Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: Inscription

[A friend came over on May 1st and played with them for two days, delaying the update. Say sorry. 】


After doing this, Yi Tianxing didn't hesitate and directly conveyed the order.

brush! !!

White Crow City immediately started to move, and went straight towards the restricted area. Facing the restricted area, there was no pause, so he rushed straight in. This forbidden area can immediately feel that the surrounding space and time have completely signs of chaos, which are constantly intertwined, seemingly strange and terrible, and even there is space, constant collapse, and the power of space has become a blade. Cut out.

Time is distorted, space is distorted.

Once trapped, you will be lost in the chaotic space.

However, these chaotic time and space have not yet approached White Crow City, and were immediately forcibly suppressed by the power of the space gate and the time pocket watch, so that the vicinity of White Crow City was always calm.

"Unbelievable, the emperor is indeed the emperor, and even the restricted time and space are free to pass."

"I don't know what's in this restricted area, and there won't be other dangers hidden. I hope you can find the well of Gods and Demons smoothly. It's best to avoid any trouble in the middle to avoid causing damage."

When you step into the restricted area, you can see the bones piled up like a mountain. However, under the gust of wind brought by Baicang City, countless bones naturally turned into powder and scattered in the air, leaving the surrounding areas gray. Yes, even the line of sight seems to be affected by a certain occlusion.

"Emperor, this time and space forbidden area is very wide. Can you detect the specific location and direction of the Well of Gods and Demons? If not, it will take some time to find it. Although there are two pieces of precious treasures to suppress, time and space Distortion, a small area may be an extremely wide distance, and it is very difficult to cross. "

Liu Bowen looked around and asked.

Twisted time and space can make thousands of miles long and short distances. There are countless strange situations. Breaking through is not so easy as imagined.

"No, this time you can only look at luck. Look for it first. There is a space door. Time pocket watch suppresses time and space. Although this forbidden zone is dangerous, it is still within the control range, and you don't need to worry too much. "

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

Anyway, how to find the well of the devil this time.

In the restricted area, there are mountains, valleys, and even trees. However, these are no longer the original colors. All of them have become decayed under the power of time, and there is no vitality. Real rotten wood.

It's just that there is no sound, no life, no vitality, everything is so barren, it's shocking to see.

Walking here is undoubtedly a very strange thing.

Here, you can't even feel the passage of time.

Without knowing it, I had no idea how long it took to travel through this time and space restricted area.

Fortunately, there are monks here, and no one lacks sufficient patience.

"Look at the emperor, there seems to be a big mountain in front. There seems to be a stone monument on the mountain. The appearance of that stone monument seems familiar. It seems to have been seen somewhere." I don't know when, Cheng Yijin, who was patrolling the city wall, suddenly made a shout. .

Eyes followed.

It can be seen that there is a huge mountain on the top of the mountain next to it.

"Look back. This seems to be a monument to Wu Zu, the taboo strong."

This monument stands on the mountain quietly, as if it were a pin of the sea god. The chaos of time and space around it seems that there is no way to cause any damage to this stele, and there is an invisible force to suppress everything.

This sky monument has been seen before, and it is very similar to the Wu Shen Great Magic Power that was originally seen on the Void Platform. It can even be said to be exactly the same.

White Crow is near the mountain.

It can be seen that the sky monument standing in front of it is huge and towering. It seems that the entire mountain is part of the sky monument. The monument stands tall and seems to pierce the sky.

"Yongzhen Jiehe !!"

On the Tianbei, you can see four huge inscriptions, each word, as if revealing endless power, it is difficult to maintain people's pressure and even breathe. As if there were mountains lying directly on the body, on top of his head. The spine is bent. It's as if you can see a world **** from the monument. Suppress everything.

"Sure enough, it is Wuzu's tomb monument. The monument contains two great swordsmanship supernatural powers, one belongs to time and the other belongs to space. This restricted area seems to have a very direct connection with this monument."

Yi Tianxing felt two supreme sword intentions on the Tianbei. These two sword intentions can chaos time and space and suppress everything in the world. Everything, everything will be suppressed. Even the slightest release of power has affected the surrounding heaven and earth's laws incalculably.

You can even feel that there are two peerless sword codes in this monument.

"This should be the two kendos in" The Blue Lotus Sword "left by Wu Zu. If you have the opportunity to stay here and stay enlightened for a long time, you will have the opportunity to learn from these two peerless kendos. Wu Zu is indeed Wu Zu , I have never concealed my cultivation practice from me. As long as I have a fate, I can gain from it. It is inherited. This degree is beyond imagination. "

Zhuge Liang said with sigh.

The taboo powers of the last era can reach that height, which is really not what ordinary people can imagine.

"Look, there are inscriptions on this monument."

Pointing to the Tianbei, Liu Bowen can see that the inscription appears on the monument.

"The alien demon invaded and wanted to destroy the world. Wu Zu opened the two realm channels, condensed the wells of gods and demons, crossed the boundary river with the eternal sky boat, and expedition outside the territory. Many eternal sky boat masters scrambled to follow. Entry outside the territory. This move set off a war of epochs. "

"The expedition lasted three thousand years. Pangu and the demon from outside the region fought, and the blood vanished."

"San Qing and the extraterrestrial monsters slaughtered, Taiji attempted to destroy the starry sky, Pangu destroyed the sky and the heavens, and the four swords of Xianxian shone out of the territory and died."

"Three emperors and five emperors, dominate the human race, fight outside the territory, died exhausted, I hope my people, everyone is like a dragon."

"Zulong ........."


The inscriptions on the Tianbei keep appearing, word by word, falling into the eyes, and letting the countless soldiers in Baichou City show the horror. The kind of shock is completely uncoverable, shock, not ordinary shock.

"What happened in the last era."

"Isn't Pangu fallen from the ground, how is it resurrected?"

"Sanqing actually died fighting outside the region, then how could Sanqing now be resurrected. It's not right, how can I feel a bit wrong. There must be something unknown in it."

"Three emperors and five emperors died in battle, then do we still have three emperors and five emperors in our eternal world. If they exist, then what is the war dead. What happened in the last era."

"Inconceivable, outside the expedition, the powers of all races do not know how many battles have died. If these people died, then this era will reappear, what is going on?"

Questions almost instinctively came to mind. Appear in my heart. The thoughts in my heart cannot be calmed down at all.

It is an unbelievable thing that the people of the last era are reborn in this era.

After all, these are not cats and dogs, but real top performers. No power, no strong person can appear randomly, but there is cause and effect, and it has its roots. No one can break this.

However, when you see something, you must accept it. Even if it is, these strong men were killed in the last era, not alive to this day. The mysteries can only be enlightened when they reach a higher level, and they are qualified to understand.

At this point, Yi Tianxing was already mentally prepared.

"Look at the last inscription."

Zhuge Liang pointed to the text behind the Tianbei.

"Eternal Green Lotus ......... Abyss Witch ........."

At the end of the inscription, there were only eight characters left. It seemed to be missing, but no trace was visible.

"What is Eternal Green Lotus, and what is the Abyss Witch."

Yi Tianxing frowned slightly, with a flash of strange color in his eyes. There is no doubt that the existence of these two names may be as powerful as possible, and there is no strength to counteract. It was an unknowable mysterious existence.

Later, all these cluttered thoughts were suppressed, and I dare not touch them easily. If I did not reach that level, then I was not qualified to snoop. This is one of the most fundamental primitive laws between heaven and earth.

"The Wuzu Tianbei is here, and the well of gods and demons must be here ~ ~ around the back of the monument."

Liu Bowen said.

"Go around."

Yi Tianxing nodded and agreed.

Immediately, the entire Baicang City began to shuttle again. The closer it was to the sky monument, the more it acted as if it were a turtle, but in Baichou City, the speed of travel is really amazing.

This move, I do not know how long past.

Baichou City finally circled behind the monument. Immediately you see a stunning picture.

After the Tianbei, a huge ancient well appeared suddenly. This ancient well seemed to be a huge tiankeng, but on the edge of the ancient well, numerous dense runes appeared, intertwined and mysterious. In the ancient well, you can see that countless colorful streamers are constantly changing, fast interlacing, or calm, or choppy, turning into vortices, very cruel, and shocking to see.

"The Well of Gods and Demons. This is the Well of Gods and Demons."

Countless soldiers showed horror, and they could fully feel the vastness from the Well of Gods and Demons. They could feel that this ancient well was connected to a mysterious place.

found it.

The moment I saw the ancient well, I knew instinctively that this was the well of gods and demons I was looking for.

"Look, there is a stone sculpture beside the Well of Gods and Demons. What kind of statue is this? It looks like a deer. How can there be a statue of a deer standing here." Some people found that there was something unusual beside the Well of Gods and Demons. thing.

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