Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: Nightmare Treasure Chest

Dao Bing, after all, needs to use blood to kill to build the edge.

"Iron Barrel Zombie Essence: You can get zombies' blood, you can get life-saving magical powers, you have the opportunity to get poisonous life-saving magical powers."

"Read the zombie essence blood: You can obtain the blood of zombies. After refining, you can open up the life-saving magical powers. The life-saving magical powers developed will be randomly generated. It is possible to get ordinary life-saving knowledge. Supernatural powers. "

Because of the different types of zombies, the final blood obtained is also different.

The most precious thing is to read newspaper zombies. If the blood of these zombies is used to open up life tactics, because of the special nature of these soldiers, they can open up any life tactics. The magical powers of these zombies appear randomly. It may be strong or weak.

For example, some of the magic scrolls in the hands of zombies read some magical spells such as fireballs, ice blades, and wind blades. Others have a tornado storm erupting directly, and the amazing magical powers of the Five Elements Thunder, even the town's Dragon Guard received a little trauma in the Thunder.

"Wansou No Zigong"

In the booty, there was an ancient book of jade books.

If you look closely, it is an exercise book, and a zombie pattern appears on it. It turned out not to be ordinary exercises, but a body-building exercise. Its grade is not low, it is definitely a proper method of superior work.

"After training, you can get a strong body like a zombie, copper bones, and even increase your life. Like a zombie, it has a long life. Unfortunately, there are still defects. If there are no defects, it is definitely the best. One of the exercises. "

After carefully watching Yi Tianxing, he found that this practice is indeed cultivable, not a fake practice directly fabricated by the Nightmare World, which is real and feasible. It is not forgery. The truth and reasoning contained in it are very exquisite. This is an exercise method created by referring to the body of a zombie, but the flaw is not small, that is, the body will gradually become stiff after cultivation.

Even in the end, as stiff as a zombie, not even walking normally, the flesh and blood of the body will appear dry and ruined. It is difficult to recover unless it reaches Dacheng. This process is definitely not the past that ordinary people can support.

The most weird thing is that this technique can draw the energy of Xuanyin and the corpse of zombies to cultivate and speed up the practice. Of course, once something goes wrong, it turns itself into a real zombie. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous.

"This nightmare world is an endless treasure."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and thought that he could only show the natural treasure, even the magic weapon of the implement. I did not expect that even the merit and combat skills could be realized, and the power of dreams to come true. It's incredible.

Nightmare is an alternative creation.

"The nightmare world must not be given up. Even one day, my dreambutterfly world can become a nightmare world like this, with incredible power and giving birth to different creations."

My heart secretly yearns for it.

In the process, one can clearly see that one hundred town dragon guards are like tigers entering the flock, killing all the zombies trapped around. Let Yi Tianxing harvest a lot of good treasures.

After the surrounding zombies were wiped out, all the town dragon guards returned to Yi Tianxing. Seems waiting for new orders.

When I was about to take them back to the chaos troop pool, all of a sudden I saw that, not far away, a whirlwind blew without warning, and a grey nightmare force was continuously drawn in like a tide. That picture is like a whirlpool in the deep sea, which continuously swallows all the power into a funnel of nightmare power.

The surrounding dream bubbles are constantly bursting, and the power of the nightmare generated is naturally drawn in. The number is huge, but the power of nightmare Yi Tianxing has witnessed it, and together, it can greatly increase the life strength here and cause an amazing transformation. But now a large number of nightmare powers have been swallowed in, and it is conceivable how incredible this will produce.

"Go, look over there."

Yi Tianxing immediately made a decision. He had planned to leave the nightmare world, but this sudden change made him curious.

With a hundred town dragon guards, quickly rushed towards the position where the power of the nightmare changed.

At their speed, naturally extremely fast, like shrinking into inches.

Each breath can span a large distance.

Bang Bang! !!

However, not only was he driving there, he could see that a terrible nightmare life dared to go towards that area. As soon as I took a few steps, I heard a roar coming from my ears, and the ground was shaking violently.

A gigantic giant claw appeared not far away, and a deep footprint appeared on the ground on the spot, with cracks constantly flashing. When you step on the ground, the ground beneath you naturally starts to shake. The thigh is the pillar of Optimus. It really stands tall, standing in front of it, like a huge mountain, crushed by invisible pressure.

In particular, the force of the vibration transmitted from the earth completely made people lose their balance. Even the body of Zhenlong Wei was slightly shaken, and it continued to sway with the ground vibration. It looked as if it was going to fall apart.

"Earthquake Dragon !!"

Yi Tianxing spit out a voice slowly.

This is the Earthquake Dragon. However, the Earthquake Dragon is really too big to be stunned. It is hundreds of feet tall and emits a more terrifying breath. The Earthquake Dragon looks like a herbivore, but, In the nightmare world, if they were considered harmless, it would be like throwing their brains in the toilet.

You know, in the Jurassic era, the Earthquake Dragon really wanted to start. Even the Tyrannosaurus Rex was afraid of three-pointers and didn't dare to be easily offended. The power inside them was too great. If you hit it, you would have to hit a towering ancient tree Crush completely. The mountains are going to collapse. Rushing, the earth would quake, and violently, they would not be able to stand firmly beside them.

At that glance, you can see the amazing evil spirits emitted from the Earthquake Dragon.

The exhaled breath has brought tremendous pressure to Yi Tianxing. This pressure is definitely not a joke, it is the pressure from strength. This earthquake dragon can bring him a deadly threat.

Bang Bang! !!

Not only the Earthquake Dragon, but also the Giant Dragon Bo who had seen it once before also appeared. Once it appeared, it was also running towards that area. The breath, obviously, could not wait.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a strange body with a pale mask shrouded in black gas and chasing after it.

A flame-spitting dragon waving its wings and flying through the air. The fiery breath seemed to burn the void.

Each of the air-powered machines seems to be inferior to the previous Earthquake Dragon and Giant Dragon Bo.

"The Yuanshen Realm even transcends the Yuanshen Realm. The emergence of these terrible strong men is definitely not a trivial matter. Maybe it will trigger a big war."

Yi Tianxing witnessed that his heart was more certain that something must have happened.

Moreover, it is not trivial.

Otherwise, it's impossible to startle these terrible nightmare life, just like elephants don't care about ants. Ordinary things are unlikely to attract their attention, so they can't wait.

Clearly with a touch of eagerness.

This made Yi Tianxing more and more curious.

There was no stopping at his feet, and he continued to dare to go forward. Even, he could see that all kinds of nightmare life rushed to that area. Obviously, it had great attraction to them.

In the process, it seems that those different types of nightmare life have no intention of killing each other.

They want to rush to that area as soon as possible.

This situation makes the road forward very smooth.

Not long after, they have come to the area where the mutation occurred.

Look closely.

It was like a funnel formed by the power of nightmare, and the huge vortex was constantly spinning. Massive forces of nightmare came together and swarmed towards one place.

"Box, what is that box?"

Yi Tianxing witnessed and couldn't help flashing a strange color.

It can be seen that under the vortex, it is a black box. This box is completely unknown. It looks like it was created by heaven and earth. Then a weird face is formed. What does that face say? At first glance, you will feel that you have a strong fear unconsciously in your heart. As if it was such a deep, like the bottomless abyss.

It was as if from a strange look.

At this moment, in the periphery, the eyes of a famous nightmare creature fell on the box at the same time.

It seems that all minds are completely condensed on it.

The mouth of the box is like a bottomless pit. The massive nightmare power is swallowed in continuously, as much as swallowed.

Time passes by a little bit ~ ~ no one knows how long it has been.

The whirlpool in the sky had disappeared unknowingly. When the last ray of nightmare force got into the box, suddenly, the box became quaint and deep, and simple. I couldn't even see a trace of the light, and at the same time, there was no way to look into it, to see what was inside the box.

Rumble! !!

The first shot was the Earthquake Dragon. I only saw that the Earthquake stepped forward fiercely, and a terrible earthquake wave came out from under his feet, appearing in front of the black box, and the box was to be shaken directly and fly into the air. Then, he opened his mouth and bit the box, no doubt, intending to swallow the box into his stomach.

All the moves in one go.

To the extreme.

boom! !!

However, just before the Earthquake Dragon was about to swallow the box, a huge fist fell from the sky and hit the Earthquake Dragon's head. One punch caused the earthquake dragon's head to shift sideways. Powerful.

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