Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Zhou Yu's handwriting

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"This is the Immortal Gourd."

Looking at these small gourds that emit chaotic colors, each one was not even the size of a little finger when it was just born, but it did grow from a tree. The surface even outlines a mysterious pattern. A trace of glowing light was flowing.

This time, the number of immortal gourds that were born was not many, and not many. You can see a total of 365.

In other words, there were only 365 evolutionary medicaments produced this time, which is exactly the number of days.

"The first maturity began to conceive, and it took a full millennium to reach fruition. It took another millennium to conceive the evolutionary medicinal solution. That is to say, the first time to obtain the evolutionary medicine, it would take two thousand years. Can produce 365 immortal gourds. If not picked, in the first thousand years after maturity, the evolutionary potion in the immortal gourd will be transformed once, from first order to second order. Second order evolution is third order , You need to grow another two thousand years. The third to fourth steps need to conceive another three thousand years. They will increase in order. It will take tens of thousands of years to get to nine steps. "

After estimating the growth cycle of this evolutionary medicine, even Yi Tianxing couldn't help taking a breath. This growth cycle is really too long. There is no doubt that if many monks have insufficient lifespan, even if they die, they will not be transformed into the ninth stage.

In other words, it takes a total of 38,000 years for an evolutionary potion to reach the ninth stage from birth.

This can completely kill a monk directly.

"Try it before you say it."

Yi Tianxing shook his head and began to water Life Fairy again, quickly increasing the medicinal properties of the immortal evolution tree.

Unconsciously, it can be seen that the small, immortal gourd has reached the size of a baby's fist, and it is still very small and exquisite, but it is more mysterious and simple. I do n’t know when a gray halo naturally appears in these 365 Outside of an immortal gourd, it surrounds the gourd and naturally emits light. It seems that there is some mysterious path of rhyme in the halo. It seems that it is an immortal glory.

This halo represents the first-order evolutionary potion in this immortal gourd. As long as it is removed, the first-order evolutionary potion is obtained. Perfect quality without impurities.

And for each additional order, an aura is added.

They are gray, white, red, yellow, blue, cyan, gold, purple, and purple gold.

At this stage of training, Yi Tianxing could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The accumulated life of Xianlu has been consumed up to now. If he continues, he can't afford it.

"Try it before you say it."

Yi Tianxing took a moment to take an immortal gourd from the immortal evolution tree.

In the quiet room, Yi Tianxing naturally added a small gourd in his hands.

This gourd is natural, and it seems that no holes can be seen. However, the gourd mouth at the top of the gourd has a root, and when you put your hand on it, you can hear a crisp sound like a gear turning. Then, the root is removed, exposing a narrow hole. At the moment of opening, you can see that in the gourd, there is a burst of glowing light.

You can even feel a fragrant smell.

It makes people smell that an inexplicable desire is born involuntarily, and the cells around the body are cheering.

Even the body already feels like it will evolve.

Grunt! !!

"It doesn't smell like a potion, but is similar to the fragrant aroma of Linguo. It is natural."

Yi Tianxing couldn't help but secretly swallowed a spit. Immediately put the immortal gourd to your mouth. After opening it, the longer it stays, the medical properties in it will continue to evaporate and dissipate. In that case, it is completely wasteful.

Without hesitation, swallowed the evolutionary medicinal solution in the gourd with one sip.


After drinking, an instinct flashed through my mind.

It is clearly felt that the gourmet cells in the body are happy, naturally exuding the vitality of the world, and the physical strength is constantly increasing. This is also a kind of gourmet, the taste is very unique, it can be said that it is a kind of joy that comes from the soul.

At the same time, the evolution medicinal solution was directly swallowed by the food tripod, fell into the food tripod, and from the food tripod, a light burst out instantly. This light is the light of evolution that instantly covers flesh and soul.

At the same time, I can feel the meridians, bones, and even Shenhai in the body. They are transformed in the light of evolution.

Unconsciously, even if the qualifications of Yi Tianxing were outstanding, they belonged to the genius line, and the meridians were very wide, but at this moment, the meridian channels were widening under the light of evolution.

However, the extent of the widening is not large, and it can only be said to be better than before.

After all, Yi Tianxing's own cultivation qualifications are considered to be very powerful, and this level of evolutionary medicine has limited effects on him.

"The body is washed, the muscles are washed, and the Shenhai is also re-tempered. The space barriers in the Shenhai space are more solid. The potential is even stronger. "

For a long time, Yi Tianxing slowly opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, muttering to himself: "The most important thing is that the power contained in this evolutionary potion can be opened instantly if it is given to an ordinary person Shenhai, even washing the flesh, breaking through the meridians of the body, reaching the peak of the Shenhai realm in the shortest time, may even awaken life. This is true creation. "

There is no hidden danger in this transformation.

It is conceivable how powerful a creation it is. For any monk, it is an invaluable gem that can lay the most powerful foundation. However, after experiencing it for the first time, most of the evolutionary power of this evolutionary agent has worked for Shenhai.

It can be seen from this that the second-order evolutionary agent should mainly evolve evolution for life and consciousness.


In the next few days, there were monks in Xuanhuang City constantly going in and out of the merchants' shops to buy something from them. In addition, Jia Chengxin also saw a lot of business opportunities in Dayi. Many of Dayi's exclusive items were purchased in large quantities. This is also considered a stockpile. It is an instinctive move of businessmen.

After staying for seven days, the huge distant bird began to take off again and headed away. Going amidst the cries of 'youyou'.

Not long after the Lantern Festival, the second imperial examination officially began.

A large number of candidates began to conduct the first preliminary examinations of scientific examinations in the fairy cities, which can be said to be a screening.

It is not difficult to pass the screening. The threshold is low. Not to mention, to participate in the imperial examination, you must at least recognize the words and also write. Compared with the last time, there were more participants this time, almost from all walks of life.

I learned that the talents selected in the last imperial examination not only entered the chapel, but also many directly became the masters of the city. It can be said that defending one side is like the history of Fengjiang. This kind of example that can be seen with the eyes further stimulates the desire of those talented people in Dayi. Moreover, not only are they new, many of them have already participated in the imperial examinations. This time it is back.

Having had experience once, there is no doubt that, to some extent, there will be some advantages.

However, in the end, you still have to rely on your own talents.


Not to mention the imperial examination is being held in full swing, but to say that in the nightmare world.

I only saw a blood-colored bubble burst suddenly in the endless nightmare void.

At the same time as bursting, it can be seen that a large number of nightmare forces erupted, and at the same time, life in a large number of dream bubbles began to manifest. Since the illusion condenses into reality, it is no accident that they will merge into the real dream territory of the nightmare world and become real life.

Among these people, there is a huge army.

Looking closely, the number is no less than four or five million. Many of the armors on his body have been tattered. I can fully feel the evil spirit emanating from each of the soldiers. This is the elite of all battles that has just survived from the battlefield.

Jingqi can feel a slight difference.

In front, it was Zhou Yu, who was dressed in uniform. In his eyes, he could feel a touch of joy.

At the same time, there are many generals around.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, now you should know that what we were before was just a dream world. The illusory world will eventually be destroyed. Only now we are real, and still not safe today. It also belongs to the nightmare world. Only leaving the nightmare world and returning to the eternal world through the door of the nightmare can be truly true. "

Zhou Yu said with a smile to a middle-aged Confucian student.

The scribe naturally possessed a convincing temperament, which was the temperament brought by intellect.

"That's why you brought me here."

The middle-aged scribe looked around, and there was something strange in his eyes.

With his ingenuity, he has already noticed something from the previous changes, and, in the evolution of reality and reality, he has also received the message from the nightmare world. I also know that ~ ~ can appear here, it is a great creation.

"Mr. Wen Ruo forgiveness is really a last resort. Today, there is no distinction between Cao Yongxiang and Soochow. I also told my husband before that the outside world is an eternal world and the integration of all realms. The difference is the chaos between the human race and the tens of thousands of people. Today, my people are still at a disadvantage, and they need a talent such as Sir. If they can join Dayi, the emperor will reuse Mr. ".

Zhou Yu said with a smile.

"The outside world is really, as you said, the integration of all walks of life, the people and the people are not talking."

A young man on a white horse asked. The silver and white battle armor and bright silver lance have a unique temperament on the body. In his eyes, a flash of strangeness flashed.

"This is naturally true. When you go out, you will all understand."

Zhou Yu said without hesitation.

"How are we going to leave."

The middle-aged scribe asked the biggest question.

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