Eternal Country

Chapter 112: victim

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Many people are aware that with the establishment of a two-door, six-story hall, the strength of the entire village will be coordinated and planned once, bringing together all kinds of forces and bringing them into one direction. This is even better than before. higher efficiency.

Many people who feel that they are not pregnant have the urge to rub their hands.

Some scholars even feel the opportunity is here.

There are few reading people in the village, and they have the greatest opportunity.

There are two doors and six halls. Once established, it will definitely require a lot of manpower.

In particular, internal organizations such as Tianji Hall and Tiande Hall will definitely require a large number of scholars. At this point, they naturally have a lot of advantages.

And some people who have experienced catching fast will focus on the six doors. Once the six doors are established, the recruiting will definitely not be less. With the original experience, they have a greater chance.

Fortune Tianchi! !!

Yi Tianxing naturally appeared beside Qiyun Tianchi. Looking at Tianchi, the layers of gray pool water had covered one third of the height of Tianchi, and it was already one meter deep. The water in the pond is much more than before. Moreover, in the eyes of the spring at the bottom of the pond, new springs are pouring out almost every moment. This is luck. Once the luck has filled Tianchi, it is time for the village to be promoted.

The lucky gold carp was swimming comfortably in the pool.

The more water in the pool, the more space it swims, bathing in the pool, it is growing, and now it can be seen that it is bigger than before after swallowing the spirit of luck in the ogre camp, swimming At that time, the golden light on the gold scale was flickering. Very divine and spiritual.

After seeing Yi Tianxing appear, he suddenly jumped out of the water and spit out a bubble towards him. A look of joy flashed in his eyes. The tail swayed and splashed with layers of water.

"Take care of yourself here. This mouth of Tianchi is definitely not your limit. In the future your world will be the vast sky outside. This time I will bring you a friend. This is my daughter. You cannot bully her."

Yi Tianxing said to Qiyun Jinli with a smile.

The pool of water in Tianchi has increased too much compared to before. This was caused by the sudden increase in population. Coupled with the system of confirmation, the development of Xuanhuang Village was officially put on track. Therefore, the pool of water in Tianchi appeared The skyrocketing population is luck. With the population, there is luck, and peace of mind means that luck is born by itself, and the springs in Tianchi will continuously produce spring water.

This process is a long stream of water. As long as the human heart remains unchanged, it can continue to be born.

The flash of light in the hand, the star net like the crystal ball has appeared in the hand, inside, Xinghai still stood silently with eyes closed.

"Xinghai, I now put the star net into Yuntianchi. From then on, you will merge with Qiyun Tianchi. Wherever Xuanhuang Village's air transport covers, you can radiate the star net." Yi Tianxing pairs Said in the hand of the star network.

"Yes, father."

Xinghai responded.

brush! !!

Xingwang fell directly into Qiyun Tianchi.

This entry was instantly submerged into the gray pool water. It can be seen that from Tianchi, a gray pool of water penetrated into the crystal ball. This penetration is a natural process. Xinghai did not stop.

Over time, the crystal ball seems to be directly integrated into Tianchi, creating a mysterious connection with Qiyun Tianchi, followed by bright stars that bloom from the star network. Also integrated into Qiyun Tianchi, a strange rhythm covered the entire Xuanhuang Village.

This rhythm is invisible. This is in the qi transport, which exists within the sphere of influence of Xuanhuang Village. It's just that nobody notices it if no one touches it. Only through the media can we reach the Star Network.

In this silence, an invisible star network has covered Xuanhuang Village.

Wow! !!

Qiyun Jinli saw that he was chasing towards Xingwang full of joy, playing around Xingwang, not spit out a golden light into the starnet. Xingwang was swimming in Tianchi from time to time, and Jinli followed suit.

It looks very interesting.

"Father, Xingwang has radiated the entire area of ​​Xuanhuangcun Qiyun. As long as the corresponding media is created, it can be connected to Xingwang. I can help my father store and operate various data."

Xinghai said.

"I will refine the media as soon as possible. I still have a treasure in my hand. As long as I can produce a sample, I can quickly copy it. And I already have a general idea of ​​the media. I will make it like the ID card. "The destiny card of each person. Each person's identity information will be recorded in the star network through a destiny card. The destiny card will be bound to everyone and the blood will be used to recognize the Lord."

"It must not only indicate the identity information of the other party, but also have the same ability as a bank card. It can store merit points, and all merit points can be directly distributed to the destiny card. You can view the deeds you have directly through the destiny card. Point, you can carry out direct transfers and trade merit points. I believe that you should be able to do these things with Xinghai. "

There was a touch of light in Yi Tianxing's eyes, and he did not hesitate to say his imagination.

Really can do it. The system of merit points can be really implemented, and it will be feasible. No one can control a perfect system. To ensure the operation of the system of merit points. Unless it can invade StarNet. Affect Xinghai.

As long as you enter the Tianji Temple to register messages, all messages can be directly entered into the star network.

The security and update of messages can be completed in the first time.

"Yes, father, these Xinghai can do it. As long as they record their messages into the Xingwang, they can directly operate the merit system." Xinghai said confidently. It was not difficult for her.

But to make such a card, obviously, it is not a simple matter.

"Well, Xinghai, I will come to see you often in the future. You control everything else."

Did not stay in Qiyun Tianchi any more. After instructing him, he turned away.

He has to find a way to complete the creation of the destiny card.

Not to mention that Xuanhuang Village was caused by the establishment of the government, which caused a wave of waves and inspired the enthusiasm of a large number of people, but said that in the Huns camp near the valley.

The Hun soldiers are still driving the Huaxia men to do hard labor. Anyone who moves slowly will be whipped and screamed constantly. Some people are working directly, they ca n’t afford to fall to the ground, and they are all bruised.

Unconsciously, it was almost evening, in the interval of rest. Large numbers of coolies were gathered together.

The two previously conspired together.

"Victory, I have contacted some good guys. Everyone is very dissatisfied with the situation in front of them. They all know that if they continue to be in the hands of these Huns, they will definitely not be able to escape the killing. They are willing to raise things together. As long as they reach the stage, They can echo around, "said the capable man.

"Guang, I have explored the route around. This Hun camp is surrounded by a fence and there is only one entrance. But the entrance cannot go. The place is heavily guarded and is an important area of ​​their attention. However, the fence wall is What we built, in the southeast position, I can leave a sip, as long as I apply force, I can open a gap. Rush out together. "The resolute man whispered.

"Okay, great, as long as you can rush out, this barracks will be chaotic. It will be hard to catch us again."

"However, we need a righteous devotion to bring poison into the diet of those Huns. And we cannot receive doubts that we cannot get close to the drinking and diet of those Huns."

The Huns are not fools. How could they bring a group of slaves close to the source of their food and water?

There is only one kind of person who can approach the diet, and that is the dead.

The Xiongnu people regarded them as two-legged sheep, and they were not wasted when they died. They were cooked and eaten. Moreover, it was cooked by a large group of people. Treated by them as good food, many people will taste a piece and drink soup.

"I have already discussed this with a righteous man. And, I have brought it over." Wu Guang said. Pulled a fat man from one side.

The fat man saw it out ~ ~ In the past, his family was good and his flesh was very tender. But now, it is a wolf howling, a face of a cricket, a lot of whip marks on the body. But there is a strong hatred in the eyes.

"The righteous man is Wang Kai. His sister was killed by the Huns in the barracks and was eaten as a two-legged sheep. After knowing our plan, he took the initiative to find me and willingly became a victim." Wu Guang said .

"Victory, I don't plan to live anymore. If I continue this way, I will definitely not be able to hold on. I have never done such hard work before. If it were not supported by a thought of revenge, I would not be able to hold on today. On the ground. I ca n’t get up anymore. I want revenge. I am the victim. I let them eat my meat, but I hope you can kill a few more aliens, avenge me, and avenge my sister. Eat me Meat, I'm going to make them pay a painful price. "

Wang Kai said ruthlessly.

"Well, Wang Yishi, rest assured, I will help you get revenge, all of us will remember your feat, and death is left and right, we must not let this group of aliens live better. As long as we have someone alive and killed, later We must make a monument for you and remember forever. We are alive from the life of Brother Wang. "Chen Sheng nodded strongly.

"Give me the medicine, I will eat it, and I will go to the camp immediately. I will die. Right at night, they will start to make fire. When I die, they will be eaten. At that time, the medicine effect should be able to I played the best. I have a lot of meat, and there must be a lot of aliens eating it. It is more convenient for everyone to do things. Remember to avenge me. My name is Wang Kai. "

Wang Kai's fat face showed a savage look.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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