ning Hongye’s ultimate move.
If you want to play a game well, you need to study, especially for game anchors, if you want to achieve a certain achievement in a game, you need to understand not only the game mechanics, but also other aspects.
During Jiang Han’s first test, he discovered some small tricks, quite practical ones. Entering the purple grass and entering the lurking state can avoid Ning Hongye’s big move.
Jiang Han doesn’t know how many people know about this little trick, but not many people must know it, because no one is in actual combat, and after Ning Hongye activates the ultimate move, he still wants to hide in the grass.
However, sooner or later, some players will discover this little trick. Now that the game has just been beta tested, the number of players who will never end has not yet come up, so it is unlikely that they will know this little trick.
In the single row, in the actual combat of the three rows, the possibility of doing this is very low, unless you are specializing in how to target Ning Hongye, you have a chance to discover this little trick.
Seeing that Master Tianhai entered the purple grass and lurked in the purple grass one second before being dazed, the purple light linked to the eye of the yin god above his head disappeared directly, and countless people showed the color of consternation.
More than that, unbelievable and unbelievable.
Because they don’t know this little trick, including Dai Lao Liu, including those anchors who specialize in Ning Hongye, are also confused.
In the official live broadcast room, the scene seen from the perspective of God is even more incredible.
When I saw Hanjiang Guying lurking in the grass, it was obvious that the Eye of Yin Shen had lost its target, and the purple lines disappeared directly.
The first time the two commentators heard the sound of inhalation, both of them were stunned. “Can this work?”
30 “Am I being lonely and ignorant? It turns out that lurking can avoid Ning Hongye’s ultimate move?”
“I don’t know either. I know a lot of high-end Ning Hongye players, but none of them have said that they can restrain Ning Hongye so much.” “How did Hanjiang Guying know? Why does he know? ”
“If you ask me, I can only ask the audience and friends. Do you know this practical trick?” The number of barrages in the official live broadcast room more than doubled in an instant. “!!!!!!”
“My friends and I are all stunned!” “Fuck, is this weakening Ning Hongye in disguise?” “Is this still possible? Good guy! I’m a good guy!”
“I used to run away when I saw Ning Hongye opening up, because as long as I was stunned, I would have explained it, but now…” “I don’t know, if I knew I was still playing Ning Hongye?”
“I’m going, is this a bug? It’s definitely a bug!” The barrages in the live broadcast rooms of the major anchors all burst. “This works? This works! Can it be more outrageous??” “This is a BUG! This is definitely a BUG!”
“Can you still play like this? Learned, learned.”
Jiang Han’s fans all grinned. “Crazy!!!”
“The little babies who are new to the live broadcast room, you finally don’t have to learn it. (Damn)” “Watching Hanjiang Guying’s live broadcast, a little trick every day. (hehe)”
“How did Lao Han find out? It caused 10,000 points of damage to Ning Hongye! (Haha)”
Zhou Shuvi, Duan Xiaomei, PDD and others, as well as the other anchors of Bailiandong, looked stunned, especially Ning Hongye who used the eyes of yin gods.
The anchor was playing Ning Hongye. When he saw that his ultimate move had been avoided in this way, he suddenly felt that the sky in the entire Juku Prefecture was suddenly dark.
He is really going to cry!
“My Nima, how can I hide from the big move like this? Hanjiang Guying, I beg you to be a person.”
PDD and Da Sima looked at each other, then both fell silent.
They seem to have discovered the reason why Hanjiang Guying is so powerful through this.
One word: study.
“I’ve taken it, I, Liu, have taken it. No wonder he is so powerful.” PDD shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling even more regretful in his heart.
“One thing to say, just this little trick can make many players who are stuck in a certain rank rush to a new rank, but it is estimated that the Ning Hongye player will cry.” Da Sima shook his head and sighed.
Nan Bo’er heard the words: “The current version of Ning Hongye’s ultimate move can attack the enemy, which means that the enemy must get stuck into the purple grass, otherwise Ning Hongye can attack the grass.” It’s easy to say to high-end players, is this operation difficult?” PDD immediately asked back, Nan Boer stopped talking.
is it hard?
Not difficult! Diligent practice, for high-end players, the card is no problem. “Fuck! Ning Hongye’s ultimate move was just dodged?”
Dai Laoliu was just pulled up, and he was also shocked when he saw this scene.”This guy won’t be so boring, is he, to study how to evade the Yin God’s Eye?” “Hmph! So what if you hide, you’re going to die.” “Stop him, and he won’t be able to run away.”
The surrounding teams went straight to Master Tianhai again.
Outside the Celestial City.
Nan Feng’s team stopped at the mysterious merchant, and not far ahead was Bailian Cave.
On the map, there is no store between the two places, so they chose to replenish. “There is an earth talisman, do you want to buy it?”
Xiao Tuantuan’s loli voice sounded, and the dark tide coins on her body were still a little short, so she asked. “Buy, you give me the money and I will buy…”
Before Nan Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by the fox’s not too coquettish voice. The not too coquettish fox said in a deep voice, “Dai Laoliu and Hanjiang Guying solo, they lost.”
Nan Feng was slightly stunned and said: “Oh, I see, it seems that Hanjiang Guying still has strength, it seems that I really can’t take it lightly, but it is beyond my expectation that he hasn’t died yet.” to 15 seconds.”
The fox’s not too coquettish addition made Nan Feng silent. “Are you sure? 15 seconds?”
Nan Feng’s voice was low, and he asked slowly, his expression became much more serious.
“It took less than 15 seconds, and it was still in Sandstorm’s Wrath.” The fox’s not too coquettish words silenced the scene.
Xiao Tuantuan was overjoyed when she heard the words, but she knew she couldn’t express her happiness at this time.
“Dark tide coin, here you are.” After a long time, Xiao Tuantuan saw the dark area spreading from behind, and then said. “Um.”
Nan Feng took a deep breath, put the Earth Sha Talisman into the package, and went straight to Bailian Cave. “Hurry up and go, let’s go meet this guy for a while.” The fox and Xiao Tuantuan also followed.
Master Tianhai relied on his body skills and perfect use of the terrain to lead the four teams chasing from three directions behind him to the team where PDD was. “Fuck, what are you doing here with us!”
PDD was shocked, and hurriedly hid to the side: “Hurry up, run away from this guy.” Ji Canghai, Master Tianhai, and Hu Tao hurriedly fled in a certain direction.
“This guy really wants to drag everyone into trouble. He really wants his life.” Nan Bo’er was still surprised by Jiang Han’s behavior.
“Don’t talk about it, that guy has caught up. Fuck, old horse, you run, if you can’t do it, use your big move.” Amidst the exclamation of PDD, Jiang Han Feisuo hit Master Tianhai used by Da Sima, but just about to Following Feisuo Jianghan felt falling towards the ground
And go.
“It’s up to you where you go this time!”
Behind, there was an anchor’s roaring voice, it was Ning Hongye, he was so angry that his head hurt, he could imagine that in the only matchup, once he used his big move and there were purple grass nearby, he would definitely meet I have seen players who have done this, and there are definitely many times.
This strike, for Ning Hongye, hit a major artery.
Whoosh whoosh!
Several flying locks hit Master Tianhai who was lowering towards the ground.
Whoosh whoosh!
In the distance, several players took out their long-range weapons and dealt a crazy amount of damage to Jiang Han. The durability of the golden armor on Master Tianhai decreased at an extremely fast speed.
This scene once again made many people’s hearts tense.
be careful! Hanjiang Guying, be careful!
Jiang Han’s face changed slightly, and the golden armor lost three-quarters of its durability in an instant. In desperation, he could only hand over the golden bell cover.
If he doesn’t surrender, he can only surrender his big 203 moves to save his life, but before the melee is completely fought, surrendering his big moves can only become the target of all.
Jiang Han knew that as long as he turned into King Kong, the output of so many people would definitely not last for three seconds, and it was very possible to kneel down in one second.
Seeing Master Tianhai handing over the golden bell cover, the eyes of the anchors of the four teams flashed.
Master Tianhai is very difficult to kill in seconds. Without Ning Hongye, it is even more difficult to kill in seconds than Hu Tao, because of the golden bell cover.
Master Tianhai’s residual blood, even if there is only one-fifth of it left, he can survive by using the golden bell cover to increase his skills, and after shrinking, the blood volume is still full.
Simply, very perverted.
This is also an important reason why players who play Master Tianhai account for a large proportion.
This Nima has opened up a big move, not to mention one hit one, even one hit three opposites have to walk. Once they are clawed by the Buddha, their hands can basically stay away from the keyboard and mouse. “Hanjiang Guying’s F is handed in, let him go!” “Don’t give him a chance to make a big move, go!” Four teams of ten people, four of them rushed forward. “Die!”
The long sword in a Canaan’s hand flashed blue light, and a vertical sword aura flew out. He didn’t use the vertical sword aura because he was worried about accidental injury.
Of the four who caught up, only one was his teammate.
A vibration knife with a full level of proficiency!
The spear slashed and the blood fell!
In Master Tianhai’s hand, the golden spear swung across, and a bloody light appeared.
not good!
The faces of the other three who approached changed, but it was too late to escape. “die!”
The spear was like a dragon going out to sea, stabbing one of them.
Nezha Naohai accompanied me!
Crazy Wolf Raging Waves 1 – Nezha’s extreme intention to make trouble in the sea!
The spear was danced by Master Tianhai, involving all three of them, and an invincible golden light burst out from their bodies.
Jinba body, invincible state, any attack can not hurt!
6 more! There are 4 more! In the 10th update, the number of words must exceed 20,000, and it will be close to 25,000. Please order a full order! Everyone’s support is my best effort!
Awesome! ! ! ! .

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