Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1218: Ink Knife Enforcement

The Centaur Tianjiao is very clever, and did not point his flying spear at Yi Tianxing. Before that, he had seen the scene of Yi Tianxing breaking down the maze step by step, leaving a deep impression in his mind. Subconsciously avoid him, leave this evil to others to deal with it. I only need to deal with some of the weak human race Tianjiao.

Yes, it is you.

Standing on a high platform, carrying a knife, dared to pretend to be a perpetrator. It is uncle tolerable, uncle tolerable.

The flying spear aimed directly at the young man in black on the guillotine. The flying spear also contained a sharp spear, which was extremely fast, and appeared in front of the young man in an instant.

Ding! !!

The young man saw that his face was still cold and there was no other action, but in an instant, the blood flashed on the guillotine, and in the pattern engraved on the stage, a ghost-headed knife condensed into substance from illusion. The volley flew up and chopped on the flying spear with one stroke. Split the flying spear into two sections and fall directly in front of the guillotine. Unable to break defenses.

Wow! !!

Immediately after, I saw that a blood-colored chain appeared out of thin air on the guillotine, breaking through the sky like a spirit snake, and appeared strangely in front of the half-human Ma Tianjiao. Mali rolled a roll toward his entire body, which turned people The irresistible was bound and tied together. Even the realm that he unconsciously released did not hinder the chain. Raggedly bound.

Immediately, the chain quickly contracted, pulling the centaur Tianjiao straight to the guillotine. Falling on the guillotine, the chain tied the centaur in a way that tied the flowers together.

"How is this going."

When Centaur Tianjiao got on the guillotine, he felt that an unimaginable force swept through him, and he knelt down on the ground in an instant. There was no way to stand up. That power was too overbearing and was not reserved. Leave no room.

Huh! !!

The young man in black pulled back the Moyu long knife behind his back, and a natural knife pattern appeared on the knife. Emitting a cold light, the ink knife has no edge, but the sharp edge of the mouth is enough to make people feel cold and bitter. At any time, his skin will be cut and flesh will be cut apart.

"On the guillotine, Modao enforced the law and decided!"

The young man in black spit out a voice coldly.

In the voice, with coldness, with a sense of killing. And indifference to life.

"who are you?"

The half-human Ma Tianjiao felt a breath of death over his head, knowing in his heart that he was afraid that he would not be spared this time, but before he died, he wanted to know more about who he died in.

"Human ...... Executioner, Ye Guxin."

After the young man in black was silent, he uttered a voice.

Immediately, the cold light flashed in Ye Guxin's eyes, and the ink knife had been lifted up. It can be clearly seen that the ink knife in his hand, the black blade-like blade body, the unusually slender handle, and no open edge. The edge of the sign.


An unemotional cold drink burst out of Ye Guxin's mouth, and with this cold drink, the knife in his hand moved, and a black man flashed quickly in the air. Stroke a weird black arc. Brushing Centaur's Tianjiao's neck, and at the same time, the wrist turned and the sword flickered.

Hum! !!

With a crisp and crisp sound, the strange ink knife trembled mysteriously, and the blood that originally covered the blade was also blinking, and fell into the blade at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. In that, there was no trace of blood on the ink knife. As usual as dark. Moreover, it became darker.

However, Yi Tianxing found that when the ink knife was humming, a black gas that ordinary people could not detect was like a tired bird coming home, and was sucked into the knife with blood, and the ink knife was after drinking blood. The weight has increased by a few points. Dark depth.

This knife is really wonderful to the peak, or even simple to the extreme. In the extreme, you can fully feel the sharpness in it.

Wu Feng's ink knife can easily behead a centaur Tianjiao.

"Good knife."

Centaur Ma Tianjiao gave an admiration.

Immediately after that, the skull on the neck fell down and the skull was swallowed by the guillotine. The body disappeared.

That knife was like a sky knife.

It is law enforcement on behalf of the sky.

"It's a terrible knife. In his hands, the knife is the sword of punishment, and the sword contains God's will. God's will judge you to be destroyed, then you should be destroyed. Such a knife has to resist and don't know how much power it will cost.

Yi Tianxing's eyes were frozen, he could feel the true meaning of the sword.

On that guillotine, his will was God's will, and if he wanted to make a knife, he would enforce the law on his behalf. God's will is like a sword, and I'm God. My heart is heaven.


A young monk, who was so immortal and exudes aura, gave a soft drink. This is a fairy spirit Tianjiao. The fairy spirits were born with immortal bloodlines, noble bloodlines, cultivated, and can make rapid progress in the way of refining gas. Moreover, the magical spells are cast, the power is multiplied, and the laws are born close to each other, so that they can quickly understand the laws and magical spells.

With the same magical powers, the immortal clan can have more powerful advantages.

The immortal people have a temperament like a fairy. This Tianjiao is even more like Xixian Xiafan. It makes people see that they can't help being close, but it's hard to be wary.

But the shots are not gentle. One shot is a killing move.

With a wave of hands, we can see that a thunder dragon appeared out of thin air, and after it emerged, countless thunders came out continuously. Every thunder seemed to have a terrifying edge. Can destroy everything, with vast sky power.

Thunder Dragon opened his teeth and danced his claws in the void, showing his confusion.

Crazy slaying past.

brush! !!

A mouthful of ghost-headed knives flew from the guillotine, slashing towards Thunder Dragon with fierce evil spirits. Every bite seemed to be stained with the blood of countless souls. At the same time, the blood-colored chains turned into blood dragons, swept out of the guillotine. It is not only towards the famous Tianling tribe Tianjiao, but also to bind the past to other surviving Tianjiao.

Suddenly, it is necessary to deal with all alien arrogance at one time.

Shura, Centaur, Fairy, Blood Demon, and Dragon were almost unwilling to attack.

"Courageous. This is simply not looking at us."

"Dare you dare to attack us at the same time, do you think you are invincible? If you want to eat all of us in one bite, you are not afraid that the teeth are not so good, and you will lose a bite of poison."

"God to death, can't be caught on that guillotine. On it, weird."

Many aliens arrogantly witnessed, almost roaring on the spot, and shot back.

What is strange is that those blood-colored chains are like illusory. No matter whether they are magical powers or magic weapons, there is no way to affect them. They appear unstoppable outside the body, and they cannot be covered by lightning. Bondage tied.

Followed, pulling towards the guillotine.

Bang Bang! !!

An alien Tianjiao was suppressed by invisible forces and bowed to the guillotine.

"On the guillotine, Modao enforced the law and decided!"

Ye Guxin said coldly.

Followed, is to cut off with a slash, cutting off the head of an alien Tianjiao. On the guillotine, there was a guillotine. Be straightforward and don't mess with it. The last centaur Ma Tianjiao died like this. The skull still murmured on the guillotine.

"On the guillotine, Modao enforced the law and decided!"

It was another light drink. A knife fell, and another Tianjiao was beheaded on the spot. Killed with a single knife, almost without a second knife. This sword is to kill the flesh together with the soul. The immortal body is useless under the ink knife.

"On the guillotine, Modao enforced the law and decided!"


Slashing across the sword, heads were rolling on the guillotine. But there was no flash of blood. At the same time that the head was severed, the blood was absorbed by the ink knife. It becomes the nutrient of the ink knife.

That picture followed into the ancient execution ground. See for yourself the executioner's execution. In addition, the executioner was an alien arrogant powerhouse. At this moment, his head was cut off like a prisoner. Killed on the spot.

In that case, it was a bit scary to look at.

Arthur's eyes were all falling to the ground, his mouth widened, a totally unacceptable expression.

"Strong, this is also a demon evil. The demon evil figure can let me meet twice, and my luck is not ordinary." Arthur said dumbly.

"It's so strong. It's as good as a dog."

Yi Tianxing's eyes were frozen, and he was deeply shocked. The strength that Ye Guxin showed was really horrible. Killing Tianjiao is like killing a dog. This strength is called terror. Even when killing those Tianjiao, the Qi machine emitted from him became more powerful. Eat the big tonic soup yourself.

"Ye Daoyou, we met again. I saw one at the tomb of the year, but I didn't expect it to be when I saw you again. Daoyou's cultivation has made amazing progress. Envious." Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

He originally planned to appear, but now he was completely resolved by Ye Guxin at once, and his mood naturally began to relax.

Of course, Ye Guxin's strength is secretly admired, but he is not jealous of anything ~ ~ The more powerful the human race, the more natural the human race will be. The more such evil-minded powerhouses, the greater the benefit to the human race.

Moreover, it can be seen from these two contacts that Ye Guxin still has a great sense of belonging to the human race.

Can be associated.

"Compared to Yi Huang."

Ye Guxin looked up at Yi Tianxing and said calmly, his face was free from humility and arrogance.

"If I have the chance, I hope to come to my Da Yi dynasty and have a drink together."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

"There will be a chance."

Ye Guxin nodded and said.

brush! !!

At this moment, a coercion appeared in the void, and nine huge eyes appeared in the void again.

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