Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: Exquisite Secret Box

Yes, a seedling has grown directly.

Moreover, it can be seen that this magical treasure tree is composed entirely of jade, and the whole body is jade. It looks crystal clear, like a perfect artwork, which is truly perfect. Amazing.

"More, but more Lingyu."

Seems to be able to feel the thoughts and cravings transmitted from this seedling.

It needs more spiritual jade to let itself grow. It was even conceived to the extreme.

"Very well, what Lingyu has is, how much you want to give, I'm curious about what you can grow into." The interest in Yi Tianxing's heart is getting stronger and stronger, Lingyu is still released and piled Under this seedling. A large number of roots must be rooted in, devouring the spirit jade, and extracting the essence from it. That speed is amazing.

A large amount of Lingyu disappeared in almost every breath.

Turn into seedling nourishment.

In the process, the seedlings are growing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, and they are skyrocketing. This is to extract the essence of Lingyu as nutrients and grow rapidly.

one meter!

Two meters!

Three meters! !!

In a blink of an eye, the demon treasure tree began to unfold, and the branches extended around. In the blink of an eye, it grew to a height of seven or eight meters, and the branches and leaves that covered the surrounding, every branch and every leaf were jade, and it looked like it was flawless. I can't help but yearn for it very much. The most important thing is that on these branches, it is not known when they have started to produce flowers.

It was a blossoming jade flower.

White, cyan, blue, red, purple.

Then, I saw that among these jade flowers, the essence of the spirit jade was gathered, starting to bloom from the buds, and turned into a gorgeous strange flower. In the buds, you can see a bunch of flames flickering and fluttering in the wind. If it is at night, it can be turned into a night light.

"Flame, Tinder."

Yi Tianxing saw a strange light flash in his eyes. It has been seen what the tree of this demon's treasure gave birth to. Look at this. My heart was equally shocked. The tree gave birth to a distinct fire.

"Congratulations to the master, this magical treasure tree has been regarded as the top treasure tree, which can be called the jade spirit tinder tree, and the tree can produce a tinder. This is also a different kind of fire, exquisite jade flame. Not only has jade Flawless, it can drive away evil spirits, break evil spirits, and eliminate evil spirits. Moreover, the exquisite jade flame has extremely high temperature, has great power, and has the ability to temper the true element mana in the body, which automatically makes the true element more pure. It is called one of the most wonderful exotic treasures. Such exotic fires are the dream fires that many monks have dreamed of. I did not expect to plant such a magical treasure tree. The value is almost higher than the innate spiritual root. How inferior. "

Xiaomi said excitedly with a look of excitement.

Among the white jade flowers, the exquisite white jade flame is bred, the cyan is the exquisite sapphire flame, and the blue is the exquisite sapphire flame. The rank of Bai Yuyan is the lowest, and the power of the tinder is the lowest, and the latter is gradually increasing. But even the lowest white jade flame is still a different fire, with powerful destructive power, can be used to refine, and can be used to refine. Can greatly improve the success rate.

And when it reaches purple, it is the real top fire.

The most important thing is that this jade flower is wrapped with tinder. As long as the jade flower is refined, the different fires can be refined, and it can be collected into the body without any damage. Very safe. Of course, this kind of fire can become a real strange fire with its own cultivation. Connected with one's own life.

This is like having a burning gold glass fire in the city of flames, which is also a different kind of fire, which directly increases the value of the city of flames and becomes an alchemist. The alchemists gathered in the battle city and became very prosperous.

Different fires are very rare. The conditions that they gave birth to are very harsh. It is like exquisite jade flames. They must be in the veins of the spiritual jade. The chalcedony encounters a special environment to evolve. The time required is inestimable. Every time it is bred, it is only one flower, but here are different fires, spreading throughout the entire tree of God and Demon. Although these are all fires of different fires, in order to become a real fire, you still need to cultivate yourself.

However, there are tinders, which are the foundations, which are cultivated, and it is not faster than normal pregnancy. How many times faster? It is simply inexhaustible.

Speaking of which, this exquisite jade flame tree is hardly inferior to innate spiritual roots.

The emergence of different fires, a continuous stream of fires, the benefits of this are incalculable.

"Okay, in the future, there will be a large number of outstanding alchemists, alchemists, and different fires in the Great Yi Dynasty. If all the craftsmen in the Tiangong Pavilion have different fires, At hand, the process of refining magic weapons and developing inventions will inevitably be faster, which can quickly increase the overall development speed of Dayi. "

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, his eyes flashed.

I am absolutely satisfied with this tree of magical treasures and cannot be satisfied anymore.

What's added is the overall background of Dayi.

However, the price of Lingyu will be getting higher and higher in the future. Cultivating this exquisite jade flame requires spirit jade. Naturally, the price of spirit jade will definitely rise.

With a break in his heart, Yi Tianxing picked up a delicate jade flame flower from the tree, which was directly incorporated into the body and sent to the Vulcan Destiny to enhance the details of the Vulcan Destiny. At the same time, I also felt the magical difference of the exquisite jade flame.

Silently, it was discovered that in Shenhai, a special ability for tempering true elemental mana was added to the Heavenly Emperor Royal Dragon chart. This is the power from the exquisite jade flame, but the true mana in Yi Tianxing's body is pure to the extreme. Therefore, the help for himself is not as great as he imagined. Have a role.

In the future, this plant will be called Linglong Yuyan Tree.

"It is said that the treasure trees of the gods and monsters are not exactly the same, so try it out and cultivate with the same spirit jade. What kind of treasure tree will be bred this time." Yi Tianxing's interest did not disappear. Instead it is more intense.

With a break in my heart, I once again took out a demon seed and planted it.

Various kinds of spiritual jade are also used for cultivation. In the process, except for spiritual jade, no other natural treasures are given. The cultivation is the same, and the seeds are the same. Now look at the cultivation, what will it look like.

It's really different, it's even more interesting.

There is no accident in the seeds of the gods and demons, and once again they take root and sprout, and grow seedlings, all of which are jade, and it does not look much different from the previous exquisite jade flame tree. However, the more mysterious texture is outlined on the tree. Staggered together.

Unconsciously, under the continuous cultivation of spiritual jade, the saplings have grown into towering trees, branches, leaves, which have continuously grown out, and finally become a kind of magical treasure tree like a work of art.

And on the tree, you can clearly see, I don't know when, a small jade box has grown, these small jade boxes can be seen, a mysterious secret pattern has emerged on the surface. There seems to be some magical power in these secret lines. Representing mystery, representing unknown and unpredictable.

In addition, these small jade boxes continued to draw nutrients and grew a little bit until they became a jade box that was only 20 cm wide and 30 cm long. Mysterious and perfect. It's a whole, without any flaws.

"Mysterious box treasure tree, congratulations to the owner, this magic tree is one of the most mysterious among the treasure trees, full of infinite possibilities. The secret box that has bred has mysterious power. Once opened, the mysterious power will It will run naturally and form various treasures, which may be elixir, or magic weapon, even magical powers, heaven and earth magic, etc. Have everything possible. According to the color, the secret box level is different. The chances of obtaining top treasures are also different, and they are divided into nine colors. The monochrome is the lowest and the nine colors are the highest. As long as you do n’t pick it up, this secret box can continue to grow and increase your own grade. Moreover, the nourishment that the treasure tree draws is absolutely no taboo , The more nourishment drawn, the greater the chance of the secret treasure being opened in the treasure chest. "

The little fan saw the excitement on his face, and he was very excited to tell ~ ~ After he grew up, he already knew the origin of this magic tree.

Understand clearly. Naturally, understand how great this magic tree can bring to Dayi.

"Secret box treasure tree, this is gambling."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

After knowing that this is a mysterious jade box, I have understood in my heart that the greatest value of this treasure tree is in the nature of gambling. Because it is unknown, it is gambling. This is a nature similar to gambling stones. Before opening it, there is no way to know what is in the jade box. Full of uncertainty. It may be worthless, or it may be a top secret treasure, worthless.

This allows many monks to bet on various treasures from it. No one can resist the possibility of getting rich overnight.

Even if there is a slight possibility, thousands of people will continue to devote themselves to it.

In Da Yi, you can use these gods and secret boxes to make a lot of profits, and even make a single sale.

The benefits are inestimable.

According to the fans, this secret box treasure tree can completely draw a corpse, and from these corpses, draw the magical powers, secret methods, and even blood vessels that they have, and even the magic weapon of the magic soldier. May become one of the treasures in the secret box. Of course, it is also possible that what appears in the secret box is only a part of the worthless things, such as a skeleton of a beast, an eye or something.

"Sure enough, the magical treasure tree is really full of uncertainty. The same seeds and the same cultivation have given birth to two very different treasure trees. They are so different that there are no similarities. However, other God ’s seeds still have to wait until they leave the battlefield, return to Dayi, and plant in Dayi, so that they can make the best use of it. "

Yi Tianxing secretly thought in his mind.

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