Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1315: Opening

Many monks know refining equipment, refining runes, and refining elixir, but it is because of knowing the refining that they deeply understand how difficult it is to refining top-quality Fulu elixir. . There are three points for strength, seven points for luck, good luck, maybe you can do it, bad luck, do n’t even think about it, and now, Yi Tianxing says that you can combine the lower grades into the top grades, or even the top grades. , The best grade.

What an incredible thing.

The zombie was also stunned.

"It can be synthesized, it can really improve the quality."

A monk began to ask, looking very concerned.

"This is natural. Since I dare to erect a signboard here, I can certainly be able to synthesize. However, the synthesis has a chance of failure, and the chance of success is not 100%. Therefore, whether you can successfully complete the synthesis depends on your own. If you have good luck, you have success, but bad luck means failure. No one can interfere with this. "

Yi Tianxing said. There is no need to lie about such things.

"I don't know what the success rate is."

A monk asked.

Others are also keeping their eyes wide open and listening with raised ears, which is very concerned.

"20% chance of success. Of the ten times, you can probably succeed twice. Of course, if you are lucky and can succeed more times, it is also possible. The synthesis, not controlled by me, is shot by yourself. If it succeeds, it depends on my luck. I ca n’t interfere, and I ca n’t interfere. It ’s just a guaranteed success rate. In the poems, I must succeed twice. "

Yi Tianxing said naturally.

This synthesis uses naturally created Rubik's Cube. After being incorporated into Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, the Rubik's Cube already has a success rate of 30% to 40% after promotion. Of the 10 times, 3 or 4 times can succeed, of course, sometimes it reaches 40% to 50% Odds. However, he did not say that the success rate was so high, 20% to 30%, which is already a very high probability.

Even so, the attraction to the monks around is still enormous.

For the same item, the higher the rank, the higher the value is ten times and hundred times.

"What you're saying is letting us compose ourselves. Could you let us see for yourself."

A monk said.

Hearing is nothing but seeing is believing. After synthesizing such a novelty, how can one really be convinced and accept it after seeing it with his own eyes?

"Well, look."

Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently, and as soon as he thought, he saw a third-order Rubik's cube. This Rubik's cube is just a magic cube, but it is not the cube's body, but a projection directly from the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower. .

Even if it is a projection, it is still condensed like essence, with all the functions of the ontology, and it will not be greatly affected when it is synthesized. The most important thing is that if you project, you can project several, dozens, without being limited by the number. It can fully meet the needs of multiple monks synthesizing at the same time. Maximize the use of Rubik's cube.

"The one in front of me is the magic cube, which is also required for synthesis. Everyone can think of it as my destiny, and here are ten inferior runes. Windblade Rune. Now I put the Windblade Rune into the Rubik's cube. Of course, synthesis At this time, it is not necessary to have ten copies and ten copies, but the minimum is two copies, and the best is three. Of course, the more you put in, once the synthesis is successful, the quality of the treasure you get will increase more. Metamorphosis is better. "

Yi Tianxing said over and over again to start synthesis.

Open the Rubik's Cube, and there will be squares on it. Then the Rubik's cube began to spin, and the dark golden light was changing. But just a few breaths. The Rubik's cube stopped abruptly, and a fuming aura vomited from the Rubik's cube.

"This is ......... Wind Blade Rune, no, this is the top grade Wind Rune. My obedient, I just put in ten subordinates, and after the synthesis, they turned into top grade, this is simply magical, incredible, The power of the wind blade rundown between the top grade and the top grade is at least tens to hundreds of times. This is a huge difference. Its value is multiplied instantly. This combination is amazing. "

A ghost monk took a breath on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, the difference between the top and bottom products is the same, the power difference is about ten times, and the same is true between the top and top products. The gap between the top and bottom products can be imagined. It's two completely different concepts.

The value is not at all comparable to that of ten inferior wind blades.

This is what turns waste into treasure.

Yi Tianxing didn't hesitate. He took out three crossbow arrows again and put them into the forged cube, and the light flashed in the cube. Then, he saw that no new crossbow arrows were synthesized, but a layer of powder was removed from the cube.

"This is a synthesis failure. All the material treasures will be turned into powder. This is nothing. Failure is nothing."

The monks around him saw that they had understood in their hearts that they were secretly amazed. This is the risk that synthesis takes.

If it is too precious heavenly treasures, once the synthesis fails, it will be bloodless.

"Of course, this is the synthesis of treasures of the same material. If they are successful, they will be transformed and promoted. However, if the materials are successfully synthesized, a new treasure will be born. It is possible to synthesize waste products. It is also possible to get top treasures. Whether you can succeed or not is still the sentence, it's all my luck. I'm only responsible for providing a synthesis platform. How to synthesize depends on your own. "

Yi Tianxing smiled calmly and said calmly.

How to synthesize different treasures requires a secret recipe. How the secret recipe was born can only be obtained through trial and error. For example, he has some synthetic recipes in his hands, all of which are successful cases obtained when he has nothing to do with various materials.

Red copper, cold iron, pure crystal, flawless spirit jade, after synthesis, you can get a two-name ice and fire jade. Originally, no matter whether it was red copper or cold iron, the grade was not high, and it could only be regarded as a conventional treasure. After being synthesized, the grade of Liangyi Binghuoyu jumped to the top grade of the ground. The value has changed dramatically, and it has a great effect on the refiner and even the charm.

Better applicability.

It is conceivable how valuable this synthetic recipe is. Moreover, it is still a secret recipe that is only in the hands of Yi Tianxing. Without the magic cube, it is difficult to complete the synthesis. The normal method, even the refining method in the refining machine, has no way to smelt the two instruments. Unless someone else has mastered synthetic magic or has a corresponding treasure. Synthesis can be done from secret recipes.

"Daoyou, how does this calculation work? Pay for it with other items."

The zombie chief nearby couldn't help but ask.

There is no way to miss this magical synthesis. However, to synthesize, you must pay a price, ask first before you start.

"It's very simple. Once you synthesize it, no matter what you synthesize, you have to prepare two copies of the material. One is the synthesis cost, which belongs to me. The other is a synthetic material. Whether it is a success or a failure, the final item belongs to itself. . Tong Tong is not bullying. Every time he synthesizes, it is the same rule. Of course, if you can't take out the corresponding materials, you can replace it with other items, natural treasures, spiritual fruits and potions.

Yi Tianxing said.

Is this price outrageous?

Not outrageous at all.

It ’s like a master of alchemy. Generally, you need to ask the master of alchemy to make a certain type of elixir. Those who request alchemy must prepare ten times the medicine needed in the elixir, which is ten parts of the elixir. If the alchemist only succeeds in one furnace, then naturally, that one furnace of elixir belongs to the person who seeks it. If the first furnace succeeds, the remaining nine parts belong to the alchemist, then it belongs to the other party. remuneration.

Such rules are generally recognized in the practice world. No one feels that there is anything unfair. Mastering a superb practice technique is the best way to rely on practice. This is the case for alchemy, and so is the refining machine, but the material prepared by the refining machine is not as much as that of alchemy, but three servings need to be prepared.

The profit contained in it is absolutely profiteering.

The cost of this synthesis is a synthetic material, which is quite cheap.

Of course, this needs to be taken into account, this is just a no-cost deal. Yi Tianxing is not responsible for the success or failure of the synthesis, which depends on his own luck to see if he can get lucky.

"This synthesis is interesting. I'll try it once. See if my town cadaver can be synthesized."

The head of the zombie said with interest.

With that said, he took out three town corpses and gave them to Tianxing Xing. Then, he took out ten town corpses and put them into the magic cube. Naturally, the cube had emitted a thick layer of **** light. Turning fast.

brush! !!

The light flashed, and a rune rose from the cube.

The rune is much more amazing than the previous corpse rune, the rune is more complicated, and the vitality generated is even more amazing.

"Shangpin Town Corpse Rune, really is Shangpin Town Corpse Runway. Great, sure enough, my luck is so strong. Once I succeed, the synthesis is true. I want to develop."

The zombie jumped excitedly ~ ~ and looked very excited.

Turning waste into treasure, this is turning waste into treasure.

The synthesis is successful and the value is doubled.

"Synthesis, I also have to synthesize. Last time I dug a large amount of Xuanyin Stone from Xuanyin Mine. But Xuanyin Stone is only ordinary material in Hell. If Xuanyin Iron and Xuanyin Iron are fine, that is an amazing treasure . "

A ghost monk stepped forward in excitement and said.

"I also have to synthesize. The elixirs I have refined are all inferior. If it can become a superior product, it will be perfect."

An alchemist said excitedly.

Can the inferior product compare with the superior product?

That's the real baby.

Many people have seen it with their own eyes.

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