Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Hall of Illusions

"It's incredible, it's incredible, Yi Daoyou, this time you're afraid you're really outraged, and your wealth is too revealing, just because you have become a fat in the eyes of other strong men, walking After going back, stay at Huangquan Inn as much as possible. Even in Huangquan Inn, it may not be absolutely safe. I do n’t know how many different ways of charm in the underworld, you still have to be careful. There are too many ways to make people Silent fall. "

After leaving the auction house, following Yi Tianxing all the way back to the room where he stayed, Zhao Li said again and reminded. The look was not ordinary dignity.

Yi Tianxing's exposure in the auction house was too much. Robbing the treasure you want at sky-high prices. Although the auction method is a one-shot killer, without any disadvantage, it completely stuns all competitors with sky-high money, but the hidden danger is huge.

An unknown strong man revealed such a rich net worth.

It is conceivable that it is difficult not to become the focus of much attention. This approach is obviously a bit unwise.

The means seemed rude and wild.

"Anyway, just look at what these people can do. If you want to target me, it depends on whether you have enough strength." Yi Tianxing didn't feel that there were too many concerns. In fact, he was fearless. Here is just an avatar. Even if the avatar falls, it will not damage the body, so no matter how rough it is, it is harmless.

Instead, he wanted to see more of the underworld.

These can not be seen under normal circumstances, and can only be achieved by drawing snakes out of holes.

"Just know what you have in mind." Zhao Li glanced deeply at Yi Tianxing, nodding his head and nodding: "Yes, the message has just been delivered. The time to attack the Red Robe ghost king is three days later. If you participate Don't miss it then. "

Three days is enough to prepare everything.

The Red Robe Ghost King can now be said to be in a state of complete siege. Unless it is to completely abandon Red Flame City and the Ghost Gate, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the surveillance of the ghost.

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Yi Tianxing nodded and promised.


At night, the two moons are the same day.

Huh! !!

There was a crisp knock outside Yi Tianxing's door. Along with the knock, a voice came in naturally: "Yi Daoyou, I don't know if my body can come in."

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes from the meditation, and his eyes were not surprised by the knocking outside. He calmly said, "Come in!"

"I've seen Yi Daoyou and ventured to disturb me, please also a lot of Haihan."

All I saw was that Nalanrou had stepped in charmingly. Dressed in a suit, it can be described as touching and dazzling. I have to say that this is a fairy, and I know how to show the charm of women perfectly. In words, people don't feel sick.

"Nalan Daoyou visits late at night. If it spreads out, it would be a bad reputation for Dao." Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently. It was Na Lanrou, the zombie king.


Na Lanrou also didn't go outside, and found a chair in the room and sat down, laughing: "What's the reputation of the body, compared to Tao You've heard of it, whether it has anything to do with it, what's the relationship, the reputation is with me In terms of it, it just doesn't matter. You should be worried about your own reputation. "The look seemed to be smiling, showing a hint of fun.

Looking at Yi Tianxing's eyes, with a charming and tender. It seems to drip water.

"How can the words of others shake my mind?" Yi Tianxing smiled calmly: "Dao friends visiting late at night should not just want to meet and get to know each other. Let's say something directly, everyone It ’s a monk, turning corners is just a waste of time. ”

No extra words, just open the door and see.

"Without him, I came here this time just to see what it was like to be able to spend a lot of money at the auction, and how many Daoists did not dare to compete positively. Secondly, there is something I really want to do. Negotiate with a Taoist friend. "Na Lanrou said immediately, and then said.

"Oh, please." Yi Tianxingdao.

"I'm here to ask if the reincarnation Dan in Daoyou's hands is willing to take the shot. If he is willing, he can pay enough price in return for the reincarnation Dan. He will definitely not let Taoyou suffer."

Nalanrou said.

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed a certain color, the temptation of reincarnation Dan is indeed huge enough, get it, you can have a chance to live the second life, for those who have run out of life, that value is once A brand new life, a new beginning, for this, even if it is to save his life, he will not hesitate to fight for it. of course. Now is the place where the worlds merge, and those who are the ones who have run out of life are few. Really, Shou Yuan was exhausted, and the reincarnation cycle was relied on with the opportunity of the integration of the realms of the world.

However, the value of reincarnation Dan has not been reduced in the least, and it is a life-saving hole card to stay in the hand. No one feels annoyed that he has too many ways to save his life.

"You should know the value of reincarnation Dan, and don't know what price you can pay."

Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently, but did not agree or refuse, but asked.

In this way, Na Lanrou's eyes brightened, and the hope in her heart increased greatly. "Although the strength of the body is not top, but there are some good things in the hand, this is the list. As long as you fancy, say anything. "

Naranjo took out a list and handed it over.

Yi Tianxing saw and refused. He took it and looked up.

It can be seen that a lot of treasures are listed above.

Among them are not only magic magic soldiers, but also all kinds of magical materials, and even cultivation exercises.

There is a top practice method "Mingyue Feathering Sutra". This is a superb method of absorbing the essence of the moon and living from death to feather the flying fairy. The most suitable is the zombie family. It is the top practice created by the strong among the zombies, which means that they want to emerge from the body of the zombies. The ultimate goal of detachment was very amazing.

Of course, not only zombies, but even other dark attributes of the underworld, can be cultivated. Gongfa is a Gongfa. What achievements can be achieved varies from person to person.

However, this technique is also of great value. As long as it spreads in the underworld, you don't know how many monks will vie for it, and you can create a strong one at will.

This method is not counted. In the list, Yi Tianxing also sees various magic weapons, which are different treasures in the world. After all, compared with the reincarnation Dan, only the different treasures in the world are eligible. Otherwise, all others It's slag.

Ice and fire two ritual sticks, Qiankun robe, poisonous thousand fantasy net, psychic treasure jade ...............

You can even see strange treasure buildings, such as wine ponds, meat forests, and so on.

"Phantom Hall? What is this treasure?"

Yi Tianxing suddenly curiously pointed at an item on the list and asked.

On it, there is only the name of the hall of fantasy monsters, and there is no specific introduction.

Therefore, what exactly is used, you still have to guess by yourself.

"The Hall of Fantastic Beasts is a strange treasure building that was previously obtained by the corpse. It can hunt fierce beasts, detain its beast spirits, and send them into the hall of Fantastic Beasts. In the hall of Fantastic Beasts, a strange power will be generated , To transform the beast spirit into a fantasy beast, as long as it is merged with the fantasy beast, you can acquire a power. These fantasy beasts may be turned into weapons, they may be turned into battle armors, they may be turned into wings, and they have different possibilities. . Of course, the items derived from fantasy beasts are all different. There are not many laws at all, and they have a great correlation with themselves. "

Nalanrou said.

She naturally tried this hall of magical beasts, but she found that this thing is not useful to the monks of the underworld, and must have the yang vitality of the life of the world to resonate with the beasts.

There is no way for monks to do this.

In her hands, to her, it is completely a chicken rib, can see, can not eat, of course, the strength of the fantasy beast is not strong, in her view, one hand can pinch to death. Such things are unfortunately abandoned, and of course they appear on the list. In fact, they don't feel so precious in their hearts, or in other words, in the underworld, they are useless.

After reading the list, Yi Tianxing looked at Na Lanrou and said, "Although there are a lot of treasures in this list, it is still not comparable to Reincarnation Dan. I am also very useful in reincarnation Dan. No May be traded for you, of course, the treasures on your list, I can use money to buy, what price do you want, despite the price. Naturally you will be satisfied with the price. "

"Yi Daoyou's wealth is really rich. As long as the price is right, the treasures on the list may not be impossible to trade."

Na Lanrou was not surprised by Yi Tianxing's refusal to deal with reincarnation Dan. Such treasures fell into her hands, and she would not easily let them out. Of course, trading with him was the same as this time. Come for one of the purposes.

This is a big tyrant.

No one knows how much money he has in his hands.

"I want the Hall of Fantastic Beasts ~ ~ Jiuchi, I want the meat forest too."

Yi Tianxing immediately began to eat all the treasures on the list on the spot, and there was no suggestion at all. However, the price is naturally full of sincerity, for which hundreds of millions of eternal coins are paid.

In this regard, Nalan Rou is also very satisfied.

The purpose of this visit has obviously been achieved.

"Yi Daoyou was afraid this time that many strong men had already been staring at him. The Shura King Dottara, except for his famous name, must report. You must be remembered for his loss. By that time, Still be careful, it is best not to leave the Huangquan Inn. However, the body knows that the Shura people have a curse called Blood Spell of All Spirits. Once the spell is cast, it will be extremely painful, and it will not die. It is very miserable. You have to Beware of him cursing secretly. "

Nalanrou reminded.

"All Blood Curse?"

Yi Tianxing secretly froze and nodded to know.

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