Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1882: New cloud world

The forbidden area in the Dead Sea realm is often a large tomb. To say, the immortal life of the Dead Sea is relatively homely. It is most like staying in a comfortable environment. It is not a last resort. Generally the top undead strong , Will not easily leave their comfort zone. It's like besieging Dayi before. Although there are a large number of undead swept away, but the real top undead strongman has not appeared. Houses in the old nest, without absolute necessity, will not come out easily. The old house is their best place for spiritual practice.

Therefore, in the Dead Sea realm, the tombs, the forbidden land, and the Jedi are countless and numerous. There are too many. And this will be their paradise. Of course, the reason why they let them pass is because these forbidden areas will not hinder the layout of Feng Shui.

It has become a major obstacle to the layout of the Dead Sea.

These obstacles naturally need to be removed, and it is even better to give them to the invincible general and the green emperor.

The four of them together, the power that can burst out is absolutely beyond imagination.

No one knows what can be done

At this moment, Yi Tianxing appears in the core space of Xuanhuang City.

Looking around, we can see that the eternal furnace of God and the well of eternity have been transformed, promoted to the immortal eternal sky boat, and become a holy city. The entire core space has not only expanded more than a hundredfold, but all the core feats have also undergone transformation.

"Because our Xuanhuang City is a mysterious eternal skyboat, no other eternal unit is needed, and new mysterious characteristics have been derived, which has greatly increased the strength of Xiancheng. However, this time, the thirteenth cloud world is added. What should these cloud worlds do? Division, you also have to decide for yourself. "

Ruyi Fairy waving her wings and appeared beside Yi Tianxing, said with joy.

In the big cloud world, each layer is the most powerful.

The first floor: Holy King Realm, Holy King Palace, Lingxiu Fairy.

The second layer: Army soul battle realm, military camp, iron blood **** general.

The third layer: Tianxinjie, Tianxin Lighthouse, Tianxin scattered people.

The fourth floor: Baiyujie, Baiyulou, has no time for scholars.

The fifth floor: Qingyunjie, Qingyunfeng, Qingyunxian.

The sixth layer: cloud weaving world, cloud weaving machine, cloud weaving fairy.

The seventh layer: the prayer world, the wishing tree, the happy old man.

The eighth floor: the world of beasts, the zoo, the colorful beast soul pool, the beast hunter.

The ninth floor: drunk fairy world, wine house, wine pond, alcoholic.

The tenth floor: Salary world, Tibetan scripture pavilion, Wuchi, paper sea, fairy in the book.

The eleventh floor: food industry, meat forest, butcher.

Twelfth floor: Tongtianjie, Tongtian Pavilion, Tongxuan real person.

The 13th floor: Immortal Realm, Immortal Palace, Master.

Fourteenth floor: Wanbaojie, Zixinglou, Manpower.

Fifteen floors: Moonlight, Moonwell, Moon Fairy.

Sixteenth floor: The mysterious world, the mysterious auction house, unspoken.

Seventeenth floor: Battlefield, Death Colosseum, Undefeated God of War.

Eighteenth floor: Rainbow World, Rainbow Bridge, Town Tenjin.

Nineteenth floor: furnace world, skyfire furnace, skyfire boy.

Twenty floors: universal world, universal printer, universal god.

The twenty-story cloud world has been put into use separately, and a large number of powerful people have settled in them, and each one has been greatly welcomed. In the world of prayer, a large number of people go to make a wish every day, and there are rumors every day that some wishers realize their wishes. It is quite amazing. Many people get into the habit of making a wish under the wish tree every day.

The emergence of the furnace world and the universal world has even allowed Dayi projects to enter the overspeed stage. If not, the casting of those fairy cities is the biggest problem.

And this time, when the fairy city was promoted, the palace treasure tree followed the transformation, and the thirteen new cloud worlds were derived again. These cloud worlds still do not have a state of obscurity, as if the heavens and earth are not open. Deliberately left behind.

As long as there are suitable world treasures, you can use this to open up a whole new world of clouds and maximize the power of Yibao.

"Exactly, this time I will use all the treasures of the world that have not been used before."

Yi Tianxing saw it and nodded.

"Yes, master."

When Ruyi Fairy heard it, she said very happily that it was her greatest joy to see Xuanhuang Xiancheng become more beautiful and powerful.

"The twenty-first layer of the cloud world is ready to be integrated into the Yibao building train base, and the true spirit, the base commander."

Ruyi Fairy did not hesitate to take out a strange treasure building from the picking star tower. She has the right to take out treasures from her. Now she has got permission from Yi Tianxing, and immediately started to act according to her plan.

Suddenly, a strange treasure building like a base appeared in the twenty-first layer of the cloud world. Once incorporated, the clouds rolled in the cloud world, the invisible power rolled in, and the eternal divine power poured in. Then, it was still in The chaotic cloud world opened up instantly. The train base fell into the cloud world, and in the blink of an eye, it was right in the center and turned into a huge base. In this base, there were train tracks. Station by station.

This layer of cloud world, named the train world, is a floating train in Dayi. From now on, there can be a unified starting station and ending station. Stations everywhere can be more standardized in the future, and will not cause chaos when riding. More convenient for unified management.

"not bad."

Yi Tianxing is very satisfied with this.

It can be seen that a series of floating trains began to enter the train world. The derived true spirit, the base commander has begun to command Ruo Ding, placing a series of floating trains on dedicated platforms, and there are signs at various platforms, indicating the station to go, the path of the route, and so on.

"The twenty-second layer of the cloud world, separates the Jiuchi from the fire world, merges into the cloud world, derives the spirit world, embodies the true spirit, and lingers."

In the past, because there were not enough cloud realms and there was no way to do so, several matching exotic buildings were integrated into a cloud realm. Now that there are spares, it is natural to separate them. This is more suitable for the development of the cloud realm. After being spawned, this layer of cloud world will breed a variety of ganoderma. It is very effective for monks. Inscription Rune.

"The twenty-third layer of the cloud world separates the sea of ​​paper from the fire world, and points out the true paper fairy."

Wuchi was separated, and paper sea was also separated. Become the new cloud world.

"The twenty-fourth layer of the cloud world is integrated into the widower's fountain and the goddess of true spring water is transformed."

Immediately, the twenty-fourth layer of the cloud world has been opened, and the widower's spring has been incorporated into it. Under the power of Xuanhuang City, the power of the widower's spring has been greatly increased, the ranks have been transformed, and the power contained has become stronger. This layer is called the spring world.

"The twenty-fifth layer of the cloud world is integrated into the five-colored earth of the heaven and earth, and the true spirit and the five-colored unicorns are suggested. It is recommended that the **** magic tree be planted in the five-colored world. All kinds of spiritual roots can have an excellent stimulating effect. "

Ruyi Fairy said again.

In the five-color world, it is very suitable for the growth of the elixir of the elixir.

"Very good, other gods and treasure trees can be planted here."

Yi Tianxing also agrees. There are still many demon seeds that have not been bred. It is also a good thing to place them in the cloud world. The sooner they are used, the more benefits they will naturally have. Can also enhance the background.

"The twenty-sixth level of the cloud world is integrated into the heaven and earth Yibao Medical Center. The angel of the true spirit in white."

This medical center does not seem to be much different from a huge hospital. Also designated as the medical profession. It is faster to cultivate inside than to the outside, and you can feel more comfortable physically and mentally. All kinds of medical supernatural powers can exert stronger effects. Definitely do more with less.

"The twenty-seventh layer of the cloud world is integrated into the shipyard, and Captain Zhenling is named. This world is called the ship king world."

A strange building was incorporated into it. This will become the base for the manufacture of warships by Dayi and the base of the sky boat. The vast cloud world is derived from the ocean. Of course, the warships created are not just traveling in the ocean. Still can walk in the sky.

"The twenty-eighth layer of the cloud world is integrated into the Yingling stele, and the old man who guards the tomb of the true spirit is spotted."

This layer of cloud world is very important. The monument can be engraved as the sacrifice of the spirit of the Da Yi, so that the people in the Da Yi can come to sacrifice, and the monument can be built in the world of the spirit. They are all sent to the Iron Blood Great Wall, and with a body and flesh, they can make the Great Wall immortal. No bones are left at all. But when the Yingling Stele is erected here, it is possible to gather the will of all beings and condense the Yingling. These spirits are not real souls, they are just born of a will of faith. Is a spiritual longevity.

"The twenty-ninth layer of the cloud world is integrated into the heaven and earth different treasures synthesis furnace, and the true angel lucky angel is lightened."

This synthesis furnace can be used for various synthesis, weapons and weapons synthesis, gems and gems synthesis and so on. However, the probability of success of this synthesis is not absolute. It is definitely not so easy to succeed. It may fail at any time. Once it fails, the synthetic items in it may be damaged at any time. And success, then it is possible to improve quality, or even directly promote the rank. Its ability is absolutely powerful.

If you dare to gamble, it depends on your own courage.

This layer is called the synthetic world.

Then ~ ~ without hesitation, opened up the 30th layer of cloud world.

"Thirty-story cloud world, integrated into the heaven and earth magic treasure hall, point to the true spirit fantasy god, named the fantasy beast world."

The Ruyi fairy opens up a cloud world again.

This fantasy world can provide a continuous flow of fantasy animals for Dayi. After the transformation of the product rank, the ability possessed has increased tenfold and hundredfold.

"Well, the remaining three cloud realms are temporarily sealed, waiting for a suitable world and treasure to open up. After all, time is still long, after all, some will be left in case of emergency." The opening stopped.

Thirty cloud worlds are completely enough for now. Leaving some to save room is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Yes, master."

Ruyi Fairy did not object, quickly agreed.

"Next, I'm going to swim again."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath.

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