Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1043: Messaging

King Meng has already estimated the strength of Snake Valley. Even if Snake Valley is strong, there is no way to resist the attack of this army. Even if it is resisted for a long time, the final result will not change. Throughout the Beast King's Court, there is no doubt that this is the egg hitting the stone, there is no other choice at all.

This is undoubtedly both hard and soft. Regardless of whether it is soft or hard, in order to achieve the purpose, it will be used without hesitation, even if it is threatening, there is no scruples. The Queen of Snakes may become the queen of the court of beasts of kings. That is only the future. Naturally, King Bemon Will is fundamental. The others can be set aside temporarily.

"You're threatening Ben, wouldn't you really think that it was the Serpent Terran, and I wouldn't strike you?"

After hearing the snake, there was a chill on his face, and he looked coldly at the elder with thin waist.

Obviously, such threatening words touched her heart.

"Of course not, this is not a threat, but a fact. Your wisdom should know this after the snake."

The elder with thin waist did not have any fear because of this, and still said calmly: "His Royal Highness King wants you to be very strong, even to say that, at all costs, I think you should understand in the heart after the snake."

Indeed, this is the fact, but the fact is a threat.

When the army is out, it is already a coercive approach.


After the snake was silent.

"As long as you promise, you do n’t have to move swords between each other, and the offer of your Highness is an astronomical figure. What I just said is just a part of it, and even there are even more precious strangeness in it. Bao, as long as you promise, these things can be immediately sent to Snake Valley and become your collection. "

The thin waist elder said again.

After the snake continued to silence, how could she not know about these. However, she was absolutely reluctant to let her surrender to King Beamon's barbarian, even more impossible.

"I came here this time, hoping to get a good result. I had no choice but to use the sword. This is a list of gifts. I think after you read it, there should be a decision."

The elder with thin waist stretched out his hand and took out a jade book, put it in front of the snake, immediately stood up, and continued: "Three days, you will have three days to consider after the snake. We will wait outside the snake valley. Hope , Then you can get results that please each other. "

After speaking, a little gift, this is a respect for the identity and blood of the Queen of Snakes.

The elder with thin waist left, and for her leaving, there was no obstruction behind the snake, and no other serpent warrior also obstructed, leaving her to leave Snake Valley easily.

Looking at her leaving figure, the face of the snake was always indifferent, and she could not see any expression.

"After the snake, what shall we do now."

A maid next to him asked, looking a little uneasy. To know. The pressure brought by the outside army is an invisible shackle to any soldier in Snake Valley.

"Colorful sky-scale clothing, there are such treasures."

After the snake reached out, took the list of jade books in her hand, and opened it.

On it, a strange treasure is presented directly in front of the eyes, showing colorful colors, and the scales are shining with brilliant light. This is a treasure clothing, which is composed of materials that are said to be colorful scales that swallow the sky python and have a strong defense force. Various magical spells, powers falling on them, will be naturally swallowed up by most of the power, and the remaining power, even the treasure, cannot be broken.

In the fight, it can be said to be an extremely precious hole card.

Not only is the defense strong, but it is also beautiful and exquisite. It has an irresistible temptation for female nuns. In particular, for the snake family, it has more powerful effects. The colorful swallowing python is the top of the python, and even the blood veins are inferior to the Medusa blood veins. They are extremely powerful aliens. Wearing on the body can make the blood of the snake tribe subtlely evolve and transform.

This is invisible, but it is enough to make a large number of snakes crazy.

"It seems that King Beamon really wants to get you after the snake, and such treasures can be taken out as a gift." The maid next to him couldn't help but marvel.

I have been waiting around the snake for a long time, and some words are not too taboo.

"Huh, no matter how precious the gift is, it's not rare afterwards." The Queen of the Snake just glanced away and looked away.

"Then what do we do now? Would you like to escape from Snake Valley in three days?" Said the maid, moaning.

"It's impossible, it's impossible to escape. Since King Bemon sent an army, then we definitely won't let us have the opportunity to escape." After the snake shook her head, she knew very well the influence of the beast king court, even if it was not in Orc tribes on the Beast Plain are equally affected by the court of the King of Beasts. Bimon itself is a royal family, and the establishment of Wang Ting is naturally a matter of applying all of his status to the extreme.

It was impossible to escape, otherwise, when King Bimen first proposed his marriage, he had already left.

"After the snake, it is better for you to leave alone. With your strength, no matter how strong the army outside is, it is impossible to catch you. As long as you leave the snake valley, King Bimen will naturally not be found."

The maid said.

She is very clear about the strength of the Queen of Snakes. If the Queen of Snakes wants to escape, it is impossible for the army outside to stop them. However, once the snake queen leaves, the integrated snake valley will endure the anger of the army of the beast king court. Maybe the entire snake valley will be completely slaughtered and the corpse will be swept across the wild. Blood flowed into the river.

If not, the Queen has already left.

"Don't be afraid, the Snake Valley is not something they can break through. The prohibition here, even if it is an orc army outside, don't even think about killing the Snake Valley without paying a painful price." After the snake said calmly, there is a prohibition in the snake valley, Has a powerful defensive formation enchantment. Strength is not weak.

"So, Xiao Bi, go and do something for me."

The snake said.

"Please command after the snake."

The maid next to it was Xiao Bi, and when he heard it, he agreed.

There was no resistance at all.

"I have a letter here. You go to the Dayi Dynasty as fast as possible. No matter what method you use, you must go to Dayi. When you see the King of Dayi, you will hand this letter to him."

After the snake groaned slightly, she finally spoke a word.

"Da Yi Dynasty, Yi King."

Xiaobi heard that she couldn't help but be shocked when she looked. Naturally, she could n’t be clear about Yi Tianxing. The name of the Dayi Dynasty is like a thunderbolt. The expansion of the Quartet was unstoppable everywhere. Today, the territory of Dayi has expanded greatly.

This kind of thing has long been spread among alien tribes, and almost no one knows it.

Human race, especially the Da Yi dynasty, is a forbidden place for foreigners, and it is easy to be inaccessible. The fairy city of Da Yi is even a restricted zone. In this case, if you want to go to Da Yi, and still To find Yi Tianxing, there is no doubt that this difficulty is not ordinary, and it is almost impossible to complete it.

An alien, ran to the Dayi Dynasty, wasn't this trying to die?

Xiao Bi is not afraid of death, but is afraid of being unable to complete the task given by the snake.

Even the immortal city couldn't get in, let alone to find the king of Yi.

"Don't worry, just say my name, then King Yi will definitely meet you," said the Queen after the snake calmly. When it comes to Yi Tianxing, a different kind of charm is revealed in the words. Emotions seem a bit wrong.

My mind suddenly appeared in the valley.

"But Snake Valley is already under siege. How can I go out?" Xiaobi heard, hesitated, and said.

"Don't worry, there will naturally be a way for you to go out."

The snake looked towards the void and said slowly.


At this moment, in a very secret place outside Snake Valley, there were several figures hiding in the ground, and they dug out a small space. In front of me, there is a circular light mirror ~ ~ In the light mirror, various pictures emerge, which are as lifelike as they can see with their own eyes, and they perfectly present the various pictures on the ground.

"What to do, how can these orcs appear here, and, at a glance, are the elite warriors in the orc race, and the tauren are with the werewolves. This is probably an orc army from the court of the king of beasts. Such an army, I am only I only saw it when King Bimen led the orc army to attack Xuanhuang City. Usually, they don't get along so well. It's strange not to hit each other when they meet together. "

"Yeah, it's too sudden. How could these army of the beast king court suddenly appear here, and they surrounded the Snake Valley faintly, all around was leaking, completely blocking the entrance and exit of the valley. Is it intended to start against the Snake Valley. There is another The team is smarter. What the **** is going on. "

"It doesn't make sense, it's weird that the army of King of Beasts appears here."

"Notify the boss that such a big thing is no longer something we can handle. Let the boss decide how to do it."

"Yes, the boss mentioned it before. This snake valley is extraordinary. We secretly sent us to stare at it. If there is any change, we must report it immediately. I thought it was a trivial matter. Now it seems that I have caught the big fish. . "

"Yeah, I was a bit depressed at the fact that there was no way to participate in the Da Yi expansion. Now it seems that we may also have great credit here. Staring at Snake Valley, there must be something extraordinary happening."

Look closely. Converging here is a group of natural disaster guards.

Among them are the original Tianchi Twelve Shakes, the Dog King, the husband singing, and the woman following. Dance by hand. These guys are the backbone of the Scourge Hall, and each of them is a master who can stand alone, but before that, the prince suddenly sent them here to make them stare at Snake Valley. Now it seems that there is really a big gain.

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