Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1870: When will it end

The army of various nationalities came, and they were tempted by their own intent. They wanted to take advantage of Dayi and make themselves stronger. To some extent, the preparation was not enough, and even more unexpectedly, Dayi If you do n’t follow the card, you will choose the frontal rigidity and the army of disciples willfully destroy it. There is no way for all ethnic groups to work together and communicate. The battle is eroding.

Many alien warriors, countless demons' psychological defenses were instantly broken.

Can live, who wants to die.

This is obviously no one would want.


Run away. This is not a place of their glory, but a place of despair.

No matter whether it is a pirate or a demon, there is no unified command. When it comes to downwind, it can naturally be like a bamboo shoot, but once it is in the headwind, that kind of pressure resistance is completely incomparable with the real steel army. To put it bluntly, this is a group of misbranded troops.

Although their ability to resist pressure is not weak, the problem is that a large army of Da Yi constantly rushed to the battlefield, such as the same hitting hammer hit the mind, so that the original will, change, collapse. Demons are transformed from fierce beasts and birds, but they have wisdom, and they are more afraid of death and avoid evil, which is an instinct of all intelligent life.

They will be afraid, they will be afraid. Will flinch and will run away.

"There is no accident. In this battle, Dayi has already won. There is no suspense about the promotion to the Dayi Holy Court."

"Tragic, just this battle, in a short period of time, the number of falling souls, I am afraid that it has to be calculated in billions. The battlefield is the horrible monster that devours life. Unfortunately, these demons and pirates are just misbranded troops There is no complete and effective unified command, no coordinated training with each other, no complete battle formation, no perfect command. Failure is already doomed. "

"I did n’t break the Iron Blood Great Wall in the beginning, and today ’s war situation is not surprising. Dayi ’s weight is not comparable to a group of black people. If you can break the Iron Blood Great Wall, it may cause a lot of trouble. Are useless. The situation is irreversible. "

Changsheng Daojun, the old master nodded secretly.

The situation is now clear, and it is easy to see where it is going. It is impossible to have no accidents without the great accident. In Dayi, Jiutian Daozun obviously did not dare to continue to shoot, although there are a lot of monsters and blood sura scattered in various areas, but for now, it is not harmful , Still within the controllable range. Now the four major war zones begin to defeat at the same time, there are demons, pirates, choose to escape. This is undoubtedly the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

Various regions have experienced varying degrees of escape.

However, they wanted to flee, but they also had to ask Dayi's soldiers to disagree.

On the battlefield, seize a batch of enemy troops and bite dead. Start a fierce fight.

If you want to hit, hit and leave, wherever it is so easy.

Moreover, as soon as the four major theaters retreated, the luck of Da Yi being suppressed suddenly surged, and a kind of vitality emerged everywhere. The atrocities that originally permeated the Great Changes began to dissipate. Obviously, the situation today has already recognized the world. Recognize that Da Yi has survived the calamity of natural disasters and man-made calamities, and has been promoted to the court. Fully enjoy the blessings belonging to the Holy Court.

This change cannot be easily concealed.

There was also a smile on his face, and he immediately opened his mouth and uttered a drink to the world: "Dayi Shengting, stand !!"

A voice, under the power of heaven, instantly spread throughout the eternal world.

At this moment, the Great Yi Church is truly promoted, and there is no possibility of falling.

"Dayiyi, the eternal world, the first holy."

"It was really promoted, this speed is too fast. However, we still have the opportunity to catch up, and we must not let Dayi Zhuanmei come first. If the Holy Court wants to be promoted, it is not as simple and easy as before. Time to catch up. "

"Holy court, we will arrive sooner or later."

Countless numbers of people look at the location of Dayi. Now it is just the beginning. No one can be sure of the victory or defeat. They are not afraid of being behind. There is still time to catch up. It is not a short time to be promoted. It can be achieved. It is a road that takes hundreds, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years to complete. For such a long time, as long as there is a chance, it is not impossible to catch up and even surpass Dayee.

"Congratulations to Yi Daoyou and Dayi's promotion to the Holy Court. From now on, he can be called the Holy King."

"Yes, this is really an eye-opener, it's amazing, and the smooth promotion today can be described as gratifying. Since then, Da Yi has been nowhere to be, and can travel to the sky, free and unrestrained, become a sacred place, and bless hundreds of millions. The surname is life, and the merits are countless. "

"The holy court is even better than the holy land. In the future, it will need to do more to fight against Yongye."

Many powers are also at this moment, congratulating Yi Tianxingdao one by one.

In the words, there is even more respect. Now the Da Yi is promoted to the Holy Court, and its status changes instantly. Inferior and even stronger. Emperor dynasty and holy court, that is the difference between heaven and earth. Overstepped, it is to enter another level.

"Well, thank you Taoists for coming to watch the ceremony, wait for a moment to have thin wine in the Holy Palace, and please do n’t dislike them."

Yi Tianxing responded with a smile.

"This is right, when there is good wine."

Lu Chunyang heard it and laughed.

This time, not only to attend the party, to observe the ceremony to promote Shengyi to the court, but also another important thing, one of the Eight Immortals, no accident, was in the Great Yi. Now trying to find out if he can wake him up.

At that time, I really have to talk to Yi Tianxing.

"Holy King, there are reversals in all major war zones, pirates, demons, all defeated, and dare not continue to attack the Great Wall of Iron. On the battlefield, my army and army are still hunting down the enemy army. Also ask the Holy King to decide. "

Zhuge Liang and others came to the front and asked.

The crisis on the battlefield is undoubtedly solved. The surrounding demons have been jeopardized in the battlefield and dare not stay at all. The front demon entangled by the soldiers of Dai Yi is still killing. Fleeing desperately for fear of being caught up. The situation is completely clear, and it won't be long before we can completely calm down the battle.

"This time, when the war started, they had the final say. But when the end was over, King had the final say."

When Yi Tianxing heard it, he looked up at the Quartet, as if at a glance, the entire Bohai Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Dead Sea, and the Devil Sea all came into view, his eyes flashed, and he said categorically: The army followed, and fought in the four major realms until they were all included in the territory, along the way, along the way, live, reverse, and die. "

In the voice, with a trace of imperishable majesty, the kind of determination is the will that cannot be changed.

"Yes, obey the Holy King's ordinance."

When Zhuge Liang heard, his eyes brightened and he promised.

The surrounding ministers also changed their faces, revealing a touch of joy. The body was slightly agitated.

"Very good, go down, clear the battlefield, and then return to the Great Tomorrow tomorrow.

Yi Tianxing nodded his head and made a decision.

"Yes, Holy King."

The ministers bowed and agreed.

On this day, the eternal calendar is fifty years old and seventeenth.

Within Dayi, countless battles are still taking place. The monsters that exist in the fairy city are annihilating continuously. Although the people in the city also have casualties, but compared with the monsters, this number is still a small number. There were bounty hunters, six gates, and the disciples of the Xianmen in the Great Xianmen in Dayi descended into the mountains to kill the monsters. The situation has long been brought under control.

It won't be long before it can be completely destroyed. Of course, the monsters and blood Shura who rushed into the wilderness are obviously impossible to clear in a short time. But it is also harmless and can be left to them.

With the official establishment of the Great Yichang, the people in the city have the mood to set off fireworks while they are beheading the monsters. The gorgeous fireworks are blooming in the void, rendering endless joy, allowing people to feel a strong transcendence. .

"Too much demon !!"

Countless monsters made angry curses.

They are demon, they are killing, is it too deceptive to display fireworks like this?

At this moment, nine days above.

A few cold hums suddenly appeared.

"Unfortunately, there is such a feng shui blessing in Dayi ~ ~ failed to destroy its fairy city and break its foundation. Then, unless we end up in person, we ca n’t break the map of the Jiangshan Society To be destroyed, hundreds of millions of people will be destroyed, and karma is like the sea, and I can't easily contaminate it. "

"It's not bad. In Da Yi, the monsters can't be cut off, and Blood Shura can't be destroyed. It can be useful to leave a **** in the future. This time, Da Yi is good luck and shouldn't die. There is no such good opportunity. "

"Look at the beautiful scenery of his mountains and rivers and see his singing and dancing level up. After another hundred years and thousands of years, is it a sea of ​​vicissitudes of the sea, or a flame of fire?"

A few words flashed through the void. Then he disappeared. Obviously, there is no need to continue shooting.

Before they could make a shot, it was perfunctory. They did it well, even if it was a little bit wrong, it was not wrong. It was no use to make another shot. Da Yi's promotion to the Holy See is already unchangeable.

Now looking at the territory of Dayi, we can fully see that in the immortal cities, golden ground transportation rises, continually converges into the void, and merges into the body of the Qiyun true dragon. The surrounding wilderness has also begun to feel green.

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