Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: Battle Table Pro

"The handwriting is really not small. The gold spar can directly send out a box of this amount. The heritage of the Celestials is truly extraordinary." Yi Tian walked forward and sighed with surprise.

The spar veins are different in quality, and the spar they bred are also different. The worst quality is naturally black iron spar. Although the heaven and earth vitality contained in it is much stronger than the outside vitality, the quality and quantity are all spar. The lowest.

Moving up, there are bronze, silver, gold, and top purple gold. According to legend, the purple-colored spar is extraordinary. Only innate spar can be bred. The other crystals, if any, are extremely rare, because the purple-colored spar is said to contain no Normal vitality, but innate vitality.

The preciousness of that kind of amethyst is not comparable to ordinary spar. Even any one can be regarded as a rare treasure.

Of course, gold spar is no better than amethyst. But it is still precious. The amount of heaven and earth vitality contained in the spar is not only huge, but also more refined. Even if it does not completely absorb and refine the gold spar in an instant, how much energy it absorbs, it can also absorb heaven and earth vitality from the outside world. , Slowly recover. No accident, it can be used permanently. Worked wonders.

Such spar, in all major strengths, is an almost strategic resource.

It won't come out easily.

Here, there is a whole box. Especially, this treasure box is not an ordinary box. It has been expanded by the secret of space. It looks small, but the space inside is several times or ten times its original size. The number of spar that can be accommodated is naturally even more huge and amazing.

"Three thousand gold-grade spar. The human race is really rich today."

The Tonghuang saw, blinked, and said unexpectedly. The weight of this box is not too light. Are there any gold spar dynasties in Da Yi Dynasty? Of course, they have fought the Quartet all these years, and have continuously annihilated every tribe, major forces, and gold spar obtained from them. However, these three thousand pieces are already comparable to a part of the reserve of the Dayi Dynasty itself.

Definitely not a small number.

Click! !!

The second treasure chest was opened.

While opening, you can see that there is a jade box inside.

I took a jade box into my hand and opened it easily. You can see that the jade box is not ordinary. It is a fruit, a spiritual fruit. This spiritual fruit looks very strange, it looks like a coconut. On the surface, it can even be seen that countless patterns of heavenly people are emerging, and ancient prayers are being done. Religious and mysterious.

"Tianrenguo, Tianrenye. This is a specialty of the Tianren tribe."

After seeing Yi Tianxing, he already knew what it was.

There is a unique special product in the Celestials. It is said that only Celestials can cultivate it. It is called the Celestial Treasure Tree. On the tree, it can produce spiritual fruit, which is Celestial Fruit. The Celestial Fruit is like coconut inside. It is hollow, which can give birth to the legendary treasure of heaven and man, which is a real gem.

It is said that Tianrenbaoye can have great benefits for refining the body. Moreover, it can be used for children to be washed and immersed in Tianrenbaoye, which can improve the quality of root bones and change the talents. The change is congenital root bones. Qualification. Such heavenly treasures are extremely precious resources in the heavenly people clan, and they will not be easily taken out.

Any one can baptize a child.

Even the most ordinary qualifications can be promoted to become genius-level genius after being baptized with Tianrenbaoye, and may even be transformed into Tianjiao-level qualification. That's the most amazing and incredible thing.

From this, we can also know the preciousness of heavenly treasure.

Among the various tens of thousands of people, they are very famous. Every time, many races go to seek the treasure of heaven and earth.

A jade box is a heavenly fruit. It is also a treasure of heaven and earth. There are ten jade boxes in this box, that is to say, there are ten heavenly fruits. This pen is not inferior to the gold spar.

"Rich wealth, this is rich wealth."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

Of course, he would not refuse such a gift, and what he eats is his own. Everything else can be set aside.

Click! !!

Subsequently, the third treasure chest also opened.

There are only ten jade boxes in the box.

"What is this, is it still a human being?"

The Tong Huang looked curiously at these jade boxes. If the fruit is heavenly, it is really developed.

"It shouldn't be, if it is, it won't be divided into two boxes." Yi Tianxing shook his head with a smile and didn't think it was a human fruit, but without hesitation, quickly took out a jade box from it and opened it directly.

"This thing looks very similar to our communicator. It looks like a watch."

When the prince saw it, there was a touch of wonder in his eyes, and he said slowly.

Yes, what appears inside is a watch, the whole body is made of a crystal almost transparent plate, in which you can see the unique texture left by the runes. These textures are intertwined and outline a gorgeous pattern, which has a distinguished atmosphere.

"Interesting, combat watches, there is such a thing, rune technology creation. The creation and invention of the Three Eyes."

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed a glory, and the wordless Tianshu in his mind quickly derived a message. After viewing it, he couldn't help shaking.

"Mighty watch, Your Majesty means that this watch can measure our battle power. What value does this battle power represent. How to evaluate it. What is the evaluation standard?"

The queen is not stupid, the real meaning of this combat watch has been understood from the first time. But I knew that I felt a little shock. After all, this is not an ordinary item. To be evaluated and to be accurate, it is definitely not about talking, and it is even more impossible to joke. Must be precise. It is really possible to make a determination of combat effectiveness.

"Sir, let your subordinates try it first."

The Tong Huang asked.

"Well, let me try first."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

This combat power watch is not harmful, it just monitors the combat power of itself and the enemy. There is no danger at all.

The queen took a watch and put it on his right hand.

While wearing it, a tingling came from the wrist, and then a drop of blood was incorporated into the watch.

There is a mysterious connection between itself and the watch. This connection is very clear. At the same time, you can see that the runes on the watch flicker, and in the blink of an eye, a piece of text has appeared on the transparent screen.

"Might: 60,000."

Based on information obtained from combat watches. There are certain criteria for the evaluation of watches.

There are statistics.

Ordinary human beings, after training, have not opened the Shenhai before, the top warriors have the same combat power. Of course, this number can be floated up and down. It is physically strong and can naturally surpass this number. It can only be said that most of them are around one.

The fighting power of the monk Shenhaijing is about one to one hundred.

Fate is about one hundred to one thousand.

The life map is about one thousand to ten thousand.

The state of France is about 10,000 to 100,000.

Yuan Shenjing is about 100,000 to 1 million.

"60,000? In this way, my combat power has not reached the highest level in the realm of law."

The emperor saw that she couldn't help but feel a little unwilling, and felt that there was something wrong with the broken watch, which was not accurate at all.

"60,000? Oh, don't worry. Although this combat watch can say that it can evaluate a certain combat value, it is definitely impossible to be completely accurate. The combat power of any monk cannot be compromised. Thorough determination, exerting warfare skills and magical powers will cause your own strength to fluctuate and become more powerful. You really want to believe in this so-called combat power, and you wo n’t even know how to die after that. ”

Yi Tianxing saw and shook his head with a smile. This thing can be used as a certain reference, but he must not completely believe in this set of so-called data. That's looking for death. A method to converge air power and conceal strength. In the eternal world, it is not known how many exist. As long as you are willing, Yi Tianxing can make the value on the combat watch appear as one.

If you want to believe it, then you lose completely.

"Your Majesty means that this combat watch is useless at all." Tong Huang said.

"Of course, it is not completely useless. In the wilderness, you can use it to detect the combat power of beasts and monsters. Even if it is a basic combat power, it can still greatly increase your own safety, and avoid danger as much as possible before danger comes. This It's also a rune-derived creation. It's a good thing. "

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

Also bring a watch.

The light flashed on the watch, and a detection number emerged.

Fighting power: Ten! !!


How could it be ten? Obviously what was detected was just a wrong number.

This is naturally that Yi Tianxing deliberately converged his Qi machine, even the blood and blood were hidden in a mouthful of Baoding. Letting the body behave like an ordinary monk, did not expect that the numbers really weakened to a terrible degree.

"It really is not a good thing."

The prince saw it, his face changed slightly, and if he believed it too much, it would be absolutely fatal on the battlefield and in the killing.

Suddenly, a strange light appeared on the communicator.

As soon as my mind was moving, a layer of streamer naturally appeared on the communicator, turning it into a light curtain and presenting it to the front.

On the light curtain ~ ~ a picture emerged.

That picture is exactly what the Great Yi Palace looks like. Appearing in front of them were Cai Yan and other girls.

"Fu Jun, what's going on your side now, is there any free time?" Cai Yan said immediately.

This situation is like video chat, face-to-face conversation.

It is so clear that even the sound can be transmitted.

"Is something wrong?"

Yi Tianxing heard it and asked quickly.

Generally speaking, Cai Yan does not interfere in his behavior.

"Sister Xiaoqian has just had a sudden fetal movement and is about to give birth, and Wen Po has passed. Can you rush back before the child is born?" Cai Yan said quickly.

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