Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: 6 reincarnation

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[The third one is delivered, and the outbreak is completed on the third day. The fastest update is □ X④③. Can I complete the outbreak tomorrow? I do n’t dare to promise now, I feel so tired. Do your best. 】

For example, the animal path in the six paths needs to obtain the beast **** stone. Into the reincarnation disk, you can open the reincarnation channel. Hungry Ghost Road needs the heart of all ghosts to open. Of course, it's not absolute, but only if there is a corresponding treasure, which can represent the corresponding racial identity. In order to have the magical effect of starting reincarnation.

"What are my six."

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly, his mind flashing quickly.

Humanity must exist, be born as a human being, be self-centered, take the human race as the foundation, and the human race as the root.

Humanity must also exist. Human nature does not refer to the heavenly human race, but to the innate race. The innate body is the innate demon. This is the most noble race between heaven and earth. This innate race is not only a top race but also has great potential. Once grown up, it must be a respectable and powerful man. Like a true innate deity. This is truly humane.

And there must be tunnels, tunnels are hell. It was a devil, a barren, a desperately bad place, turned around, facing the threat of death every moment, the soul was reborn, and might die again in the next second, fall, and reenter the cycle.

"Heaven and Earth Gods and Ghosts!"

Yi Tianxing thought secretly in his mind. A decision has been made faintly.

Of course, it's too early to say these things, and you must continue to step by step to achieve the goal.

"Fusion six reincarnation."

Without hesitation, these six reincarnation disks must be merged, even if they are not, since they are, then they cannot be missed. This is the reincarnation treasure, which contains the avenue of reincarnation. This is not inferior to the laws of time and space. One of the rules.

With a few thoughts, six cycles of reincarnation have been incorporated into the body. Integrate into Hongmeng Tiandi Tower.

Rumble! !!

The six reincarnation disks appear directly in a chaotic world. Reincarnation discreetly shines, hitting on the chaos without mercy. During the impact, the power of terror erupted, generating boundless power, and the god's light was like the sea, which directly shattered the surrounding chaos and spawned the chaos in the chaos. Evolve the sky and the earth, opening up a space.

This process was extremely rapid. The six reincarnations quickly suppressed the void, and forcibly settled the space that was created. Instantly, a huge space of more than two thousand miles was opened. The reincarnation disk is constantly rotating, and every time you see it, you can see that there are amazing forces surrounding the change.

The power of yin and yang is reincarnation.

The power of the five elements is reincarnation.

Turned into a whirlpool of reincarnation, quickly swept away towards the chaos outside, crushed away, making the space created even greater.

The range of space opened up is larger than that of the Yinyang Bridge.

Subsequently, the space naturally merged into the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower.

brush! !!

With the development of the space inside the tower, the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower naturally rose up, giving birth to another section of the tower.

Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, the 34th floor! !!

"The world inside this tower can be called the reincarnation space. The world of reincarnation is exactly the same as the atmosphere of the underworld. It really is magical." The space inside the tower is naturally expanding, and it has been transformed all the way to the same size as other tower spaces . Promote Xiaoqian World.

At the same time, we can see that six reincarnations are in the plate. Four whirlpools emerged. Each of them is extremely dark, extremely deep, constantly rotating, as if a horrible black hole, the black hole devours matter, and this cycle of vortex, swallows the soul.

"Heavenly, authentic, humane, ghostly."

On the six reincarnation disks, mysterious ancient divination texts emerged. Although I could not understand them, I could understand the meaning and the meaning of these fonts. See it. It's so amazing.

The four reincarnation channels derived this time are sky, earth, people and ghosts. There is no need for a so-called gem to open the cycle of reincarnation. The power of heaven and earth is the best gem to open the cycle of reincarnation.

Six reincarnation, promoted Xuanjie Yibao.

Once it reaches the level and becomes an innate spiritual treasure, the remaining two reincarnations will follow.

Moreover, this reincarnation space can fully accommodate the existence of the underworld creatures, and even let the soul directly reincarnate. Yes, you can directly enter the reincarnation by means of the six reincarnation disks. You can directly reincarnate without entering the underworld. How amazing and incredible.

"To help sentient beings reincarnate, you can gain the merit of heaven and earth."

Yi Tianxing secretly shocked and got a message from the six reincarnation disks.

Reincarnation merit, this kind of heaven and earth merit can be integrated into the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, turning the pagoda into merit. You can kill people without being affected by cause and effect. The benefits of merit are absolutely innumerable.


Secretly realizing the mystery of the six reincarnations, time passed quietly. Two days have passed.

In the space of the tower, there is a time pocket watch to reverse the time, and the time spent in the puppet is even longer. However, she is completely in a state of epiphany and has no feeling for the passage of time.

The response of Bodhizi to his anti- heavenly perception is simply amazing.

The various exercises books passed to her mind were digested at an inhuman speed, and each exercise gave her unique insights. Unconsciously, some essential parts are drawn from the exercises and integrated into one's own northern dynasty, and the exercises are changing at an incredible speed. Especially after seeing "The Magic Book of Taoism", some doubts suddenly opened up.

There is a complete answer to how to make up.

In addition to a variety of exercises and classics, unique war practice methods, physical training methods. Imperceptibly, a world of magic has quietly taken shape.

It can be seen that, outside of the body, black runes are constantly flashing, rotating around the body. Shuttle in the soul. Unconsciously, all the runes came together, and in the soul, turned into a dark magic scripture.

"Take swallowing as the root, the North Whale swallows it, it has a large capacity. It condenses the fetuses. The fetuses take thousands of blood veins as nutrients, remove their dregs, and extract their essence. All things return to origin, it is chaos. It can be called chaos. . Dao Dacheng, the mortal body, reborn, reborn, and achieve the chaotic Dao. When all enemies can be pushed across. Sweep the world. Suppress everything. "

囡囡 Suddenly opened her eyes, a spontaneous break in her mouth. Countless work methods Shinji flickered in his eyes. The whole soul seems to be sublimated at this moment.

After drawing tens of thousands of exercises, finally perfect one's exercises.

Although not to say that there are no flaws at all, the biggest hidden dangers have been completely remedied. In all respects, how many times more delicate than before. The ranks have risen perfectly to a level.

I am more grateful for Yi Tianxing. If it were not for his numerous merit books, plus bodhi seeds, time pocket watches, etc., to improve, I am afraid that it will take decades, hundreds of years, and even longer. Time can do it now.

"Brother, you are here."

When I opened my eyes, I saw Yi Tianxing appearing in front of me.

"Well, it seems that you have initially perfected your exercises. In the future, you only need to fill some vacancies. In this case, I will give you this red robe ghost king. When that time comes, you can help you when you return to the sun, but red The robe's strength is too strong. I will temporarily seal him in your body. At that time, if you continue to absorb and refine, you can steadily transform into long. "

Yi Tianxing nodded and said. Thumbs up in his eyes.

He has never doubted his understanding.

As soon as my heart moved, I immediately saw that the King of Red Robe had appeared before him. Still being suppressed by Horror Bell.

"Oh, whoever you are, what kind of identity you have, how high you are and how amazing your talents are, you are dead. If my death would allow a Tianjiao to be buried, it wouldn't matter if the king died. You will come to my funeral, and it will be very happy. "

When the ghost of the red robes saw Yi Tianxing, he couldn't help but laughed.

"Unfortunately, you can't see it."

Yi Tianxing said calmly, not seeing any emotions on his face.

The light flashed in his hand, and a snow-white orb appeared in front of him. The ancient runes were engraved on the beads, drawing a mysterious trajectory, deeper and more profound. Strangely bright light flashed on it.

Wow! !!

Countless runes emerged from the beads and turned into a chain of rune gods. Bound to the ghost of the red robe, the body was tied almost like a mule, and then pulled into the beads. The closer he got, the body of the red robe ghost was shrinking rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he had been pulled into the beads. You can see the red robe ghost king shrinking countless times in the beads. Lifelike. Bound by Rune God Chain.

Then, all the breath belonging to the red robe ghost king disappeared completely. Forbidden in that spirit bead.

Immediately afterwards, Lingzhu flew up, penetrated into the corpse, and disappeared.

"This spirit bead is called a sealed magic bead ~ ~ is a treasure of heaven and earth. You can imprison all things in the world. The red robe ghost king is sealed in it, so you don't have to worry about being able to escape. This sealed magic bead I will leave it to you in the future. Once you meet a powerful opponent and cannot absorb the refining for a short time, then seal him to the sealed magic bead first and slowly refining. "

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

With this sealed magic bead in the future, the danger can be greatly reduced, and it plays a huge role. It is especially important when the repair is low. Can avoid the results of back phagocytosis. The most important thing is that you can block all breaths and isolate investigation. Even heavenly machines may not be able to detect it.

"Thank you brother."

I naturally would not be polite and smiled at Yi Tianxing.

"Also, I have already arranged it. After a while, Zhao Li and Zhao Daoyou will come over and take you to Guimenguan and take you back to Yangjian. At that time, you can find Yang's physical body and take Reincarnation Dan to reshape the body. Reincarnation Dan contains amazing creations. After taking it, while rebuilding the body, practicing exercises can allow you to gain the creation in reincarnation. This opportunity must not be missed. "

Yi Tianxing continued to instruct.

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