Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1934: return

One day in the sky, one year on the earth. This statement is not an exaggeration. It is different in the world. After a long period of time, the flow is different. It is like a river, with slow parts and panting areas. It's not surprising that they are all different. Just like the time flow between the small and medium thousand worlds, there will be a deficit, and the further the two worlds are, the different deficits will also be. The time deficit between the eternal world and the nightmare world, if it exists, it is definitely not an incomprehensible problem. The nightmare world is unpredictable, and everything can happen. It is this weirdness that is even more elusive.

"Three days are not different from three years. The important thing is that we have actually experienced it."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

Time is important and least important. On the contrary, if you can use this deficit to grow yourself, all consumption is acceptable. Moreover, this is a great thing in itself, and there is nothing more cost-effective than that.

This time, the population brought out from the nightmare world has reached Gigabit, and it will become more soon. This is the most important.

"The troubles here have been resolved. We should also leave now. The traveling merchants will not stay in one place for too long, please rest assured that it won't be long before my Da Yi's envoy will come to the Silkworm and the nobles. Exchanges and exchanges. You and I can make good friends forever. "

Yi Tianxing said again, looking at Sang Yunyun and nodding.

Traveling time is running out. Even in the nightmare world, travelling time is still decreasing, and it does not follow the time change of the eternal world. What I really need is my own experience.

"Please be assured, Yi Daoyou, the specialty of my mulberry silkworm family, from now on, Jiucheng will belong to the Da Yi Holy Court." Sang Yunyun made a statement without hesitation, Yi Tian did what their silkworm family did There are too many things to give. Too much to report. The scourge of robbery, and the crack of nightmare. Each one is fatal, and it can completely hurt the mulberry silkworm's vitality, and even lead to the calamity of decline.

"These are nothing more than a hand."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

Later, under the warm hospitality of Sang Yunyun, they enjoyed an extremely rich meal among the mulberry silkworms. The mulberry in their tribe can be said to be a must. It's different, you can't taste these elsewhere. Taking this opportunity, Yi Tianxing also cut a branch from various mulberry trees and planted them in the Dantian medicine garden.

Under the water of Life Fairy Dew, these branches easily take root and sprout, becoming a new spiritual mulberry tree. Moreover, a Lingshan mountain was specifically designated as a breeding ground for mulberry trees. In a short time, it will become an extremely magnificent mulberry forest. The spiritual mulberry tree that was bred will never be under the silkworm family. In the future, it may not have the opportunity to come in handy. Collecting spirits is one of the goals of the tour.

One day later, Zhen Deqiong also drove the distant birds to resume the voyage. Yi Tianxing followed the trend.

In the following days, I followed the footsteps of traveling merchants, personally experienced various dangers, and witnessed it. In the restricted areas around the world, the traveling birds can flow unimpeded, and they can also see various strange Wonders.

There are also all kinds of weird races.

Some are born close to the Zerg and are good at cultivating Ascaris. This group is good at raising 蛊 and 蛊. If you can keep silent, you have already been poisoned, and you don't even know how to die. It's terrible, it's awesome. Easily, not many races are willing to get too close to them.

There is also a real villain country, and the Longbo giants are also seen.

It can be described as an eye-opener along the way.

I have also seen with my own eyes that there is chaos in various regions, and various forces are crushing each other and killing each other constantly. Among them, they can be described as living creatures, people are not talking, and the world is filled with all kinds of evil spirits. Demon emerges in a row, and is rampant.

It's a sea of ​​bitterness everywhere. Where is the other side.

Unconsciously, three months have passed.

Time has reached the limit of the starry sky fairy charm.

At the moment, in the mall.

In a restaurant, Yi Tianxing and the monkey were sitting together, savoring a unique flavor of food in front of them.

"Monkey, I'm leaving. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you everywhere. You have to go alone." Yi Tianxing said with a smile and raised his glass.

"What, you have to go, is it possible to return to the Great Saint.

The monkey is not a fool. From the words of Yi Tianxing, he has felt some information and immediately guessed.

As Yi Tianxing, it is absolutely impossible to stay outside for a long time easily, and it is an incredible thing to be able to come out for so long. It's normal to return to Dayi, not surprising.

"Yes, it's time for Yunyou this time. I want to return to Dayi, so Yunyou ends here."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile. I was very satisfied with this tour, but I knew that during this time, I was playing chess pieces in various places and waiting for the future. In the pagoda, there is a huge population, which can fully meet the rapid expansion of Dayi. Everything, everything is on track. Just waiting to break out.

"Hey, in this case, then I'd better go to Dayi with King Yi Sheng. In this world, what place is more worthy to travel than Dayi. Can you take me back, anyway, here, I also There is nothing to be nostalgic. When you go there, it is home. King Yi Sheng will not be unwelcome. "

The monkey said with a smile.

I lick my face and want to follow along to Dayi.

In the eyes of many monks, Dayi is synonymous with mystery. Everyone admires the prosperity and civilization of Dayi.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to go to see for myself. In any case, it is a rare experience.

No one else has the chance to go.

"If you want to go to nature, there is no problem. You can travel freely in the territory of Dayi. You only need to abide by the rules of the Day of the Great Law. However, if it violates the rules of the sky, I ca n’t be private. ready."

Yi Tianxing did not reject the monkey's proposal. You can also see that during this period of time, monkeys are not bad at heart, and they are extinct in nature. In addition, they like all kinds of treasures. They are more fortune fans. The true combat talent also fully inherits their deity. Where it is placed, it is a strong combat force.

The fact that Dayi is attractive to a strong man like a monkey is a happy thing in itself.

Only in this way can capital attract more powerful people to come.

Dayi welcomes experts from all walks of life. As long as you don't have any malicious intentions on Dayi.

After talking to the monkey, the monkey also entered the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower. Only when he entered the tower, he could take it to Dayi. He couldn't shuttle the door to the starry sky when he returned.

"Time is up, it's time to go, I don't know what Zhaoji is doing now, and whether those fetuses still in the stomach have begun giving birth." Yi Tianxing looked at the void with emotion, the month is the hometown, the longer you leave , The more I miss.

No one can make an exception. Especially in the Holy Palace, there are still many princesses who are pregnant, counting the time, not far from the birth. Although monks have a long or short pregnancy, in order to make the fetus' innate heritage more powerful, it often makes it Stay in the mother for a while, but in the end it won't be too much. It is natural to be born at that time.

Going back this time, maybe I can wait until the birth, the scene where the child is born.

brush! !!

In the midst of nature, a kind of induction naturally arises, and a starry sky door opens out of thin air. Appeared behind him. A powerful traction is transmitted from nothingness, that is, the power from the star fairy amulet, once cast, it will leave the original coordinates in place. As the shuttle coordinates.

For this traction. Yi Tianxing did not resist.

The whole body turned into a streamer and entered the gate of the starry sky.

"It ’s such a magical method that it can cross such a vast realm. In the Great Changes, it really is extraordinary and the bottom line is not low. It is indeed the force that has always been the leader since the integration of the Great Realms. One day, I will go. "

When Yi Tianxing left, Zhen Deqiong stepped into the restaurant the next second.

As if you could see the scene where he disappeared. This is the mall. It belongs to his place. So much has happened here. If you do n’t know, it ’s really a ghost. For Yi Tianxing, a deep smile appeared on his mouth.

Seems to have guessed something.

And at this moment, in Xuanhuang City.

In the quiet room, we can see that Yi Tianxing's deity is still sitting on the futon. He instinctively pours the world's vitality and silently cultivates. A jade amulet shining with stars continued to float, exuding ancient charm.

Just at this moment, in the starry sky amulet, the starlight skyrocketed instantly, the intensity was unprecedented.

It's like opening a star gate.

A figure exactly the same as the deity stepped out from the star gate.

"After all, I'm back."

Yi Tianxing looked at the disappearing Star Gate with a sigh full of sigh ~ ~, then without any hesitation, turned into a streamer, submerged into the body of the deity.

boom! !!

Separated, the deities merge. Combine two into one.

Suddenly, a powerful air machine instantly dissipated from the body.

The two are one by one. With the help of the star fairy charm, the power of the heavens and the earth are gathered by the power of the endless starry sky, condensing an avatar that has almost no difference from the deity, and even the cultivation in the body is the mana, even the Taoist destiny. This is not just a travel experience, it is also a chance to become better and stronger.

The avatars of the same power are fused with the deity. Although it will not be said that the power is doubled at once, it is enough to increase the combat power instantly, whether it is mana or Daoxing. Even the origin of one's own destiny, the rule Tianzhu, will grow once.

Inside the body, in the ancestral tricks, the Heavenly Emperor Altar exudes endless purple gold **** light. Vaguely, the sacrifice outline is more mysterious and profound.


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