Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: Offering heaven

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This is the magic of Shouzhu, but in general, Shouzhu has the effect only when it is eaten for the first time. Any shouzhu has a limit. There is a limit to the total number of Shouyuan that can be increased by the same shoujian. At a certain level, it cannot be increased.

Yi Tianxing's pseudo-life wheel can reach blue, because the Shouzhu Xiantao King, which was eaten on the battlefield of gods and demons, increased one thousand years by one. This ten thousand year longevity is also its own longevity.

It can be said that he now has 20,000 years of Shou Yuan.

This is more than twice the life of a normal Yuan Shenjing monk. It is conceivable how great an advantage this is. Inestimable. Shou Yuan, to some extent, is a kind of background.

However, it is not very useful now.

Its fundamental role is that when its own natal wheel is about to break, the pseudo-wheel will directly merge into the natal wheel, and then the natal wheel will instantly recover. This is called living the second life.

"My deity, you are assured that you have me in this promotion, and that you have also been promoted to Yuanshen Realm. The" Tiandi Royal Dragon Scripture "you cultivated is the Supreme Scripture, which controls all kinds of things, but I have exclusive respect. As long as you follow the steps, You can have the real power of the Yuanshen Realm. Yuanshen is the Tao fruit, and you should be prepared to establish the Tao and establish your own fundamental avenue. Tao and God are naturally unfavorable. "

Yi Tianxie said in the shadow.

"Well, my Word is clear from beginning to end, that is the Word of God."

Yi Tianxing said without hesitation, showing a trace of firmness between his looks.

Emperor Road, Emperor Road. On the Three Thousand Avenues, I respect and order the world, but I have exclusive respect. This is the Way of Godlessness, which is also the Way of Heaven. When he determined the direction of luck, he was completely certain that he would unswervingly follow this goal.

Yuan Shen stands up.

This is the most fundamental difference between the elementary world.

The reason why Yuanshen Realm is powerful, even with the immortality of the Yuanshen, is that the self is immortal, that is to condense its own Taoism and establish its own avenue.

For example, if someone likes to paint the Tao, the Tao fruit that is condensed is naturally the Tao, and the Tao fruit will give birth to the great destiny. For example, there is a magic pen in the Tao to make the painting under the brush become real. Draw a tiger, it will naturally form a real tiger under the pen, you can launch attacks as you want, and fight for yourself.

There are novelists who use the novel as a way of thinking to give birth to the emergence of heaven. They can borrow false cultivation to condense the characters in the novel, fight for themselves, and even derive the treasures in the novel. This is a kind of extreme contradiction. Heaven is supremely powerful, and top novelists can almost fight against the sky, which is quite scary.

There are also piano channels for their own fundamental avenues, awakening the sounds of nature, magic sounds, and other inborn great magical powers. The power generated is equally terrible. Any avenue has incredible power.

However, once it is determined, there is almost no way to change it easily, and it can only continue to move forward firmly.

Yi Tianxing is very clear about his own Word, that is, the Word of No God. Emperor Tao is the only way of self-respect and control. To the extreme, you can say what the law is, Jinkouyuyan, the world and the world, you can say without a word.

"Hehe, Yuanshen Realm needs to go through three disasters. You need to be prepared for disasters."

Yi Tianxie said with a smile.

"Even if there are three disasters, that will be the future."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

Many people know these three disasters.

It's clear in Journey to the West.

Bodhisattva was informed when Sun Wukong was practicing the technique of growing up. Once slender life, there will be three disasters.

"The way of longevity, this is the very way. It captures the heavens and the earth, and invades the mystery of the sun and the moon. After Dancheng, ghosts and gods can't bear it." Dancheng here is Tao fruit, its own primordial Tao fruit.

Bodhisattva Bodhisattva once said: "Although uniting the gods, while staying in Yan Yishou, after five hundred years, the thunderstorm hits you. You need to be aware of nature and avoid it in advance. You can't escape life and heaven, but you can't escape it Life. Five hundred years later, the heavenly fire will burn you. This fire is not a heavenly fire or an ordinary fire. It will be called a yin fire. It burns from its own Yongquan cave, penetrates the mud wall palace, the internal organs become gray, and all its limbs are gray. It ’s illusory, and millennia of ascetic practices are all illusory. For another 500 years, the wind blows you again. This wind is not the wind from the southeast and the northwest, it is not the wind from the golden smoke and the wind from the willows, pines, and bamboo. Liu Liu, crossed Dan Tian, ​​wore Jiu Jiu, the flesh was thinned, and his body knew it. So he had to avoid it. "

These are the three plagues.

In fact, this is not true eternal life, it can only be said to embark on the path of eternal life.

Thousands of years of Shou Yuan, to a certain extent, is also indispensable for longevity.

The terrible disasters can be imagined.

Of course, this is a future thing.

The three disasters are also three stages in the realm of Yuanshen.

The breakthrough of Yuanshen Realm was silent, no thunder, no vision, and it was so naturally completed. Even in the entire Dayi dynasty, no one knew this.

"It might not be considered a hole card."

Yi Tianxing did not intend to pass the news directly. Instead, hide it, it might be a trump card in your hand. The emperor can never lack hole cards. Without a hole card, it also means that his own road to kings may end at any time.


Unconsciously, another ten days passed.

In the past ten days, due to the failure of the coalition forces of various ethnic groups to attack the floating iceberg, the entire continent has shown a sense of tension and even fear. The closer the deadline to the Ice Queen said, the more this fear and panic Intense. No one knows what the future will look like. What will happen.

And this day. The entire Dayi Dynasty suddenly became jubilant.

None of the people looked at the area where Xuanhuang City was located with a look of great anticipation.

They walked out of the house and came to the open space.

The news of Dayi's promotion was not concealed from the people of Dayi. Even this promotion requires the power of the people in the world. After receiving this news, almost all people felt a sense of pride from their hearts. With a heavy sense of responsibility.

Daye, Xuanhuang City.

On this day, all the courtiers in Dayi all wore formal official uniforms. Dayi was mainly yellow, which represented the earth's yellow. Heaven and earth.

Palace treasure tree.

A ladder descends from the sky, extending all the way, appearing directly above the square. On the ladder, Yi Tianxing wore a chaotic battle dragon robe and stepped down step by step. At each step, it didn't look fast, but in a short time, he stepped down from the long ladder. Stand on the square.

Look up at the void.

In the sea of ​​luck, you can see that one by one, the town transported to Bao is floating up and down in the sea of ​​luck.

The sacrifice rooftops, sacred decrees, Fengshen list, Wanxian Temple are all among them. I can feel that their breath is much higher than the original one. Power has soared.

"Sacrifice to the rooftop !!"

A voice came out of his mouth.

brush! !!

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the sacrifice rooftop, which was still in the air of luck, descended from the sky, appeared directly on Xuanhuang City, and appeared on the central square.

Only to see that this altar has changed compared to before. Above, more and more inscriptions are engraved, and the exhaled breath becomes thicker and thicker, and the shadow contains an incredible will.

After the altar fell, it was nine feet tall. There are two floors.

The first layer is square and the second layer is round. There is a ladder to climb. There are 81 steps in the ladder. Take the true meaning of one to nine.

The altar, one round and one round, is the place where the sky is round. The first layer stands on the earth and is connected to the earth. This is the altar. The second layer is circular, representing the heaven. This is the temple of heaven. Obviously, in the altar, Tianwei is contained.

As soon as it appeared, it fell into the city, as if it had taken root, and the altar was connected to the earth, linking the will of the earth. The Temple of Heaven is connected to Heaven.

"The altar is connected to the earth, but it does not draw the will of heaven."

As the leader of the Yun Dynasty, Yi Tianxing can naturally feel the change of the sacrifice roof.

Connected with the earth, but unable to communicate with heaven.

This is undoubtedly because Tiandao is suppressing the will of the heavens, unable to escape easily, and even unable to distract at this moment, even if there is a reaction to the sacrifice to the roof, it is impossible to respond.

Under normal circumstances, if Tiandao does not respond, it means that the sacrifice of heaven cannot be carried out, and even if it starts, it is destined to receive no feedback. Promotion is even more impossible. Without Heaven ’s approval, Heaven ’s personality will not be obtained.

However, at this moment, Yi Tianxing really wants to see the most.

"Up ........ sacrifice !!"

Cai Yan dressed up, ascended the sacrifice rooftop, stood in a side position, and uttered a drink.

This sacrifice to heaven is still under his control, serving as the main sacrifice and presiding over the sacrifice to heaven.

A housekeeper dragged a tray respectfully, quickly came to the sacrifice roof, and bowed down respectfully.

Suddenly, an invisible force on the sacrifice roof naturally took those offerings in the air and fell towards the top of the altar.

There are three pieces in total, and each one is a miracle collected by Dayi over the years ~ ~ It looks like a solid stone with a solid body but looks like a gourd. For many years, of course, the root of a tree is of course not completely clear.

The last one is a horn, a unicorn, a very weird unicorn. It is not clear whether the creature is the one-corner.

"Please king go up to the roof !!!"

Cai Yan said calmly.

With the offering in place, Yi Tianxing didn't hesitate, stepping towards the top of the offering roof step by step. The ladder this time did not produce any blocking force, so it was natural and easy to step on it.

Step by step to the top of the festival roof.

"Sacrifice Avenue!"

Cai Yan said again.

At this moment, in the entire Xuanhuang City, the crows and birds were silent and there was no light, converging on the festival roof. There was solemnity in the air.

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