Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1626: Dinghai

"Green Emperor."

Arthur's face was black, and when he saw the green emperor, he panicked.

The humiliation that was gained in the Green Emperor at that time has no way to dispel it now. Anyway, now, in front of him, green is not allowed to appear. Once it appears green, it will instinctively generate aversion and feel a kind of strong desire to destroy impulse.

At that time, he was cutting meat and feeding dogs, and that kind of behavior was simply a shame.

Shame that cannot be washed away.

If it wasn't for the past, and only he knew, he would be afraid that he would not face anyone now.

Seeing Green Emperor, he felt a little pain, it was really painful.

"Golden retriever."

When the green emperor saw Arthur, his eyes were also bright, and his face was excited. He seemed to be gnashing his teeth and licking his lips. It seems very interesting.


Seeing the emperor's expression, Arthur felt a chill in his heart. The evil dog has not forgotten him until now. He felt that sometimes his charm was too great, which was also a great worry. Not everything is good. For now, it's really not a good thing.

"Friend Arthur, long time no see."

Yi Tianxing looked up at Arthur and said with a smile.

"Yi Di, I don't know if I can have the honor to invite the emperor to come to my Simon city for a light meal. By the way, I can tell the old. I have prepared a banquet in the city, and the finest flesh of meat must be cooked now." There is still some panic about the Green Emperor, but in the end it is a king who should have the same demeanor and still maintain a firm mind. Open an invitation.

"Gem flesh."

Yi Tianxing heard that there was a strange light flashing in his eyes. The food cells in his body seemed to start to groan in anticipation. After tasting the meat of gemstones, he really understood the deliciousness and magic of gemstone meat. Especially for him, it is not just food, it is the most amazing tonic in cultivation.

Originally, I wanted to communicate with Arthur. Now that there is gem meat, there is no need to hesitate.

"Well, since Arthur's friend invites, naturally I can't quit."

Yi Tianxing agreed with a smile and nodded.

"Master, take me."

When the emperor heard it, he immediately stood up and closely followed Yi Tianxing.

"it is good!"

When Yi Tianxing saw it, he could only nod. It was just that the corner of Arthur's mouth twitched again. In such a matter, he could not even refuse, and asked him to stop and block a dog. He really couldn't say it.

Therefore, it can only be regarded as not seeing.



Arthur came first, and Yi Tianxing went straight into Simon City without hesitation. All the way under Arthur's guidance, he quickly entered the city's mansion. I have to say that Arthur has no treats for his own enjoyment. After rebuilding, the city's mansion is almost not much different from a palace castle. Inside, you can also see a large number of court maids.

The banquet is prepared in a banquet room dedicated to finding guests.

Inside is a round table.

On the round table, you can clearly see that a portion of the food has been served, and it is placed on the table, but all are covered by the cover and have not been opened to avoid letting the heat inside. Retains the most delicious taste.

I can see that the chef who cooks for Arthur is very exquisite. Definitely can be expected.

There were no one else at this banquet, only Yi Tianxing and Arthur, of course, plus a green emperor.

Subsequently, a maid stepped forward and opened the covers one by one.

"This is the delicacies that I purposely let the chef cook with the best ingredients, milk produced by snow-white cows, the tenderest beef in the legs of golden cows, mutton of snow mountain antelopes, golden bread growing on golden bread trees. The finest ingredients are cooked by the chef. They are rare and delicious. There is also gem meat, which is the most precious ingredient in my hand, only two servings. "

Arthur said with a smile.

These kinds of ingredients are very rare.

There are bread trees, but the golden bread tree is the best in the bread tree. Not only does the bread grow out very fresh and delicious, the color is still golden yellow, and there is a golden yellow cream inside, which makes the taste even higher. Really desirable food, for the Western race, nothing is more praiseworthy than bread and cheese. What's more, under the chef's cooking, the taste itself naturally becomes more delicious.

Yi Tianxing didn't say much, picked up the chopsticks, and began to taste it directly.

He has always attached great importance to food.

"My emperor wants to eat meat."

Lvhuang squatted beside Yi Tianxing, two green eyes stared at Arthur.

stare! !!

The knife and fork Arthur had picked up shivered subconsciously, and landed on the dishes, making a crisp sound. There was a pain in my heart.

"Go, give him that beef."

Arthur took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the abnormality of the body.

Commanded to the maid next to her. This green emperor, he hated again, and there is no way to hit him, it is tantamount to find himself uncomfortable.

The maid heard, obediently went down, and returned shortly after, brought a plate of beef and placed it in front of the emperor.

The Green Emperor saw that he was standing upright, sitting on a chair with his hips, and staring at the plate of meat in front of him. With a mouthful, a large piece of the best beef was so easily swallowed into the mouth, and chewing with a mouthful, it seemed to be seen that the tender gravy bloomed near the mouth.

Seeing this, Arthur once again felt malicious.

Yi Tianxing ignored these, but quietly tasted the food in front of him. These foods cooked in western cooking methods have to say that there is indeed another distinct taste that makes the food cells excited and happy. A stream of heaven and earth vitality was continuously integrated into the body, and the strength in the body began to increase again. The flesh was transformed, and the flesh was becoming stronger.

Especially when eating the flesh of the first gem. The body of Baoding began to shake violently in the body, and countless qi and blood rolled.

Especially in the fifth mouthful of blue tripods, countless mysterious blue runes flashed like tide, and they were continuously derived from qi and blood.

"The fifth physical supernatural power is about to complete its transformation and form."

In an instant, Yi Tianxing's mind naturally came up with an idea to understand what was going to happen.

Do not want to think about it, in a moment of thought, a purple river car has been integrated into the blue tripod, which will become the best carrier to carry the supernatural power of the body, the true epidermal membrane. The perfect catalyst.

It can be seen that with the integration of the purple river car, countless blue runes quickly converge, and the endless sound of the sea tide constantly emerges from the tripod, shaking Baoding, and the tripod can see the endless sea patterns emerging in succession. .

More and more runes have been derived from the tripod, and countless mysterious rules and Tao Yun have naturally been incorporated into it. Unconsciously, the entire mouth of the blue tripod is glowing, blooming a mysterious blue light. In the light, all the runes suddenly began to converge towards the middle.

Suddenly, a blue seal seal appeared in the tripod out of nowhere, in the blood, and under the wash of blood, it floated up and down again and again, exuding an ancient and mysterious breath. On the seal seal, two mysterious ancient seals--Dinghai! !!

Supernatural powers-Dinghaiyin! !!

"The fifth physical supernatural power can suppress all the sea, all the power of water, and can have the boundless power of the infinite sea.

Yi Tianxing secretly flashed a touch of joy, and immediately felt that under the power of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong and mysterious power, five Baodings in the body worked naturally, tempering the body and washing the body over and over. Without knowing it, it seems that the sea has infinite power.

Raise your hand and cast your feet, you can change the ground.

With five complete rounds of refining, the body can almost be immortal, and the blood can kill a large number of demons. The huge vitality allows even the physical body to be severely wounded. With the power of the physical body, huge vitality, instant recovery, bones and muscles. Although it is impossible to regenerate blood, it is almost immortal.

Ding! !!

However, immediately afterwards, I saw a crisp ding sound coming from the body ~ ~ An illusive cyan Baoding emerged at a speed visible to the naked eye. Appears in the body. Dingzhong swallowed the majestic blood, like a bottomless pit, and devoured it continuously.

Six rounds of refining, Qing Ding cried, and physical strength broke through one thousand dragons.

Moreover, with the swallowing of the flesh of jewels, the blood and blood in the body is still increasing at a non-human rate, and each breath is increasing rapidly.

Unconsciously, it has reached the state of one hundred and one hundred dragon powers.

Holding your fist, it seems that you can punch the void in front of you with a single punch and break it. Forcibly break.

"Nice harvest. The flesh of this gem is really useful to me. I need to collect as much as possible in the future. If I can find the coordinates of the sea of ​​gems, I must occupy it at all costs. Where will it be? Become the true strength of my rise. "

Yi Tianxing sighed secretly.

The occupancy of the sea of ​​precious stones in my mind can be said to be stronger than ever, and my heart's determination is stronger. Occupying the sea of ​​gems, you can continuously obtain the meat of gems. This is sustainable development. The value contained is too great.

Regarding these, Arthur naturally did not know, and was even more unclear. In the effort of this meal, Yi Tianxing even broke through his strength again. The six rounds of refining seemed to be equivalent to Yang Shenjing, and his combat power was not at all. What Yang Shen Realm can summarize. It is superimposed with itself, and it becomes more and more unfathomable.

"Emperor Yi, I don't know if you have Western fighters. If so, I hope I can get a group of combatable soldiers from you. Of course, if not, other races can."

Arthur waited until the banquet was over and the maid cleaned up the dishes in front of her before she said.

"Yes, but it depends on how much you can pay."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

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