Eternal Country

Chapter 130: Deed of life

The corpse is everywhere! !!

The blood bleeds into the river! !!

Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops were completely wiped out in a bombing camp.

Under the rising sun, the earth was like a golden light.

Desolately in the Huns barracks, it looked so desolate.

I can see that many Huns died holding each other. Before his death, his eyes were all blood red. Obviously, the entire consciousness was completely immersed in the killing. Even if he died, he did not wake up from that crazy state.

Thousands of troops, only a small part can survive.

I even survived, everyone was injured. covered in wounds.

It was a shocking thing to see.

The people and horses gathered beside Liu Bao were not even ten thousand, only a few thousand soldiers. Each one is mentally decadent. There was fear in his eyes. Looking at the corpses all over the place, he was even more afraid, and regretted his face. The color of fear spread in my heart.

豹 Liu Bao was so angry that his face was dark.

Squinting your eyes is like spitting fire.

I never thought of it. In just one night, the soldiers were strong and powerful, and in a blink of an eye, they became disabled soldiers. All wounded, a decadent scene after defeat. This change from heaven to **** is simply unacceptable.

其中 The contrast between them is really too great.

I was too big for Liu Bao to accept it.

Before that time, he still had an absolute advantage. As long as the trap was filled, the village could be slaughtered. Now the situation is fundamentally reversed. And it happened overnight.

Even the other party did not pay any price at all. A soldier did not die. Just planning a camp tsunami and letting his army kill each other. This situation is even hitting Liu Bao's face.

This is telling him that he couldn't even get on the stage during the march. Was it crushed directly on the strategy? This feeling is even more a sense of shame. An anger that cannot be vented.

"Sir, we have a plan."

"It's over, our army has been completely maimed. Moreover, even the battle horses ran away most of them."

"What to do now, the tricks of these Central Plains are really too treacherous. At night, when the fire suddenly went out, I heard, there were shouts and kills everywhere, some people were shooting arrows, there were killings by the Chinese army. , Desperately killed with a knife. "

Fear and paleness appeared on the face of a famous Hun soldier.

This night is an unbelievable nightmare for them.

I was too scary.

I never thought that it would be possible to let them kill each other without costing a single soldier. This is simply heaven and earth. It is not personal experience, and it will never be believed.

"What should we do now?"

The shaman Uma looked horribly looking at the barracks in front of him.

I was in a good situation, and mourned all night.

"The **** Central Plains dared to ruin the great inheritance of the king. Damn it, really **** it."

豹 Liu Baomeng turned around and looked at Xuanhuang Village.

I fell coldly on the city wall and saw it with my own eyes, even setting the table, talking and laughing while eating food. This is simply a provocation. A contempt. A mockery of Liu Bao.

"Fuck the Central Plains, you are too bullying."

Liu Bao moved forward suddenly, stepped out of the barracks, and roared towards Xuanhuang Village, yelling, "I am the Huo Zuoxian King Liu Bao. What kind of man are you? All you know is that you are a group of cowardly men who dare not show their heads. "

"Who is the Lord of Xuanhuang Village, come out and give it to me. Don't you have the courage to face the King."

Liu Bao's voice, filled with anger, spread it out, like thunder. Instantly spread throughout Xuanhuang Village. Everyone is clear and audible.

"Damn Huns, what **** Liu Bao, how dare to say such a thing, this is justified."

"Hum, I heard before that there was a fierce killing sound outside, as if the village chief had shown his tricks and attacked the Huns camp last night. Now, this Liu Bao should be angry and angry."


走 "Let's go and scold him on the wall."

Many people in the village just woke up, and immediately heard Liu Bao's roar, they immediately became angry and shouted towards the city wall.

"Lai He's cooking is truly amazing. The stewed meat is chewy and tastes very good. The wild mushrooms should be used to enhance the flavor. The dipping material has a delicious flavor of the mountain. The entire taste buds are exploding. Wonderful, really wonderful. "

Ji Yi Tianxing was deeply intoxicated by the food in front of him.

The gastronomic cells in the tadpole hardly stagnate to draw the vitality of the world. Physical strength has soared again and again.

Vaguely, he has begun to approach Hei Ding Erming, reaching a physical strength of 20,000 kg.

Take a meal, the blood in the body rolled.

Yi Yitianxing estimated that almost only a new gourmet meal would be needed to completely raise the level of the cultivator to the level of Hei Ding Erming.

He also heard Liu Bao's angrily roaring sound.

There was a slight smile on the corner of the pout, and he slowly stood up. Standing on the wall, looking at Liu Bao, he said, "The reason why people can create a brilliant civilization is because human beings have wisdom and powerful creativity. They have knowledge. People are different from animals and animals because of human beings. Thoughts and emotions. "

"Wisdom, knowledge, this is one of the most powerful forces of human beings. I am weak in defeating you with my own wisdom. I only know that with brute force, it's just a reckless man, like a wild animal."

"You Xiongnu eat people, treat us as two-legged sheep, and treat them as food, saying that you are human and have elevated you. Your Xiongnu, in their bones, are just a group of beasts in human skin. Against you, I In any way, you are not qualified to make any accusations. "

"You can do the trick, that's just to blame you for being stupid."

Yi Yixing responded politely.

In his words, he was not polite to Liu Bao. It was too stupid to point him directly at his nose.

"who are you?"

豹 Liu Bao stared at Yi Tianxing and questioned.

"The Lord of Xuanhuang Village, Yi Tianxing." Yi Tianxing said calmly.

"It ’s you who destroyed the great foundation of the king, Yi Tianxing, if you are not a coward, then you sign this deed of life and death. If you win, the army of Huns around me will naturally not be able to survive. You die. I want to kill all of Xuanhuang Village. No grass remains. "

There was a touch of madness on Liu Bao's face.

Suddenly a blood-red leather book appeared in my hand. This skin, I do n’t know if it was a beast or a human, and was confused with a touch of blood.

In the blood, you can see the life and death deeds of three **** ancient magpies! !!

"Today I Liu Bao is willing to use everything I have as the price. Take all the flesh and blood around me as the best. In exchange for a chance to fight Yi Tianxing to death, either he will die or I will die. Only one person can survive."

豹 Liu Bao issued a ranting roar. Then he pulled out the machete and made a bloodstain on the palm. Blood dipped in the palm, and one palm rested on the deed of life and death.

brush! !!

The deed of life and death seemed to get some kind of touch, and a layer of strange blood light bloomed in an instant, spreading like a tide. On the deed of life and death, a **** vortex emerged, emitting a strange engulfing power, and a Hun soldier The dead bodies swallowed in and swept in. The deed of life and death was completely swallowed up, and the blood on the deed of life and death became more intense with each death of a corpse.

The ravioli even forcibly ingested the blood that penetrated the soil from the ground. Red soil, return to normal color. The corpse disappeared into nothingness, became pure flesh and blood, and was devoured by the deed of life and death.

The tens of thousands of Xiongnu corpses that had fallen in the barracks were constantly involved.

Click the picture. It's terrible.

The deed of life and death is suspended directly in the air.

"No good, weird, this Liu Bao doesn't know what to do. His decisive battle cannot be agreed. Let me go." Huang Chengyan looked dignified and instinctively felt a bad breath. He said immediately.

"The son of a thousand gold can't sit down. The gentleman can't stand under the wall. The protagonist can't promise

. "Yang Ye also said decisively.

This picture is too weird at first glance.

"The deed of life and death is a strange treasure. Liu Bao has paid the price and offered a sacrifice. The deed of life and death has begun to run, I'm afraid I can't hide from it." Has given birth to a kind of induction, that life and death deed is definitely a strange treasure. Moreover, it is still very special. This is a contract, a deed of life and death.

显然 Obviously, once such a contract appears, it must be divided into births and deaths.

Even, Yi Tianxing can feel that in the underworld, there is already a mysterious power to lock itself ~ ~ This is a unique rule power from heaven and earth. Irresistible, unable to escape.

In other words, escape is useless.

"Moreover, I'm more of a man. The role of a man has never been to escape. I'm also a monk. I'm more of a young man. When it's time to take a shot, we must take a shot. During the war, I committed suicide. "

Yi Yitianxing naturally overflowed with a strong war.

He came to the new world at the same moment, was sealed in Xianshan, and was imprisoned in power. In the world, almost every one is under the same foundation. He never thought he would fear anyone.

What's more, he is a young man.

I also have an immortal blood.

Young people, be vigorous! !!

The light flashed in his hand, and a war spear had appeared in his hand. The warfare on his body suddenly burst out. Dark hair that had grown behind her head was dancing wildly. Bring out an invincible momentum.

"King Zuo Xian, wouldn't you be too reckless to do this, we still have a chance." Shaman Uma said, his face changed dramatically.

"The only chance is to kill Yi Tianxing."

豹 Liu Bao said unwaveringly, only Yi Tianxing was in his eyes, and he said coldly, "Yi Tianxing, you dare to come to the battle."

"Nothing dare !!!"

Qi Yitianxing flatly agreed. To be continued.

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