Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2012: Changes from all walks of life

"It's a great Saint-Evangelical court." A subconscious thought came to mind in Gandalf and others.

What is the existence of the Dark Lord Sauron, they are all very clear, but that condensed the altar, integrated with the real name of the power level existence, and the Supreme Lord of the Rings in hand, that can make Sauron's strength almost in the same In the ranks, it is called the invincible innate magic treasure. All kinds of increase, all kinds of magical powers, are extremely headaches. Coupled with the child ring, dominates countless armies, the ring will not cease, the army will continue.

At this point, they couldn't imagine how the Great Saint Yi had killed Sauron.

This is simply incredible.

Did Dayi send the top powers in Taiwan and Taiwan, or still exist beyond Taiwan and Taiwan.

It's just impossible. Today, the strong at the level of Taoism and Taiwan are already top powers. Beyond the situation of Taiwan and Taiwan, that is to prove the state of morality. In this era, the younger generation has grown up, no matter how fast, there is no way It's only a breakthrough to the moral state.

Once a new circumstance emerges, the whole eternal world will have visions.

It can't be quiet.

Once the sermon is preached, the heavens and the earth are full of congratulations, and the gods praise. Come together, congratulations.

However, Dayi could kill the strong at the level of Taiwan and Taiwan without proof. And, depending on the situation, those who killed Sauron turned out to be the enshrinements of these heavenly pavilions in the hall. This is incredible. thing.

According to Gandalf's observations, none of these people reached the level of Taoism, that is, the devil Sauron was defeated and even killed by the weak. Even the Lord of the Rings has become a loot. In this case, things that I couldn't even imagine before.

That feeling is like suddenly completely subverting all of my cognition.

"Thank King Sheng !!!"

Chu Liuxiang heard a smile on her face.

This time, whether stealing the Supreme Lord of the Rings or assassinating Sauron, there is an amazing feat, not to mention the reward that Yi Tianxing himself said now, which is calculated for the merit that occupies a large area.

How much credit they take for it will naturally get much credit.

These will be calculated by Xinghai, and eventually awarded merit points.

As for the task, it is the reward of the task and it does not count.

"Joining DayEase is not necessarily a bad thing."

At this moment, they could not help but have a thought in Aragon.

Not to mention anything else, at least, after joining Dayi, there is no need to worry about it anymore, to be frightened and afraid that other forces will launch an attack on Dayi. Has a great yearning for a stable environment.

Dayi is such a country.

Real immortal kingdom.

This is what they witnessed and felt for themselves, not false, not false, completely true.

Dayi promises that it will be able to tolerate the existence of aliens and provide a stable and stable environment for reproduction. This is more precious than anything.

With this in mind, Gandalf's decision is naturally easier to make.

Then, naturally, Mao and others discussed it.

It can be said that the realm of the Lord of the Rings, under control, has become an established fact.

Unless it is a big accident, otherwise, it cannot be changed.

"Holy King, according to the investigation of the Scourge Hall of the Scourge, there have been some changes in the surrounding large areas, and there is a large army moving towards the border. The goal should be no surprise to us."

With the end of the Lord of the Rings domain, the Lord of the Rings retreated and left the Chaotian Hall. The emperor stepped forward and said.

"What's the situation? What are the major boundaries?"

Yi Tianxing asked calmly.

I didn't feel too surprised with the response of the major realms. Under the circumstances that Dayi was going to launch an attack on them, as long as it was a unified territory, no one could have no corresponding response measures.

In the case of unified territory, no one would choose to give up easily.

War itself is inevitable.

"Golden Stone Realm, Titan Realm, Skyfire Realm, Wild Beast Realm, Flying Feather Realm, and Dragon Beast Realm."

The Tonghuang said, "According to the investigation, the Jinshi realm was occupied by the Jin people. At the beginning, the Shi people were fighting with it. However, the Shi people have been defeated and expelled by the Jin people. Now the Jinshi realms are completely ruled by the Jin people. And the establishment of the Golden Empire, which is extremely powerful. "

"In the beast realm, the lion king family is unified, and the orc people are all over the boundary, and the lion heart imperial court is established. The emperor also has the imperial dynasty occupation. Although the dragon beast realm has not been established, it belongs to the dinosaur family and has been reduced A paradise of dragon beasts. The winged princes in the flying feather realm established the flying feather dynasty, the fire tribes in the sky fire realm established the sky fire dynasty, and the Titans in the Titan realm established the infinite empire. According to information, they Almost at the same time, I was approaching the border with Dayi. I'm afraid of bad intentions. "

The queen continued.

"This is the reason, no matter whether it is the Golden, Titan, Fire, Orc, they are among the strong among the tens of thousands. Since they unified the realm, they cannot easily give up. Yi ’s intentions were not covered up, and his lips were cold and cold. These are the major realms that have joined together to fight against Dayi, and even want to destroy my Dayi court. ”

Liu Bowen smiled calmly and said calmly.

Whenever the forces that unite a realm, there will be no good stubbornness, let alone an idiot. Under the circumstances that Da Yi is ready to swallow them, it is naturally impossible to sit still and join forces, it is inevitable, and an attack on Da Yi is not What is impossible.

It may even be inevitable. Facing Da Yi, they know very well that it is almost impossible to easily compete in any realm. In the case of fear of each smash, cooperating together is something that can be expected.

Although there is no real attack on Dayi. But it is definitely ready for this.

"Very well, it seems that this time, a real tough battle is going to be fought, and head-on confrontation is already inevitable." Yi Tianxing said with a nod.

Previously, various strategies were used against other realms to stir up people's hearts and disturb the Quartet, so that their forces could not be gathered, and they could be easily invaded by unifying the outside world. Each of them was broken, but now it is facing the unification of the realm and has the strength to resist the Yi Bingfeng.

Other conspiracies and strategies, instead, become secondary. The real frontal battlefield is the strength of each.

The winner is king, and the loser is Kou.

I'm afraid that not only Dayi wants to invade their realms, these realms also want to divide Dayi. Plunder the infinite wealth in the Great Deal.

"Please be assured of the Holy King, I am changing the military arsenal, and I am ready to go to the battlefield at any time. I have a confrontation, and I am not inferior to any race or any army." Zhuge Liang said calmly, exuding a strong confidence on his face.

"The general will fight. Since it is going to fight, then I will easily take the lead. The first step is to be strong."

Cheng Biaojin stepped forward and called out loud.

"The general will fight, ..."

Later, I saw that a well-known army commander had been delisted one after another and started to fight.

Regarding war, that's an anxiety. Only war can allow them to obtain merits. Military merits are the most expensive. How can they be missed.

"Wei Chen thinks that at this moment, it ’s not as good as being quiet. I have the Iron Blood Long Cheng Shou, but it is a sacred nature, guarded by the Great Wall. Those alien races, even if they want to invade, they must first pass the Iron Blood Great Wall. We can completely rely on the nature, consume its underlying combat power, and train soldiers for me. At the same time, we can fully control the Shushan Realm and the Lord of the Rings Realm under control, eliminate all worries and strengthen our Holy Trinity. . To deal with other realms. "

Jia Yue said suddenly.

Face to face, Da Yi is not afraid, but it is necessary to prioritize. The most urgent task is to occupy the two boundaries of Shushan and Lord of the Rings. After being brought under control, we will solidify the foundation and capture the fruits of the war. Everything else can be slowed down. Relying on the Iron Blood Great Wall, why not train.

"Well, that makes sense."

Yi Tianxing also nodded his head and said, "Then, we will fully occupy the two realms. The formerly cast fairy city will cover the two realms at the fastest speed, first occupy the fairy city, and then talk about the others. The Ministry of Households and the Temple of Heaven were relocated. The preparatory city masters were selected to serve in the various immortal cities. The major officials followed, and at the fastest speed, combed the heavens and the earth, governed the people's livelihood, and restored the splendid people. "

"Yes, Holy King."

The ministers in the hall promised.


At this moment, beyond the territory of Dayi, you can see that there is a huge boundary between the boundary rivers.

In the boundary area, there are continents. These land areas are vast, surrounded by sea areas, and there are islands in the sea area. However, the number of islands is not large. After all, it is mainly large-scale land.

Among them, the largest piece of land stretches for tens of millions of miles ~ ~ You can clearly see that in this continent, you can see a huge golden fairy city standing above the fairy city with a huge cyan Six giant arms and twelve arms emerged from the giant. In these arms, there was a mouthful of sacred soldiers. Knives, guns, swords, sticks, whips, axes, etc., every bite seems to have the sharp edge of the sky, exuding incredible power. Shock the world.

This respect is truly the true spirit of Qi Yun condensed by the Jin Dynasty.

It is not a true dragon of luck, but a gold ancestor. Each promotion will have one more pair of arms and two more soldiers. It's a brutal attack.

The gold clan is one of the strong clan of the heavens.

It is said that as soon as the Jin people were born, they had unique blood in their bodies and could control the power of gold. The appearance looks like a human race, but the Jin race has one more thing, that is, the arm. Every time the Jin race breaks through the first level, they can grow a pair of arms, a pair of Shenhai realm, and the life and consciousness will become Two pairs, the life map is three pairs, this is the true body of the Jin people, of course, in peacetime, you can hide, and then release them in battle.

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