Eternal Country

Chapter 157: Shit stick

The old beggar saw a flash of light in his eyes, and then smiled and said, "Since you have no other treasures on your body, the old beggar looks at you and feels destined. If your bones and bones are not cultivated, it is really a pity ... just change with you. "

Talking about quickly plugging that exercise into Chen Sheng's hands, he also took the golden glass beads by the way.

"Old beggar, optimistic about you."

The old beggar grinned, showing yellow teeth. Without talking, he turned and walked into an alley, and found a place to lie down.

"Boss, don't be fooled. A beggar, what can be good. This method is not fake." Someone frowned slightly doubting.

"Probably not. I have heard that Liu Bao has such a method in his hands. The papers of the books are the same and are very strange. Then Liu Bao snatched it from a common people. Many people have Saw it. I've seen it, the paper can't be wrong. "A strong man said.

"Should you rob the old beggar? He may have other babies." Someone said fiercely.

"No, the old beggar should not be an ordinary person, there is no need to start a conflict." Chen Sheng said, stopping.

"Hundred Calamities"

Chen Sheng looked at the exercises in his hands, his whole body was shaking, and his heart shouted constantly: I Chen Sheng finally came to work, there are exercises, in the hands of any beast monster, I have to kill everything, chop When dinner. Sure enough, I have a lot of luck. I will never die so easily.

Chen Sheng already felt that his fortune was coming.

How can a broken ball be exchanged for a book? This is his way of becoming stronger.

Chen Sheng did not plan to leave immediately.

Although Lushan City is dangerous, it can be regarded as a relatively safe place. It just needs to face death at any time. This is no different from the outside, but it can give him a place to stay, allowing him to practice quietly, and really become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can he accomplish other things he wants to do and fulfill his ambitions.

The old beggar crouched in the corner, watching Chen Sheng's move to settle down in the city.

There was a meaningful light in his eyes, a grin grinning, and he murmured, "Well, Chen Sheng, what a **** stick fate. I can't escape the fate crap. Wherever I go, it's all the characters. But , It's a piece of hob meat. If two come across, it's amazing. "

Murmured, the old beggar lay on the ground, just snoring

Another week has passed.

At night, the night is dark outside, and in the sky, the clouds cover the moon, so that the moonlight cannot shine on the ground. The night in the night appears deeper and darker.

But at this moment, in Xuanhuang Village, it is another scene.

A large number of villagers gathered in the village full of surprise and joy.

I just saw that the street lights were distributed all over the village. When the night fell, these street lights, like pillars, bloomed brightly. The white light scattered the darkness around. The light shines like daylight, and the slightest trace will appear on the ground. Even a needle can be easily found on the ground.

There is really no difference from daytime.

Everything in front of you is clearly visible.

Streets, houses, it's all the same.

I don't know how many times more than I used a torch and a fire to illuminate.

The street lights kept the entire village all the way to the city walls, in a clearly visible place. Especially the lighthouses set up on the city walls illuminate a large area outside the village. It is absolutely impossible for the beasts to sneak attack at night. Just get close and you will be found.

Many people show joy and pride in the magical effect of the lantern.

All kinds of astounding discussion sounded continuously.

"Qi Ming Lantern, this is Qi Ming Lantern. I heard that this is a lamp developed by Master Lu of Tiangong Pavilion. Compared with this, oil lamps can be thrown directly into the hut. Qi Ming Lantern can illuminate a large area, and it is not weak. Everywhere, where it can shine, is the same light. "

"I have seen the Qinhuai River lit up all night at Qinhuai River, and the lights are flashing. It is called Qinhuai River that is not night, but compared with Qiming lamp, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth. Even at night, under the illumination of Qiming lamp It ’s no different from daylight. It ’s incredible. It ’s said that this was created by cultivating the original technique with the means of practice. Lu Shi was also rewarded by the village chief for his invention of the light. ”

"It's great. Even with night lights, people can still walk and work like daytime, which can save a lot of time and continue to create various objects."

"If it was before, you could do business at night. It's not worse than daytime. In the future, I look at our village, and it will be very lively at night. You don't have to go to bed early at night to save oil. There is a day now. This is a sight that was impossible even in the former imperial city. We can enjoy it. "

Many people are proud of Xuanhuang Village where they live. There is a strong sense of home in my heart.

It is this sense of homecoming that has made everyone's hearts completely united and regard Xuanhuang Village as his only home in this new world.

This cohesion is the heart.

People's hearts are people's hearts.

The gathering of people ’s hearts makes the air transport in Tianchi more vigorous. The water in Tianchi almost completely overflows, and over the Tianchi, it turns into a cloud-like cloud of air transport and gradually expands.

Under the light, we can see that the people who have been busy for a day are talking and laughing. Many men approach the women towards the past, and even reveal their love in secret.

Although still struggling for survival. The attraction between the different is always indelible.

Many young men and women, in these days, became familiar and even became emotional.

Yi Tianxing said before that when he came to the new world, his former loved ones were separated. Perhaps they are separated by Imari, and it is difficult to see each other in this life. It can be said that everyone is a new beginning. If the previous relationship can be renewed, it is the destiny of heaven. If it cannot be renewed, then there is no need to be sad. Everyone has his own creation.

This is a new world, and a new order has begun.

Everyone, even if they had a family and children before, can still marry a wife and have children again. You can start your own life again. Form a new family. Xuanhuang Village recognizes a new family marriage. Everyone is also encouraged to form new families and build homes together.

Multiplying children, inheriting incense, is the instinct of the human race from the blood.

After so many days, everyone understands that the chance for the original relatives to meet again is very slim and almost impossible, and in the new world, open a new family, a new life, for For the villagers who became monks, it was not difficult to accept.

In this new world, men want to breed children, inherit incense, and women want to have reliance and security.

In this regard, the emergence of some feelings is already a matter of reason

In Yi Tianxing's mansion, the Qiming lamp has long been used.

In front of the door were two lighting lamps. There are also street lights in the courtyard.

Enlightenment lamps were also placed in all rooms.

It has been used everywhere it can be used.

Yi Tianxing came to Cai Yan's door, reached out and knocked.

"Brother Yi, you're here." Cai Yan opened the door and saw Yi Tianxing holding a bowl of Sanxianzhen blood porridge in his hands, a flash of warmth flashed through his heart.

"Look that you have no rest at night, let Lai He make a bowl of rare blood porridge. You like to drink this. Drinking a bowl at night can warm your stomach." Yi Tianxing said with a smile, and then went in together.

"Well !!" Cai Yan didn't say thank you, they no longer need to say thank you.

Walked into the room.

It can be seen that there is a table in front of Cai Yan. On the table, there is a sheet of white paper, as well as a writing brush and a ring. On the paper, you can see that many pages have been covered by ink.

"Zhao Ji, you are practicing calligraphy." Yi Tianxing said after seeing it.

"No, I'm copying books." Cai Yan shook his head and said, "I see that there are too few books in the village, and now the number of people in the village has increased, and the number of children is also quite large. Everyone in the village is a monk. If you do n’t even know the word, it ’s a pity. "

"Zhao Ji had read most of the books collected by his father before, and now they are still in my heart. It happened that the village has produced blank paper, so I asked for some and copied the books I had originally written down to avoid forgetting later. , Lost. "

Cai Yan had this idea before. Now that there are conditions, naturally I want to implement the idea.

When Yi Tianxing heard, her heart was shocked, and she was immediately overjoyed. A record of Cai Ye emerged in her mind. She has been remembered from a young age. The books she has read can be remembered, and she collected her father as a child Read all the books.

There are many ancient books in it, and in the later generations, those are lost stories.

Now there is a chance to re-write it out ~ ~ This has an extraordinary meaning to the entire Xuanhuang Village.

What is human civilization, that is words, books, books are the crystallization of wisdom. Every book is packed with extraordinary wisdom.

What Xuanhuang Village needs most now is also the inheritance of knowledge.

But there are no books, these are all in vain.

If Cai Yi can transcribe a large number of ancient books, it will be of great significance to the growth of the entire village.

This is the heritage of civilization.

"Okay, great. This move by Zhao Ji has an indelible contribution to the entire village. The crystallization of the wisdom of the sages, which can be passed on, is a great joy. I will put the copied books into the Tibetan scripture In the court. Let everyone watch. "(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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