Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Ranshin jushin

"The Nine-Pin Title System, one Earl, one hundred and twelve times the blessing of luck. This is stronger than the blessing of the lord of my current dynasty. Holy court, is this the essence of the court? It ’s too strong. If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with being a wealthy idler. ”If there is a storm in Tianlong Emperor ’s heart, although you know that the court and the dynasty are at different levels, you ca n’t help but give birth when you feel it. Shock.

The luck of the lord of the dynasty was only seventy-two times. Now that Dayi has a title of **** and an earl, he has 112 times the blessing of luck. This is simply beyond imagination and heinous. If you give up the dynasty, you can get such treatment. No matter how you look at it, there is nothing to lose. There is nothing wrong with being a rich and idler.

Although every thirty years, it will be lowered once. You can inherit the title, or you can still occupy the title yourself, but the title will decline, the title will decline, from the first earl to the second earl, but the second earl still has a hundred times the blessing of the earl. At the time of the Earl of Nine Pins, although there was only 24 times the blessing of the Earl, it could go down. From the earl to the Viscount, the Viscount of one product was 96 times the Blessing of the Earl.

Counting this, the blessing of the Grand Lord has risen again.

Moreover, according to the information obtained, the title of Da Yi can be promoted with merits. As long as you have sufficient merits, you can promote the title, or even keep the title. As long as you don't pass it on to future generations, even if you descend, you can still enjoy a long time blessing.

As long as the Great Yi is immortal and the title has not fallen to become a commoner, then in the Great Yi, it always belongs to the aristocratic class, and there is no problem in being a rich and noble idler. There is also Feng Jue Lu, each of which is different. Lulu is quite considerable.

One earl's earl, one hundred thousand eternity coins a month, one thousand pounds of fine spirit rice, and a number of elixir of various resources. There is no need to do anything, it can fully meet the needs of being a rich and idler.

At the time of the Viscount, a Viscount Violet, ten thousand eternal coins a month, three hundred pounds of fine Lingmi, a number of elixir of various resources. As long as you have a family, this can still satisfy a family's rich and salty fish.

Of course, Lulu's affairs are only trivial.

Yi Tianxing has never put such a small amount of money in his eyes. Eternal coins are issued by Da Yi. How much you want is just a matter of numbers. Various resources are also manufactured by Da Yi. The cultivation of Lingmi is in Dayizhong has already formed a large scale, and there are dozens and hundreds of varieties of various Lingmi varieties. Planted directly in the cloud world, under the rich aura, the yield is extremely high. Now in Dayi, even ordinary people's families can buy a rice as a staple food.

But Lingmi is still an indispensable food for spiritual practice.

Many monks eat Ling rice at every meal whenever possible.

The five old stars were shocked when they heard the shackles, and there was no objection to the treatment of the Earl of Pinpin. After all, this was more than the blessings they could have. Although they could no longer hold the supreme power, For now, this is undoubtedly a very good result. Opportunities in the future may not necessarily lead to a rise, and there is no lack of ascent channels in the big change. As long as the strength is sufficient, everything is possible.

"Thank you, King Wang Feng, thank you for waiting."

The Emperor Tianlong and the Five Old Stars simultaneously worshipped the decree and worshipped towards Xuanhuang City.


With the moment when the Emperor of the Dragon began to worship, in the void, the real dragon of the dragon of the dragon dynasty immediately uttered a wailing, and the whole body began to disintegrate. At the same time, the energetic dragon of the dragon who was staring at him had roared out, and devoured it directly. .

At the same time, a seven-pronged golden dragon broke into the air, and countless small lucky golden dragons merged into it. Let the size of the seven-pronged golden dragon grow quickly and expand rapidly. It can be seen that the size of the seven-clawed golden dragon has reached 1,800 feet.

It is also a feast to devour the imperial fortune by the court. After thoroughly controlling the entire Demon Sea realm, you should be able to push the size of Qiyun Zhenlong to the level of two thousand feet.

With the death of the true luck dragon, Tianlong Huang's face became much paler, and his body looked a little decadent, but with it, a more powerful luck fell from heaven.

The seven-pronged golden dragon roamed in the void and kept sending out dragon chants, as if inspecting his new territory.

At this moment, a colorful light flashed, and a huge list appeared under the golden claws of the seven claws, hanging high.

Three words emerged from the list-the title list! !!

At the same time, names appeared on the list.

Long Yaoren: The Earl of Yipin, the number of transports is 112 times.

Hei Lao: Earl of Pinpin. Jueyun a hundred and one times.

Red old: Earl of Pinpin.

Lan Lao: Earl of Pinpin.

Bai Lao: Earl of Pinpin.

Green old: Earl of Pinpin.

Almost at the same time as the name emerged, a drop of luck naturally descended from the sky in the void, and a trace of true spirit was also taken from the Emperor Tianlong, leaving a mark of true spirit in the title list. From then on, even if the body falls, as long as it is still on the title bar, the true spirit will not collapse, and there will be opportunities for reincarnation in the future. It is even possible to go to Shinto. Be able to make more choices.

Under the blessing of luck, several of them were not affected by the collapse of the Tianlong dynasty, but felt closer to the laws of heaven and earth. This is the power of Holy Luck. Within the sanctuary, water can be obtained like a fish.

"The title list, this is the title list of the Great Chronicles of the Great Yi. It is also an artifact of the town. It is very powerful. It is too strong. This title has already surpassed the dynasty."

"According to the message sent in the title list, as long as you are successful in Dayi, even if you were originally a citizen, you will have the opportunity to exchange for the title and gain blessings from luck. king."

"Great ambition, this is for the people of the world to have the possibility of promotion. Day of the Holy King Wang Shengming, if we join Dayi, we will certainly have good results. It is too dangerous to play against Dayi."

In the Devil Sea, countless pirates, navies, and even monks of all ethnic groups were shocked by the fact that Dayi had established the title list. The title list was not a list of gods, and there was no big threshold. As long as there are merits, ordinary people will Can be titled. This means that it is not impossible for anyone to have the title and even have the ability to enter the official site of Dayi. This gives another channel of promotion.

Let everyone see the hope ahead.

Many people realized that joining Dayi might not be a good result.

In addition, many pirates in the Devil's Sea have begun to think about their own future. All land in the Devil's Sea is occupied by Dayi Xiancheng. Over time, I am afraid that the rule will become stronger and more ingrained. The existence of the Pirates Group is ridiculous, that is, the pirates, where the resources of the pirates come from, are relying on plundering, plundering from various islands and land.

Once all the land in the Demon Sea Realm belongs to Dayi, there is no doubt that if you want to plunder, it is almost as difficult as going to the sky, or even extinct. That possibility, if you think about it, feels terrible.

"Summon pirate groups. Come to the party to discuss countermeasures."

The white beard looked at the void and said solemnly.

For now, we can already feel that an invisible power and even a shackle is being formed over the Demon Sea. Especially after the submission of the Emperor Tianlong, the shackles became clearer. Dayi unified the demon sea area, which is already irresistible and inevitable. It has even become an established fact.

They, pirates, must already be ready to make choices, and what to do in the future.

Nowadays, the Great Wall of Iron and Steel of Great Yi has not formally enveloped the Demon Sea, and if there is any chance to leave. Now let's see what each pirate group means.

How to go.

Stay and what to do.

These are related to a large number of pirate groups, hundreds of millions of pirates, and it is absolutely impossible without careful and careful discussion. I change my mind and add another realm, it's really pleasant. "Jia Yan looked up at the void, and once this title list came out, it was enough to withstand hundreds of millions of troops. This shock was people's hearts. The people's hearts are scattered, and it is impossible to resist Da Yi. But it can harvest people's hearts.

The people's mind is certain, and nature is as stable as a mountain.


"Congratulations to the governor, this time the demon sea realm can be unified, but the governor occupies the main role, and the meritorious deeds, when you go back, you will definitely be able to rely on it. And it is easy to get a high position.

Wu Yong congratulated Jia Yi with a smile.

There is no doubt that the existence of the title knight list is also an encouragement to the Grand Yi and the title, and it is also a status symbol. It is possible that no one will object to a title.

You know, this kind of merit for seeking a domain is estimated based on military merit.

Military achievements can be sealed.

"I don't want to ask for a seal, I just want to see my Daye getting better and better. Now, it's just the beginning." Jia Yi smiled indifferently.

After the Tianlong Emperor collapsed, after receiving the seal, the Tianlong Emperor and the Five Old Stars began to cooperate with Dayi and conquer the original forces. Demographic statistics, re-arrangement of the place of residence, migration of the population, the Dayi military began to enter various immortal cities, the original city of the Tianlong Dynasty was destroyed without hesitation, and even moved. These are all dedicated Feng Shui divisions in action.

In the sea, many pirate groups obviously understand that the sky has changed. It is no longer the era of the Dragon Empire, and the creatures in the major islands are not able to bully at will. One by one, it was just like the evil wolf suddenly turned into a little white rabbit.

In the process, a large number of pirate groups are rapidly gathering towards a sea area.

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