Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1643: Into the night

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I have a thunder pond that can swallow the thunder sea into the sky.

A thunder pool then emerged in the void, devouring all the devastating magic thunder unceremoniously. The power transmitted from the Thunderchief was even more violent. You can see that Zhenhaizhu and Thunderchi simultaneously bombarded the destroying beast. Almost on the spot, the entire Destroyed Beast had been forcibly bombarded and blasted into countless fragments. Collapse in front of my eyes.

Roar! !!

Almost at the time of the destruction of the behemoth, more traces appeared quickly, no, not just the traces, but also the fragments of time and space. These shards were touched in the war, and suddenly I saw that countless demons awoke from the shard space and rushed out frantically.

It can be seen that the most terrible of these is the Zerg. Not only is it huge, but its combat power is also amazing.

The dense zerg are awakening, and as soon as they wake up, they have begun to move. Showing sharp fangs. These zerg are the most commonly used forces to fight in the outer world in the Eternal Night World. They are the mainstays of course. They are also the first-class cannon fodder. But the cannon fodder is not without strength. When the quantity reaches the level, it represents absolute power. This group of Zerg is even more terrible.

"Blade Blade Zerg, Flying Dragon Zerg, Jackal Zerg. Bloodthirsty Spiders, Bullet Ants. King Kong Ants. Blood Nematodes." Yi Tianxing saw that Wu Zi Tian Shu had passed the messages of these Zergs to his mind for the first time. These are the true mainstream soldiers in the Zerg. In each case, the combat power is very tyrannical. Cruel.

"These zergs emerged from the fragments of time and space. Could they have come from the previous era. They were previously sealed in the fragments of time and space and fell into a deep sleep. Now they are awakened by a hindrance to the eternal night."

Yi Tianxing witnessed, took a deep breath, and already knew the origin of these Zerg in his mind.

This is not the mark left on the track marks, but the true flesh-and-blood Zerg.

It also means more difficult.

The swarm at this moment seemed to be horrifying and terrifying.

"Three thousand feet of red dust, Wan Fayan famine."

Yi Tianxing knocked on the jade belt around his waist, and a jewel competed on it, followed closely, and he saw that the hair behind Yi Tianxing's head suddenly began to explode wildly, one by one, like a spirit snake Like, flying wantonly in the air. Each one flashed a magical streamer. As if consciously, swept across in all directions.

Puff puff! !!

All I heard was the clear and crisp body sounds, one by one, the hairs naturally pierced through the bodies of these Zerg. As the holes penetrated, the light flashed in the hair. For countless flesh and blood, constantly scattered.

This is red dust.

Changed by Hongchen Mingqiao.

Hongchen's fate, gathered a large number of popular causes and effects, and the power of the seven passions and six desires, is tempered by the reddust furnace. Absorb the power of seven emotions and six desires, merge into the hair, smelt every magical skill, a hair, is a sharp weapon of the magic weapon, can open up the world and cut off all enemies.

Over the years, Yi Tianxing has almost never stopped the sacrifice of Hongchensi. Sitting on the dynasty of the Great Emperor Yi, the sacrifice was unique, and before he knew it, the sacrifice was already large in scale. Nowadays, each of the fine red silk sacrifice is not inferior to the magical soldiers. Moreover, the sharpness, the supernatural powers contained in it, once they erupt, the destructive power is amazing. Although it has not been turned into the field of red dust, it has already had a sufficiently powerful combat force.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that in these red dust wires, there is a layer of red qi. Condensed but not scattered, it seems to contain everything in the world, all sentient beings, all kinds of beings, joy, sorrow and joy, all things can be clearly seen inside. Outline the mysterious charm.

Red dust was flying, and the surrounding area was a hundred feet wide, completely turning into a terrible meat grinder.

Countless zerg are broken up in the hair.

Immediately after, these flesh disappeared out of thin air. It has been completely stowed.

Another four-color pocket suddenly appeared in midair. A strange wind blew out of the pocket.

There is a soft breeze. Blowing from the road of gods and demons, wherever they went, countless Zerg people fell into deep sleep. It was as if some terrible curse had been cast. This is the spring breeze, spring sleep is unaware. The spring breeze blows the face, bringing the power of sleep, silent sleep. Once you fall asleep, you can't wake up easily anymore.

There was a hot wind that blew on the body, and we could see that a large number of Zerg suddenly began to explode all over the body, shrouded in flames, and then burned to ashes, screaming in the flames.

This is the summer wind, which is hot and blows into the body, ignites the blood and takes away all the moisture in the body.

Then there was the tempestuous wind blowing on the body, and we could see that all the vitality was quickly blown away, as if all the power was disappearing, fell into loneliness, silent, and died in the wind. This is the autumn breeze, the autumn breeze kills everything, and all things wither.

Finally, a cold wind came, and wherever they went, a large number of Zerg became ice sculptures.

This is the terrible power of the Four Seasons Seed Bag.

Wind is everywhere.

The wind is everywhere.

In such a large-scale battlefield, it is simply the best stage to perform.

The most terrible thing is the wind of the four seasons. Once they are fused together and blown over, no matter what is blown, the life of the entire body will quickly pass. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the seasons alternate.

"Heavenly demon, how much to come, how much to kill. This night, the emperor has decided."

"Others don't dare to attack you forever night, then I will be the first one to be Dayi."

Yi Tianxing looked expressionlessly forward. Everywhere he went, all the corpses were taken up.

All the way forward, all the way to the corpse.

Moreover, with the continuous deepening, various terrible pictures continue to appear.

A terrible broken finger came across the border from space and time, and one finger bombarded, knocking back the Kowloon trenches. An eight-armed demon waved his soldiers and came and killed him. Every hit can shake the sky. Shake the sun and the moon.

A horrible demonic banner showed a corner on the road of the gods and demons. The horrible demon almost completely drowned Yi Tianxing. If it was not suppressed by Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, the Daotai situation would be torn to pieces.

A road suddenly collapsed, blocking the road ahead. Had to reconnect to the front road with Yin Yang Bridge.

Every mile forward is accompanied by various vicious dangers and battles. This road is by no means smooth.

The only thing Yi Tianxing can do is fight! war! war! !!

Constant fighting, constant fighting.

In the constant battles, an indescribable form of iron and blood appeared in the whole body.

This is a medal from war to war.

Before he knew it, he had come to a dark gate.

It can be seen that on this gate, there seem to be innumerable weird demon gods, terrible demon, horrible, exuding a cold atmosphere, as if at first glance, you can feel the soul shaking and the blood veins frozen.

Endless terror was hiding behind the door.

"Is this the last checkpoint to the night? Break this door and you will enter the night."

A kind of meditation makes Yi Tianxing naturally understand that the one in front of him is the last level to go to the night. If you ca n’t get it off, it means you ca n’t move on, you can only stop there.

Obviously, this is to test the strength of the visitors.

Insufficient strength can only be returned.

"Starbreaker, break it down for the emperor."

Yi Tianxing witnessed, but stood quietly for a while, then, the Starbreaker Hammer had appeared in his hands, and he smashed in the direction of this dark demonic gate.

This blow is not just the power of the Starbreaker. In order to ensure foolproofness, it also infused the power of a medium-thousand world into the Starbreaker. The hammer directly has the power of a world.

boom! !!

Only one loud noise was heard.

Divine Light on the Demon Gate was forcibly broken by the Starbreaker Hammer, and smashed firmly on the door. Suddenly, I saw that on the door, with the Starbreaker as the center, cracks spread wildly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Constantly spread.


boom! !!

The terrible shattering sound followed, and the Demon Gate had broken into countless fragments, completely torn apart. Behind the door, I saw the light instantly.


Although this magic gate is tenacious ~ ~, it can face the crushing force of the Starbreaker Hammer, and even the crushing force of a thousand worlds, it is still unable to resist, and it is difficult to not be opened.

"Is the battlefield in front of Yongye in front of me?

Yi Tianxing looked at the door, took a deep breath, and uttered a voice flatly.

Following this, with a single thought, the Kowloon trenches have been closed, the light flashed in his hands, and the big Yan Tianji umbrella reopened, spreading out above the head.

Immediately, without any hesitation, step out.

brush! !!

After stepping out, I only felt the pressure from the well of the demon and suddenly cut it by half. However, in the next second, I felt that the gravity outside of me seemed different. The invisible pressure came naturally.

Step on the ground and look around.

It can be seen that there is also a well behind him, that is, the well of gods and demons.

The surrounding ground is also different, there is a strange scorch everywhere. Standing on the ground, an invisible force emerged out of thin air, pulling the whole body dead, and strange weirdness appeared, as if to pull out the blood and blood from the body and let the earth devour it.

Moreover, a strange power appeared on the periphery.

Under this power, the mana in the body fell into a kind of silence somehow and could not be used at all. As if sealed. Like losing mana. In other words, it is not lost, but it cannot be used at all.

If the true practitioner is here, I am afraid that while mana is imprisoned, it is almost not much different from ordinary people.

However, this is not a problem for practitioners. Mana can't be used, but he can't deprive himself of a powerful body.

"The gravity outside of him is more than three times larger than the battlefield of gods and demons. Here, the mana cannot be used. The magic spell is deprived. This is a restricted area." Yi Tianxing's mind flashed a thought.

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