Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Holy court

The eyes of heaven in the void did not have any expressions, and they kept their eyes silently. Heaven is the most public, and there is no selfishness. Dayi has indeed shed blood and killed enemies for the eternal world, and has directly invaded the battlefield of the night, holding the army of the night demon in the night for twenty years. This attack On the second battlefield of gods and demons, no one can be said to be the best. If Dayi is to be promoted, the Tao of Heaven cannot be blocked at all.

It is even less likely to disagree.

But it also does not indicate that this is acquiescence.

"When the earth is worshipped, the earth conceives all things, and people stand on it, and the earth is the mother, and the zeal is sent by beings!"

Cai Yan's body was the main sacrifice, and he said with a stern look.

Yi Tianxing didn't hesitate. He stepped on the first floor of the sacrifice roof step by step and bowed down. This worship, worshipped the earth to support the human race, so that the human race can settle down, multiply and endlessly.

boom! !!

This time, the earth shook, and yellow air was everywhere in the territory of Dayi. You can even feel the earth shaking slightly. The power of the invisible earth converges in the sacrifice roof. On the first floor of the sacrifice roof, countless runes were flashing, and the coercion suddenly increased. An endless ray of light has fully bloomed. If a monk watches it with his eyes, he will find that in most areas of Hanhai, a blue color appears. That is the ground transportation from the earth. Cyan is exactly the same as the Great Translocation. The area where cyan is located is where the fairy city is located.

However, the further this goes, the weaker the ground transportation will be.

It was wilderness. From cyan, there are blue and yellow. However, even the most marginal locations still have yellow grounds rising, which means that Dayi's control over this area is not very weak. At least, the influence cannot be ignored. As long as there is enough time, it can be completely assimilated. The earth is benevolent and can provide a steady stream of ground transportation.

In this worship, Yi Tianxing willingly worshipped with a reverent heart.

"Two days of worship, heaven is the father, heaven is healthy, the people should strengthen themselves !!"

Cai Yan shouted again.

Yi Tianxing immediately landed on the second floor and bowed down again. The sky gives human beings the space to survive. Only when the human beings are strong can they reproduce. Pass on forever. Heaven gives living beings the space to live, but if they do not strengthen themselves, they can only be reduced to blood. God, the opportunity given to sentient beings is equal. No race is born noble, and God treats them equally.

This day is not heaven, but the will of heaven. It is undeniable that heaven and earth nurtured all peoples and nurtured the big and easy people.

With the worship, from the void, an invisible force gathered on the sacrifice roof. The second floor is shrouded in divine light.

"Three worships. The avenue is public, the heavens are selfless, the heavens and earth are created, and the road is endless. May the avenues have a hard time pitying my people and blessing my people's heritage.

Cai Yan continued to preside.

Yi Tianxing stepped onto the third floor step by step. At the moment when he stepped on, he felt clearly that an invisible will above his head seemed to fall on himself. That is the will of heaven and earth. Only at this moment can we really face it. Heaven and earth, tested.

And, almost in the next second. Unthinkable stress naturally appears on the body, even if it is Yi Tianxing, I feel that the entire breathing becomes unsmooth, as if to be directly plunged into suffocation.

"I am the Lord of the Emperor Dynasty, Yi Tianxing. I worship the Heaven and Earth Avenue today, and hope the heaven and earth have mercy.

Even with the endless pressure on his body, Yi Tianxing still has no hesitation, one word at a time, without a quiver of half a word, but when he spit out each word, he felt that the pressure on his body suddenly increased, the repair was insufficient, and his will was not strong. Can't even speak, the whole body will be crushed and rolled down from the sacrificial roof. This time the sacrifice is the true orthodox sacrifice, and the words and deeds are directly imprinted between heaven and earth.

Moreover, with the voice, we can see that on the sacrifice roof, the light of God flows, and a series of pictures appear continuously.

There are large Yixian towns in the wilderness, countless bounty hunters are guarding the Quartet, and the Great Wall of Iron is covering the frontier. There are millions of large troops entering the battlefield of gods and demons, and the scenes of constant battle with the army of Yongye on the battlefield, and even the pictures of crossing the heavens and earth and passing through the well of gods and demons are presented one by one, quickly flashing.

Every scene is so vivid, it really makes people feel shocked.

What emerged from this is the achievements of Dayi over the years, and the merits of heaven and earth. These are known to the senior management of Dayi, but in the eyes of the people in Dayi, they have only heard of some of them, but have not witnessed them. Now, when they see each one, they all show strong shocks and deeper pride.

Daineng has today. It is not a fluke. It was cast out of the flesh and blood of countless people, and the energy of countless talented people.

"The emperor has worked hard to create such a foundation for my Da Yi, with clear politics, our people are living and working in peace, and the army is strong and strong. How can we not be promoted to the holy court in such a prosperous age."

"Yes, I have heard long ago that our soldiers on the battlefield of Gods and Demons killed countless enemies. The battlefield was difficult. The blood flowed into the river every day. The night demon is endless. I don't know how many soldiers died in the battlefield. We bleed blood for eternity, killed enemies for eternity, and made achievements. "

"In our right to be promoted to the court."

Hundreds of people could not help shouting.

In the same way, this scene is also seen by Changsheng Daojun and other powers. What he thinks in his heart is naturally not calm. These are the history of Dayi, glory, and the inheritance of civilization, which are destined to spread through the ages.

Click! !!

With the sacrifice, the heavens and the earth fell into a silence, as if it were an instant, as if it were eternal. I do n’t know how long in the past, I can see that there is a strange light flashing in the golden heavenly eyes, and there is no sign in the void. Crisp roar.


Seems to be able to hear the permission from Heaven, and hear the response from the Avenue.

At this moment, Yi Tianxing instinctively felt that the shackles from the Great Yi Emperor Dynasty were broken, and between heaven and earth, the invisible shackles from the personality had been shattered.

"Today, I am promoted to the court."

Yi Tianxing was overjoyed and had to be excited, but this is the holy court. Once promoted, it is equivalent to jumping from a small pond directly into the river, and the road in front of it is completely open. Immediately stepped on the sacrifice roof and made a shout.

"Promote the Holy See, the Great Change."

Hearing Yi Tianxing's shout, suddenly, hundreds of people in Dayi Emperor flew into ecstasy, and Yang Tian shouted. Bleed your inner joy completely. Endless joy bloomed on his face.

"Although Tiandao will not stop, but the promotion of the holy court, the test that really needs to be faced will also come. It depends on whether Dayi can support it."

Xiaoyaosan smiled after seeing it.

Fortune promotion is not that simple.

Can be divided into natural disasters and man-made disasters.

A natural disaster is a calamity. For promotion to the dynasty, the calamity must be tested. This is not for anything else, it is only for the lucky dragon and the virtue cloud. The first thing we have to face now is the arrival of Tianjie. The monk ’s calamity is already terrible. The calamity of the dynasty is imaginable and even more terrifying.

"Heaven is coming."

Yi Tianxing also felt a robbery out of thin air, appearing directly above Xuanhuang City, a thick layer of robbery clouds appeared out of thin air, in the robbery clouds, thunder and lightning were shuttled, and a flame storm was emerging. Various terrible pictures appear constantly, as if the end is coming. Emit terrible coercion. As if to destroy everything under the cloud. The Eye of Heaven is hidden in the cloud of robbers.

"Terrible, pretty terrible. Daotai stepped in, I'm afraid it will fall."

Lu Chunyang held the wine gourd and took a sip, his eyes were as bright as electricity. This is a catastrophe against an imperial dynasty. The violent power is no small matter.

"Yeah, the imperial dynasty was promoted to the holy court. This is not an ordinary promotion, but a difference between heaven and earth. Such a huge leap and unprecedented calamity have never been seen before. , Are paying attention in secret. This scene must be more than just what we can see here. The entire eternal world will be seen. "

Yaochi slowly said ~ ~ Meiyu with a touch of dignity.

This is beyond doubt. As a matter of fact, when Tiandao permitted his promotion, today's pictures of Dayi have appeared in the void, truly reflecting the void, and can be seen by raising your eyes in any area of ​​the eternal world. I don't know how many forces are watching this scene.

Big business!

Xian Qin!

Summer! !!


Witch, demon, barbarian, and forces of concern are countless.

When they saw the scenes of cloud robbery appearing above Dayi, all of them were secretly ashamed. Yunchao is the trend of this era. Dayi is a pioneer. They want to see some things they will face in the future. In the future, it will be easier to deal with, and it is better to be prepared. Don't be at a loss, face it without knowing it.

"The promotion of the Yun Dynasty, even if it is permitted by the heavens and the earth, still needs to withstand the test. Once it can't bear it, the final result can only be a failure of promotion, frustration of luck, and frustration of the National Games. This is especially true of the imperial court's promotion to the Holy See. This is a real catastrophe. "

Almost all the lords of the DPRK knew this.

expensive! !!

Over the Xuanhuangxian City, there are huge clouds of merit and virtue, showing golden colors, covering the sky and the sun. At first glance, it seemed almost boundless. In the auspicious cloud, a huge six-claw blue dragon with a size of 12 thousand feet is looming in the cloud. At the same time as being recognized by the heavens and the earth, we can see that the dragon horns on the top of the blue dragon began to emerge golden. It seems to be gold casting, but this golden color only appears on the dragon horns. It is too difficult to completely transform.

What is needed is the baptism of Tianjie, and in Tianjie, it is completely transformed.

This calamity is a disaster and also a fortune.

Rumble! !!

Jieyun tumbling, all of a sudden, only saw that Jieyun actually descended from the sky, swept towards the bottom, covering the sky.

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