Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Monthly Guaranteed Monthly Pass

His anxious eyes were red, and when he saw Yi Tianxing killing among the wolves, he was watching here, unable to do anything, and his face was ashamed.

There was a complex picture on Yang Ye's face. He wanted to guard this village of Yangjia. Nearly ten thousand people in this village were pointing at Yangjiajun. It would be too expensive to abandon the safety of tens of thousands of people to save one person.

"General Yang, save your life. Such a hero should not die under the accomplices of the wolves." A voice came from the village, only to see that Lai He was carrying a rucksack and holding a tick in his hand. Bone knife, said decisively.

"Yeah, General Yang, the former strong man was right. People have to rely on themselves. They have to be self-reliant. We tens of thousands of people can't just rely on the generals and the Yang family to fight in front of them. Able to work. Even if we can't compare with the soldiers, we have more people. Even if they are giant wolves, we can fight back together. "A young man said loudly.

In words, there is a strong arrogance.

As long as all the people in the village are working hard and attached to the bamboo fence, they will not necessarily be able to exert their necessary strength, but they will not be able to fight against the attacks of the wolves, but they may not be able to do so. They must also contribute to their own survival.

The people in the village were not idiots, but they lacked that courage.

But when I saw Yi Tianxing stepping out of the village alone, he speared into the wolves alone, wrestled with the wolves, and danced with blood. The feeling seemed to be that Chen Zhongmu drum beat on the soul.

Seeing the Yang family ’s father and son dare not let the troops leave the village for them, go to the relief, go outside, fight with the wolves, and fight against the deceased war, it even gives birth to a strong sense of shame.

What's more, once night comes, the combat power of all wolves will increase greatly.

Under that kind of increase, it is even more irresistible to all the villages. To solve the wolf pack, it must be during the day, and only during the day can there be opportunities.

"you guys?"

When Yang Ye saw the people coming, he was surprised. The people who originally needed Yang Jiajun's cover, at this moment, even took the initiative to defend the wolves for the village. Although everyone was afraid, they didn't flinch. They all knew that at this moment, flinching was useless and the village was broken. They couldn't escape the fate of death.

"General Yang, we can't all rely on your Yang family to guard us, now it's time for us to play our part."

Some people shouted.

"Don't look at us as chefs, we all eat knives with rice." Lai He's face showed a hint of embarrassment. The boning knife in the hand was gleaming. This is a cold iron sword.

Around, there was a large group of chefs.

What the chef is, is also the role of eating knives. As for the knives, all of them are good.

Yang Ye's eyes glanced at the faces of more and more people who came over, and he couldn't help but give birth to a trace of frustration and enlightenment, and muttered to himself: "Man is not destroyed for himself. In the heyday, my action is cover. In the turbid world, my action was to obliterate. In the original case, it seems that I really disagree as a leader, and it is my ability to command the army. "

Thinking of what Yi Tianxing said before, my heart could not help but give birth to a bit of bitterness.

No wonder, it ’s no wonder that Yi Tianxing, as the head of a village, dare to leave his village casually, because in his village, there are people who are more afraid of passing away and are willing to pay blood for their own survival to guard their lives.

With such people, there will be no hardships that cannot be overcome.

Excessive cover, however, has led Yangjiacun to the present situation.

Take a deep breath, completely suppress all thoughts, look at the eyesight of the eldest son and second son next to him, and categorically ordered: "Blaring the rally, Yang Jiajun, gather, line up !!"

"Yes, my father is handsome !!" Yang Yanping and Yang Yanding heard, with excitement in their faces, kneeling on one knee to worship.

Whoohoo! !!

The rally in the army sounded,

Boom boom! !!

A soldier kept converging from various areas of the village to form a queue. A team rushed quickly. In the heavy footsteps, a general Yang Jiajun quickly gathered at the entrance to the array.

In just a few moments, more than 1,500 soldiers had completely assembled.

The armor on each one seemed to be a bit broken, and that was the medal obtained on the battlefield. Even if it was armor, it still did not cause any retreat from their faces, and they still had iron-like will. Each soldier looked at Yang Ye with a keen eye for examination. That is the backbone of their energy.

"See General." All the soldiers bowed down on one knee at the same time and opened their mouths and shouted.

"Get up. Prepare, array!"

Yang Ye was wearing an armor, a long sword at his waist, and a long iron spear in his hand. With a stout body, like a spear, stands in front of the army.

Give off a strong momentum.

"Array, the gunmen are out, the archers are in. Dodge the front !!!" Yang Yanping gave a drink.

Boom boom! !!

Immediately, the soldiers in front of him changed rapidly.

A pikeman stands outside, and inside it is a famous archer, outside is a pikeman, and inside is an archer. The array is triangular. Like sharp knife with the same handle. The pikemen resisted the attack, and the archer fired a battle arrow. This battle array is very powerful.

More than a thousand Yang Jiajuns formed an array of dodge fronts instantly.

"Yang Jiajun, move forward, move forward, move forward !!!"

Yang Ye shouted. The pike fluttered towards the outside.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The vision of a famous warrior shone with warfare, and he moved instantly, stepping out in neat steps, with the same action, not just one person moving, but the entire battle array moving.

Passing by in front of the village door, it exudes a strong evil spirit. This evil spirit is the momentum and military momentum of the elite male division. That tragic momentum allowed the birds in the sky to evade and kept fleeing all around, afraid to emerge over the village.

Yang Jiajun is an army that is good at attacking. Defence is just Qu Cai.

Only at this moment did they show their spirit.

The army formations fell in the eyes of all the villagers, just as they saw a cold and terrible beast, all their hearts were shaking, giving rise to an unspeakable shock.

"Yang Jiajun, this is the real Yang Jiajun. This momentum, not many troops I have seen before, can be compared."

"Yang Jiajun should have fought against the enemy on the frontal battlefield instead of defending in the village. If he had gone out to meet the village before, he might not have had such huge casualties."

"The strong momentum, this evil spirit, is the anger and accumulated warfare accumulated in their hearts these days, and all of them are vented at this moment. This time, Yang Jiajun was afraid that he would really have to fight water."

Hundreds of people spoke out in the mouth, and they also saw that Yang Jiajun now has the confidence to back the battle.

In their generals, they felt the courage of a decisive battle.

Generals are not afraid of death, so they are not afraid of death.

The sun began to set.

The setting sun shone on a famous soldier and shone on the armour of the puppet, but it shone with golden light, face after face, with determination and determination. Eyesight is always firm.

Boom boom! !!

The army formations stepped forward, stepped out of the village, came to the battlefield, and looked at the wolves in front of them.

Step forward step by step. Each step is extremely calm, and each step is firm and powerful. The neat steps make the ground shake, and the air trembles. A momentum, like a tide, rolled over the entire battlefield. With each step, the momentum is skyrocketing, crushing past the wolves like mountains and rivers. The evil spirit was not under the suffocation of the wolves.

Alas! !!

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf saw that Yang Jiajun actually rushed out of the village, and the hatred in his eyes suddenly soared. Looking at Yang Jiajun, he made a screaming wolf.

The wolves that were besieging Yi Tianxing immediately dispersed, dying and staring at the approaching Yang Jiajun. Looking at the military formations, his eyesight was equally fierce.

Alas! !!

And at this moment, a more ambitious, horrifying howling wolf burst into the sky. A silver light pierced the void like a lightning, and instantly appeared on the hillside. At the end of the silver light, you can clearly see that a silver wolf that was more than half the size of the giant wolves appeared on the hillside. The emerging one-eyed silver wolf stood together.

The original one-eyed silver wolf is compared with the newly emerged silver wolf, that is, there are no cubs growing up. No matter it's body size or momentum, it's not on a level.

On its forehead, there is also a silver lingering moon mark. It emits a strong silver light, and the momentum of a king naturally passes all the world.

Thousands of wolves followed.

But at the same time, he fell to the ground towards the Silver Moon King of Xiao Yue, and he did not dare even lift his head. The momentum was from the coercion in the blood, so that no resistance was born in the wolves. Seriousness is terrible. To the extreme.

That picture is terrible.

Alas! !!

Xiao Yue Wolf King glanced at Yangjia Village and Yang Jiajun stepping out step by step.

brush! !!

In the howl ~ ~ I only saw that the silver moon mark on the forehead of the howling wolf king bloomed a silver-white moonlight, which escaped like a tide and fell to all the giant wolves in the wolf pack Body.

All the giant wolves immediately howled at the moment when the moonlight shone, and the momentum on their bodies skyrocketed, and the wolves' hairs stood upright. Looks unusually stingy.

Fate-Silver Moon! !!

Endowed magical power-Silver Moon shines! !!

Rumble! !!

The wolves seemed to be ordered, and they were instantly violent. A large number of giant wolves split into two like a tide, a group of fiercely killed the past in Yangjia Village, and a group swept past Yangjiajun.

Rushing like a million horses.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A terrible killing sound broke out in Yang Jiajun. The latest chapter of the novel Eternal Kingdom

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