Eternal Country

Chapter 107: Talent

I had something to delay.

The lobby is very spacious.

It was originally used to discuss guests.

After Yi Yitianxing sat down on it, not long after, Wang Dahu had taken a group of mermaids into the lobby.

These are not only Qiu Weiming, Wang Fengshan, but also the Yang family. Jia Yucun, Cao Zhengchun. And there are still many people you don't know. Come to this lobby together.

"The old slave meets the lord."

After Zheng came in, Cao Zhengchun bowed down to Yi Tianxing first, performed a great gift, and looked respectfully.

"I didn't say that you came to Xuanhuang Village, that is a member of Xuanhuang Village, the people in the village. There is no need to be a slave." Yi Tianxing saw, frowning slightly, and said slowly. This Cao Zhengchun, he could not grasp the pulse. Although past history cannot be used as a guideline, it can be used as a reference. Cao Zhengchun's reputation is not very good.

However, his potential is really amazing, he has real Dan in his body. After rebuilding the Tiangong Tongzi Gong, he is extremely fast. In a short period of time, he has begun to impact the twelve seriousness, reaching the second level of Shenhai. At this rate, coupled with the refining of Zhendan, in a short time, the twelve canons will be completely broken through, and promotion to the third place of Shenhai is definitely not a problem.

I rebuilt again, and having such speed is simply a very natural thing.

"Since the old slave has swears to heaven, then she will be the servant of the protagonist for life. A touch of firmness. After getting up, he went directly to Yi Tianxing and stood behind him. Hold your hands and keep your head down. There is real energy rolling in the body, and it seems to just stand and enter the practice.

But his ears trembled, and he could see that he knew what was going on outside.

This is dual purpose.

Kill your eyes! !!

This destiny can split one's mind into two, use it with one heart, or even use it with one heart. It's like having more eyes than others. If it can be cultivated to the extreme, it can even transform.

Obviously, Cao Zhengchun has completely ironed himself, standing behind Yi Tianxing, lowering his head with a willing gesture to be a slave. Moreover, he has brought his identity into all his actions.

In this regard, Yi Tianxing saw that he could only shake his head slightly and did not discourage him.

Since Cao Zhengchun is really willing to be a slave and recognize him as the master, then what about accepting it? Originally, history was written by the victors, eunuchs, could not interfere with the records of the historical records. Hands. No one knows the true nature. What's more, this is a new world. Everyone is like a new born and can start a new life. Anyone can choose a new beginning.

Since Cao Zhengchun is willing to admit the Lord, Yi Tianxing can't stop it. There are really other thoughts that have been there for a long time and can be seen naturally.

As for Cao Zhengchun's choice, the eyes of many people in the lobby have changed slightly.

Cao Zhengchun is not an ordinary generation. After entering Xuanhuang Village, the exposed human feelings are quite amazing. It is very kind to everyone. In the shortest time, I learned most of the things in Xuanhuang Village.

People like this used to be personal.

Xun was willing to recognize the Lord as a slave, and even Huang Chengyan felt hesitant for a while, turning his eyes on Cao Zhengchun, but he didn't care. Sincerely confess the Lord, that is a good helper for Yi Tianxing.

However, now that Yi Tianxing accepts it by default, after that, the attitude towards Cao Zhengchun needs to be carefully paid attention to.

"Well, this is the first time that some people have met. Let us introduce each other. In the future, they will be the backbone of Xuanhuang Village. They are talents. As long as they have talent, I dare to reuse them. As long as they have talent, I will I will give you unexpected benefits and status. "Yi Tianxing looked at the crowd gathered below, and many of them were people who met for the first time.

There are people, craftsmen in various costumes, etc.

Some know, some don't.

But if you can be brought here, it must be someone who has the skills.

There are already tens of thousands of people in Huangxuanhuang Village. The chances of talent appearing inside are naturally higher. All that is gathered here is part of it. And they were all the first villagers of Xuanhuang Village. Of course, there were also some rescued from the ogre camp.

"The village head, my name is Hu Bin. I am a carpenter, and my family is an ancestral carpenter craftsman. Whether it is building a house, making furniture, various wooden tools, as small as carving a dragon and painting a phoenix, I can count as a master. The handsome young man came out. The appearance is not outstanding, with calluses on both hands. When talking about woodworking, the confidence on his face can be seen at a glance.

"Well, yes, Hu Bin's woodworking skills are very exquisite. He has unique insights and experience in building various buildings. Many of the houses, wooden walls, and various woodworking items in our village were built by him. However, he has been immersed in work, saying that the protagonist took the soldiers to kill him with blood, and he will help the protagonist to build a home with the soldiers. "Huang Chengyan nodded and said something. Obviously, I know something about Hu Bin.

恩 "Well !!! Well, Xuanhuang Village just needs more pragmatic people to become better and more perfect." Yi Tianxing nodded secretly. This is the disposition of the descendants of Yanhuang. Some people with unique skills are always so diligent in studying their own skills.

I put one mind on craftsmanship, but not much thought on others.

"Village chief, my name is Iron Cow, and I am a famous blacksmith. I will build all kinds of weapons, farm tools, knives. I used to be a blacksmith in the army, and build weapons and armor for soldiers. Heirloom craftsmanship, I will build a hundred weapons. I can build most of the weapons. However, I need a lot of pig iron, and there is too little pig iron in the village. Otherwise, I can build a good weapon. "

Iron cow said with a sigh of sigh. His body looks extremely burly and strong. Like a calf, his muscles are shaking, very strong and full of strength. It was just a little black and red, and it was baked at high temperature.

"Well, good !!!" Yi Tianxing gave him a deep look and nodded.

"The village chief, my name is Zhu Dachang, and I am a hoemaker. As long as I have bamboo, I can make all kinds of bamboo objects."

"Village chief, my name is Li An. I can make paper. My family is an ancestral paper mill. My family uses only the finest materials. After a series of procedures, we can produce a batch of fine white paper. Before They are used by noble officials. They are painted and painted by Dan Qing. As long as there are enough people, I can start papermaking again and make a lot of white paper. "A middle-aged man stepped forward and said. He has absolute confidence in making paper. The white paper he made was of the highest quality.

Moreover, he will also make a secret paper making method, which can make a truly flawless white paper.

"You know how to make paper, good." Yi Tianxing heard, his eyes couldn't help it.

From the perspective of Xun, this Xuanhuang Village is really full of talents, but it has not been excavated before. Once excavated. Naturally, many neglected talents can be discovered.

The importance of paper is undoubted. It plays an extremely important role in the development of human civilization. Without paper, the spread of civilization, the continuation of knowledge, I do not know how many times it will be slower.

"My name is Liu Xuan. I have a good reputation for being a scholar. I have asked four books and five sutras, and the saints' classics are well-known in my heart." A middle-aged man wearing a shabby robe, but quite well-formed, said. It can be seen from his face that he must have weathered the wind and frost before, and that he has experienced a lot of warmth and coldness. The human being is not high, but there is still a trace of strength.

"Village chief, my name is Zhang Yue. I used to be a head catcher, except for a superficial martial art, I couldn't do anything about it." A middle-aged man with a burly, rough-faced but bright-looking man came forward with his fists and said.

There are still many people talking about it, including chef Lai He.

With some introductions, Yi Tianxing also got a general understanding of the people in the lobby today. Nodded secretly in the heart, with these people in there, a simple framework can be built at least, so that no one is available. After all, there is still a lack of talent.

"Please come here this time because the population in our Xuanhuang Village has been increasing. The scale of tens of thousands of people has exceeded the scope of ordinary villages and can be comparable to some towns. It can no longer be the same as before. and so"

Sui Yitianxing paused for a moment ~ ~ and glanced at the faces of the people below, slowly said: "I plan to open the government !!!

"In Xuanhuang Village, set up a preliminary management organization. It is used to manage various matters in the village."

As soon as this word came out, suddenly, many people in the lobby's eyes lit up involuntarily, and immediately felt that this was an opportunity, an unprecedented opportunity. Once they can enter it, Xuanhuang Village develops after that, they are the veterans,

Status and status will change dramatically.

Suddenly his heart became hot.

Moreover, they all felt that they really had a chance. This world is a new beginning, and there is no insurmountable class and identity gap. As long as they have the ability, everyone has the opportunity. This is definitely the best time. Everyone has a chance to stand out.

Xun, especially in Xuanhuang Village, is cultivated by everyone. This is doomed to be an ordinary village. Once developed, their future will reach unimaginable levels.

As long as I think, a fire is burning in my heart.

"I had a careful discussion with Huang Lao last night, and finally identified a few major organizations. Let's manage Xuanhuang Village together."

Qi Yitianxing didn't care how they reacted. Now it is the establishment of the government to determine the specific department. It is irrelevant to determine the functions of the major departments, as to who enters which department.

I have a saying that is good: iron camp, running soldiers. To be continued.

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