Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1221: Everything is ready

For Cai Jing, Yi Tianxing did not deliberately target.

Da Yi's imperial examinations are fair and open. As long as you stand out in the imperial examinations and indeed have the corresponding talents, then he will never suppress their chances and interrupt their path of promotion, and it is now eternal In the world, all beings are regarded as gaining a new life. Since it is a new life, they should be given a chance to come again.

Give it once, born again.

Give it once. Reincarnation.

Then he will give it once again, opportunity.

Such as Cao Zhengchun, this is also a well-known **** in history, he does not give the position of the chief executive, and now, in the palace, is also dedicated. Don't dare to cross the scale. It is also a skilled old man in the palace. It is more convenient to use. This is a lesson learned. It is easy to not make the mistake of the year again. Moreover, such things as controlling the political affairs in the Great Yi Dynasty are undoubtedly seeking their own way.

Did not give him such a chance.

Similarly, Cao Zhengchun always kept his duty.

He is now the master of the city, and the wind and water are doing.

If you use it in the right place, it will cause different results.

"In my trade, I will give you a chance no matter what your previous identity is. If you ca n’t catch this opportunity, you can only leave the scene sadly. Cai Jing, I will also give you the stage. stupid."

Yi Tianxing thought secretly in his heart.

Many talents emerged from the imperial examination, among them Su Che, Su Shi's brother. In the last imperial examination, Su Shi won the position of visiting flowers. Now, he is also on the court, and at this moment, he is in the Ministry of Officials. Su Che later joined Dayi. After learning about Su Shi, he came over and the brothers met. I lived in Sue's house and exchanged knowledge with my elder brother. I also kept going in and out of the Immortal Academy to study hundreds of skills.

Just waiting for this imperial examination.

Unexpectedly, in the event of taking part in the imperial examinations, he still encountered a cowman like Pei Jun, who, like Su Shi, took a position to search for flowers.

"It seems my Su family is really related to Tanhua."

Su Shi smiled and shook his head, whispering secretly in his heart.

"Congratulations to Brother Su, another visitor of the Su family. It can be described as a double visitor. Passing it out can be described as a great story in the Great Yi, enviable." Wu Yong congratulated Su Ye with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, thank you."

Su Shi smiled in return.

However, it is above the hall, and there are not too many guest ways.

"Huang Lao, since the imperial examinations have ended, the talents selected, among them, who can be better than governing the world, will arrange as soon as possible to go to each fairy city and become the master of the fairy cities, and complete those fairy cities in the shortest time.

Yi Tianxing said to Huang Chengyan again.

In Yizhou, there are still many immortal cities that have been temporarily replaced by other people. In terms of talents, they are still lacking. They cannot run the immortal city perfectly and sit on one side. These candidates with the ability to govern the world will be the best. Candidate. Completely make up the last short board of the Dayi Dynasty.

"Your Majesty rest assured that after the release of the list, Wei Chen will discuss with the officials and colleagues to formulate a charter."

Huang Chengyan nodded and agreed.

Yizhou was the home base of the entire Great Yi dynasty, so that the base camp's operation was leak-proof in order to have no worries.

"Well, one more thing is that I am able to rest and rest. Today, Yizhou has been fully controlled, and the people have settled down. Food and materials are abundant. Moreover, we have obtained maps of the Hanhai Sea. It's time to get out of Yizhou, enter the sea, and set foot on other island continents. The troubled times are the times of soul despair, but also the times full of opportunities. As long as you can rise in the troubled times and stand out from the crowd, you will truly stand at the peak of the eternal world. "

Yi Tianxing said in a deep voice.

In troubled times, this is an era of warlords. As long as there is talent, you can break out of your own world in troubled times. Nowadays, there is no land everywhere. No one can suppress anyone, and no one can make rules, strength is respect, and strong is respect. How much territory you have the ability to lay down and be able to hold, it belongs to your territory.

This is also the era when there is no shame.

Once the troubled times are over and there is a rule between each other, then thinking about how you can arbitrarily conquer as much as you do today, you can occupy as many sites as possible. There will be a variety of fetters and restraints.

The troubled world is cruel, but it is fertile ground for expansion.

No one knows when the troubled times will end, but now, obviously, it is still in the troubled times that the division of interests by the major forces and races has not been completely completed. In other words, the invisible hidden rules have not yet appeared. So now, every minute is precious. Is the most important. It is possible that it will change the future of a realm.

This period of time was particularly important for the Dayi Dynasty.

Because Dayi has such strength to open up territories, and is qualified to occupy more realms and obtain more benefits.

"Please be assured, Your Majesty, our lieutenant general, has long been ready, just wait for an order before you can go to sea.

Yang Ye said without hesitation.

"Yes, tens of millions of soldiers, and a strong heart for war. You can fight for the world at any time." Cheng Biting also said loudly.


Yi Tianxing is still very happy with the warlike hearts of the generals. This is what the Great Yi Dynasty should have in blood, and said calmly: "It is March, the date of the expedition, and it is tentatively scheduled to be three months later, in early July. In these three months, the lieutenant generals can inspect the seas of Yizhou and conquer the sea beasts. The troops must be prepared and other materials must be prepared within three months. The construction speed of the fairy city must be accelerated. To battle an island and land, it is necessary A lot of fairy cities can be suppressed. "

For three months, he decided to give him three months to continue to rest and recuperate and accumulate the inside information. Preparations for the expedition will be made more appropriate. In these three months, the generals were also given a chance to improve.

Sending troops to battle the seas and hunting sea beasts also has great benefits for practicing exercises in the army. Extraordinary benefits.

You can also clear the surrounding waters. Let the army always maintain a strong fighting spirit.

"Please be assured, Your Majesty, three months later, the sea area will be cleared."

Yang Ye said resolutely.

Of course, clearing is just suppressing sea beasts, slaughtering a group of sea beasts, and not letting sea beasts hit the border of Yizhou. It is impossible to completely destroy sea beasts. Only by force and by suppression of killings can the sea beasts here understand that the human race is respected in the sea of ​​Yizhou.

This is to prepare for the expedition. If the base camp is not peaceful, then what about the expedition.


After the chapel.

The imperial examination was released, and the gold list was titled. Gold list roll-call.

Moreover, in the roll-call, the higher the ranking, the higher the test score, the greater the roll-call strength, and the wider the range of singing. It can be described as a middle-class move, and everyone in the world knows it.

"The title of the gold list, the No. 1 champion!"

As the last day of the gold list sounded. In that voice, a kind of exhilaration was conveyed.

Rumble! !!

Tian Mara moved the car and began to cruise the world. This is the supreme honor that the No. 1 champion has. Real celebrities have an eternal history.

In the sky survey, Qingyun paved the road, Jinguangwandao, Ruicai thousand. Free time.

Everywhere he went, Pei Ju's head looked like a golden laurel tree covered with canopies. The golden osmanthus blossomed continuously from the sky, falling down one after another. Wherever you go, not only the fragrance is everywhere, but it also looks gorgeous and dreamy. As if in the next flower rain.

That picture is really a great event.

After that, there are various arrangements for candidates.

A large number of candidates with talent in governing the world have been dispatched into Xiancheng and become the masters of the city. In the imperial examinations, they have been verified and their abilities are unquestionable.

As soon as it was dispatched, many immortal cities without the owner of the city quickly started to operate. People's livelihood began to recover at the fastest speed. And every day you can see a whole new change. The infiltration of the wilderness is also ongoing.

Every day a large number of human monks join the ranks of bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters are the quickest way for most people to grow up quickly. Nowadays, when going to and from the coastal fairy city, hunting and killing sea beasts is very popular. They all go in groups, either directly into the sea, or on the coastal beaches to resist the sea beasts hitting the fairy city.

Another army, frequently dispatched, constantly entered the waters. Fight against a large number of sea beasts.

The killing between the two sides turned the seawater in the surrounding waters red.

Moreover, sea beasts are not vegetarian.

To say the number is more than the beasts and birds on the land, densely packed, it is simply countless. In the process of Dayi's siege against them, the sea beasts also attacked the human race, and each month, there were no fewer than three beast waves.

That picture ~ ~ is simply horrible. With the tide, it turned into a tsunami and launched an impact on the surrounding fairy cities. Every time the beast tide, the corpse killed ran across the wild, and the blood flowed into the river. I do n’t know how many dead bodies there are.

And a large number of newly-added people and people have grown up completely under the baptism of this beast tide, and fundamental changes have taken place in spirit and spirit. Really feel that they are very powerful, Dayi is very powerful, they are different from before, and have the ability to dominate their own destiny.

Unconsciously, three months have passed quietly.

Army souls have gathered in the war world.

A corps exudes a strong sense of war.

The desire for war is extremely intense.

In the palace, Yi Tianxing and Cai Yan's daughters were sitting together to eat. In front of you is a top-notch gourmet with a full range of colors and fragrances. And most of them are seafood. Among those who set foot in the sea, the aquariums in the sea are constantly captured.

There are huge lobsters for adults, and that is everywhere. A lobster can fill a table.

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