Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: Great Snake Dynasty

"I didn't expect to find the two of them this time. At the beginning, the two of them disappeared mysteriously. The agents in the Scourge Hall carefully searched and never found their tracks. I did not expect to be discovered this time. Is within the purview of the East Pirates. "

The queen also spoke.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, the two cuckoo sticks, Yi Tianxing did not relax from beginning to end. Who knows, the inexplicable disappeared at first, and now it seems that he should have left Yizhou. However, it was discovered by the agents of the Scourge Hall.

"Since the Ninja Assassin was discovered, I have been paying close attention to the Scourge Hall. With the help of the Void Train, I quickly explored the surrounding area, plotted the complete map of the Hanhai Realm, and accidentally found their tracks. And, most surprisingly, in their place On the land, traces of Dongzhang Ninja were found. "

The queen continued,

Void trains are different treasures. Over the years, there have been floating trains made of floating stones at the core of the Great Yi Dynasty. They can communicate with the Quartet and carry guests. Therefore, the void train is idle, but it is not true. I do n’t have to use it, but I started to leave the Da Yi dynasty, and continued to explore towards the surroundings of Da Yi, constantly receiving people from all regions.

After all, almost all the people in the Dayi dynasty have become Dayi people. If you want to expand, the population of the Dayi Dynasty will never be enough. Therefore, when a void train enters and exits islands and territories, it will stop as soon as it encounters people. There are official personnel from the Dayi Dynasty in the train. They will introduce the people they encounter, and even send leaflets along the way.

To promote the Great Yi Dynasty.

Therefore, a lot of people and people boarded the void train every day. Arrive at the Da Yi Dynasty, register your household registration smoothly, receive your Tianji card, and then arrange it by the household to send it to Xiancheng everywhere. Help settle down.

After all, every fairy city in Dayi was built according to the living scale of millions of people. At the beginning, when these fairy cities were just set up, they would only migrate about 300,000 to 400,000 people, that is to say, these fairy cities have hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to accommodate. In addition, with the continuous expansion of Dayi, the establishment of new fairy cities continues.

The people in the former fairy city will face a second migration.

After all, the Da Yi dynasty official will give great preferential policies for each migration.

As a result, the Dayi dynasty is adding new populations almost daily. Keep growing.

This behavior has not stopped since the beginning.

Compared with the stability in the Great Yi Dynasty, the people in other regions are often more secure. Once fallen, it is a huge loss for the total number of human races. It can be said that a large number of people are still falling every day. This damage is the foundation of the human race, and it is picked up by the empty train and sent to Dayi, which saves this population that might have been damaged.

Two days a day may be nothing.

But perseverance is enough to accumulate less. Become a considerable number.

Similarly, the Void Train has become Dayi's exploration of the surrounding environment. At least, the Han Hai boundary has always been the goal of Dayi's continuous exploration.

For now, the range of the Hanhai area drawn is two or three times the size of the Great Yi Dynasty. And these are all carried out secretly in the Temple of the Scourge. This time, the new land was detected.

The size of that land is not inferior to that of Xuezhou.

On land, a large number of human races were found, as well as a large number of ethnic groups like ninjas. They have grown and grown on that land. The quantity and scale are very amazing. Definitely not a small number.

"Tron, you continue to say, what exactly is that land?"

Yi Tianxing asked and nodded.

"According to the secret agents in the Void Train, the land is very wide, and not only there are Dong people, but also our Yanhuang people, and a large number of aliens. The most important thing is that the Dong people established the Yun Dynasty, named-the big snake Dynasty. The lord of the dynasty, named Oda Nobunaga. He believed in the Yachi snake, and sealed the Yachi snake as a totem of the national beast. "

The Tong Huang said, "In the Great Serpent Dynasty, it was very wrong. The main path of cultivation was Ninja Ninja. In the Great Serpent Dynasty, it seemed that fish and dragons were mixed, and demons and people lived together. It was extremely chaotic. However, in the Great Serpent Dynasty, I am proud of the ninja, and the pirates are the first class, and my Chinese people are listed as the second class. They are free to fight and humiliate. Even slaughter creates killing. "

"Chen Sheng Wu Guang is now in the Serpent dynasty and is tangled with a large number of ministers. In my opinion, I am afraid I still want to continue the uprising. Are we going to step in and help them?"

The queen said that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were also eccentric.

The two guys don't know what's going on. No matter where they appear, they can't be separated. Sooner or later, they have to make some movements. Wherever they go, there will be war. Every day I think about the uprising, every day I think that Wang Hou will have a kind of Xiangning, but there is no way to build a stable and stable force, and to develop and grow. Start a business.

"The Great Serpent dynasty, with the Toki Great Serpent as a totem, is indeed a dynasty established by the pirates. Nobunaga Oda, that is really not a simple figure. In terms of its ability, it is not difficult to create the Yun Dynasty. That is also a generation of magpies In other words, the previous assassin ninja should have crossed the sea from the serpent dynasty. Wait to interrogate those ninjas caught alive. "

Yi Tianxing nodded his head.

The heart of the Serpent was also kept in mind.

Especially Oda Nobunaga, there is no slightness.

In history, he is one of the most famous monarchs in Dongzhang.

Oda Nobunaga was originally the name of Owari Nakazumi, who broke through the army of Imagawa Yoshimoto during the Battle of Okasa and became famous all over the country. Later, through the support of the last general of the Muromachi Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, he gradually took control of Kyoto. He proposed the program of "Army of the World" and aimed to unify the whole of Japan; he broke the "Nobunaga siege network" twice, and defeated each of the powerful hostile names one by one, and captured more than half of the Japanese territory.

He implemented a number of tactics using firearms, implemented separation of soldiers and farmers, encouraged free trade, and rectified transportation routes to reform Japan's modernization path. He successfully controlled the core area of ​​Japanese politics and culture, mainly in the Kinki region, and made the organization Tian became the most powerful name in the middle and late period of the Warring States Period.

His life experience can be called a legend.

Today, after the integration of Wanjie, it is even more like a fish, and it is out of hand.

Showing an unimaginable wrist. Establish the Great Snake Dynasty.

As for the specific circumstances, it has not yet been known. After all, the Void Train just introduced the people of the people from it and did not stay too long. Many of the information now known was completely compiled by the people who led from that land.

"As for Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, their fate is strange, and they are not born masters. No matter where they are, there will definitely be some troubles. Rest assured, judging by their fate, it is not easy to die. . No need to bother. What needs to be dealt with now is the coming tide of beasts. "

Yi Tianxing continued.

Chen Sheng Wu Guang, now I have no time to pay attention.

Anyway, they are just two **** sticks, and it is a good thing to make a good noise in that big snake dynasty. After all, there is no way to attack the Serpent dynasty.

"Well, you know, Your Majesty."

The Tong Huang nodded and agreed.

"Continue to collect intelligence and complete the map of the entire Hanhai boundary as soon as possible."

This domain map is of great significance for future expansion.

"After the first month, arrange for Mao Sui to make a mission to Kirin Island and Wutong Mountain."

After the last word, Jia Yi and others followed.

Later, after the Lantern Festival, Mao Sui took a group of people to the gathering place of the Kirin Phoenix and the two clans, and envoyed both.

At the same time, the major fairy cities along the coast have begun to increase their forces.

A large number of bounty hunters gathered.

The territory of the Great Yi Dynasty fell into a tide of cultivation. No one will not know the situation of Daye today, and understand that the importance of strength can absolutely change everything.

Time is quietly passing.

Unconsciously, I spent a full year quietly.

Time has come to the eternal calendar for twelve years.

During this year, the Great Yi Dynasty did not begin to expand. All the fairy cities were in a state of rest and recuperation, reclaiming wasteland, planting grain, and spiritual planting. Open a medicine garden. You can feel amazing changes every month.

Everyone's cultivation for strength is undergoing tremendous transformation.

With a large number of resources going down, it is difficult to improve one by one. Although the qualifications of most people are not high, they still have a large number of promotions. Moreover, talented people have broken through to the map of life. Even if many of them are just the most common life maps, they are still promoted. It is conceivable. Dayi's overall strength is skyrocketing.

Not to mention the military ~ ~ the generals in the military, every strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Almost the weakest has broken through to the map. According to other forces, it is the third-order strongman. The talent is outstanding, and it is closer to the realm of impact law.

The overall power soared again.

In a year, there was no large-scale war, and the changes brought about by Da Yi were too great. The importance of this year was unparalleled.

There was also the matter of Mao Sui's ambassador to Kirin and Phoenix. One by one, they brought back nothing else. They are from the Kirin and Phoenix families. In exchange, the Kirin and Phoenix can promise to restrain the beasts, and the birds will not cause damage to the Great Yi Dynasty.

By removing the threat from the Da Yi dynasty, we can grow and grow with more peace of mind. In one year, the territory of the Great Yi Dynasty will be built like an iron bucket.

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