Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1925: Shocking transaction

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Latest website: Altai is not a person who has n’t seen the world, but what Yi Tianxing said was already too big for his impact. I thought this transaction was just like millions or tens of millions. There are hundreds of millions of dollars in a big deal, and Cosmopolitan's opening is calculated in trillions, and one trillion is one trillion people. This first order was ten trillion, what an amazing order. It's unprecedented, unprecedented. As long as the sale is successful, he will really get rich.

This is a pie in the sky.

Even if it was Qian Qian next to him, he was so scared that he dropped his wine glass on the ground and made a snoring sound.

Ten trillion, this is just the first order, there are ten times one hundred trillion orders behind. This is going crazy, how much rebate can he get for such a large order? Getting rich is really getting rich.

His eyes were replaced by countless nightmare coins, and he felt buried by endless money. This is simply a pie in the sky.

Alas, he could only say one thing really.

Smash me to death with money.

"This is no joke, you really want so many slaves."

Altai's eyes were wide and he asked seriously. This sale is really too big.

当然 "Of course it's not a joke. There are so many. As long as you can get it, there will be a second order, or even a third order, with the first order. I can eat as much as you like."

Qi Yi Tianxing said confidently.

"However, this amount is too large, and the amount of money is too huge." Qian nian interjected, this is to see if Yi Tianxing has such strong strength. This money is calculated in billions and trillions.

"Dream of money, Yi does not have so many hands." Yi Tianxing said calmly.

Woo! !!

Qianmian and Altai both breathed out a little breath, I felt just joking before, after all, this amount is too amazing. They have never come across.

"However, the eternal coin in my hand is how much, how much." However, the next sentence made their hearts raise again.

As the voice fell, I only saw a round golden square-hole coin in his hand and passed it towards Altai. It is eternal coin.

It is exquisite, heavy, and in no way inferior to the Nightmare Coin, or even better.

The dream coin has a fourfold increase, and this eternal coin has a fivefold increase. The value is ten times the difference.

"This is the eternal coin, it is really exquisite, it is indeed a currency that is better than the nightmare coin. One is comparable to ten nightmare coins." After Qian Qian and Altai each took a look, they nodded secretly and praised.

They will not have never heard of the name of Eternal Coin. Do n’t think that the nightmare world is really completely isolated from the eternal world. Otherwise, there are powerful people in and out, and special talents to travel between the two realms. Even the exchange of resources is happening in secret. Eternal Coin, in the nightmare world, is not without, in the holy city, it will not exist. However, they are all in their hands, and most of them are traded in nightmare coins.

But its value is recognized. The five-fold increase will be more beneficial to them in practice.

"Very good, I will give a billion eternal coins as a deposit, and the rest will be paid in one lump when the transaction is made. I don't know if this is good."

易 天 行 颔 nodded for the first time, and it has been confirmed that the eternal coin can also be circulated in the nightmare world, then all is not a problem.

What you can buy with money is simply as simple as that.

He said, waving his hand, he saw that Jin Chanchan's eternal coin fell from the sky like a rain, appeared on the square, and piled into mountains. The golden light emitted was enough to blind their eyes. It can be seen that no matter whether it is Qiannian or Altai, both eyes cannot be pulled out completely. Staring at Jinshan, I don't want to leave even one minute and one second. I have never seen such a picture before.

A billion, a whole billion of eternal coins, that amount has been piled up into a mountain. Seeing it with your own eyes is far from simple.

"Mr. Yi, please rest assured, I will let the people below prepare immediately. I have a relationship with all the holy places in Altai. As soon as I send a message, a continuous stream of slaves will come together from all directions. If you want, the first batch Slaves can be delivered to you in a day, and the number is guaranteed to be no less than one billion. Old people, children, still free. "Altai immediately made his statement without hesitation.

买卖 This sale is too big.

Even in this process, a large part of the money must be distributed to the major holy places. The profits of those who work below can still be inestimable. This is astronomical.

"Very good. In this case, the place where we trade is placed in the nightmare holy place where I am. This is the coordinates of the holy place. With the coordinates, with the nightmare holy city, you can go directly to trade. When the time comes, you will trade face to face. Paragraph Qing, you and I can rest assured. How do you see. "

Ji Yitianxing said after a slight groan.

Meng 魇 The holy city itself serves as a transit hub for various holy places. Naturally, you can go to each holy place, provided that you have the coordinate mark of the other holy place. Only then can transfer be performed. This is also the most convenient way to communicate directly with the major holy places.

"Rest assured, this sale, I can guarantee that it is absolutely foolproof, I will stare personally, and I will send the gentleman what I want. Money is in place, and everything is easy to say." Altai said confidently.

Saving money is not everything, but without money, it is absolutely impossible.

There are absolutely few things you can't do with saving money. And now this sale is definitely not among them.

"Yi and other good news for Mr. Altai. I hope that the transaction between us will be more long-term."

Ji Yitianxing smiled indifferently and said decisively.

"This is natural, Mr. Yi is my best friend of Altai."

Altai said with a laugh.

What is brother, this is brother.

After the transaction was completed, the two parties started drinking again, and their faces were flushed even with thousands of faces. This time, they were really drunk. This time, the rebate from this sale can make him fat, and still fat. The kind of flowing oil.

Altai talked again and again, we must prepare a great gift for Yi Tianxing.

In this regard, Yi Tianxing just smiled, not too seriously.

This time, it is beneficial to both parties, especially for Dayi. What eternal currency is and can be exchanged for the population is more important than any money. Eternal currency is easy to get, but the population is not easy.

"This time it is a big gain. As long as we can use this to solve the population problem, my Da Yi's soldiers will be able to expand unscrupulously. By then, it will not only be four boundaries, but fourteen and forty. . Nothing can stop me from expanding easily. "

Yi Yixing secretly thought in his mind. This time, a big problem can be solved. Even the problem of declining the population of Dayi is completely gone. If there is a population of 100 trillion, with the help of Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, a full 100 times of time deficit, more population can be quickly reproduced. If there is a gigabit, Dayi will be able to expand unbridled and follow-up reserve issues. has been solved.

A yoke stuck on the body will be completely shattered.

As long as Dayeon has ten realms as its foundation, the new population born every year can fill a new realm. By that time, Daye will be on the real fast track of healthy development.

"Coming soon, everything is coming soon. I will not stop at the footsteps of the Holy Trinity."

There was a touch of firmness in Yi Yixing's eyes.

After having lunch with Altai, he did not stay much, and left the slave owner's estate. Instead, I continued to wander through the nightmare city, and went to Qiangge Hut, Robot Cat House and other stores. I also saw the Lord in person, and it was indeed no different from what I remembered. At the same time, a large number of strange items were also purchased.

I had to say that it gave him a great surprise.

I was not disappointed in the slightest.

"Well, Tianbao Pavilion."

Yi Yitianxing came to a shop and stopped.

"Holding different treasures in the world, and receiving all the sea fairy treasures." Looking at the couplet in front of the door, Yi Tianxing flashed a strange color at the corner of his mouth and murmured: "Interesting, this tone is really not small. The owner of this shop is really brave. "

I can open a shop in the holy city, and dare to leave such a couplet.

"This Tianbao Pavilion does have such confidence to say such words ~ ~ Inside, there are so many treasures and immense treasures. There is no place like this. The owner here is called Tianbao real person. Its history is very mysterious. Since opening a store in the holy city, the strange treasures here are the most in the holy city. But it is the most difficult shop to reach a transaction. "

Nian Qianmen looked at Tianbao Pavilion, with a hint of dread in his eyes, where he could not eat the rebate. But there should be no fewer reminders.

哦 "Oh, is there anything special about it?"

Yi Yixing asked curiously.

"Because this Tianbao real person doesn't need money, money can't buy the strange treasures in it." Qianmian shook his head.

"So what does he want, for something?"

Qi Yi Tianxing said thoughtfully.

A lot of rare and precious treasures are not measured in terms of money. They are often exchanged for goods and things. This is the more so in the more high-end parties. It's not unusual to trade things for something, and each takes what he needs.

"Yes, no." Qiannian shook his head and said, "What Tianbao Pavilion wants is not ordinary things, but five things: life, luck, merit, affection, and desire. Soul. And it must be what I have, others. Yes, no. Once you start the transaction, you will sign a contract. Under the contract, you cannot violate it. No matter whether it is life or emotion, you will be deprived according to the contract. Once deprived, it really ceases to exist. "

Who dares to easily trade with their own life, luck, and emotions.

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