Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Takeso

"Great Tomb of Wu Tomb, Qinglian Sword Code !!"

In the blood coffin, the Evil Eye Corpse issued a terrifying roar.

Rumble! !!

It can be seen that a bright green lotus emerges on the monument. This green lotus is peerless and independent. If it blooms in chaos, its style is unique.

The quaint sky monument came across time and space. There are countless mysterious runes inscribed, as if made over time, ancient and mysterious. Another immortal light of God is flashing. As soon as it appeared, it was suppressed immediately towards the **** coffin of the evil eye. Tianbei skyrocketed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Every breath was tens of thousands of feet. In an instant, it filled the whole world.

In the eyes of all monks on the battlefield of gods and demons, at this moment, apart from this monument, there is no other existence.

Tianbei is like the ancient mountain of God, and even the entire void tower is shrouded in it.

"Fucking Emperor Yi, even made Ben respected by the Wu Tomb Supernatural Power, and many years of planning have been ruined in your hands. This deity is endless with you." The evil eye corpse is so angry that the three corpses are violently jumping, Almost didn't jump out of the coffin.

This evil eye blood coffin was prepared by her predecessor in order to avoid the great magical powers of the Wu Tomb. At the same time, there was a plan to conceive a corpse and live another life. The ability of the blood coffin to raise corpses was naturally extremely powerful. , Bred himself with the blood of all souls and lived the second life from the corpse. Maybe it is no longer yourself, but still represents itself. May not be regarded as the second self.

The only hidden danger is that the evil eye blood coffin cannot be easily opened. Once opened, the air machine leaks, and it will encounter the fatal crisis that year.

Originally when I was boarding in the void, I just wanted to suppress Yi Tianxing, completely eliminate the arrogance of the eternal world, and became famous for Yong Ye. However, Yi Tianxing opened the coffin board. An instant of unimaginable disaster crisis. This magical power was avoided by the blood coffin of evil eyes. But magical powers have immortal characteristics.

To the extreme, it always exists in the endless void and even travels through time and space. This time, when you feel the air, you will directly cross time and space.

The evil eye corpse hates.

But now, the biggest crisis is the sky monument that is falling down.

She could clearly feel that after the sky monument appeared above her head, the surrounding space, even time, was forcibly imprisoned, and an invisible enchantment appeared in space and time. Enveloping himself completely, locked the air machine, unable to escape at all. For a moment, the sky and earth around it seemed to be replaced by another space, the law of the avenue.

This is another day. Replace the original avenue with your own.

This is Supreme Martial Art Supernatural Power-Great Martial Art Supernatural Power! !!

The horror of qi was naturally transmitted from the monument, and the weight of the monument itself reached the extreme in an instant and swept through, enough to crush the entire void.

"Very strong, am I a tadpole ?!"

Yi Tianxing looked at the monument in the void, and he couldn't help secretly produce a bitter smile. The scope of the monument was huge. It can be said that the entire void platform was bound together, and time and space were confined. No doubt It's been caught in pond fish.

Unexpectedly, when the coffin board was opened, not only was the evil eye corpse emperor facing a calamity, he was even unavoidable. Is this a disaster for yourself? But my heart was equally shocked. Such a magical power came from the last era through time and space.

How powerful and incredible it is for those who perform this magical power.

"Damn, it's really abominable to waste the truth of the deity."

The Evil Eye Corpse looked extremely angry. However, it still seems to be relying on, and has not really fallen into despair. You can see that in the evil blood coffin, a blue flower from the other shore flew in the air.

As the other side of the flower flew and bleed, it began to bloom, and the layers of gorgeous blue streamers spread like a tide. Wherever they went, the other side by side flowers appeared continuously, turning the void into a blue sea of ​​flowers. The gorgeous flowers on the other shore, as if a blue sea of ​​fire. Condensed into a giant blue other shore flower.

Stand in front of the sky monument. It seems that the monument should be completely wrapped in it.

"This is the legendary supreme supernatural power on the other side of the legend-the sea of ​​flowers on the other side!"

"In the legend, once the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore comes out, everything in the world can be burned, buried in the sea of ​​flowers, disappeared without trace. It contains the other side of the avenue. Once touched, its own true mana and even the fruit of the Tao Everything will become the nourishment of blooming flowers on the other side. When all kinds of attacking magical powers fall into it, it will not only be difficult to destroy the other shore flower, but it will also strengthen it.

Countless Yongye Tianjiao witnessed, looking at the giant blue flower that bloomed in the void, and in his eyes, they were extremely excited and yearning, which represented the most terrible supernatural power of the last era.

Facing the sea of ​​flowers, the more they fight, the stronger they will eventually erupt. In the gorgeous flames, they will completely dissipate and become invisible.

However, even if this great magical power is played, the evil eye corpse emperor still does not show any relaxed breath.

She can still clearly feel an unimaginable coercion from the monument, that pressure brings a strong breath of death. This breath is terrible, and it has completely inspired the deepest memory of fear in the body.

Eyes look at the void. It can be seen that the other shore flower and the sky monument have hit each other.

On the monument, the same sword broke out in the first time. Chaos rolled on the monument, Qinglian changed, and sword lights were chopped down everywhere. Everywhere you can see, a flower from the other bank annihilated under the sword light. The other side flower can swallow the true power of the martial arts. It cannot be fully exerted, and it is forcibly destroyed. Of course, it is not swallowed at all. However, without being completely swallowed, he was smashed by Jian Guang. The sword meaning contained in that sword light is even more overbearing to the extreme. It already contains an immortal character.

But the other shore flower is the same, and the annihilated other shore flower is born again at an amazing speed.

Collision again.

For a time, I can only see that a giant other shore flower will swallow the sky monument, but the same huge sky monument will also crush and collapse the other shore flower.

"Damn martial art tomb, **** Qinglian sword code."

The Evil Eye Corpse saw that his body was shaking slightly.

The martial arts supernatural power contained in this monument is the Qinglian sword code. Moreover, it is the supreme Qinglian sword meaning that the twelve sword meanings are integrated into one. Any sword light can prevail and crush everything. This is the supreme Kendo of Taboo Wuzu.

In the last era, countless eternal nights fell under the Qinglian sword. Now seeing the Tianbei, even if it is not a magical power, many eternal night powerhouses are a little dazed. Not to mention the magical powers issued by that taboo.

At this moment, you can see that the sea of ​​flowers on the other side suddenly began to drill into the sky monument.

"Damn, burst !!"

The evil eye corpse witnessed it, but did not feel any joy, but it became more and more ugly. This was not an invasion of the monument, but was swallowed into it. Skills will be transformed into the nourishment in the Tianbei, which promotes its power. As long as the sky tablet cannot be broken in one hit, the sky tablet is fatal.

Inside the monument is a tomb cage.

If you really want to ingest it, it will become a nourishment for Tianbei.

Therefore, if you don't want to, just let the other side of the flower burst into the strongest force, the blue sky flames covering the sky and the sun, gorgeous as if dreamy. Drowned the monument completely.

boom! !!

But then I saw that the opened coffin board flew up again, and appeared directly on the evil eye blood coffin, which covered the blood coffin again, without any cracks. Then, I saw that the evil eye blood coffin flew in the sky and quickly walked away towards the distance, and it looked as if there were some terrible forces behind to chase itself.

There is no difference with burning the butt.

"Run ........ run away !!!"

"The evil eye corpse emperor escaped, but the stele was too scary that day, and I was afraid she wouldn't be able to escape. Look, the blue flower on the other side is broken."

I only saw that in the void, the confrontation between the other side of the flower and the sky monument has been divided. It ended with the destruction of the other shore flower, but the Tianbei's power remained unabated. It lingered in the void, the evil eye blood coffin was closed, and the Qi machine from the corpse emperor disappeared.

Coiled in the void, it seems to be searching the Quartet for Qi.

However, the breath of the evil eye blood coffin could not always be detected.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the sky monument.

It was a figure wearing a blue robe, but it did not reveal the front, but only a back. Even if it was the back, you could still feel the invisible mighty shore. At first glance, it seemed as if you saw an unimaginable existence.

"Eternal Era ~ ~ Has the new era begun? It's good, I will be the Qinglian Kendo and give it to those who have fate. I will conquer Yong Ye in the next day. The road ahead is not far, and I hope I will not be alone.

A voice that seemed to be separated from the boundary of time and space slowly came out of the monument.

Then, only to see, twelve streamers shot out from the sky monument. Scattered towards the entire battlefield of demon and demon. It can be felt in every divine light that a kind of supreme invincible sword implies.

"It is the Qinglian sword code. In the legend, the Supreme Sword Code created by Wuzu is divided into twelve. This is the twelve kinds of Qinglian sword tradition."

"Hurry up, find it, according to legend, the Qinglian Sword Code is a collection of twelve Qinglian swords, each of which has supreme power. If you get it, you will have the opportunity to achieve great magical powers, even sanctification Being an ancestor is not a problem. "

"Bad chance, great chance. This is the inheritance of Wu Zu. According to legend, Wu Zu is the supreme power of the last era. He has not died. He has passed on his inheritance, which is the next generation of Wu Zu. Great opportunity. "

Countless monks and countless Tianjiao instantly showed madness in their eyes.


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