Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1944: 5 Power of God

"Military master, this evil ghost star is coming menacingly. According to information, it should be from the Yinyue dynasty. This momentum is not inferior to any congenital spirit treasure, and its destructive power is even more terrible. Although the four gods of the storm and thunder and lightning came, I do n’t know if I can resist it. "Yang Ye stood beside Zhuge Liang and said solemnly.

Da Yi's intelligence information is transmitted very quickly. Through Star Network, it can be delivered to the hands as soon as possible. The information received by Qin Tianjian has been known to them. Naturally understand that under such circumstances, the Yinyue Dynasty was afraid to throw a bet and wanted to fight hard.

"It is said that the Four Gods of Storms, Thunders, and Lightning, with the Four Gods Array, can consolidate the Four Gods array and converge on the Avenue of the Stars, which is extremely powerful. At the beginning, it also made us vulnerable to great suppression. Presumably, it will not let us down. "

Qi Qiguang said.

"Army master, the end will think that it is still necessary to prepare early to avoid accidents. Major army groups, uniting the battlefield, can also come in handy at critical moments." Yue Fei said in a deep voice. Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, any accident can happen.

"Well, when the order goes down, the major legions are fully alert and ready to attack at any time. Even if it is a Red Demon Star, dare to come over, it will blast into pieces."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and nodded.

Originally, he saw the Red Guan Yaoxing, and he already wanted to ask the Holy King to use the kingdom artifact to resist the Yaoxing. Now the four gods are ordered to come to the block. Blocking is best, but just look at what level the four gods' combat power reaches. This is a rare opportunity.

He only saw that the four gods had begun to form an array.

"Fengshen is in the east, and the wind pushes the clouds."

Wu Fengshen raised his eyes and looked at the four-god array, opened his mouth and drank.

In the sound of stubborn drinking, the whole body turned into a divine light, appearing directly in the east corner of the map. Sitting in the east, the wind rises.

"Rain God ranks in the west, and dew melts into rain."

Wu Yushen didn't hesitate. He gave a light drink, and his body turned into a divine light. He appeared in the western front and sat in the west. Water vapor was rising.

"Dianmu sits in the south and drives electricity."

The electric mother flew up, appeared in the southern front, and all the electric lights flickered and jumped.

"North of Thunder Town, thunderous."

Xun Lei turned into a thunder and appeared in the north.

When the four gods return to their positions, the four rules naturally echo the map and continue to blend. It can be seen that in the map, storms and lightning continue to flash, a more mysterious and supreme rule is brewing and quickly condenses. This is the avenue of astronomy is condensing. Once condensed, under the blessing of Tianxiang Avenue, it will be able to exert ten times and hundred times of power.

"Snow God is in the center, snow and ice."

At this moment, all of a sudden, I only saw that a **** light came from a distance, and the **** light dissipated. It can be seen that the ice queen in the town of Xuezhou still came and saw the four gods. Enter. The way of ice and snow is itself a kind of astronomical phenomenon.

The words fell, and the endless snow and ice followed, blending into the map. Suddenly, the various rules and rhymes in the map changed instantaneously, but perfectly integrated together, and became part of the map, integrated into the sky road, making the sky road more complete and more mysterious. The increase is even greater.

"Snow God, you are here too. It's great. In this way, we can form the five gods array, the power of the map is more complete and powerful."

The thunder **** saw, and couldn't help laughing on the spot. For her joining, it is naturally most happy. Expect this to happen.

"Great, we join Dayi, get the seal, enjoy Dayi luck, and be willing to temper, this is the moment to show our value to the Holy King."

Wu Fengshen also laughed.

接受 When they accept Dayi Seal, they naturally want to show their value and strength. In this way, they can enjoy the current treatment with peace of mind. Otherwise, others really think that these innate shrines are just a display of dry rice.

"Five gods map, the sky is changing."

The thunder **** gave a stop drinking.

He suddenly saw only endless winds in the void. As soon as this wind came, it was almost dark and the sky was blowing. The sun and the moon were dark. In the wind, with the numerous wind blades, there was more terrible power. When it was blown on the body, flesh and blood would dissipate, the gods would collapse, and the mountains and rocks would also weather. The resistance of the gale is even more terrifying. Oncoming is a powerful wind resistance barrier that is difficult to break.

Howling winds have all materialized and can be seen by the naked eye, and have become a kind of terrible howling winds.

Blowing over the sky, the red star of the Red Cross that fell in the void.

"Da Yi's fast response speed has prepared him so quickly. This power, the blocker turned out to be five innate deities. In the strong wind, there is a strong law of wind. However, just because of this, stop thinking about blocking this. The Emperor's Red Star. "

In the Qiguan Demon Star, the Seven Nights Emperor seems to have the perspective of God. The entire Chiguan Demon Star is his body, eyes, and tentacles. Moreover, many of the demons in the Yinyue Emperor living in it can also see the outside picture.

"The Red Demon Star-Demon Wind !!!"

The Red Goblin Star is not just a demon star, it also has various terrible magical powers.

Countless crimson demon winds descended from the sky, colliding against the divine wind issued by Fengshen.

Crimson collided with turquoise sky wind.

As if two towering tsunami, shocking waves. Between collisions, the void is distorted, cracks appear out of thin air, the space is blown and broken, the picture is terrible, and the sky cannot see the color. There was chaos and distortion. Even if the divine mind enters, it will be instantly broken up and destroyed.

The two collided in the void, except that the Red Demon Star did not stop, and the body was in the demon wind, breaking the **** wind stiffly.

After the wind of the gods, the sky was filled with snow and ice and turned into a storm. The Red Star of the Red Dragon was frozen, and even the Star of the Sun was completely destroyed.

The five gods map greatly increased the power of the five innate gods, and the supernatural powers released have the power to change the sky, the storm of thunder, the spear of lightning, and the flame of the sky, which have emerged one after another, and constantly bombarded the red star. just. All of them were broken by the Red Goblin Star, and the weight of that Barbarian Star was too horrible. Among the Barbarian Stars, it is possible to mobilize the power of hundreds of millions of demons and pour on the Barbarian Stars, causing even more powerful destructive forces.

Of course, when breaking through the barriers, the flames on the Red Stars are constantly consumed and dimmed. Numerous demons are motivated by demons, and the power of demons is not endless. They will still be consumed. Once they are exhausted, the strongest power cannot erupt.

"A good Guanguan demon star can show so many magical powers, demon wind, blood rain, red flames, and the body is even more powerful. Wherever you go, everything will be destroyed and destroyed."

When Zhuge Liang stopped the shaking fan in his hand, there was a dignified color between his eyebrows. This is already comparable to some Supreme Artifacts. The momentum coming down from the sky is too terrible. If it were not for the five gods to consolidate the barriers to block the demons, the power would be even greater.

Now, let's see what cards God has in hand. Can not stop the red star, then we must prepare other means.

"Picture of the Five Gods, the sky war spear is set to the sky."

The thunder **** roared, as if endless thunder sounded in the void and kept echoing.

The front is just an appetizer, this time it is really moving. With an order, countless mysterious runes circulated in the five gods array. The endless rays of light converge. Suddenly, we can see that a spear-like war spear appears out of thin air, appears in the void, and in the war spear, we can see that the power of numerous celestial phenomena has converged, and the storms, lightning, snow, and ice storms continue to flash. Astrological signs blend into it.

The battle spear condenses as substance.

The divine figure fits into it, and the five gods sit in the battle spear.

At the same time, in the territory of Dayi, an invisible power was instantly blessed on the war spear. This is the public opinion from Dayi. Under the blessing, the power contained in the war spear suddenly increased again. The war spear is as clear as a spear. It's huge beyond imagination, as if it were a mountain on earth.

"The Red Demon Star, hit it !!"

Twenty-seven nights witnessed that the eyes were cold and felt a strong threat from the war spear. However, at this stage, there was no retreat, either victory or death. It's that simple.

This collision brought together the power of the entire Yinyue Empire. UU reading books www.

"Astral war spear, kill !!!"

Huge battle spears, blooming endless sharp edges, directly piercing the red star, as if there is a terrible momentum to completely pierce and crush the whole star. High-willed, invincible.

Rumble! !!

Only in a thousandth of a second, the two have already had a fierce collision in the void. Suddenly, a wave of light swept across in all directions as if practiced, wherever they went, numerous clouds were instantly broken up, and even there were towering mountains that suddenly cut off the top and turned into a smooth platform. The power of terror has caused countless creatures to retreat, and even the random scattering of the scrolls, even the people of the people in the fairy city, feels like being exposed to a magnitude 10 earthquake. The sky spins and the earth shakes.

Beginning with the center of the battlefield, the space is constantly collapsing, shattering, and endless chaos is pouring into the cracks. The surrounding area completely showed a scene of destruction. Everything is destroying, only one demon star and a war spear compete in the void, constantly separating and constantly colliding. In an instant, there were thousands of collisions. All kinds of forces and laws are constantly crushing disillusionment.

"Damn, how did this happen? My Yinyue Emperor turned into a predator civilization. With all the details, all of the demons and stars have the power of hundreds of millions of demons. Why, why and why are they given by the five innate gods? Stop, why ca n’t you hit a spear of war. Ben emperor ......... will not be reconciled. "

Twenty-seven nights stood in the red star of Qiguan, with a look of iron, and originally thought that the war spear that would be directly crushed under the star was able to resist the immortal.

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