Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: Rob

"Magic sound, it's just magic sound."

"My soul is thoroughly defiled."

什么 "What the hell, what is that light, Jinguang thunderbolt. It's so beautiful, it's just blinding my lobster eyes."

"Hell !!!"

A large number of monks, a large number of shrimp soldiers and crabs will make a scream, and then, they are desperately crawling on the ground toward the outside, that is the urge to escape from the battlefield, even if they are dead, do not stay in this piece Shrouded battlefield. This is the **** of despair.

Coupled with the enchantment of the magic sound, the entire soul was sublimated.

"These four pirates."

Aunt Gongsun was pulled back to a relatively safe area by Yi Tianxing, but she can clearly see everything on the battlefield. Seeing that, even her, her face changed greatly and her body shivered slightly. Feeling a strong malicious oncoming, if not for standing far enough, maybe, Sikong picking the stars of the fart magical powers, will also be recruited on the spot.

That feeling, as soon as she thought about it, she burst into cold sweat.

I really want to be involved in such a battlefield, it is definitely an experience that I don't want to remember in my life.

I ca n’t accept it.

Coupled with that magic sound, it is definitely a terrible double-layered shock, from physical and mental to torture.

"Water hood !!!"

Ao Qi forcibly endured the nausea and pain in his body and hit a shield. It was a strange treasure. It turned into a huge shield to cover the battlefield, covering all the monks and monks, even the four major monks Kou are all covered together, it seems that they will be restrained and suppressed together, waiting for the rescue of the Dragon Palace, and then the four big Kou will be completely suppressed.

This shield is very powerful. It can be seen that there are huge water dragons constantly moving back and forth in the enchantment emitted by the shield, constantly changing. Lifelike, delivering a powerful dragon-like atmosphere.

This water shrouds, even if it is a strong Yuanyuan realm, there is no way to break it easily. Even if it is broken, it can support it for a period of time.

As long as this period of time, you can delay the four pirates. So that you can make a full response.

Suddenly, the Big Four did not care at all.

I can't even see a trace of fear in my eyes. It seems that the water in front of me is not placed under the eyes at all. No fear of being trapped. Instead eager to try.

"Zhu Zhan shield, also want to trap my four pirates, brothers approached the general."

He only saw a strange cry from the invincible general.

Green Emperor, Si Kong picked the stars they heard, and quickly approached the invincible general without hesitation. You can see that in his hands, he dragged a toilet. There seemed to be a rush of green gas in the toilet.

"Look at a bucket of Evening Incense by General Zier."

Invincible General said again. It can be seen when the voice falls. The toilet in its hands has taken off in the air.

The puppet was spinning fast in the mid-air, and countless Ye Xiang appeared on the battlefield like a storm, and splashed over the battlefield overwhelmingly. Before it even fell, I could feel the stench coming in and swept across.

"Rewind !!"

"No, Ye Xiang? This is feces."

"No, how can it be so shameless, so shameless. Spilling dung."

The shrimp soldiers and crabs are here, but the dragon palace is sharp. The iron blood on the body can feel a lot of blood in the hands of Zhan Rao. Before he was collapsed by the fart and filled with magic sounds, he is almost desperate. Now I see the overwhelming night fragrance appearing On the battlefield, the entire heart collapsed completely.

What kind of **** is this?

Suddenly, the faces of countless monks and soldiers were completely green, whether in or out of the battlefield.

Terrible, it's terrible.

I can see that the surrounding shroud was splashed by Ye Xiangyu. This collision, immediately, the two made a sound of ‘嗤嗤’ strange sounds, listening to people's hearts. The above water dragons all wailed, avoiding them, annihilated on the spot, made a scream of screams, and the enchantment formed by the shield was destroyed on the spot.

夜 Yexiang fell on the body one after another, but disappeared directly, not annihilated, but penetrated into the body.

融入 This integration into the body, terrible things happened.

The body of all shrimp soldiers and crabs began to emit a breath on the spot. This breath was terrible, and it was the smell of Yexiang. One by one, they are all smelly. This thing, not from the surface of the body, comes out of the bones in the body. It is a body odor, no, it should be said to be a body odor.

Uh! !!

This time, the monks and fighters on the battlefield vomited even bitter bile.

"Big Four, I don't share the world with you."

Wu Aoqi raised a loud roar in the sky.

He followed, rolled his eyes completely, and passed out. There was a deep despair in that voice.

Huh! !!

Later, I saw that Liu was carrying the Luoyang shovel, rushed in, waved the shovel, and continued to pat it, and the monks who had not passed out fainted. The Green Emperor, Si Kong picked the stars, and the invincible general shot at the same time, constantly touching the monks.

One storage bag, one piece of strange treasure was searched out, the picture is really terrible.

All valuable treasures will be spared and will be searched in the fastest speed.

四个 The four of them don't know when they will each take out a black pocket and keep putting treasures in them. The pocket didn't know what it was, and the space inside seemed to be quite huge. No matter how many things were put in, it wasn't filled.

The four pockets are like bottomless pits, scrapping all treasures frantically.

The implementation of the three-light policy.

I really are the devils entering the village, sweeping frantically.

That picture, if the mouse saw it, the mouse would shed tears.

"Get rich, get rich."

"I knew that robbery was so easy and easy, I have been here for a while."

"Our four pirates will become famous all over the world today. Look at the world, who would not know the names of our four pirates."

Jian Sikong picked the stars, and the green emperor's eyes were shining while they searched.

This is tens of thousands of shrimp soldier crabs, even if these shrimp soldier crabs will not be rich in themselves, but in the waters, in the Dragon Palace, how can there be some savings, there are many treasures on the body, even if the grade is not high, it is better than a lot.

从 And from those monks of all races, that is really a plate full of food, all kinds of strange treasures, countless.

He scrabbled the entire battlefield again.

He followed, and after searching, he wiped his feet with oil, and disappeared strangely.

These are long. In fact, the time that takes place is only a short moment.

I can see, after the five-color mist has dissipated.

The battlefield reappeared before everyone.

I can see that those shrimp soldiers and crabs had their armours taken off, let alone the weapons, and they were cleaner than the dogs licked.

Huh! !!

At this moment, many monks in the surroundings took a breath on the spot, and a strong fear appeared on their faces.

Xun secretly rejoices, fortunately, he has not rushed into the battlefield before, otherwise, among the robbed people, definitely have their share. The whole body was shuddering at the thought of the situation that might be suffered. Give birth to intense fear.

"Thank you Emperor Yi."

Auntie Gongsun thanked Yi Tianxing sincerely.

She just saw it with her own eyes. If it wasn't pulled away and involved in the battlefield, she would really touch those filthy things. She could not imagine how much it would affect the whole body and mind.

Especially that night incense, when spilled out, the body fragrance will be polluted and turn into a foul odor.

"No need to be polite, but it's just a hand-raising exercise, these four pirates are not so easy to mess with. All of them are weird."

Qi Yitianxing said with a smile: "I have something to deal with separately, and then come back to the underwater world with Gongsun Daoyou after finishing the processing."

"Taoyou, please!"

Auntie Gongsun heard it and didn't stop it, she said with a smile.

This time, it almost made his impression of Yi Tianxing greatly increase.

Looked at the surrounding chaos, the light flashed in front of her mind, the space door flashed away, and Yi Tianxing disappeared from her place.

At this moment, the four pirates are appearing in a submarine volcano. This submarine volcano has not erupted, and there is huge space in the volcano. At this moment, three people and one dog are gathering together, looking at the four **** cloth bags in front of them. The smile on his face couldn't even see his eyes.

My heart is beautiful.

The gains this time are really too big.

"Good things, really good things. At the auction, we have no money. We ca n’t afford a baby. We can only watch it. What's happening now, not all of them are in our hands. It is the best shortcut to get rich. "Liu went excitedly and rubbed his hands. He kept stroking on this baby and that baby.

My eyes are all glowing.

"Yeah, where is the robbery coming soon? This time it really made a fortune. Lao Liu, your method of concealment will not work in the end, does not mean that no one can find us, why was it found by Dragon Palace before This time, we can't make any more mistakes. If we find it again, it must be the top powerhouse in the Dragon Palace. We may not be able to stop this. "

Jian Sikong picking stars said with some concern.

不用 "Don't worry, it was an accident before. This time I showed all my strengths, plus my destiny. It can absolutely hide the magic. No one can figure out our position. It is absolutely foolproof."

Liu Liu said aloud ~ ~ I was very confident.

Just then, a green light flashed on the green emperor. In the light, an ancient silver-white door appeared overhead.

"Door, space door."

Suddenly, Si Kong picked the stars, and Liu went to their faces and turned wild. How could there be a space door at this time. Still open here.

Your subconscious wants to escape.

However, when the space door appeared, only a golden pocket watch appeared.

At the moment when it appeared, the rolling magma was still. Space seemed to be frozen. Ps: My friends, I am a lonely drifter. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertisement, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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