Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1741: Conspiracy

Not to mention, its financial resources are also amazing, and its ability is even better. Whether it is secret stones or secret shells, this requires strength to get. You need to go to dangerous places to explore, for example, to explore the ocean floor. Shellfish can only be found in extremely deep waters. Shallow water is rare.

Of course, these are foreign words.

神秘 In the big game, the mysterious ball game is very popular.

After 20 years of development, there is already a mature system. The contention is the mysterious treasure contained in the mystery ball. This time taken from the Secret Stone Casino, it is even more attractive. As soon as I heard the news, I didn't know how many people were flexing their muscles, ready to shoot at any time.

Yes, like this mysterious ball game, anyone can participate. Everyone has a chance.

But as long as you plunge into it, there will be a trace of luck being absorbed by the mysterious ball. If you lose in the competition, that luck will also disappear because of this. If you do not own it, you will only become the trophy of the ultimate winner. Incorporating into the winner's body enhances air fortune and will increase one's fortune. Therefore, if you want to participate, you also need to think carefully about whether you have the opportunity to compete.

Generally, if you do n’t see the opportunity, you wo n’t easily choose to join.

No one can take this thing too seriously.

So, the people who participate are those who have absolute confidence in themselves. Believe in your strength and your luck.

"Princess, let's also take a look. I heard that the mystery ball chase is very interesting. It can only show its own air defense ability. Other magical powers cannot be used. It will violate the rules and will be eliminated directly from the game. "

Obviously Zhuo Liya was also very curious and full of expectations.

走 "Let's go and see."

She Su Weidu heard it, and did not object. How can such a lively experience be seen without your own eyes?

"Six, let's go to the mystery ball chase."

On the other side, a few boys and girls gathered together and heard the mysterious ball chasing battle, they immediately developed a strong interest and quickly made suggestions.

Also, just pull and leave.


After a short while, in the palace.

The Emperor Tong appeared in front of Yi Tianxing.

"There are shops in the city opened, a mysterious ball chase, Princess Xianhuang and six princes Ziyang went out together, encountered the game, and participated in this game together." Tong Huang said.


Yi Yixing just nodded and didn't mind. Signaled her to continue. Knowing is not an ordinary thing, otherwise, I would not come over to report specifically.

"In the game, the six princes met the elf princess Su Weiduo. Something happened. The two seemed to show love at first sight. Now they are walking around the city. Do they need to interfere?"

The prince Tong spoke and said the real thing.

"Interesting, do you fall in love at first sight. Is there any other reason to interfere." Yi Tianxing heard, and a corner of his mouth could not help showing a smile. Speaking of, Yi Ziyang was born in the twelfth year, and is now in his thirties. Although for a monk, he is thirty years old, that is no matter how young, but in the normal life of the human race, this is already To the age of starting a family. Of course, the specific situation will depend on their own meaning.

For these things, Yi Tianxing has always respected their own wishes.

If he can meet the person he likes, he will not interfere. Let it be.

"There were no external factors to interfere. The two of them met by chance. They just met each other after the Mystery Ball chase. They should not know each other's identity. However, with the wisdom of the six princes, the identity cannot be concealed. He's been too long. After all, Su Weiduo is an elf princess. She can definitely see that she is not an ordinary person. "The emperor shook his head.

Temperament is hard to say. Although you can't feel it, you can feel it.

"Anyway, as long as there is no external force interference, then you don't need to bother. If you really want to come together and like each other, then let Liu Er marry her. As my son, even if it is an elf princess, what is the world , If there is no woman that my son can't match, even if there is, it is one of the few. As for her identity, it is not a problem. The elves are beautiful, and they are not a weird race. Race is not a big deal. "

Yi Yitianxing smiled indifferently.

Anyway, it is a man. This kind of contact can't bear losses. Of course, if they change to Xianhuang them, then they will say nothing, first break the man's legs and talk about it. Fathers, for daughters and sons, are definitely two very different standards.

Differentiating that is necessary.

"Also, look after it secretly, don't let others disturb them, let them interact freely, and see where they can go. If they can really reach the end, the elves may not be able to benefit. Good thing. "

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

"Yes, Emperor."

The prince Tonghuang flashed a strange color in his eyes and nodded in agreement.


I do n’t say this, but say that Dayi ’s expansion is still going on.

Opened the time treasure, almost every time a large number of fairy cities were cast out and transported to areas where needed. First of all, the dragon demon continent is completely covered with fairy cities, allowing Dayi's luck to spread naturally in all directions. Xuanhuang City also follows from the Hulu Valley and sits in another city of Dayi. Let Xuanhuangxiancheng return to freedom and continue to travel in the void and travel freely.

At the same time, a group of soldiers have been released from the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, first placed in the cloud world, and then after the registration is unified, they are transported towards the fairy cities everywhere. Because the idea still seems simple, there is no objection to various arrangements. Obey and accept easily. Moreover, these soldiers, even if they are divided into men and women, did not marry each other.

With the arrangement, the population in Xiancheng is relatively small.

I just wait for the future.

The process of expansion was very smooth, even if it was a little turbulent. Under the front of the Dayi Army, those were just trivial matters. It was easily suppressed.


After the destruction of the Great Snake Dynasty.

Da Yixiancheng has sprung up like a bamboo shoot after a rain, appearing one after another in Sakura Prefecture.

Especially after speeding up the casting of Xiancheng this time. The establishment of Xiancheng is getting faster and faster. People and people in the underground city have been led out one after another, after registering their household registration, they have been arranged nearby in the fairy cities. Of course, they live together with the original people of Dayi. In this case, they can better adapt to the new life.

I personally witnessed the new life experienced by the people. After the whole person's changes, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were speechless. Compared to their dungeons, this place is simply a fairyland.

Yi Yixie and Xun are still traveling.

Although the serpent dynasty collapsed, the true details of the dynasty disappeared strangely. It was the first time that I wanted to go to the original imperial city of the Great Serpent Hachi City, but when I looked for it, I found that the Hagi City It has disappeared from its place.

At this point, even he could hide it.

There are also survivors of the Serpent dynasty, who have disappeared. Obviously, this move is extraordinary.

"Some people behind the Serpent Dynasty, according to speculation, are from the support of the Yongye party. According to the investigation, the remaining heritage of the Serpent Dynasty has completely disappeared. Without Yong Ye's support behind such a large movement, it is impossible to achieve such silence. To the point. "

Yi Yixian and Xun appeared on the huge active volcano where Hachi City originally stood. Looking at the volcano, the hot lava spouting continuously, said slowly.

我们 "We are bright and the enemy is dark. The only thing we can do now is to be more vigilant. However, as long as they take the shot, they will definitely show signs, and then they will naturally have nothing to do." 囡囡 said comfortably.

If you can't find it, this is already the best choice.

"No hurry, I want to know more about how these eternal night demons came to the eternal world, and if there is a channel directly to the eternal world, if such a channel really exists, it will be one for the entire world. This is a huge threat. We must find their roots as far as possible. "

Yi Yixian said slowly.

Finding is not the purpose, but it is the most important thing once and for all.

According to reliable information, the Serpent dynasty has a terrible killer puppet, but it is not clear to anyone what it is. I only know that once it is used, based on the rumors that are circulated, we can know that the large killer is enough to easily destroy the entire Serpent. Dynasty. If such a big killer can't be found, if you don't figure it out, no matter who it is, it will definitely be difficult to sleep.

Yi Yitianxing is the same.

It is not unusual to see the traces of the night demon in the boundary of the Han Han Sea. ~ It cannot be overemphasized.

在 At this moment, under the state of Sakura, directly underground, even in the sea. There was a dark space hidden beneath. At first glance, this space gives an evil and terrible atmosphere. Inside, it is full of forces such as chaos and evil. In space, a large number of Hydra are hiding.

The mysterious black-robed man is also in this space.

Around me, I can see that a large number of ninjas gathered. Nobunaga Oda was among them.

At this moment, Oda Nobunaga's complexion is obviously very bad.

"Dayi has begun to occupy my Sakura Prefecture, and Dayi's fairy city has continued to increase until it is spread throughout the Sakura Prefecture. At that time, my serpent dynasty was completely wiped away. Everything here will belong to Dayi. Not what the emperor wants to see. What I want is not to save strength, but to give Yiyi the most direct revenge. I want to make Yiyi blood flow and make Yitian's behavior hurt. Hiding here, doing nothing. "

Nobunaga Oda's face is not good-looking. This is not what he wants.

I hide, that's what the woodman did.

"It ’s just Sakura Prefecture. It ’s not worth mentioning if you give up. It ’s not worth mentioning. The Serpent dynasty is not worth mentioning. It ’s not difficult to make Dayi heartbreak. There is a great opportunity. "

The black robe man said with a sneer.

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