Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1257: Flames of fire

"No hurry, even if the Da Yi dynasty is no matter how strong it is, as long as our dragon plan begins, naturally, the so-called Da Yi dynasty must be suppressed. If you don't submit, you can naturally surrender to them. The heritage of our dragon is actually outsiders' ability Spying. "

Han Hailong said calmly, but in his words, he revealed a strong self-confidence, which came from the bones and from the blood. With unparalleled confidence.

"Father, can our plan really succeed. If it fails, the situation of my dragons will be extremely difficult."

Ao Qi expressed anxiety on her face and said.

Obviously, her confidence is not as firm and strong as Han Hailong.

"Naturally can be successful. As long as the plan begins, it will not only be our vast ocean, but the entire eternal world, all seas, and all dragon palaces. They will be launched together. By then, it will lay the foundation for our supreme hegemony."

Han Hailong said resolutely.

"Yes, as long as the plan is successful, any big dynasty will be in front of our dragons, but it is just a cricket that can be killed casually."

Ao Lie said proudly.


The time passed quietly, and unknowingly, the night had passed.

And because of fighting with fierce beasts, and even in the future, we must continue to guard against the sneak attacks of the remaining fierce beasts, so that soldiers in major tribes are afraid to close their eyes almost one night. When the night is seen, the sun rises from the east At the beginning, one by one secretly relieved inwardly, the vigilant minds began to relax.

Many soldiers lie down on the yurt and fall asleep.

However, not many people slept in the past. After all, they are all monks. Their energy and energy are much stronger than ordinary people. Even if they don't sleep for a day, they can persist as long as the reason, but their own state will be affected to some extent.

"It's finally over, **** beast tide, almost killed me."

"Notify the slaves and let the slaves collect the corpses of the ferocious beasts. These are flesh meats, they are rich in energy, and it is definitely a great supplement to eat them. It is of great benefit to the monks. But it cannot be wasted."

"You scumbags, don't hurry to move the corpses. Good job, let me give you a few meat and bones to try, otherwise, no one will be better off."

An all-husband warrior exclaimed.

Urging the slave to move the body.

A well-known bounty hunter stood up one by one, walking towards the outside step by step. While walking, the speed was not fast. One by one, the eyes kept touching each other, and they were doing invisible communication.

Unknowingly, most bounty hunters have begun to approach the Hu people fighters separately. If you look closely, you will find that there is a bounty hunter beside each Hu fighter. With no precautions, weird changes occur.

For these bounty hunters, those Hu Ren warriors are not too vigilant.

Even from the heart, the slaves did not feel that these slaves would do any harmful actions. The people of these Yanhuang veins are too weak in nature, even if they pass the knife to them, May not dare to get it.

Therefore, they look down on them one by one.

It's hard to improve your preparedness.

Just as a slave goods in exchange for supplies.

"Do it !!"

"Brothers, kill !!"

"Minced these inhuman barbarians together and fed the dogs."


Almost at the same time, all the bounty hunters issued a burst of drink at the same time, with a flash of light in their hands, and a piece of magic weapon quickly took out of the hidden space bag, and aimed at the foxman warrior beside him, and chopped it down, and, Targets are all vital. Once hit, it is enough to make a single hit.

Puff puff! !!

A lot of blood bloomed, and a large number of Hu Ren warriors were too late to react, and they saw a flash of knife light, their heads had flew in the air, and blood light squirted a few meters high on their necks. Everything, at this moment, completely vanished.


"How come, these slaves dare to riot."

"Weapons, where are these slaves' weapons, how is it possible, where do they come from? This breath turns out to be the strongest in life, the strongest in life, **** it, trap, this is a trap."

"No, it's a good idea. All of these slaves are killer assassins lurking into our tribe. This is to kill our tribe. This is to kill our Sky Eagle Court. Who and who are targeting us. "

"Damn, how can these Chinese people have such powerful strength, it is impossible, these are two-legged sheep, how can they become tigers and wolves. I don't believe it."

"Hurry, kill, kill all these slaves. If you don't stay, kill! Kill! Kill!"

All these changes are really too fast, so fast that people have no time to respond. A large number of Hu people were furious on the spot, showing intense anger in their eyes. It was impossible to imagine that they were still slaves in their eyes, in exchange for goods and materials. At this moment, they chose to riot, and the power that broke out was simply It's scary.

The strength of each one is inferior or even more terrible than the elite warriors of the Hu people. They are almost always going to the point. When they are shooting, they are lethal, and they are killing their opponents. The strong blood-sharp atmosphere makes it clear that they are definitely going through hundreds of battles and are no strangers to actual combat.

The kind of indifference when beheading their heads is completely known, they have long been used to killing in their hearts.

There is no taboo.

The response of these Hu Ren soldiers was not unpleasant. They picked up the machete and attacked the bounty hunters around them, one by one, and apparently, they completely inspired the fierceness in the body.

Unfortunately, they had been fighting for a night long before they were attacked unexpectedly by the bounty hunter. In a split second, most of the Hu Ren soldiers were beheaded and severely wounded, which reduced the power of the tribe by 60 to 70%. .

Then he waited for his life, and the killing almost turned to the side.

Bang Bang! !!

There were clear gunfire.

It can be seen that a large number of bounty hunters held rune guns in their hands and continuously fired rune bullets. Quickly hit the enemy's vital points, and even puncture the eyebrows instantly, completely knocking the opponent's head out.

In this case, the rune gun is very easy to use, with a fast rate of fire and great power. Even in melee, they can still be reliable partners, and a large number of Hu Ren soldiers were shot by runes before they even had time to respond.

Some were run through the skull by rune bullet holes, and some were quickly transformed into ice sculptures after being shot, and the blood vessels and bones were frozen.

"No, who the **** are you. Why did you kill my tribe? The King of the Sky Eagle will not let you go. The King will avenge us."

The tribal chief roared, bursting into powerful combat, and wanted to kill nearby bounty hunters on the spot.

It was just that a bounty hunter strong had appeared, besieged in the middle, and under a rapid attack, the patriarch was killed instantly.

A tribe, completely destroyed.

Such pictures are almost everywhere on the Tianying Plain, emerging endlessly. At the same time, the damage caused to the Hu people tribe is too great. The Hu people tribe did not prevent the slave society in their tribe Sudden riots.

Moreover, it showed powerful combat power in an instant.

That feeling is simply terrifying.

Each tribe is constantly red with blood.

With thoughtful calculations, the fruit of the war is too great. On the plain, tribes were destroyed.

It can be seen that, above the sky eagle king court, the huge merit cloud sea began to violently oscillate, there seems to be a sign of disintegration on the spot, at the same time, it can be seen that the air transport dragon that was entangled in the sea of ​​clouds wailed and the light on his body became dim.

In the sea of ​​clouds, constantly shuttle, it seems abnormally irritable and decadent. As if feeling a breath of near death.

"How can this be? The true spirit of Qi Yun is unstable, the sea of ​​clouds is unstable, and the sea of ​​clouds is turbulent. This is the turbulence of the rivers and mountains. Who and who are starting to fight against the King of Heaven?

Tuobayu also went to rest, but this induction could not help but spit out a counter-blood on the spot,


The luck of Tianying Wangting is turbulent, and it is turbulent at an incredibly rapid rate, and the entire dragon is extremely decadent. The true spirit of Qi Yun was born by relying on the direction of transportation. The direction of transportation is strong. Naturally, it will follow the strength. Once the direction of transportation is weakened, it will also be damaged, at least, it will become quite weakened.

As the Lord of the Yun Dynasty, he clearly felt that Wang Ting's luck had changed, not because the luck had completely dissipated, but as if it had become a rootless duckweed, and a large area was completely out of control. It can be said that it had fallen.

"Bloodlight !!"

A shaman took out a face-shaped object ~ ~ which contained a lot of blood. In the blood, countless runes flickered, and a pair of pictures emerged from the waves, which are all parts of the Sky Eagle King Court What is happening.

massacre! !!

There were almost shocking massacres everywhere. A large number of tribes were slaughtered one after another. Under this sudden riot, there was no resistance at all and they were slaughtered.

"Damn it, slave, this is a conspiracy."

Tuoba's eyes and eyes were congested, and his face was suffocated. He almost wanted to eat on the spot. Slaves, slaves who had previously been regarded as wealth, dare to launch riots against them. Moreover, it was successful. If it was a slave, he would rather find a piece of tofu and directly kill him.

"Human race, it seems that this is the strength of some people who are deliberately targeting our Tianying King's Court. The surrounding tribes are no longer saved. Even if they can support it, it will only be a matter of time. The only thing that matters most now is defense. King City, as long as the King City is kept, then our Tianying King Ting can continue to exist and continue. Once the King City is breached, the Yun Dynasty will also be destroyed. "

Mr Huo said quickly.

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