Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1779: Heaven and earth tide

"Stress, you must resist."

A flash of firmness flashed in Yi Tianxing's heart, and the moment when the earth and earth shattered over it, not only was the huge impact of the purple gas altar, but also the whole mind was as if it had been hit with a heavy blow. Feeling, that feeling is pretty scary. It's like a broken ship on the ocean, and it will be overturned and crushed by the wind and waves at any time.

If it is under the impact of heaven and earth, once it can't bear it, it can't keep the prototype of the altar, deformed and cannot be maintained, the altar naturally collapses and completely disappears. The most important thing is to maintain the form of the altar under the impact of heaven and earth. , Even if you do everything, you have to do it.

The coercion of heaven and earth is aimed at the Purple Altar. Not for the altar, everything goes away naturally.

How difficult it is to maintain the shape of the altar under the impact of heaven and earth, it is not just a word. It needs to be maintained with one's own mind and will. Once the will is untenable, it is the moment of failure.

Under the power of this heaven and earth, the will will bear the unimaginable shock every moment.

Wave after wave, wave after wave.

The purple gas altar, which had a size of 30,000 miles, was almost immediately subjected to the impact of the heavens and the earth, and it was seen on the spot that the body shrank violently, as if it had been severely squeezed by the heavens and the earth. All of a sudden it shrank by half, reaching a radius of 15,000 miles.

However, in the process, the altar did not distort and collapse, it just shrank.

Moreover, in the process of shrinking, the purple gas is not compressed, but directly compressed and becomes more condensed. The 30,000-mile purple gas altar that originally condensed looks very futile, like a fog, and does not condense. As if the wind blows, it will be scattered.

At this moment, as soon as it is compressed, it becomes more condensed instantly, not only the purple is more intense, but the altar itself is becoming more compact and stable.

"According to records, there will be nine strokes in the formation of heaven and earth. After nine strokes, you can choose to continue to persist, up to eighty times."

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly, a thought flashed through his mind.

The impact of this world is divided into several levels.

The first is nine shocks. This is the normal number of shocks. Once they are resisted nine times, it means that the test of heaven and earth has been completed. Under the crushing of heaven and earth, the purple gas altar is cast. Such an altar is already considered a finished product, but it can only be regarded as ordinary, so that people can continue to practice.

The second is to continue to receive shocks, and the final number of shocks must reach eighteen. Once blocked, the forged purple gas altar has higher natural quality and greater potential, and the process of enlightenment and enlightenment will be faster and better.

The third is to accept 36 shocks. The purple gas altar cast in this way can be called the top.

The fourth type is to receive forty-nine times of shocks. For such shocks, the purple gas altar that is cast is the best of the best.

Fifth, that is to reach 1981, to return to one in ninety-nine, to truly cast the Supreme Purple Gas Altar, which is truly perfect. Unparalleled in the world. Extremely powerful. The potential is endless.

In these five stages, at the end of each one, you can choose to terminate the heaven and earth impact if you want. That is to say, when you reach nine shocks, you can choose not to continue, as long as your mind moves, you can complete it naturally. However, if you choose to continue, you can only make a choice after the specified number of shocks has been reached, and you cannot stop halfway. Either live or die.

There is no third option.

"Very good, the impact of the heavens and the earth, never was a kind of exercise, come on."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and uttered a roar in his heart.

The golden ocean swept again like a tide.

The impact of heaven and earth is like the tide in the sea. The waves are like waves, and the most terrible thing is that the second wave must be double the previous wave, and the power contained in it is multiplied directly. Each shock to be sustained is multiplied instantly.

In this way, the pressure will be greater the more you get to the back, even if every additional amount will cause horrible pressure. Without confidence, you will not choose challenges easily. As long as I can pass the test of the first stage, I will choose to stop, because in the future, it is impossible to estimate whether I can really resist it.

Therefore, this can withstand the first few stages and is also a major criterion for measuring its own foundation.

Rumble! !!

The golden wave did not stop at all, and was not affected by anyone ’s will. After the first wave of shock, there was no hesitation. The second wave has swept along. This time, the golden light is more intense and the power contained is stronger. The will to converge is even greater. Coming over. This time, the force doubled and hit the Purple Altar in an instant, and the entire altar was compressed again.

The force of terror is about to break the altar. However, Yi Tianxing's will is in charge of the overall situation, supporting the purple air to continue to maintain the shape of the altar, not to distort and collapse during the impact.

"Also supportive."

Unconsciously, the second shock has passed, and we can see that the purple gas altar that had reached the size of 15,000 miles before has shrunk again. This time, it is only 10,000 miles in size, but it has become more condensed.

The altar was stronger.

Since its inception, it has gradually acquired the true weather of the altar.

"Strong hammers forged real gold."

Yi Tianxing is very clear that such a test is a calamity and a kind of good fortune. Only after a great deal of hammering can we forge true gold and silver. Create immortal gold and steel.

Boom boom! !!

Stabilizing the will and starting to bear the impact of the world again and again, we can see that under the support of the will, the purple gas altar has never been distorted and broken.

Once, twice, three times.

After repeated impacts, the purple gas altar kept shrinking and condensing, becoming more rigid, and has changed from a mist state to a liquid state. As if the purple liquids came together, condensed into an altar.

Unconsciously, the nine impacts of the first stage have been quietly passed, and the altar has been reduced to a size of five thousand miles. Compared with the previous one, it has been reduced by more than half, but it is still relatively large.

After nine times of support, it is natural that a kind of induction is born in the meditation. As long as you are willing, you can end the test and complete the final promotion breakthrough.

However, Yi Tianxing naturally cannot choose to end it. Although the pressure brought by Tiandi is increasing, it still feels that it can support itself and still be within the tolerance range. No problem at all.

"carry on!!"

A thought flashed through my mind, and no hesitation had been made.

And immediately following, new shocks swept again. This is the world tide. Wave after wave.

Power has doubled again.

Under the impact of this wave of waves, Yi Tianxing didn't make any movements, only moved like a mountain, and kept changing. Let the tides of the heavens and the earth flow continuously, stronger than ever, and always remain motionless, and the size of the altar is also shrinking.

After nine tides, eighteen shocks were withstood. The purple gas altar has been reduced to a thousand miles in size, and the whole body has a liquid appearance. It looks very sticky and will solidify at any time.

"carry on!!"

After completing the second phase of the test, there was no hesitation, and he chose to continue the third phase of the test.

More fierce world tides swept through.

Yi Tianxing also felt a feeling of falling down at any time as if he were in the storm.

The further the world ’s tides are behind, the more terrible it is.

Every wave is a multiplier of power. Every moment, it seems that it is facing the whole world. The kind of impact on the soul is extremely huge. Of course, once it is supported, it will naturally smelt a steel-like will and truly reach the indestructible state.

After thirty-six tidal baptisms.

Throughout the purple gas altar, you can see that in the liquid, a few purple crystals appear, and they constantly flash in the altar, as if a small star, looks very amazing and amazing.

And the altar shrank again. This time, it shrank directly to a size of a hundred miles. The volume decreases instantly. You can also feel how fierce the world ’s tides are.

"Continue, this is not the limit. If you want to forge, then forge the strongest altar."

Yi Tianxing's heart flashed firm.

Either don't do it, or you must do your best to reach your own limit.

The altar is still too big. The real altar does not need to be so large. There is still room for transformation.

The tides of heaven and earth swept again.

It was another wave of shock, and between each breath, there was a long suffering and pain. As for the will, it is a kind of sharpening like a sea of ​​swords and mountains.

When forty-nine baptisms are reached.

It can be seen that the purple gas altar with a size of a hundred miles previously has been reduced again, and has been reduced to a size of only a hundred feet.

"The Purple Gas Altar has completely condensed into solid crystals, like purple crystals."

In the process of ~ ~, it can be seen that the shape of the purple gas altar gradually fixed and appeared almost the final shape. Such an altar is already called the top of the altar. It looks like its shape is a round platform carved from purple crystal. Every inch shines with a bright purple light.

The round circle, this circle, represents the sky.

In general, even the Tianjiao-level powerhouse, or even the evil-level powerhouse-level powerhouse, will choose to stop after reaching this level. This is already the best Taoist foundation, and there is no need to continue adventure.

"carry on!!"

After a little groaning, Yi Tianxing made a decision again, and still continued. Now that he can accept baptism again, why not say no.

However, this time the tide baptism will be even more dangerous, and the impact will be unprecedented and horrible.

Rumble! !!

Almost at the moment of determination, the golden tide had completely swept the purple altar, covered it, completely submerged, and could not see the slightest, waves of tide turned into undercurrents, washing the altar.

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