Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1949: 9-pin title system

Don't say that the Emperor Tianlong is too entangled. He is himself overwhelmed by Wu Lao Xing. Most of his power is in the hands of Wu Lao Xing. He is more of a symbolic significance, carrying the karma of karma for cause and effect. Moreover, It is also eager to enjoy, indulge in femininity, and want to extravagant his imperial style, I am afraid that too many thoughts, five stars can not do it, let alone Tianlong Emperor. It is not Tianlong Huang's suggestion that the five old stars are angry. Instead, he dared to make a decision before they made a decision, which provoked their prestige for so many years.

Moreover, to be the first to vote, it is clear that you want to occupy the best interests, leave an impression in front of Dayi, and in the future, you can guarantee your wealth and prosperity. This kind of thing, just remember the first one, who can remember the second.

The Emperor Tianlong was very clever this time.

"My Da Yi really destined to be here, and the situation is in my hands. Just by being famous, I can deter all parties. Sure enough, my decision to join Da Yi is not wrong. If I did n’t join Da Yi, I have a lot of resources and an increase in luck There will be such a state of practice today, and if we want to do it, we will only be decades away. This is a good practice relying on Yun Chao. "

Huoyun evil **** saw the expressions of Tianlong Emperor and Five Old Stars. One is the Lord of the Chao Dynasty. The five are the top powerful men who have reached a level comparable to the real spiritual realm. Any one is a high-level character in normal times. Not everyone can snoop.

But now, he doesn't need any humble fear. They can be treated on an equal footing, and even their status is higher than them.

This is a group of people who are about to become prisoners of the ranks, even if they are subject, they will only be rich and idle in the future.

How can we not have more development space than ourselves.

In Dayi, as long as there is talent, there is always room for promotion. Right there, anyone can go up. This is the most attractive place.

In the past years, Dayi Tongtian Pavilion has attracted many strong people. Many people are the original Jianghu people, even Tianjiao-level characters. With the integration of all realms, the opportunity can rise naturally, such as his cultivation is not a minority. Now they are dispatching one after another, guarding all the fairy cities. Such actions can be rewarded. The merits of Da Yi are too great.

Can be described as absolute hard currency.

"Huoyun evil god, if I am willing to surrender to the Dragon Kingdom, what kind of treatment will Dayi give us."

The five old stars did not choose to resist in the end. They did not want to die yet. From just a fairy city, we can see how strong the foundation of Dayi is. Now the National Games are about to be broken. The fact of surrender has also been accepted. The most important thing now is what kind of treatment they can get after they surrender.

"Please write a few national scriptures, and the owner of this city can hand it over to the Holy King. How to make a decision requires the Holy King to make his own decision."

Huoyuncheng stepped forward and said flatly.

Of course, such a major event involving the destruction of the country is not everyone can make a decision. It is the most correct for Yi Tianxing to make a decision. Otherwise, it is a transgression. No one can bear the consequences.

"Yes, write down the State Book, how to arrange it, everything is subject to the decision of the Holy King."

Huoyun evil **** also said aloud.

He didn't dare to go over, even if he was a fiery cloud god, with a trace of evil nature, still did not dare to do so. Once they pass, Da Yi Fa can't spare them.

"Yes, yes, the emperor immediately wrote the national script, which was stamped by the emperor and the five elders. This surrendered to Dayi."

Tianlong Huang agreed without hesitation.

To tell the truth, the current situation is that every minute and every second is suffering. He was afraid that the lucky dragon could not support it, and he was torn up and collapsed before surrendering. There is no point in surrendering and losing the best weight. . It's not beautiful.

Soon, the national script was written, and the Tianlong Emperor used the seal, and the five old stars also left their signatures, and they drew together. This represented the fundamental will of the Tianlong dynasty, and no one could object.

"If the order continues, everyone in the Tianlong Dynasty will not be allowed to attack Dayixiancheng, and the naval headquarters will not be allowed to attack." Tianlong Emperor also issued other orders at the first moment, and was afraid to make another attack at this critical moment. What moths, in that case, will affect their own prosperity and wealth.

The owner of the city of Huoyun City was very satisfied with the actions of the Emperor Tianlong. After receiving the Guoshu, he immediately transmitted it back in a teleportation array.

Soon, Guoshu appeared in front of Yi Tianxing.

In the hall of Zhixing, Yi Tianxing sat on it, and all around him, Bao Zheng, and others were among them. This time, it was the siege of the Demon Sea. After all, it was a major event related to a realm. Although the pilgrim meeting was not opened, it also gathered in the Zhixing Hall. So that you can know the first time after something happens, discuss the countermeasures the first time, make the response the first time, and so on.

After opening the Guoshu and watching it, Yi Tianxing smiled and said, "Tianlong Emperor sent the Guoshu in the Demon Sea Realm, and wanted to surrender to my Dayi. In the Tianlong dynasty, all the people's cities belong to me Within the Great Change, pray for acceptance. Whatever Ai Qing thinks, talk and discuss. "

The Dragon Emperor is very interesting this day, dare to make the act of abandoning the Lord of the Chao Dynasty, saying that he is greedy for life and fearing death, and that he can also know current affairs. In short, he knows how to survive. Being alive is more important than anything.

"Holy King, this is my famous name of Great Yiwei. The master of Tiancefu ’s government has a far-reaching plan. Overnight, the sea of ​​demons will turn into heaven. The Great Yixian City is everywhere in the realm. It will destroy the national movement of the Tianlong Dynasty. In the end of the country, the Emperor Tianlong had to make a choice. It is reasonable to say that we can not accept surrender. We can still have enough strength to wipe out the remnants, but it will take some time and even some casualties. "

He took a step forward and said, "But since the Emperor Tianlong is willing to serve the country, if he does not accept it, it will definitely affect the future. Those who want to vote in the future will inevitably have concerns. This will change my reputation. It is also disadvantageous. Accepting the sincerity can provide a model for the latecomers. Like buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, there are cases to follow. Naturally, the respondent gathers. At that time, you can save your heart, and you can conquer a large number of forces without any cost. Expanding my large Easy layout and influence. "

This is a good thing, and it can open the door for newcomers.

"Tossing Cheng is acceptable, but what kind of treatment should be given requires careful discussion. After all, it is the King of Tosinging. The treatment given is too poor, which has hampered my reputation and given too much treatment. No. It should be in moderation. "

No way, no way. How to measure this is a considerable problem.

"Holy King, Wei Chen feels that I can use the title system in Da Yi. It is used to seal it. Treat it with a title, there is no title, no title, no name, and give him a false name. The past can also be said to the outside, internally, it is a Wealthy idlers. In fact, there is no right. It is just a symbolic meaning. "

Pei Qu said.

The real power given to the devotees, especially the Lord of the Chao Dynasty, will definitely have a considerable impact, it will have undesired thoughts, it is not feasible, but it cannot be given too bad treatment, which needs to be carefully measured , Feng Jue, may not be a good choice.

"Well, Fengjue is indeed a good choice."

Yi Tianxing nodded, this is a good way. According to the Chinese title system since ancient times, it can be divided into five ranks: male, male, male, child, and male. As for the closure of the king, this is not simple. The person who seals the king has the blood of the royal family and is the emperor's grandson. Only to be named the king, to say that the king with a different name is special in special. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to exist.

It's probably not a good idea to give status but not status.

According to Mencius. Wanzhang Pian: "One heavenly son, one male, one Hou, one uncle, one son and one male, all five are equal. One gentleman, one Qing, one doctor. One sergeant, one sergeant, and one sergeant ~ ~ Where is the sixth class. The system of the heavens is thousands of miles away. The princes are all hundred li, the seventy li is the priest, the fifty is the prince and the fourth is the fourth. It cannot be fifty miles, not up to the emperor, and attached to the vassals of the princes. The emperor of the emperor is regarded by the earth, the doctor is regarded by the earth, and the Yuanshi is regarded by the earth. "

"The words of the lord, you Aiqing think, what kind of treatment should be given. How to grade."

Yi Tianxing said again.

"Feng Jue needs to enjoy Dayi Air Transport. The amount of air transport is a very big issue. Even if you are loyal, you can't just lie on it forever to get nutrients and gain blessing from Air Transport. Wei Chen believes that even if the title is to be graded, it must be gradually reduced. To a certain degree, naturally, the ancestors ’shade is exhausted, and they can be automatically attributed to the people." Liu Bowen took a step forward and said, "I have to wear out Daye National Games, and even those who gave the title to the knights, have a longer time to attack the knights, soothing them, can implement the nine-pin waiting system. "

"Oh, Ai Qing, please continue to talk, what is Jiu Pin Waiting System?"

Yi Tianxing asked with interest.

There was a hint of interest in the voice.

"Put the nine-pin system into all the duchess system. For example, barons are divided into nine-pins. From low to high, nine-pins barons, eight-pins barons ......... one-pins barons. One-pins barons. Above, he was promoted to Viscount, Viscount Nine Pins. The same goes for the Earl, Marquis, and Duke in the back. "

Liu Bowen obviously made perfect preparations in his heart before speaking, and said, "If the baron is descended, it will also decrease from the top. The first baron will become the second baron in the next generation of the baron. One generation is the third grade. Until the final nine grades, they become the people again. They will not return to the title. In this way, the longer the inheritance time, it is also a reward to those who vote. "

In this way, the title system will be more subdivided.


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