Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1849: Win

"Jack Sparrow, you are still dreaming of looking for Bu Laoquan. It is rumored that many pirate regiments have gone to look for it, but they have disappeared without a trace, and there are no traces at all. Somewhere, according to legend, that place is a forbidden area of ​​life. No matter how many people go in, there is nothing left to die. That matter is much more difficult than finding the Blue Moon Dynasty. "

A strange-looking pirate king sneered. This man looks like an octopus. When the tentacles are lowered, they are still twisting, making people see, almost shudder, feeling the strong fear.

This is the flying Captain of the Dutch, the legendary pirate king David Jones. This is a ghost ship with real undead life and monster-level existence. David Jones is basically not a person at all. He is completely an undead monster. According to legend, he was working for the **** of death, transporting the fallen souls at sea and selling it to the **** of death. Get paid.

Therefore, the deterrence of Jones in the King of Pirates is quite huge. Generally, no one will easily provoke him. However, there seemed to be some unusual connections between him and Jack.

Hesitated, it was merciless, not at all emotional.

Many captains of pirates have spoken below.

Each time the Pirate Alliance meets, it is not only a party, but also a group hunt. Determine the target, all the pirates, dispatch together, launch an attack, and carry out a feast of plunder. The targets you choose are hard bones that you usually can't win alone. Of course, you can only choose one of these goals. Now you are arguing. Which one should you choose to carry out? Whether it is treasure hunting or plundering, you must completely unify Comments can only begin.

At a time when many pirates are arguing fiercely. Suddenly, an invisible great power appeared in the heavens and earth without any warning, centering on the Hanhai boundary, and continuously spreading out toward the surrounding area. There was also an invisible will that contained it.

A message appeared in the minds of all beings out of thin air.

Not only pirates, but also many aliens, human races, and even major races. In the four sea areas around Dayi, all beings received messages by accident. In the process, everyone seemed to be completely still, and all sounds disappeared.

"Da Yi is about to be promoted to the Holy See."

"The promotion of the Yun Dynasty will be tested by calamity. Both natural disasters and human disasters can occur. Incarnation disasters, blocking the promotion of Da Yi, accepting tasks, will be rewarded from heaven and earth, successful sniper will be obtained.

"Accepting the mission, you can obtain the blessing of the altar of seizure and attack Dayi, and you can seize Dayi's luck and become your own luck. If you can destroy Dayi, you can prove the world and reflect the void.

A lot of messages naturally appear in the minds of all beings. These messages point directly to Dayi.

The promotion of the Yun Dynasty has its calamities. The way of the Yun Dynasty is to enforce the law on behalf of heaven, instead of the will of heaven and earth to exercise various powers and to obey all beings. This right is undoubtedly a violation of the power of heaven and earth. Of course, it also does not It is not impossible, but you must pass the test of heaven and earth, whether it is natural disaster or man-made disaster. When you pass, the day and place will recognize your promotion and give you the corresponding authority. If you do not pass, then naturally, stay in the present position.

Don't expect promotion.

Now, when he is promoted to the Holy Court, the scope of this calamity directly affects countless souls. Of course, this is not the true will of heaven and earth. In this will, you can feel that there is some kind of hidden interference.

Moreover, this message from the heavens and the earth is forbidden in my mind. No one is allowed to say anything except myself. Even if I want to say it, I ca n’t make any sounds or write. Any text. Absolutely weird.

All the creatures who hear the word of heaven can only understand it with your heart. You can not participate, but you must not say it or spread it. This is the heavenly ban.

However, the souls who hear the words of heaven can sense each other, communicate, and discuss.

"Da Yi is actually going to be promoted to the Holy Court. It is incredible. This pace is too fast. The captain feels that this time, why not put the goal on the Da Yi emperor. We looted the dynasty and dynasty, but did not loot. Ever since, I have only seen the Iron-Blood Great Wall far away, and I have long heard that in the Great Changes, there are flowers blooming. If you can plunder Great Changes, even if it is just an immortal city, we can eat a plate It's full. "

The black beard heard, a flash of fiery light flashed in his eyes, and exclaimed. In his heart, there was nothing he could not rob. In the past, I didn't dare to have an idea about Dayi. Now, under the stimulus of heavenly calling, I take root and sprout in an instant, even I can't detect it. In the form, there is a strange power that affects the inner will. That power is affecting his decision.

This power is very subtle, even if it is powerful, it cannot be detected.

Everything seemed silent. It can magnify the desire in your heart madly, ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.

"Very well, I think it ’s really good to set goals on Dayi. Dayi wants to be promoted, most of his power is restrained, it is the weakest moment, and heaven and earth are on our side, no matter what, I have not tried it. On the road, there is the blessing of the Altar of Alchemy. As long as you attack Dayi, you can plunder Dayi Air. By then, Dayi Air will be plundered and weakened, and you will surely continue to decline in promotion.

Jones also nodded and said that the octopus beard was dancing and seemed very excited.

The altar of seizure is too powerful. As long as you attack Dayi, you can plunder it from Dayi. Moreover, the greater the damage done to Dayi, the stronger your predation is. This predatory air, Will directly enhance their strength, even break their own realm barriers, quickly promote breakthroughs, because of the signs of heaven, when the breakthrough, heaven and earth are on their side, you can ensure that the difficulty of breakthrough is reduced to a minimum.

This is to draw the blood of Dayi to grow and transform.

If you miss this time, there will be no chance to have it.

This is a great opportunity and fortune.

Of course, there are hidden dangers in it, and whether or not to survive is the biggest problem.

May die directly on the road of plunder.

However, this danger has been ignored by them.

One by one weird talking about the target on Dayi. Even the pirate emperor is no exception. The benefits of accepting the call are too great. Taking the altar of transport is even more against the sky, taking the luck and turning it into your own food. The more you fight, the stronger and the enemy becomes weaker. This is simply blessing against the sky.


The pirates are a group of bold and embarrassing people who lick blood on the tip of their swords. As long as they have twice the benefits, they can burst into a hundred times of enthusiasm. They were not close to Dayi before, because Dayi ’s prestige has shocked them. In the future, I really want to be an enemy of Da Yi, maybe I will be crushed to death, the danger is too high, but now, it is driven by heaven, this is completely different.

"The Emperor Dayi Dynasty was the first dynasty of my tribe, blessing the people of the tribe, and this time the world was called, Dayi was afraid that it would be dangerous and besiege to Dayi. I could n’t do it. After all, I was also a member of the tribe. It's just that I can do nothing to stop it. "

A masked pirate flashed the same light in his eyes, and the thought of besieging Dayi emerged in his heart for a moment, but he was still forced to suppress it. After all, the status of Dayi is very important in the human race. I don't know how many people are the backbone of the spirit. It is undoubtedly not an easy decision to participate in the siege.

But without siege, there is no way to help.

The prohibition of heaven and earth has been deeply rooted in the soul, and there is no way to violate it.

He knew that this time, something big would happen. If it is not good, countless creatures will fall, the true blood will stain the sky, and the sky will be red. This is ~ ~ Even if you know it, you can't stop it, no one can stop it.

Unless it is to control the desire in your heart.

The general temptation may not be on the mind, but it is the irresistible temptation to take the altar of transport.

As long as enough luck is captured, even ordinary people can become top powerhouses in a short period of time, and even direct sermons are possible. Become a strong one, no one can resist this temptation.

Not only in the Caribbean, but in other realms. Countless monsters and ghosts looked up at the same time at the same time. Fiery light flashed in the eyes. They were also called. Get the message of taking the altar. As long as you join the conquest, you can gain the blessing of the Altar of Capture until the end of the conquest.

There is no demon in Daye, but outside of Daye, the demon is everywhere, and even the terrible big demon who has grown up is in it. Before being transformed into a demon, it is rampant, unlawful and fierce. After becoming a demon, it is even more powerful, and the arrogance in the heart is even more amazing.

"Besieging Da Yi, taking luck, can become stronger."

A thought appeared in the minds of countless demons.

Becoming stronger is the most fundamental obsession of countless demons. Becoming stronger is a natural instinct in the soul.

No one can stop, no one can refuse.

Countless lights look at Dayi.


In the empty sky, the stars shone, countless stars flickered, and a ray of blood did not know where to pass, so that the light emitted by the countless stars seemed abnormal and strange, and suddenly the light was flourishing.

Day Yiqin Tianjian.

Jiang Ni and a lot of fine water, stargazing, the monk who calculated that the heavens looked at the starry sky at the same time, there was a strange color flashing in his eyes, his face was shocked. Looks extremely shocked.

"The pack of wolves eat tigers!"

Jiang Ni couldn't help but exclaim.

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